Is there a system that adequately portrays the Ghostbusters?
Is there a system that adequately portrays the Ghostbusters?
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^ I played it. It was awesome, and I highly recommend it. But I also had a GM with a degree in theatre arts comedy/improv, so YMMV.
obligatory obligatory
Is that the end scene?
Inspecters isn't bad
Wait the part where he turns into the logo was like the only part of the movie I thought was cool though
Man I didn't really give a shit that the movie was all women but JESUS did that movie suck. More the script and editing's fault than the actors, though their improv was horrible too
But user, you don't understand. The people responsible for this film have said that if you don't like it then you must be a basement dwelling, misogynistic retard.
Therefore you really do only hate the film because it only has women in it you sexist shitlord, it's official. It couldn't possibly really be because it's cancer on a screen or anything.
My favorite part of the new Ghostbusters movie is the daily butthurt threads like this one.
My favorite part of the new Ghostbusters movie is that apparently studio execs forgot that the Chinese are superstitious as fuck and the government has made ghost movies illegal there, so without the largest foreign box office in play, the new film had a literal 0% chance of making its money back.
The whole misogyny thing was literally a psyop by execs to try to bolster their flagging numbers by recruiting useful idiots (liberals) into seeing the film thinking it's some sort of important cultural wedge issue.
I can't say I feel bad. It's rare that both the fool AND the Jew are parted from their money.
That is also pretty funny, but since I'm ambivalent about the franchise and don't live anywhere near a movie theater, my favorite part is still the daily butthurt threads.
inSpectres is supposed to be pretty good for that. I've never played, but I'm listened to a few podcasts of it, and it seems to work well. It focuses on not just the fighting the supernatural part but also the managing a small business part, makes for some funny scenes.
My favourite part is watching the tumblrtards try and defend it after watching it.
They banged on for months spewing the company line about how people only hated it because it had women in it.
Then they watch it and they know that they either have to back peddle, eat their words or heap lie upon lie. And either way the rest of the world will know that not only were they so very wrong but they were obviously bigoted idiots.
The improv was ok as improv. The problem was how much they broke character to do it, or did it at weird times.
My favorite part is watching people on the internet think their precious opinion is actually worth anything. If you don't like something, vote with your wallet. Because whining on the internet about how much you liked/hated some shitty kids movie from the cesspit that is Hollywood, means jack shit. Regardless of whether or not your a tumblrfag, redditarded, or ass-chan.
>people are giving opinions that don't matter
>time to give them my opinions that don't matter on their opinions that don't matter!
>that'll show them!
You know I would recommend west End ghostbusters but I've had some one out the why they believe the XP system is counter-productive.
Brownie points are to boost your rolls and are hit points,and are XP.
I said you never tried to have a proper game following the rules as it is written?
>Then they watch it and they know that they either have to back peddle, eat their words or heap lie upon lie
leftists don't have a problem with lying, it comes naturally
they just call it debate
Can confirm
DESU this kind of childish rage makes me want to see the movie more than to avoid it. Hating on a movie just because some group you dislike enjoys it is pretty retarded.
> The people responsible for this film have said that if you don't like it then you must be a basement dwelling, misogynistic retard.
And I don't believe for a second that anyone involved within the creation would make such a PR mistake as this.
I always thought it would be cool to mix up Ghostbusters with some grimdarkness.
I remember one episode of the animated series where some people working on subway tunnels open a door, that triggers doomsday. So the Ghostbusters go into that infested shit tunnel, knowing they might not return and even cross the gate to hell (or whatever it is). I love 'last stand'/sacrifice scenes, so it would be a good opportunity to kill some of them off in an epic kind of way. Shouting one-liners and blasting away at ghosts, demons and eldritch horrors.
The only problem is, that their 'weapons' don't actually kill the ghosts on hit, but just kinda stun them. On the other hand it makes it even more bad ass...
>And I don't believe for a second that anyone involved within the creation would make such a PR mistake as this.
