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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Have you ever initiated a 'crossover' event? If so, what did you do? What happened?
Jump # 4 Person of Interest
Background: Ex – Secret Operative
Sex: Female
Age: 36
Starting Location: New York
* Good under Pressure (200, Discount)
*Job offer (Free)
*Military combat Training (Free)
*I am not going to threaten to kill you. I am going to kill you (Free)
*Watchful (100)
*Cause and Effect (200)
*Timing (200)
*Improbably Good Aim (100, Discount)
*Spook (100, Discount)
*SSN (free)
*Gun (Free)
*Cell Phone (Free)
*Nice Suit (Free)
*Penthouse (Free)
*hidey Hole (50)
*The Machine (600)
*Friend (50)
*Bad luck with Bars (+100)
*Always low on Ammo (+ 200)
*Obligatory Nerf (+ 300)
Background: Genius
Hacking In
Job Offer
Well Read
Equipment – SSN
Equipment – Gun
Equipment – Computers
Equipment – Penthouse
Equipment – Cell Phone
Hey it’s this jump, the one I made and no one ever takes. Le sigh.
Anyways this will be the key in many ways to my success in Naruto. Unfortunately one of the drawbacks I took removed Yukari’s magic for the jump… she was not very happy with me for quite a while after that. I almost thought I was going to be sending her home at some points but she is a strong girl she adapted.
As part of team machine we do the saving people who couldn’t otherwise be saved. We actually manage to save Carter, We also managed to sabatoge when Decima technologies took the disks. It’s funny slap a small palm sized electromagnetic emitter on a doorway and suddenly the disks that were so valuable became useless.
Decima got desperate; They began to look for another AI program. It took a bit of work but I found the people most likely to be approached next for their work.
We had Yukari approach them under an alias and supply them with a little AI I had created. It appeared to be everything they wanted it could learn on it’s own. It could analyze data to accurately predict the future, It would seem to do what they wanted but it was mine. I had a back door in to everything. It was not long after that I dropped the curtain on Decima and their games.
We still have to deal with criminals and a corrupt government but we aren’t being hunted down while doing it..
Anyways I get to keep everything I buy here in Naruto because none of it is supernatural.
I also gain a new companion from this a surprisingly powerful one at that.
When I wanted to reply the last thread was dead.
As an early Jumper, I got quite a few. Specially in the aftermath of the early days of my Young Justice Jump
Nowdays I don't really mind if someone tries to invade my dreams. It's not like I even bother to set countermeasures aside from some key pieces. My mind has millions (if not billions) of years worth of memories. And I've got more than a few thoughts and ideas who had gained something akin to sentience and some even founded their own little kingdoms. They don't recognize me as anything, but usually are very possessive about their land. There is also my dream-self, a reflection of my stand and my persona wandering through my mindscape, and of course the Astral Layers.
More than a nasty trap, you will probably dragged into some sort of 'adventure' if you somehow manage to enter my mindscape.
>True Librarian
May I ask where is that from?
>the one who acts like God was implied to have been an abused child in a tale,
Even if he was a fake, he was crazy powerful.
In the Lone Wolf jump, are the Read Ahead and/or Bookmark perks based on in-story abilities or are they based on the story's own CYOA medium?
Everything Drop-in is based on the medium, yes.
>May I ask where is that from?
Last thread was a Satan thread due to archiving at 666 replies.
I ask that we purge it
Anyone know of a way to summon a straightjacket, gag, and strap down table so that you summon them onto people and they get carted off to an asylum dimension?
... for some reason, I really want to say the Crazy Cards from Invader Zim, but they're probably not that cool.
666 replies.
Replies. Not counting original post
I think invader zim has that exact thing.
user, rape dimensions are bad.
You could probably make a spell for that under D&D spell creation rules.
They would be but this is much worse, its an insanity dimension.
>I just read that Demon King Daimao has various multiversal busters
What the hell.
Is there anything d&d can't do?
So here's the stat sheet for my custom NPC. How does it look? Did I screw anything up?
Looks cool but how the hell did you boost attack and resistance that high? Undead are terribly weak to fire and holy attributes which would bring him down a reasonable amount.
