/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

I just woke up and thread died half an hour ago Edition

We're currently working on Gen V

Here's the current worklog:
| Gen V |
-Army Upgrades Page

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Game welcome here!

Everyone welcome.

Q - What is Towergirls?
A Veeky Forums creation. Read more here.

Q - How do I play?
A - It's a CYOA, there are no established mechanics for the rescue. All the pages to the game are in the imgur album linked in resources.

Q - Why aren't/are we we working on; Fan Gen II/Knights/combat mechanics/etc.
A - No. We recognize that spreading out our efforts is what originally killed the project. Accordingly, we're focusing on just one thing at a time and finishing them out.

Q - Hey, can we make a pricness about X fetish?
A - It generally comes down to what people like. Propose the idea and see if others want it.

Q - Is there a map/unified setting?
A - Nope. Though proposals have been made, nothing concrete has been created.

Q - Can I post fanart/fanfiction here?
A - Go right on ahead, just make sure it's within the global rules.

Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - pastebin.com/0uCbMGx6 (embed)

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So, we've got the armies about done, aside from the art for the Dragon Disciples (and probably some minor tweaks)? Bonus gen 2 is next thing, yes? I think we have a pretty good amount of princesses designed and arted for it, ready to get stats. Anybdoy actually got a list of em all, to see if we already have enought (there's the 10 from the original fan chart, but we would also need 10 more for a full chart)?

Although I think we should at some point fix up the bonus gen 1 a bit. Those lazy "literally a specific videogame character with crown on" princesses should either be redone to the point where they can stand as their own character (like, I think it's fine for a princess to reference a game, or even a specific character, but when she's literally that character, and only makes sense as a reference to that character, that doesn't work), or just be replaced. I feel they cheapen the bonus gens as a whole.


Is this under any kind of license or I can use it for a videogame?


Already 2 people using it for video games.

No, the only claim anyone has is on the original art assets, what you see in the chart.
Everything in the original versions of Gen 1-3 belong to Gats.
Gen 4 is a mixed bag.
Gen 5 is mostly Eversor.
Expansion 1 is a mixed bag, same with Expansion 2.
You are allowed to use their likenesses to your heart's content as long as its not the original pieces.
For that, you'd need the artist's permission(s.)

Reposting Slug-Butt (aka. Echidna/Drakaina) Princess from near the end of last thread. She is a cute.

Nah, fuck you. Your masque princess is a damn abomination. I'd rather keep the references and have you shove your complaints up your ass.

I think the majority agrees that the references are horrible and need to not be 1 for 1 clones.

You the guy who bitched about that one user's Echidna/Drakaina Princess sketch last thread?
Masque > Shy, 1v1 me fagit.

This needs to be one of the official Gen 2 ones, it is just too good to be left out.

Woah, gosh. Are you having a bad day user?

If people don't like Masque Princess's designs (I also don't think the colourscheme works very well, or am particularly fond of the mask's design), she could just be re-redesigned.

Tbh the Shyguy Princess occupied as sort of weird borderland between ok and not-ok reference.
What I mean, is that nobody has a problem with something like Flumph Princess, who is based on a race of fantasy creatures from a specific fantasy game (DnD), and whose traits are based on the description of said creatures.
However, she's not based on any particular individual. Drider Princess from the original chart is a similar case (Drider being a specific type of monster in DnD that is a combination of dark elf and spider), although in her case she's further removed from the inspiration in that her traits aren't really based on desciptions of driders.

On the other hand, I feel Secretary Princess (the Animal Crossing one) is bad because she is literally a specific character from the game, and only makes sense as that character. If you alter her design to not be a carbon copy of said character, she makes no sense. Why is a "secretary princess" a dog? Because said character is a dog. Why does she have those particular traits? Because said character had them.

Shyguy was also based on a race of being rather than individual, but in this case the race is a very iconic videogame enemy, from one particular videogame setting (flumphs and driders at least show up in a lot of DnD settings, as well as in Pathfinder), so it feels very out of place because she doesn't really feel like something that would exist outside said setting. The design would be perfectly fine as an alt-costume, but not really as a main costume.

Meant to link to this.

Also, I think Masque stood out now that she is her own thing.

Think she could use a little bit of redesing. And I was the one who suggested her new design could be tied to these guys, who were one of the designed enemy types and tied to one of the bosses. It's the mask, mostly. Purple and white don't work toogether too well, and the mask looks a bit weird in general. If people find her aesthically unappealling, she could use a more appealing redesign, especially if the main argument against redoing some of the other similar princesses is "mask princess's new design looks like shit".

