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Horus Heresy General
Sorry for not making this bread, guys.
Bread for the bread god.
Crumbs for Crumbs Throne to you too. Well now I got to get some sleep. Later.
What do you guys put on your Contemptors, other than dual Kheres? I'm still trying to learn all the rules, but I absolutely love Contemptor dreads. Currently trying to figure out what I want on mine though. Dual Meltagun Chainfists sounds pretty cool, the Contemptor Volkite Culverin looks pretty cool, and so does the Cyclone Missile Launcher. Might've gone with Heavy Bolters with shrapnel bolts, but I feel like those don't really belong on Dreadnoughts.
5th for best Chaplain
Just painted this guy. Artificer Armor Praetor with Paragon blade and Archeotech Pistol. This guy is gonna be the leader for my Sagyar Mazan, so I wanted him to look like he's been through some shit. So his left half is bionic.
Fluffed as a loyal Terran whose subordinates locked him in his arming chamber during the schism on the Swordstorm. He refused to send all his men off to die in the Sagyar Mazan without him, so he went with them.
The story needs work, but I'm pleased with the paintjob.
Wow he looks amazing user.
That looks amazing, user. Whats the helmet from, a WS upgrade kit or something?
The helmet is a Forgeworld White Scars helmet. The topknot is from an Eldar Harlequin, because the Praetor needed the biggest topknot in the army.
i hate those helmets, they have slanty eyes and buck teeth built in, just for the space mongorians
To follow up your greatness, my current project full of mediocrity is moving full steam ahead to tabletop quality. Hoping to get my first game in this weekend after getting silvers and (fingers crossed) edge highlighting) on all my Marines and vehicles. I just wanna finish and actually play.
It looks amazing, not sure about the helmet those cheekguards look bizarre but the model overall looks incredible
>It looks amazing, not sure about the helmet those cheekguards look bizarre but the model overall looks incredible
Thank you!
The cheekguards are white with a little red sqiggle-rune on them, but it doesn't photograph terribly well. I thought about doing a solid gold helmet, but I didn't want him too ostentatious.
Thank you everyone for the compliments. Here are my two Praetors thus far. A bike and jetbike Praetor will follow eventually.
Besides the BaC box. What is the best way to asemblr a HH army? Plastic SM + FW bits for specific stuff? Everything from FW?
I really really want to start an army but just don't know what to do. Being so modular, I am quite lost
Everything from FW.
You can afford it, user. You know you can. Right user? You're not a poorfag like me, right user?
Holy shit, has he got lightning sideburns?
That's really nice, and I like the "new" leg and hand
So just individual units from FW with specific legion pieces if feel like it, right? And no, price is not a issue.
Aye mate. Just go for small things though, don't give yourself a massive backlog. Or do, see what happens.
So write up a list, then buy what's on their. Or just buy stuff for the cool factor, that works too.
So if you want your marines to be in MkIII with Legion specific shoulderpads or helmets and such with a certain bolter pattern, you can! It's that simple.
What legion(s) are you interested in?
BaC marines + a few FW parts sprinkled among them is best if it's a legion known for using plenty of Mk IV armor. So tell us what you'd like to do because they have different looks.
Otherwise, everything from FW.
Okay fine, if you're doing loyalists at the Siege of Terra you can justify using a lot of 40k miniatures.
In other news, some dude at Battle Bunnies is assembling a Mastodon and goddamn it's big.
>Plastic SM + FW bits for specific stuff? Everything from FW?
a mix
BaC dudes for basic stuff. FW dudes for veteran stuff. Characters should be converted or kitbashed. Vehicles are down to preference.
Do you think they will do something with the other Wings now that we know all 6 ?
Add a special unit or a Rite for each once all the Legions have their rules and newer books are just for updating, adding and expanding the rules for existing armies ? Or will they actually do xenos instead ?
I never run dual Kheres anymore. In my area, Av13+ vehicles run amok, and I find the Kheres just doesn't do the job anymore.
Multi Melta or Lascannon are my usual choices, or the Volkite Culverin for anti-infantry.
On my Mortis, it's either dual Autocannons or Lascannons, if I take them.
Why do you use assault cannons to kill tanks? I use either tons of kraken missiles or tons of grav guns. Works pretty well for the most part.
>Or will they actually do xenos instead ?
I think they said almost certainly not, Scouring > Xenos iirc
As for wings, that's a contentious question (it's no chainaxe, but it's up there), but yeah I think from the Open Day they said all of the Hexagrammaton will get a little something
Though we still don't know what the Firewing is
Do you think they would actually dare making Firewing something of a proto-Salamanders Rite and Dreadwing proto-Death Guard seeing what Ravenwing is to White Scars and Ironwing to Iron Warriors rites ?