At epic level? Not really. Their are game mechanics and DMs to keep players from pulling some super bullshit but jumpers aren't playing a table top game so. . . yea. . .
Name: Acheryon
Species: Skeleton (Free)
Background: Warrior (Free)
Tolerance for Evil (Free)
Personal Inventory x2 (50)
Shared Language (Free)
Realm of Heroes (Free)
Level One Hundred (Free)
Innate Talents:
Golden Mind (Free)
Physical Powerhouse (100)
Origin Perks:
Damage Focused (Free)
Defense Focused (50)
Tireless (100)
World Champion (300)
Legendary Tier Equipment (Free)
Acheryon is essentially an undead Terminator who has no real magical abilities at all and is somewhat slow but is ludicrously strong and tough with very high defenses from specialized class levels and equipment. He's very straightforward and is only really good at one thing but in that one thing there is no one within Nazarick who can compete with him. Trying to take him blow-for-blow is absolute suicide even for Cocytus or Sebas. He's designed to fight in direct protracted battles where he can overpower his opponent with his DPS and built up resistances.
Only 2-3 beings are like that, at the very end of series and the jump prohibits you from attaining it. Everything else isn't even on One Piece's level of power.
Really? I don't remember any of that. The highest I remember there being was the stupidly named dragon somehow turning into a robot and havking the robot that controlled reality to do a time loop.
It was a dumb ending.
There's a manga and light novel, so if you just watched the anime you likely missed stuff.
In the xmen jump how much do I get in total if I take Mysterious past 200 or 500 if I was reading it correctly would be right or wrong?
Can you use cp to give your NPCs in overlord more cp?
Nope, Brellin shot that down last thread.
I think it looks good.
Reads as:
200cp for "wanted in one country, but not actively hunted".
300cp for "wanted in one country, and actively being hunted".
500cp for "wanted virtually worldwide, and all those governments and probably a bunch of UN /INTERPOL task forces are hunting you down".
Thanks famm
Well then.
It's funny how the custom NPC 42nd supreme beings get can get any Heteromorphic race for free but you are limited to those up to 300 cp.
Hm. Should I get them divine tier... Or nah. Relic tier might be enough and I can later study divine tiers in vault and use various crafting methods to make a proper set.
Question about SMT:
When you have Chosen of Raphael and Dormant Power, you can make Jesus armor be your body. Does that mean you can wear additional armor on top of that?
Can you detach the armor parts to give it to people? What happens if you use cheat mode on it when it is part of your body
Wait one more question do those add ons count towards the drawback limit?
A question for Cool Cats Don't Trip about Dual Casting from Skyrim:
>You can perform magic well with two hands at once. Two different spells can produce unexpected new effects and two of the same will produce more lasting and vastly more powerful spells.
Does the line about using two different spells to make something different apply only to TES magic, or does this and the boosting effect of casting a spell twice simultaneously work on other magic systems?
Jumpers, who delivers your mail?
How many Waddle Dees do you get from the Loyal Retainers perk? It says a small army but does that mean a few dozen, a few hundred, a thousand or am I going to have ten thousand or more?
My owl from Harry Potter.
Lots, you get lots of them.
My cat from Harry Potter.
I don't get mail often.
Cute. I would actually like at least some vague number to go on. Like I said, a small army could mean any of the above things, it's completely relative as a term.
Bit useless aren't you?
That is adorable and makes me wish they'd kept the Dragonite mail-mon around after the first movie.
My mail is delivered by a mailman, usually, but if I know someone will be sending me letters I give them a neverending box of magical stamps that will teleport the letter to my inbox when dropped into a mail slot.
Jumpers, what's in your fridge?
I was looking through my image folder, found this, instantly thought of jc
Brows has never given a solid answer that I know of, although I think she made positive comments about me assuming 300-400 when I asked long ago.
So I can assume a thousand or so then?
I'm pretty sure its enough that you can staff a castle and surrounding town at least, like King DDD. I always assumed it was 'as many as it needs to be properly comedic at that moment.'
The postman, I've got a whole God damn town you think I don't have a postman to give me my mail?
finished this a couple minutes ago
How horrifying.
