What is your favorite Urban Horror system and why? What it does good, what does it bad?
Urban Horror
I'm surprised the poor creature didn't get shot.
Spotted the amerilard desu
Guns are very illegal in most of the world you cunt
Right, sorry. To put it in the terms denizens of the old continent can relate with - I'm surprised the poor creature doesn't have bomb strapped to the costume.
>people get shot in germany
>people get shot in france
>gun stores still a thing in bongistan
/pol/ pls go and stay go.
sorry, im surprised he didnt get hit by a truck and then shot.
I find the Gumshoe system works pretty well, If you want a sanity system I like Unknown armies the best.
What else is there? World of Darkness? Little Fears?
Not a huge fan of world of darkness for horror myself, but Im sure it could be done. Havent heard of little fears.
I suppose GURPS would work too, or anything multi-genre like it.
I'm surprised the poor creature didn't get hacked to death with an axe
I'm surprised the poor creature didn't get raped.
Canada, please.
Don't Rest Your Head
Monsters and Other Childish Things arguably
Pact Dice when
Unknown Armies and Delta Green are two of my all time favorite games. Unknown Armies for the crazy setting that gives you the ability to constantly generate plot hooks from real life events and Delta Green for the excellent direction it takes the Cthulhu Mythos. The new rules for both are also very good.
Don't Rest Your Head also looks great but I can't figure out how to run it for the life of me.
Unknown Armies because of the "sanity" system. The game puts a lot of effort into tracking how characters change after being through all the shit that PCs do, and the stress meters are integrated heavily into the rest of the system.
The system may not be as viscerally tense for the players as something like Dread (it's hard to beat that resolution mechanic when you want tension), but it does an excellent job of showing how the players' characters react to horror, both in the short and long term.
Also the UA setting is wacky as fuck and I love it.
>What is your favorite Urban Horror system and why?
Wir schaffen das!
Definitely Unknown Armies. Although I don't actually like the sanity system that much.
I've used a mix of Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green and Dark Heresy.
I told my players to think of people and characters from a 1920 not Earth
The result where a black airplane pilot, a backer, a mistress of a whore house, a small time bank robber and a crazy old lady with pyromania.
Basically set in 1920 ish not Earth World War I was Genstealer cult plot, and World War II is the work of chaos cultist.
The 40k Inquisitor set a Delta Green like force in not UK to figure out why The chaos cultist are trying to take over the world and how the bastards are brining advance technology to fuel not Germany.
u gettin wrekd m8
Unknown Armies use dice or is it storytelling thingy?
It's d% roll-under. You've got a skill at 45. Base difficulty, you roll under a 45 on a d100 and you succeed. The higher your skill, the higher your chances of success.
Don't Rest Your Head. Just read it and you'lol see it has the best resolution mechanic in any horror system I've played.
But user, if you fight back then they win.
Will there be much difference between second edition of Unknown Armies and what is coming up in the third? Any KS backers here?
Dread goes in all boxes
I have seen this face before. reverse image searching is yielding nothing.
AFMBE is good for most horror and the BEST if you want zombies.
try icfswe
Too spooky for me
>over 20 million non-germans in Germany
>less than 60 million natives and declining fast
It's one of those crops which is specifically edited to be impossible to reverse image search without ending up on the 'anime' page.
When will sheeple wake up and recognise white genocide?
>user points out objective facts
>shut up /pol/
Backer here. 3rd edition is significantly different.
Any chance you could point out the main differences please?
White people are a social construct.
Most of the avatars are the same, but there are few new ones.
ALL of the adept schools have been replaced
Body, Mind, Speed, and Soul stats are gone
Skills have been replaced with Identities (like in Over The Edge)
Free skills like Struggle, Notice, and Dodge have all been moved into a default skill system that replaced Body, Mind, Speed, and Soul. Your default skill system can only be affected by your stress gauges and CAN NOT change in any way outside of gaining or losing notches.
Instead of having an Obsession skill you now have an Obsession identity. Since you usually will only have 3-5 identities this provides a MASSIVE buff to non magic characters. Magic characters get a buff as well as most of the new adept schools can gain charges with less personal sacrifice needed, except for one school, and all non adept non avatar magic has been moved into a category known as Gutter Magic.
The story has also advanced as well. Spoilers from here on out.
St.Germaine is dead.
>Most of the avatars are the same, but there are few new ones.