One of the producers explicitly said people who dislike the movie are all sexists and Donald Trump supporters.
Leslie Jones (the loud, black actress) spend like three days straight screaming on Twitter about how much she hated white people and throwing around infantile "yo mamma" jokes when a bunch of /b/tards started spamming her account with NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER jokes.
Sony's gone out of their way to intentionally turn hating the movie into a political issue.
>actually the most solid and related character in the film
>trailer makes her look like a fucking retarded screaming monkey
Why did they do this?
Probably to lure in the idiots who watch Madea movies.
Which opinion did he give
because racism sells. not even joking, her character is a stereotype on every level and that's cold, calculated marketing.
The shocking part is even though Jones' entire shtick is a racist caricature people still gushed over how "empowered" she is.
Any examples of the back peddling? I usually skip retarded internet slap fights, but this is amusing to me.
I'm kinda glad I skipped the trailers and ads for Ghostbusters, so I could go into the movie clean. I actually liked Jones' character because, while the other three ladies Know Science, she Knows New York. And not in a generic street wise way, but the fact that she encounters thousands of New Yorkers each day and knows a lot of local history.
Think that appeal would have been lost if I had gotten hit with the initial marketing first.
Is there a system that adequately portrays reposting the same thread every week?
What about esoterrorists? Just got an interest in simple resource based mechanic.
I found a clue point system to be bizarre but it's supposed to keep the game moving unlike a lot of investigation games.
Can we just forget about the latest movie and apreciate the IDW's Ghostbusters Comics?
>it's another ghostbusters tg thread
I like GB, it's a great movie and works well for a RPG, you have a team and shared goal.
The way they fight ghost is cool. You can't just shoot or punch em, you need to use team work.
>DESU this kind of childish rage makes me want to see the movie more than to avoid it.
What's it like being a useful idiot?
I suggest 3.PF
what i've been so damn confused about with all the back and forth of manchildren and other manchildren and upset teen feminists is that ghost busters wasn't a good movie to begin with. it was kitchy and fun and iconic, but it was never "good." so i don't get this insistence that the new movie had to be 'just as good' or else misogyny when it turned out it was a shitty movie, just like its predecessors. I mean, I get that there are stupid fanboys legitimately being chauvinist brats whining about having their favorite IPs cucked away by a new target audience; those are there for every shift in marketing, whether it's a new younger age group, or the same now older age group, or expanding beyond the niche market, or pandering explicitly to the niche market, etc... But the obsession over the mark of quality is what gets me. of all the battles to pick to fight, why choose the one no one ever stood a chance of winning?
Just like Fury Road, Marvel shit, Anything not D&D, etc etc.
Yeah welcome to modern Veeky Forums fucko.
This is the 5th time you've posted this exact thread. You're not interested in a Ghostbusters RPG at all, you just want to bait people into bitching about the new movie.
Fuck off and die.
>ghost busters wasn't a good movie to begin with
You will find that you are very very alone in that opinion.
>just want to bait people into bitching about the new movie.
My favorite part is that there are always fags trying to act so detached but dont realise they sound the most butthurt of all
So take it to /tv/ and fuck off.
My favourite part is that they killed off Bill Murray.
Thank god.
>Leslie Jones (the loud, black actress) spend like three days straight screaming on Twitter about how much she hated white people and throwing around infantile "yo mamma" jokes when a bunch of /b/tards started spamming her account with NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER jokes.
That was a spoof account, that she hilariously kept re-tweeting because she couldn't find someone who knows how the internet works to get her to stop.
wait, there is no blond guy in the original and no fatty guy
who is the stupid person that casted those actors or the director that allowed it?
Ghost Busters was a mediocre movie with an astounding cast of comedians who had really rather unreasonable amounts of freedom in the filming to do improv.
Bill Murray, Rick Moranis, Dan Akroyd, easily some of the most famous and funniest men of the 80s and 90s.
Harold Remis who went on to direct Caddyshack, National Lampoons Vacation, and Groundhog day and was the Head Writer for SCTV as well as a performer.