Well, he works for Mewtwo so probably it chills out with all the clones these days and picks up Mewtwo's amazon orders/dry cleaning.
fridges are for suckers, sure I have Some big white boxes that Like refrigerators but the food inside is auto-magically generated based on what you feel like eating.
Pretty much as many as you want, considering that they are waddle dees you are pretty much guaranteed to have more than you want so at least one.
Sense of justice is wayy too high.
So what, I could have a million if I wanted? Given the perk says you can whip them into shape...doesn't that seem a bit much? I'd still much rather a hard or at least general number rather then "LOTS" or "As many as you want".
Typically there'll be whatever leftovers we haven't eaten from the infinite kitchen bench (pizzas, icecream, strawberry sundaes, shawarma, sandwiches, etc).
sense of justice is literally sense of justice and not your alignment, you can have a strong sense of justice and be very evil,I know I'm not the good guy,I am just the bad guy to the bad guy
but if you slap a bandana on that one and give him a spear watch out
Rolled 10, 6, 9, 9, 7, 3, 1, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 2, 10, 2, 7, 3, 3, 7, 1, 10, 10, 4, 5 = 137 (25d10)
Okay, let's see if I can reach jumpchan and find out how many you have...
Huh, that was supposed to be 100d10, not 25d10. Guess there's an upper limit. Oh well, times by 4 and it looks like you have 548 Waddle Dees.
What's a good magic system to Conjoined Conjures with Traveler's Gate magic?
...you know what? I think I'll just wait for Brows and see if I can get an answer from her. Thanks for trying?
That's meant to be a full stop at the end.
I would say that depends on the metaphysics of your territory. Maybe d&d.
No worries. But seems familiar, for whatever it's worth.
Yeah, I'm planning to run with that until I can get a chance to talk to her and confirm.
Anything at all, since it allows you to circumvent the issue of incarnating if you draw too much on your Territories power, by drawing from a different power source to power your Territories abilities, and can even use your territory to work magic from outside the system.
This isn't even accounting for how it affects the magic itself to make it more potent.
Mushoku Tensei if you have leaky limiter, that huge pool of mana can actually be of some use.
Otherwise yea DnD, overlord or maybe Dresden.
My phone.
If you can't just text me about it, I don't care.
I am blisteringly hard to keep track of and it is occasionally a source of antagonism for my companions.
I usually assume mine is around five hundred Dees.
Anything larger and... honestly, I don't know what I'd do with them. They're freaking ServBots, not a legitimate standing force.
That said, I looked up some numbers a couple weeks ago and in ancient times apparently standing armies waffled around ten times that number. But armies have greatly varied in size over history based on logistics and transportation, because you'd have to feed and tend to all the members of your army. None of that matters to a jumper, but it does mean the definition of what constitutes a "small army" has been wildly inconsistent throughout history.
So, while I'm sorry that I can't give you an exact number, there really is no right answer.
The answer is basically just, "Probably more Dees than you'll ever need for anything ever, and yet never enough to accomplish something."
Because Dees are useless.
Lots of blood packets.
>Because Dees are useless.
Not true. People keep saying this but the perk description pretty clearly contradicts that.
Just Conjoined Conjures it with Cardcaptor magic, it's actually really high level stuff, and a decent representative of the potency combined magic systems end up manifesting all on its own. It can stop time.
Really, assume combining magic systems usually results in something significantly more powerful, and genuinely better in every way than their constituents.
>It can stop time.
Is this somehow a standard of how strong things are now?
Would it be possible to make a humanoid into an Improved Familiar?
It's not exactly much more impressive then saying DnD can stop time either. Sure both systems can, but it's also a pretty high level thing in both systems. It's what, a 8th or 9th level spell in DnD? And in Sakura it used to be an ability/spell of Clow, the best freaking magician in that whole CLAMP multiverse.
How strong is Cardcaptor Sakura magic though?
I used to think so too. Grab a couple of teaching perks, maybe import them to share a few learning perks among them, a perk or two that makes all your followers competent and huzzah, you've got useful waddle dees.