Alternative rites to people wanting flamers and phosphex but with different rules. Would save me painting two armies since I really want to chuck lingering pie plates all over the table and getting more flamers.
If it was AV12 or below, the Kheres did the job admirably with it's volume of fire. Once AV13 rolled up, it was time to swap out for lascannons.
That's really the entire evolution of it all. When the HH first came out, everyone was running mass Rhinos and Dual Kheres were the ideal counter. Then came the Fire Raptors, and DK's did the job well, if at shorter range than I liked.
Now it's Predator squadrons, Sicarans and Vindicators, so I upped my guns on my Contemptors to Lascannons.
Note, I never leave the bunker without my HWS of 10 Lascannons. Should give you an idea of the level of heavy armour saturation I'm fighting regularly.
Curious about the context of this pic. Is this loyalist EC fighting Sons of Horus on Isstvan? Or vice-versa
the huge evil eye should give it away
Isstvan III IIRC.
Wrong general my frien
Dread is definitely destroyers - given the amount of prohibited archeotech the DAngles have though, it's not much of a stretch
Fire, idk, might be burning everything, might be big guns, who knows?
Whatever gets me a phosphex-oriented Rite so I can burn the whole board.
when's fucking Khan
Need my Endless Bikes
Well the xiphon interceptor or whatever could work, with its roll 3 times on the damage chart and pick the best, combined with two lascannons and strafing run. Also works well against enemy flyers which is always nice.
EC are the loyalists, Isstvan III.
Regarding the BaC box: are there enough heavy weapons of one kind for a heavy support squad?
No. You got 3 tactical squads with 3 missile launchers and 3 heavy bolters. One more, and you can have a minimum HSS (provided the sergeant switches his heavy weapon for a chainsword and nuncio vox.)
You get 3 Missile Launchers, 3 Heavy Bolters, 3 plasma guns, 3 melta guns, 3 flamers and 3 combi weapons, per BaC box.
You'd need to get two seperate Mk.IV boxes to round that up to 5 for a minimum size heavy/special weapon squad.
FW do make combi, special, and heavy weapon sets that are designed to be compatible with BaC tacticals. Not the cheapest things ever, but cheaper and easier than trying to track them down from bits sellers.
Of course you are, shrapnel bolts will do that.
Why don't you read more books, Thousand Son?
I didn't have any trouble getting 4 more missile launchers from eBay to go with the 6 I had. And it cost me about the same as ordering from FW. Besides, the underarm FW missile launchers look like ass.
I never understood why FW didn't just make "Heavy Weapons Arms Upgrade" sets for each mark. Just 5 pairs of arms and a backpack that you can buy for the mark you want to use the various shoulder fires heavy weapons. Same with making riders for bikes, land speeder crews, etc. With little effort they could make good stuff.
Sorry for taking this long to answer, had to preserve phone battery.
Thank you for your answers. I'm still thinkig whih legion I swant to run. I mostly do this because I like painting, so it is probaly going to be some units I may find cool in a given legion color I end up liking.
Anyway, I will probaly come back to ask for more advice once I have decided which legion I want to do.
On a side related note, does aybody have the mastodon building guide pic? I remeber it being quite terrifying
That quote always makes me think of Russians with an innate callousness towards death in their many bloody wars.
>We are all bleeding today
>Have faith comrade
U think that's posted on Battle Bunnies somewhere, one of the open day posts.
Love it!
The grey leg is a really nice touch.
Where did that pistol came from?
10/10 would ride a bike with.
Alright, boys, I'm thinking about making a Legionary Generator. Any ideas? Use the other KE Generator as a basis?
Looks like something out of Admech kits.
Its a phosphor pistol from the Skitarii range, either from the ranger kit or maybe the iron strider
You mean? A rolling table or an actual pocture generator like the good russian one?
Rolling table.
Found it!
Ironstrider phosphor pistol.
What a gorgeous bitz it is.
If only moritat could get some.
>Moritat with dual archaotech pistols
I want this in my life.
I'd like to think that FW lurks in these threads, so maybe one day we'll get it
Just rock dual Serpentas instead and revel in your 60+ wounds dealt a turn.
Literally how?
How? At best they can achieve 24 wounds, and at S5 AP5 they're unlikely to get close to that.
Hi guys, 40k newbie here. Already read the Horus Rising trilogy which I thought was great. Any other essential Horus Heresy (or for that matter, 40k) novels? And by essential, I really mean the best ones.