Prove it.

Nope, I told him he should keep drawing.

Her color is horrible as is the mask.

It's better than any slop you'd make. Look at that trash , it's worse than the original in every conceivable way.

Pillarman princess, i wish to see her.

>It's worse
>Doesn't say how it is, it just is in every way
Masque has some character to her, Shy was literally "Shy Gal cause why not."

She exists.

>Terrible coloring
>Low quality mask

>Terrible coloring
No worse than any other Princess on the Gen 4 Sheet.
>Low quality mask
I'd love to see you make a better one then.

Personally I like Masque Princess better than Shy Princess, but I am perfectly fine with her being redesigned again if the majority do not like her.

Those fan princesses really need a redesign though. I am pretty sure we could do a strawpoll and see that most agree.

Low quality how?

Bring her to me, user.

He just painted her hair and the whole fucking thing one shade of purple.

I didn't chose the color scheme, It was requested. But I can change it, the color isn't hard to change.

I want to make the best for you guys.


Are you preferring a more complicated mask?

I prefer your first one. The purple mask and hair looked good.

Just for curiosity's sake, could you try black and light grey for the outfit, but red and blue for the secondary masks?
>black hood
>keep the brown strap
>white mask
>red hair and crown
>red mask in left hand, blue in right
>black stockings and light gray panties

I based the masks of the goblin masks from IRO. But looking back, it really should be less of a rip from that game as well.

Could someone post the up to date gen 5 with armies please? i thought it was finished but imgur not been updated.

For the record, I think those are fine.

And have never heard of that.

I mean, they're very simplified masks, surely no one who hasn't seen it would guess it's a reference.

>tfw collected all goblin masks when I played retail
I miss that game. I want the good old days.


Personally I think the current one looks better than that.

If people really want a new color scheme, maybe a couple variants should be tried?

No it didn't. You're just incredibly eager to defend it because you think I'm a bully trying to chase him off.

In any case, using "masque princess's new design is ugly" as an argument for not redoing the other fan princesses is not very good. She was redone by Eversor, aka. the guy who has done all of gen5 and also redone a bunch of other fan princesses (such as pic related, who I think is very cute), so even if that one particular design doesn't look good, he has a very good track record.

Towards the end of last thread (link in OP), there's the latest chart.

Not him, but you literally are acting like one.
>Nah, fuck you. out of the blue
>It's an abomination
If Gemini can be a thing, Masque sure as shit can.
>and have you shove your complaints up your ass
You took a hyper-negative stance suddenly and with no warning, giving 0 reasons for why you feel this way.

Don't put words in my mouth. I DO like the look, and it's a personal preference. Bug off with your aggression. It's fine if you dislike it, but don't tell me what I do and don't like.

and Armies

Hey, its the nature of typing things out, some people may see a different tone than what you might intended.

I am glad you aren't a bully though.

>You took a hyper-negative stance
Against the idiot trying to ruin princesses.

>Bug off with your aggression
This is the single reason for your stance on having the mask and hair be one solid color.

you are one salty bitch nigga

it warms the cockles of my heart to see how far Day Elf and her sisters have come.


it's very outdated

Here btw, just so you see what it looks like.

That's... not bad actually.

looks nice

Yes, I think this looks a lot better. Much more pleasing colourscheme.

I also think the guy from should probably explain what he'd like to see in the design for it to both look good and not be literally just a shyguy with boobs. That would be more constructive than people calling eachother names.

I still think her belly should be bigger if she really is some sort of broodmother.

I agree. Should look a bit more obviously pregnant. I know the drakainia in the official artwork doesn't (she's actually very skinny, aside from having a slug for a butt), but that's kind of bigged me when the deescription of it in the same page mentions her having a distended belly.
Other than that, nice design, though.

She is most likely going to be in yes,

Pretty sure the point was to make the hair part of the mask

Speaking of her, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could Eversor (or somebody else who can draw) at some point quickly do her an idol and lust item pictures, so I can finish the card?

Pretty much this

References are fine, but straight-up cameos feel really out of place

Everyone but one guy seems to want a redesign so far.

That certainly seems to be the case, but (playing devil's advocate here) it's only 5 votes so far. It's probably a good idea to let it run for a few more hours.