Ernie Hudson's role WAS going to be played by Eddie Murphy, but he chose to do Beverly Hills Cop instead and so they ended up gutting the character instead of taking a risk.
Sigourney Weaver was THE Badass Chick and a total 80s sex icon, but in a good empowered way.
Annie Potts had already been nominated for a Golden Globe, and won a Genie award for her acting.
These were people picked specifically for their high levels of talent and were given the freedom intentionally to make an amazing movie because of their improv skills.
Quite frankly, this ghostbusters reboot would have been much better if they hadn't marketed it to such a niche market, or pushed an agenda instead of focusing on just making it funny, or if they had done a sequel/legacy movie instead of a reboot.
Like how Vanderhoven did Starship Troopers.
>Like how Vanderhoven did Starship Troopers.
Comparing it to Verhouven's Troopers movie doesn't make much sense. Starship Troopers was adapted from a book written some forty years before the movie came out. The studio didn't even tell Verhouven he was adapting the book until he'd already finished the first draft of his Bug Hunt script. So he sat down, tried reading it, and hated it because in his mind it was fringe right fascist propaganda. So he went on with his original plan, which was to make a satire of the kind of hyper-nationalist sentiment which helped make Korea and Vietnam such clusterfucks.
The new Ghostbusters movie was Sony planning a soulless, mercenary reboot of a beloved film. They marketed it using political fads because they knew it would stir up attention. They didn't hoist it on an unwilling director who had his own vision, they intentionally hired a director whose career is defined by banal "lol women can be funny two guys! Now watch Melissa McCarthy fart into a microphone!" romcoms. It's two completely different scenarios.
He did know that he was making fun of the direction american and the rest of the world to a lesser extent was heading, right?.....right? No one would be stupid enough to believe he made starship troopers to ENDORSE the crazy amount of nationalism, right? Please tell me no one can be that stupid.
did we not just do this
Stand aside for the real ghostbuster
Somehow, he ended up making a satire of post-9/11 America 4 years before 9/11 even happened.
The only Ghostbusters sequel. Anything else is heresy.
The hell did Bill do to you? Assrape you as a child?
After he came in user's tight little boipucci he leaned in and whispered "no one will ever believe you."
I got bad news for you.
I think your bad news are somewhat inaccurate.
I like your optimism. I have however encountered people who try to claim that Starship Troopers, as depicted by that shit film and its worse sequel, are utopian and near-perfect societies.
And these are people in their 30s, not just edge master teenagers.
Grampy actually believed the book telling was a utopian society. Then again he took a special kind of pride in dropping bombs on asians.
I don't know about the people, but I'm pretty sure Verhouven consciously did it as a satire.
I'm pretty sure he did. But lets not forget that The Prince was also written as a piss take.
They were well-crafted bombs, they hit the target, and they performed within expected parameters leading to a successful mission. Why would he not be proud?
Pretending to be retarded ironically is still retarded, user.
The first step to not shitposting is admitting that you have a problem.
>The people responsible for this film have said that if you don't like it then you must be a basement dwelling, misogynistic retard
Are they wrong, though?
Mostly yes. There will always be a few who hate it because it has women in it and hate it for no other reason.
Most people hate it because it's shit.
>And I don't believe for a second that anyone involved within the creation would make such a PR mistake as this.
Then you don't know how incredibly cynical and desperate Sony is right now. Every one of their blockbusters has flopped, so they will try just about anything at this point. I could go on and on but I think RLM's review pretty much sums up and destroys every lame argument made in the movie's favor at this point:
Honestly 2 gets more shit than it deserves. It's a decent movie that presents some nice worldbuilding, and the video game they made for modern consoles is basically the 3rd movie. Rookie has even shown up in IDW's comics, he works las vegas.
Yeah, because ad hominem attacks are not an argument. Even if you are the proverbial basement dwelling misogonist of legend, it doesn't make you wrong in the analysis that Ghostbusters 2016 sucks donkey balls.