Age of Sigmar General


Start Collecting! Fyreslayers when Edition

>General's Handbook is up
Who can convert it in pdf with hyperlink function?

>OP image album

>Cheer for your faction!

Old thread

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First for Malekith is and always was the rightful king!

Suck it you poncy high elves!

Are End Time models (Blightkings, Skullreapers/Wrathmongers, etc) considered WHFB or AoS models?

WHFB hates the end times, so if you want to err on the side of caution, they're AoS models.

>I don't find Demigryphs that useful

Mostly AoS, since they're new units with short shelf lives before AoS came out. A few are quite handy though, such as Spirit Hosts.

Their armor designs match the new chaos models for AOS, same with the newer chaos lord and sorcerer

Nth for best elf.


I look forward to her future Slaanesh inspired futanari miniature.

If you have a unit of 20 skeletons, does that count as one battleline or 2?

if it's one unit, one

The only king for me is Settra.

Really depends on how you look at them. Compared to Dracothian Guard they suck balls, as most things do, but on their own they aren't terrible. Solid performance for the lighter end of shock cavalry, I'd say.


Order gets all the waifus.

They're less than half the price of Dracothian guard. In fact they cost less than a unit of retributors.

That's where free guild gets most of its power: it hits shit as hard as stuff that's 1.5x the price.


My first Treelord is done (w/ flash since my lighting is terrible)
Hope it isn't flipped

don't flash, instead boost your exposure

That would be a good house rule honestly. AoS isn't quite a full on mass battle game, so hefty troop taxes is quite harsh.

Should be however many battleline purchases... But allow those purchases to be arranged into however many units you like. Buy four skeleton battleline purchases and field them as a 40 man unit.

>let's let people take more cheesey units

it's like you want your opponents to suffer

Ok here we go

>it's still flipped

the opponent is always the first thing sacrificed on the altar of fun

I know
I hate my life

go back to 40k

>You need to buy 120 skeletons!

Hi GW rep.

a gw rep would love less battleline units, it's what AoS was designed with after all

Ditch those skeletons timmy, you need some blood knights

You can do that with zombies

It's isn't true
Stop saying that
I can't hear you




So you can take three units of 10 zombies to fulfill your Battleline and then just merge them into 1x 30 man unit on turn 1



Yup, although you probably want at least 40 of them, plus a corpse cart. Still only 320 points, so that's your whole battleline requirement filled for the cost of a single unit of skeletons.

Not that skeletons are bad at all, they're great, but you don't want or need four separate units of them.

Chariots are a decent battle line option as well, cheaper than 20 ghouls or 30 skittles, though still much pricier than msu zombie squads.


Alright, but what if asthetically you prefer Skellies or Ghouls?





it's always a bummer when releases are repackaged stuff after an awesome release like sylvaneth or even ironjawz


Fuck! Forgot pic

It doesn't bum me at all. I love to see all the old stuff take their place in the new setting.

I'd mind the repackages less if they had like one or two new sculpts/units to release alongside them. maybe I'm not familiar enough with "ogors" to tell if anything is new

Is it mournfang on the cover of battletome? Why it's green?

Take one big unit of skeletons, one big unit of ghouls and one small unit of zombies

You need 3 with some knights and gg for the batallion though.

Mournfangs? More like mournfags

4 for $65

Realm of beasts aka Garry Gygax's HAPPY HUNTING GROUNDS

it's based on ancient native american religion

Aren't those the models they already have?
Aren't Yhetees in resin?

Not a fan of the Ogres, but they look cool.

what's the price on the yhetees?


Stonehorn nerf soon yes-yes...

Sure, I would love new stuff all the time, but GW also need to release stuff that makes sense from a financial perspective. It's easier for them to sell their old stock if they are better represented in the new setting. It also reaffirms that they are not axing that part of the model range.

You're allowed to play with old warscrolls though.

Says so in the faq

Ok when's jezzails, stormvermin, warp lightning cannons and weapon teams getting nerfs?

Is there any good way to convert the Prosecutors from the Starter Set to have Javelins? I was thinking of using the leftover Protector spear bits from building Retributors but not sure if it'll work that well.

cut the hammer out of their hands, put a spear in their hands.

You can drill out their hand or you can just cut the spear into two and glue both ends to the fist

How would you build a Chaos Undivided list?

Unmarked warriors
Unmarked knights
Unmarked chosen

Oh i am well aware.
Mega warp-lightning no risk Engineer says hello
When Jezzials/WTs get a plastic kit

Alright, I only got one response from last thread but if I wanted to make an elite army based around Archaon and the Varanguard what type of list am I looking at?

Archaon 700
3 Varanguard 360
3 Varanguard 360

That is 1420pts before anything else.

This seems way to limiting to play in anything out of massive games.

Maybe I should play Soulblights and go blood knights instead for my elite Calvary army...