>ALL of the adept schools have been replaced
It's not like it's hard to port them from 2 to 3, so that basically doesn't count.
Sort of.
>Sort of
Shhh, that's a more fun thing that shouldn't be spoiled.
Just to comment, changing the system to be based on the gauges was a fucking genius move.
Absolutely. The stress gauges are cool and all, but when GMing 2e I find I really don't have much use for them. If you don't roll stress checks the gauges are completely useless. In 3e if you don't roll stress checks the gauges still have heavy mechanical weight.
>all non adept non avatar magic has been moved into a category known as Gutter Magic
Slight correction to an otherwise totally accurate post. There is another non-adept school of magic, Thaumaturgy.
Gutter Mages use symbolism and raw willpower (that looks like something akin to trailer-park voodoo in practice) to basically trick the universe into thinking two unrelated things are related, which causes it to react appropriately. You can fool the universe into thinking that this person *really* ought to be hit by a bus sometime soon, and the universe conspires to make that happen. You can also fool the universe into thinking that someone else is you, which is useful when not-so-friendly Adepts are trying to magickally assassinate you--they might just get the other poor sap instead, because the universe's targetting is fried.
There are no hard-and-fast rituals, no rulebooks, and just because stealing a lock of your neighbor's hair, dropping it into a bucket of water and incanting his mother's comments during his baptism backwards resulted in him drowning the next day doesn't mean that the same actions would work for somebody else--it just might not be symbolically appropriate for them. Gutter magic is intensely personal.
On the other end of the "Not an Adept" spectrum are Thaumaturges. These are what most people think of when they think "Magic" in the real world. Circles of salt, incense, dusty old tomes filled with arcane knowledge, those are the things a Thaumaturge uses to get shit done. Whereas Gutter Mages operate with broad strokes, throwing out as much symbolism as they can to try to snarl up the universe's mystic lines of cause and effect, Thaumaturges are much more precise. The Rituals used in Thaumaturgy are more akin to cheat codes to the universe--do the right series of actions, at the right time, in the right mindset, with the right materials, and a particular thing will happen. They're repeatable, specific, and work for anyone.
Err, woops. My bad. 3e's a mess to read right now. I never saw Thaumaturgy mentioned.
GURPS Horror is quite good, but it has its problems. Rules for when (or how often) you should roll fear check are very vague.
[ ] not BTFO
[X] Blown The Fuck Out
[X] Bee Tee Eff Oh
[X] BTFOverload
It's not that abnormal to run away if you see a dog running towards you, even if it's not often the best way to deal with a violent dog
>It's not like it's hard to port them from 2 to 3, so that basically doesn't count.
Greg Stolze stated in an interview somewhere that this was the reason that it was done that way (avatars didn't get the same treatment because they're more universal by definition). The fact that adepts of the older schools get referenced as though they're still a thing in the new books highlights this.
One of the things that I'm not 100% on is, what happens when someone without the 'casts rituals' feature on an identity tries one out? Giving some sort of gradient to learning how gutter magic works beyond 'admission: one hardened unnatural notch' would've been cool too.
The new Delta Green has Sanity wear on your relationships. Unknown Armies gas five different Sanity stats.
>GURPS Horror is quite good, but it has its problems. Rules for when (or how often) you should roll fear check are very vague.
You can probably wing it. In a way, I think that you can get away with GURPS Urban Horror only using Basic Set rules.
Ah yes. Are you ready to bend over for the next step in your disarmament? They have a catchy jingle.
"Don't be a loon, bin that spoon!"
Ofcourse facts are decried with cries of /pol/. /pol/ is always right. That's why it's hated.
The new UA has relationship mechanics too.
> /pol/ is always right
I'm sure President Romney would agree.
Except he did win. If you only count actual legal voters, he won the election even with Obongo's attempts to suppress conservatives using the IRS. The dims just shipped in enough illegals that they were able to steal it.
But was he president?
By the laws of the United States, he was. But then, since when have the dims ever cared about the law?
Objective facts that have nothing to do with Veeky Forums or this thread.
> muh /pol/ boogieman
It's /pol/ related topic, therefore if you want to discuss it, you should go to /pol/ or /trash/.
Facts don't need to stay confined to /pol/.
/pol/ related discussion does. We see enough of that shit everywhere else, it doesn't need to be on Veeky Forums as well.