MTG Modern General

Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)

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great, we've got that out of the way

No it's not.


RUG Scapeshift has been the most fun and enjoyable modern deck ive played so far.

What makes it better or more entertaining than any other Scapeshift variant?

Asking because Temur colours are my favorite.

Ancient stirrings is a fucking broken card for tron. Allowing me to dig 5 cards is fucking insane considering preordain is banned. I keep expecting g it to get banned and I get surprised every time it's not

Modern's problem is that it has no way of self-regulating its metagame. Force of Will does it for Legacy. Twin USED to do it for Modern until Wizards decided to make the format stagnate.

>Twin shitters still crying about their deck being banned

Tell me what needs "regulating" in the current modern format. The format is far from stagnate. You would be able to tell if you ever did anything besides bitch about Twin being banned.

Not that guy, but are you seriously ok with 2/3 of the meta being a form of aggro? Because I'm not.

Most of the top decks in Modern are uninteractive. That's what needs regulating.

>everyones complaining about uninteractive decks and I'm here forcing shitty T2-T3 solitaire decks every friday like KCI Eggs and Storm.

The BtL version is trash. Too many one ofs lead to the deck lacking consistency. Yeah you get more copies of Scapeshift technically but the extra color you have to add to do so makes color fixing absurdly difficult. The RUG prismatic version is the best. The color fixing is easy with all the ramp you run and i almost never struggle with Cryptic mana. Prismatic Omen helps as a secondwincon and prevents you from drawing out of the combo by drawing too many mountains. Ive had many games end where i have two valakuts out and an omen and every land drop and ramp spell hits for six damage. Its sweet.

Heres the list man. Its very fun and interactive.
RUG Scapeshift is pretty interactive and an enjoyable deck to play. Does work against Midrange and Control strategies. Worst matchups probably Infect but Sudden Shock and Anger of the Gods help.

Turnfags where ya at

Went to town and met up with the Spikes. Got my ass torn asunder by Affinity and Temur Delver. I'm really glad I'm running 4 spell snares main in favor of the Thassa list. Cranial Plating is otherwise unbeatable.

>sudden shock
Most underrated card in modern. That thing does so much work and generally fucks with your opponents plan.
>tfw killing a Sakura tribe elder or a fulminator mage with it

Lmao. Force is gonna fix this? A card that is meant to keep combo from being degenerate? You realize combo beats aggro right?

>Heh, just gonna end step this Boulderhead so I can get a free block on this kid

Cards worth hitting with Force in Modern:
>Slippery Bogle
>Goblin Guide
>Arcbound Ravager
>Sylvan Scrying/Expedition Map
>Glistener Elf

Force rapes linear game plans and loses to goodstuff. This has been true for a long time.

That would lead to the same problem having Mental Misstep in the format causes. Every deck would run it for fear of losing to it.

Disrupting shoal is the best you get. It's more build around but all those cards you named are low enough cmc

The humongous problem with Force of Will is that you have to 2 for 1 yourself to counter the spell. This is why Force decks traditionally have a bad matchup against fairer decks like Jund. Force of Will is a shit card that nobody would run unless they had to. Honestly I believe Modern would be a better place with Force of Will and all degenerate combo decks unleashed off the ban list. Dread Return, Rite of Flame, Second Sunrise, Hypergenesis, bring it all the fuck on.

I don't necessarily disagree with that at all. I think Modern would be a healthier and far more interesting format if the ban list was much, much smaller.

This. Fixed force is actually good. Nobody uses it though

Why fix a shit card?

Because you have to build around it more. Instead of every deck with blue jamming it in you need the right curve and it doesn't just become another mental misstep

>print a card making blue insane
>allow every degenerate card off so you need to either play degenerate or blue to counter degenerate
Sounds like a great fucking format you retard

Force of Will isn't why people play blue in Legacy. That would be Brainstorm, Ponder, Delver, and Jace.

Not referring to legacy. I'm referring to that user saying to take all degenerate shit off modern ban list and put force in modern to police the format. That sounds fucking awful

>I'm referring to that user saying to take all degenerate shit off modern ban list and put force in modern to police the format.
Literally no one said that, read what was said next time maybe.

>Honestly I believe Modern would be a better place with Force of Will and all degenerate combo decks unleashed off the ban list. Dread Return, Rite of Flame, Second Sunrise, Hypergenesis, bring it all the fuck on


are... are you retarded, user?


I don't understand that nobody came up with something with that stuff at competitive level.

The card seems to have so much potential.

How would you make it work ? I'm thinking about some kind of Valakut Dredge deck.

I have to disagree with your color fixing sentiment regarding BtL Scapeshift
Running one Plains, one Temple Garden, one Prairie Stream, and 4 Mistys I can't recall having a game where I needed to BtL for 4 colors but didn't have them
With ramp spells considered, only running 3 white lands, I have 18 cards in my deck that can get white mana
As long as you're smart with your fetches, Search for Tomorrows, Farseeks, etc you won't have a problem reaching 4 colors, getting 3 blue for Cryptic, or any other requirements

The only one-ofs I run that RUG doesn't are Anger of the Gods and Hunting Wilds, the actual cards that lead you to comboing off don't lack consistency at all

I still think RUG is a totally viable and reasonable choice, but you're being a bit harsh of the BtL variant

to make it better than scapeshift it'd have to be easier to get 7 lands into your graveyard than into play
the problem with that however is that with scapeshift you can put any 7 lands into play, as long as you have 2G or 4 colors depending on your variation
with splended rec you have to specifically put 6 mountains and a valakut into your graveyard to get an equal effect, which seems much more difficult

that's not to say someone might come up with a non-valakut related use for the card, but at least in that sense i don't think it'll ever replace scapeshift

DESU cards should never exceed $10 in price. Ever.