As another point on the issue, the current artwork will be great as alt costumes.

Alt costumes are not canon, not on the charts, and have no value or worth whatsoever.

so they're of equal value to the cameo princesses, got it.

If that "very outdated" comment is directed at the imgur, I actually went through and updated the previous gens, but the work on Gen V has so many iterations that it's not feasible to update it every time.

What's constructive is not ruining princesses out of your own spite for a concept. That's the entire issue, some random user comes in and starts whining about someone on the charts and bitching until he gets his way and forces a change. That guy has been doing that for months. Everytime they come up "I WANT THEM CHANGED I WANT THEM CHANGED".

>I don't like them so they have no value.
Not how it works. Why don't you concept something new instead of trying to ruin something already established?

>not canon
as much a there is a "canon"
>not on the charts
very true
>have no value or worth whatsoever
you're welcome to that opinion

I think its more the case that you are the "One user" that is whining to keep them from being improved.

Looks good to me

Actually, the guy he's referring to does show up pretty often.

so, i got time, what old princess you guys want to closer to Gats style?

It's not one user, several people have been suggesting it for the last few months, it just hasn't been a priority over finishing Gen V. The poll will let us see just how many.

>some random user comes in and starts whining... and bitching until he gets his way
That's you, you are doing that too, you are being insistent and aggressive, trying to bully people into accepting your opinion, you are substituting aggression and insults for actual arguments.

rust monster princess

Personally, I agree. That's the point of the Expansion gens: To give these lot princesses a home.

As I've said before, I don't want to change them because they come from a time before my work. I have no right over them and I want to honor that community that existed before I even knew Towergirls was a thing. Just as I've tried to be respectful of Gats work, I don't feel it's right to get rid of these people's work. Cleaning up the art is fine with me, but removing it entirely just seems like it's spitting in their faces.

Dinosaur Princess, Gen 3.

What this guy said.
Alt costumes give Princesses some "different" flavor for people who don't like the original
I know I use a few.

lost princesses*

It's certainly not just one person. I haven't bitched about any other princess's design, but feel the straight up copies of videogame characters (especially the Animal Crossing character and the Wii Fit Trainer) feel out of place. And I haven't been the only one who has said that. The general consensus seems to be that they should be redesigned to be less direct ripoffs.
Although I have no idea how one would fix the those two, since entirely built around being that particular character. Tbh would probably be easies just to drop them the chart, and replace with something else. It's not like the chart includes every fan princess ever made anyway (there's an Admech one I've seen floating around, and thet scat princess somebody did as a joke after somebody kept pestering people to add his videogame waifu on the chart), or them not being in the chart would make them cease to exist. Would probably be more respectful for the original artist than changing the design, really.

>I want something that goes against the majority so I'll whine about it till I get my way.
that's not how it works

best solution for those two is wild princess treatment or relegating them to a special cameo chart. references are fine. blunt cameos clash.

>I want to honor that community that existed before I even knew Towergirls was a thing
Having been here pretty much from the start, I don't think stuff like the Animal Crossing Princess "honor the community" very well at all. Both her and the Wii Fit one seem to have been created some time after the original Towergirls threads on Veeky Forums died down (certainly I had never seen them brought up then), and the attitude in those threads time was generally against direct copies of existing characters (Alien Princess was not used in gen 2 or 3 despite the design existing, due to her apparently being just a towergirlified character from some TV show, and there was one guy who kept pushing for a Dinosaur Princess who was also directly based on a videogame character, which eventually resulted in somebody doing a "dinotaur princess" who is pretty much a "your waifu a shit" joke).

If I were to quess, I'd assume both designs were made on /v/ or somewhere after they re-discoverd Towergirls (they're a videogame board so it makes sense for them to do game reference princesses), and were not made to be included in a Veeky Forums-made chart. They're fine deisgns on their own, I quess, but not really fitting in with the Veeky Forums-made charts, and I feel their inclusion kind of "cheapens" the bonus gens, bu makign them obviously "fake".

Yes, I agree with this. They aren't bad on their own, but feel out of place in the place they're now.
Making a "Towergirls Unhinged/Unglued" chart with various cames and references would be a good idea, giving them a place without having to alter the original designs to point of unrecogniseability. It's not like we don't have enough fan designs ready to fill the two or three spots (i think GM Princess, even if I like him, should probably also go in the chart, seeing how he is actually an injoke of one particular group, and thematically a bit out of place in the normal chart) that would result from moving them.

