Can we get a dwarf fortress thread?

Can we get a dwarf fortress thread?

Non-ASCII dorfs welcome as well.

Other urls found in this thread:

How is this Veeky Forums-related?


DF threads about gameplay don't really belong here.
DF threads focusing on worlds and stories have traditionally been Traditional Games.

However, begging for contributions from others without providing any of your own is really more /r/, innit OP?



>having taste

Dorf fortress is probably the most Veeky Forums game ever made
Even the graphics are traditional

>the most Veeky Forums game ever made
this is contested by SS13 & Chapter Master

Both are too modern

>the forgotten beast Fuckface has come!
>a whatever made of hard inorganic material
>beware its webs!

I forget, is it possible for a forgotten beast to be made of adamantium, or is the worst case scenario iron?

>not dust

If you get dust with a weak syndrome it doesn't really matter

any web is fucking deadly

>trumping being on-topic

>Being this inundated with cocks.

you must be new here, Dorf fort has been Veeky Forums forever.

Begging for shit without contributing is p much Veeky Forums, user

Worst case is steel.

See the thing with webs is that the only real way to kill a web shooter is to shoot it with bolts. An inorganic creature doesn't bleed or take organ damage, so killing one of those with anything but a well placed melee weapon blow destroying a body part us basically impossible.

Combine the two and you have an unkillable fuck beast. Even the worst dust can be killed at least.

Gods, I had an absolutely great adventure once.

Strolled into town, and an extricable ash cloud rolled in. Everyone turned into ash-zombies, and started murdering each other. I just rolled around, confused as hell, before realizing the world hated me.

After a spree of murder, I stumbled into an old tomb with a mummy. I found her, and she raised all the zombies there. But since we were both undead, they just spectated as I tried to behead their master. She managed to cut off my arm with a copper knife, before I slew her. After, escaping through the sewers, merfolk severed my other arm and a leg. I couldn't find a crutch, and had to bite people to death. It was effective, but uninteresting. Feeling it was about time to end this fun rump around, I looked for a way to die. So I threw myself into a volcano.

Spectacularly, my bones could not melt, and I was stuck roaming the magma sea for all eternity. Very odd having to 'retire' when you're just a lava skeleton.

Fair point. I wouldn't really know. I've only ever needed the other boards once or twice before.

This could make for an amusing comic.