Deflageration, friend. Look up how Volkite tech works. Then combine that with Chain shot from the Moritat.
Flight Of The Eisenstein and The First Heretic are pretty essential.
Read Flight of the Eisenstein next and only that.
The 60+ number is in theory conditions. In practice, I was getting about 30-odd wounds before saves against Legion infantry targets. After saves, well.
Just ash on the wind, really.
Maybe you should look up how Chain Fire works, buddy. You get 12 hits max. Even if they all land, wound and your opponent fails their save, those hits can only cause 12 more hits, which still need to roll to wound and fail saves. In the absolute best case scenario, you're looking at 24 wounds max.
I've not gotten the new rules yet. They put a cap on Chain shot then?
Yes. You can store max 12 hits. Gets Hot! weapons end the Chain Fire on 1s and 2s. Weapons that don't roll to hit can't Chain Fire.
Even with the old rules getting 60+ wounds was wishful thinking at best.
What do you guys think about this stone gauntlet list?
It was ideal mathing, really. Fun thought experiment though, and ultimately just silly since the unit being shot at would render all the surplus wounds pointless.
And fair do's on the new Chain Fire rule.
You do know moritats are limited to a maximum of 12 hits (over both pistols) now, don't you?
I do now. I haven't gotten the new book as said here. I know some stuff got cheaper, but hadn't heard any details on the Moritat.
>About a year ago
>user in a general points an error in a description on FW site
>Others user make some jokes about it
>Decide to write a mail to FW to let them know
>FW respond incredibly fast
>FW mail have reference to the jokes on the thread.
I need to learn how to paint CalasTyphon but no good tutorials on how to paint him like fw did
> tfw
Posting some stuff I did a while ago, I'd take a better picture but my phone is bricked. How do you guys keep the flow going? I'm starting to think I might have some sort of attention disorder.
Then they were aware of the Megadakka and chainaxe toxicity, and they did nothing.
Maybe they read about IW shafting while twisting their nips
What's the painting process?
The humbling KE generator combined with the legion weight table would deliver good results, I guess.
Alan Bligh gives and takes away with equal measure.
I have attention disorder in a place where attention disorder isn't even considered a thing.
My trick is to make painting a moment to looking for.
Basically Pavlov'd yourself.
I paint on my terrace; music, sun, gazebo and beer.
I also do only minis I know I can finish in one go.
It would be faster to make an assembly line, but I prefer to make 2 minis at a time but finish them, and then post on the /wip/ and send it to my painter friends for feedback (which are usually positive, so it's nice).
Also, I have some days where i paint in group with my friends. It's fun and helps to keep up with the work.
Painting for me is something to long for.
I think it more probably that the ones lurking around here are employers without any real power to influence gameplay and rules.
It make sense for marketing and customer support dudes to be here.
I sort of do a mix of that and assembly line
Things that can be done quick, and can easily be cleaned up later during detail, like base coating, metal on weapons, rivets, the clasps on the mkIV chest piece, I do in huge batches, and when I want to relax I finish 2 or 3 models a night
I hammered out the basing/weapons on 40 legionaries in the last two days, so I have a bit of work ahead for the detail
>yfw next book includes Emps' name being Urist and the Bear/Sharkversor
Honestly though, it kind of makes sense for the game design team to lurk here, since when anything is wrong/overpowered/underpowered someone here is gonna complain about it in minutes
Just have to watch when the bitching density goes above the normal limits, or when entire threads turn into shit fits, and then just issue a new statement in the FAQ to clear it up
They could be subtly canonized, but they removed "tamed predators" from the creatures the IM can use as Ogryns...
...Unless they're being singled out for the exclusive use of very inquisitive organizations :^)
RIDE THE IRONFIRE (with quad-mortars)
That templar unit is mind-blowingly expensive.
Which unit is getting deep-struck by Polux?
The Warders aren't really doing much- run them as breachers instead for cheaper, and then you can afford a 3rd vindicator.
In the new auxilia army book it still makes reference to trained xenos predators, pic related
Excellent work
Amazing conversion
user you got a gift. Looks great
Great success
Alan said each wing gets 'something', probably a RoW. Makes simce, as that balances out their almost unexistent Legion Rules and huge fuck you (Covent of Death). That Damn rule has cost me a few games (wins to draws, etc).
Paint him and if it goes to shit, strip him.
This. The underslung missile launchers are fucking retarded.
>We have come. We are death
Dreadwing RoW pls
im reading that SW vs DE short story.
anyone tried DE in Age of darkness games, would they be stronger, weaker or the same as in normal 40k?