Plus, it would allow us to make some more reference/cameo princesses, which could be fun. Maybe some based on 40k, and other stuff popular on Veeky Forums.

we already have an Ad Mech princess and blunt cameo art lying. Honest to god I never disliked GM princess and the cameos on principle but they clash with the original gens. The Elf princesses may have taken things too far with day and night and twilight, Inlike the duergar princess and the elementals are great.

They don't, because again, they are not canon and not on the charts.

>Pretending to be more than one person.
What a laugh. And no, actually. You're the one trying to force out princesses you don't personally like. You are the one that opened the thread stomping your feet to get your way.


>Cameo chart
The fuck do you think these started as?

Could you make it any more obvious you just have a personal grudge against some princesses? Fuck what anyone else likes, right?

(you) are one salty bitch nigga

We're already like two Gens past "False" Gen, why is this coming to a head now.
I mean, yeah, I can see the point about minor fixes on Fit and Secretary to make them less obvious of references. But I don't see a reason to boot anyone from a chart, especially when we are a few details away from beginning "Expansion" Gen 2. And besides, I always thought that was the point of the False Gen in the first place?

>They don't because again, they are not canon and not on the charts.
Nigger, the charts aren't Canon.
Literally nothing is, EVERYTHING is open to full interpretation. If I want a red Kobold Princess, I can have it. If I want to say "My cart can hold ten bitches by default!" I can. It's a CYOA, you CHOOSE your own Adventure, the charts are there as a guide, more than anything.

>they are not canon
Holy christ you are one dumb shit.

>Repeating yourself, desperate for a reply.
No shit. He's campaigning to remove princesses I like. Who wouldn't be?

Stop trying to force this idiotic 'hurr it's whatever you want' meme. The only things that are valid are codified in the CYOA format. You can wank whatever the fuck you want, but it's not valid, it's not written down, it's not how people play.

>It's a CYOA
Which means only the things on the page are valid. CYOAs exist to give structure. If you just did whatever you wanted anyway, then there would be no need for a CYOA.

Where's Gats to say "Shit's not cannon, yo." when you need him.
Quite literally even the original creator of the first 3 charts said, "nothing is canon."

Actually, the "Nothing is canon, everything open to interpretation" thing was one of the things Gats almo-


It seems strange that you're the one complaining about canonicality. Now, Gats said that there isn't any real "canon" in Towergirls, and other peoples designs are equally valid. "canonicality" of the charts is more about making them match in style with the originals, so they seem equally valid. Gen 4 and 5 accomplish that fine, but the bonus gen immediately feels "less canonical" because it has those obvious game videogame expies that wouldn't at all fit the original charts. That's really my biggest problem with it, it makes the other princesses on the bonus charts, which include some very nice deigns, seem "less canon" and "fake" by association.

Probably because with gen 5 essentially done, we're moving to doing (or finishing, as some of them are already partway done) the bonus gens. So it seems like a reasonable time to bring up fixing up bonus gen 1 as well (at the very least, several of the princesses need higher quality artwork, as with lot of the existing gen 2 and 3 fanmade ones).

They either need to be updated or removed. Leaving them as they are is pretty much unliked by everyone but you. They do not fit in the current style at all.

>muh precious chart expanded upon by anons with too much free time might change
>the canon police will break into my home and delete the old charts and art from my computer
>how will I live knowing other people decided to produce a more conceptually consistent and artistically improved version of these charts.
salty bitch nigga

emphasis on bitch.

you must be literally autistic to care this much about the outcome of some bored nerd following the consensus of other bored nerds so they can spread around a CYOA they like.

nevermind arguing about canon

or how a barely codified chart works.

Not Gats, but will a Photo user with a screencap do?

No, you just want it.
>They're unliked by everyone!
Keep making up bullshit.

It doesn't matter who said it. It's idiotic and misses the point of CYOAs entirely.

What are chocolate dicks? How come no one uses em?

Something stupid.

Because they don't do anything. The magic one is a 'fan supplement' made by people on cripple chan.

I used them in a strategy involving Mimic and Mermaid Princess

But gat's said canonically they have to have them. If we don't then how can we follow anything else he says. I mean, he is the head of Towergirls.

Now everything is invalidated.

>Everything is canon
Huh. I remembered that wrong.

He says you have them, yes, but, the supplement is about losing the ones you had in the original CYOA and having to buy cursed ones.