Any ideas!

not a fan of ogres (fuck ogor) but i'm thinking pretty hard about painting a magnetized stonehorn/thundertusk. love them oversized horn sculpts

Gaunt summoner with varanguard is your 1000 point list.

You also should look into using houserules to pay points costs to add one varanguard to a unit.

it's not worth magnetizing the head and the back.

You need to have two different saddles because stonehorns only have one dude.

I guess you could use the thundertusk saddle and just magnetize the riders but you might get some funny looks.

Skaven jezzails for ranged. Chaos warriors for battleline, archaon leads your shit. Chaos Knights make decent Calv so you could grab a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount, which boosts the crap out of them. Grab a mutalith or a chimera for some fun. Honestly tho, I play skaven so I don't know much other than what I play.

>No new Yhetees


Does anyone know if the slaves to darkness kit lets you build a chaos gorebeast chariot?

Build one of the 2 formations in the Slaves to darkness section. one of them is cavalry focused

Basically lord on manticor, maybe a Daemon prince, spawn, unmarked men, etc.

Knights are 200 pts for 5, get like two of them, they are pretty strong.

I would not add in Skaven or Beastmen as they do not fit the unmarked theme. But if you do then i guess Minotaurs or a Grey seer for magical help?

- Cut off the hammers, but keep the pommel on hand.
- Take the shaft and the short blade from the butt-end of the protector's spears.
- Cut the shaft inn half.
- Drill through the hand and into the halves of the shaft.
- Pin the halves to the hand.
- Glue the blade to one end of the new shaft and the pommel to the other.
- Get a stormcast upgrade set for the round shields and put those on the free arms.
Done. It's not an exact match, but it works well enough.

>All this repackaging
>No new Skaven except for worst rats.

Why live.

>not unmarked

The end times giveth, Archaon taketh away


What's a good spear to use? It doesn't look like one could use the whole Protector spear from the Paladin box, just the blade portion mostly.

you got stormfiends in the end times

new beastmen when

Very expensive. There's not a lot of choices in the ever chosen keyword, which allows the Varanguard to be battleline. You have to play Varanguard, gaunt summoner and archaon

Well really it's speculation, we're bored if just leaving it be and that guess has an appeal with the motife of oder taking back

Wait, does this mean we can use the old rend -1 Savage Ork Boys with built in Warpaint?

Cause suddenly this changes everything.

Time to get into AoS
What the fuck is this?

>'Stormfiends were a mistake' - Ikit Klaw

Also you did get Tzaangor

just use the protector spear, like use as much from the hands as you can so you get as much pole as you can.

If you're not happy with that then use toothpicks or plasticard sticks

>no boxes
>no points profile



could be worse..

That was such bullshit. same with the acolytes

They say just proxy them as Bestigor, right?

Just say 10 Tzaangor are 140 pts, like Bestigor and field them.

>tfw I like all the bonesplitterz
>tfw monster hunter is a fun video game
>tfw I play monster hunter monster hunters

get cucked nerdboy

in my store the bonesplitterz have been sold out before saturday (they restock wednesday)

never have naked crazy orcs sold out

tears of joy man, tears of joy

>no boxes
>180 for like 6 guys

>3 monopose sculpts for tzaangor

literally kill ymself

I had a big long post doing analysis of Demigryphs as compared to retributors but the internet ate my post

TL:dr Demigryphs can charge really well and do less damage unbuffed than equivalent points worth of retributors but when you add the points value of the vexillor versus the points value of stuff that will buff the Demigryphs (battalion + Amber wizard + Griffin general command ability) you get slightly more damage than retributors while retaining a big ass threat range.

Really TL;DR Demigryphs are good in their own army.

For those who wondered how the point list/handbook buy in worked in the app: freshly stolen from facebook:


that picture isn't even in points mode what the cuck

Don't be so hasty, son.

>worst rats.
Clan Skryre pls go

I mean sure?

Warpaint is different now anyway.
And the old savage boyz have one wound which is shitty and their pts were not designed around that.
I assume you have the same keywords, yet you obviously lack the unit names, you'll still need Morboyz for certain formations, etc.
And of course if you start mixing warscrolls this gets confusing especially for you're opponent.

So all that for just -1 rend on a bunch of easily killable 1 range 1 attack chumps won't be worth it.

I've fought the old Savage orks, and fought the new Bonesplittaz, and the new rules are definitely stronger all around.

>it doesn't count the points


Wait, you WANT to be 1 wound instead of 2 wounds?

I mean, sure if you want

You either have to print off the black and white legacy warscrolls from the GW site, or pay the $15 for the destruction grand alliance.

It's okay looking. A lot of the time minis just looks bad because GW painted them like ass. You could always get the Shieldwolf Mountain Orc shaman instead if you want some diversity with your characters.