Unfortunately, either Brows said they can't be made too useful, because they're still waddle dees so even as godly beings they'd trip and fumble and make a mess of your orders... or maybe there's just such a memetic idea of waddle dees - the force that conquers Dreamland in a very short period of time again and again - can't actually achieve anything due to their comedic status in Kirby games that thread can't comprehend them being useful for anything other than failing in a funny manner.
Whatever the case I gave up arguing that they could be made useful and moved on to making my own armies.
Yeah, sure I guess, just wank it.
Guys, halp
Varies massively like any spell system. Some of the Clow Cards amount to a basic magic missile or enchanted sword or flight. Others can stop time, summon massive monsters or other high level stuff. It's got some great stuff but it's not really the hot shit user is painting it as since all these things were imbued into items by the best wizard around and are very likely much harder to cast then how Sakura uses them.
In all fairness stopping time is ridiculously powerful when you think about everything that factors into it. Moving while time is stopped is also another really stupid thing that just should not be possible. Like you'd die of suffocation or the air molecules would be frozen so you just shouldn't be able to move. It breaks the universe.
Would sure be nice to have that in the perk itself and not have a statement DIRECTLY CONTRADICTING that idea in the perk itself too. Why the hell would you put in a statement about how you could be able to get them into shape with effort if in reality it's a flat No You Can't Ever No Matter What?
Wait, is this even something Brows has said (EXPLICITLY said given it contradicts the perk she wrote directly) or is it just a thread assumption?
Use your imagination for once in your life.
What program are you using to make these sheets? Where do you go for them?
Fuck off Paranoidanon.
Metatron doesn't wear armor or take off his body parts.
It was posted either last thread or 2 threads ago, it's just a thing you download an can modify iirc.
Imagination game requires imagination.
Think of it as 4d movement, or casting an anomalous energy field over an area of space such that things stop moving as if time has stopped.
Eh, the Clow Cards themselves are pretty exemplary of what the system can accomplish.
It occurs to me all those time immunity perks can be bypassed by sufficiently advanced space manipulation
At the highest levels? Yeah, sure. Overall? No more then a level 40 Epic Wizard is exemplary of what that magic system can do overall.
I don't know. It was presented to me as if Brows had said it, and any time people talk about them there seems to be a general agreement, but it is in direct contradiction of the text. I don't know what to tell you, you'll have to ask Brows yourself and hope she actually answers.
A large number of immunities can be bypassed if you have a big enough gun.
Since everyone is posting their Overlord character profile, so why not?
Actually, all that tells me is that high-level magic not only exists in this setting, but that a sufficiently competent wizard can make reusable talismans for high-level magic that are self-sufficient.
I don't take away the implication that it's somehow harder to use magic the normal way than it is the clow card way.
At best, I take away that clow cards would be the normal way to use this magic system, as it has all the strengths and capabilities of both magic systems and thus the optimal form of it is by taking advantage of both's.
GBE (scaled up to starship size) surrounded by nova cannons and those wing things from Tenchi Muyo. Add in an Aeonic orb into the mix and you have yourself a pretty good fire and forget.
Man, I'm... sorry that you kinda wanted a huge supercool army for 100CP, but that wasn't the intent.
Yeah, Brows has explicitly said so in the thread.
I mean, I've really been going off their appearance in the games and anime, personally, and they can't do a whole lot.
They don't "take over" Dreamland, they just steal a lot of food?
But they are capable of understanding how to hold a spear, or push a button, or work an assembly line, and there's a lot of them, so...?
I mean. If it's any consolation, I really do think of them as Servbots. Servbots can fuck some shit up if they have the right equipment. Although they also fuck up pretty frequently.
They are capable of basic orders, and there's a lot of them. If you can accomplish something with basic peasant swarm tactics, they can do that shit. But they're never gonna be that highly trained Imperium Zerg swarm you always wanted.
That's how I always thought of them, anyway.
I always just... make my own minions for stuff that actually matters.
There's like 600 jumps, and skills like that aren't exactly rare.
I dunno what to tell you.
Actually, one thing you can do with robots (or even people, but it's more complex) is just have parameters pre-coded into a computer you keep a copy of in your warehouse, and if you can set up a factory or something to mass produce stuff, just have it load those programs in for skills and thinky bits.
S'actually more convenient than a normal army.
But. Y'know, whatever.