>I make poor life decisions and feel entitled to everything

What about comboing it with cards like Smallpox and Ghost Quarter ?

>this is a fishing rod. he just threw it into the water.


why not just run life from the loam?
i mean maybe it's got a place there, but if you want to get lands back/dredge loam is already the perfect card for that

>implying cardboard should ever be worth more than 10 dollars

Alpha and beta cards are rare, yeah, but saying "P-POORFAG" doesn't detract from the reality that SINGLE cards can cost more than sixty dollars a pop. There is no need for cards to be that expensive. I shouldn't have to drop a thousand on a game to be competitive. Is it smart to have a barrier of entry? Sure. Is it smart to limit gameplay to the neckbeards with latent money and chinamen? No.

I suppose I was being a bit harsh on it. It just seems to be more inconsistent.
Im running one anger of the gods main in RUG to help against Burn , CoCo decks and Infect. I also really like the Prismatic Omens, hitting people with uncounterable bolts off your land drops is sweet. Oracle of Mul Daya is amazing with it too.
Heres a good tutor.

See and

>friend wants to play modern
>recommend he play BG Elves because it cheep-ish and works as both aggro and combo
>he comes back with a deck list
>its BG
>but its not elves
>its fucking spiders
>buddy wants to run 3 Graf widows and 4 spider spawning
>his only 1 drop is thoughtsieze
How do I break it to him that his deck is hot fucking garbage?

Eh. The way I look at it this is my hobby. Other people might ski or play golf or make things. No matter what a hobby will cost you. Every year people update their ski gear or buy new golf clubs. I do the same but with cardboard. The thing with magic though is these individual cardboards have value to them. Not just to me but to somebody else in the world too. I could collect them or play competative or simply sell them when I outgrow the game (I hope I never do). And I've already spent my money and now I have these cards that I can play and enjoy with either my friends or my local FNM. Just my viewpoint but yeah I can see how the prices might turn off newer players. What really made me realize I might as well dish out the extra cash was calculating how much money I lost buying shitty booster packs when I first started. Probably spent enough money on packs and boxes to make jund or another tier one by now, not to mention my 3 competative modern decks and two edh.

>How do I break it to him that his deck is hot fucking garbage?
Proxy some tier decks and pwn his pile with them. He's got to learn the hard way.

Any tips on playing control? I put the spirit meme together and I'm just trying to get a better handle on control in general since I normally play a linear deck. Do I basically just serum, and counter stuff early then slowly start bring in the creatures to start widdlin' away?

The secret with this isn't to use it as a second scapeshift
You use it alongside fetches and Prismatic Omen to allow you to trigger Valakut a turn earlier.

>I put the spirit meme together and I'm just trying to get a better handle on control in general since I normally play a linear deck. Do I basically just serum, and counter stuff early then slowly start bring in the creatures to start widdlin' away?
I'm pretty sure sperts is a tempo deck, so that means sometimes you will be control and sometimes you will be beatdown. Your role can change mid-match or even mid-game depending on how each player draws.

If you're the control, try to save your counter magic and removal only for the things that are really threatening to you. You should try to get as much mileage from each card as you can and avoid overextending.

If you're the beatdown you should be trying to keep your opponent off his answers as much as possible. This could involve hitting payoff spells or development spells like ramp and cantrips depending on what kind of answers and clock you're working with. You'll have to strike a balance between putting down a fast clock and overextending. Sometimes playing creatures without using their etbs will be the best play if you need a fast clock.

Thanks. That's what I've been gathering by playing a few rounds. Usually works out best by drawing and countering early while accumulating enough mana to start casting creatures and having backup in my hand to protect what's on the field.

Sounds like a delver strategy with shitty forced cards.

My friends and I recently made a deck with this card and Valakut. I call it "Splendid Dredge." It's been doing alright actually, mostly because no one at our store expected it and had no grave hate other than Grafdiggers. I can post the list of you want. My buddy Top 8'd last Monday night Modern with it.

So, Esper control splashing green for Tamiyo, or Bant control splashing black for esper charm


So your plan is to just ignoe burn?

Obviously cuz leyline of sanctity, feed the clan and timely reinforcements doesn't exist. nor does sphynx revelations

The only card that I'm not really liking at all so far is Mausoleum Wanderer. Looks good when you read it but it has yet to really payoff for me

It's better in a more aggro version of the deck with aether vial and lots of spirits with etb effects, leaving almost no room for non-creature counterspells.

Smh desu senpai

List my man! Splendid Rec is poised to be flavour-of-the-month once people figure out a list, I swear. Played against a guy running Rune Snags with it, was pretty gross.
Not sure if Dredge is the route to go since gravehate hurts, but it's still a wonderful brew and something awesome for Valakut players to tinker with. EMN has a lot of sweet toys for modern.

Finally picked up the Gemstone. Next piece is a Grafdiggers for the sideboard.

Been thinking of cutting a mine and moving a Spell Snare to the mainboard, I bring it in often enough and it would open up a sb slot for sweet sweet jank.

In the meantime I found some spicy anti-Dredge tech while I wait for Grafdiggers. Startled Awake top secret tech do not steal

I'm pretty sure you are joking but I'll bite. How often do you actually get to the point where milling the dredge player becomes a legitimate path to victory? Unless you completely mill them out in one turn doesn't it just speed them up to killing you?

4x Stomping Ground
4x Cinder Glade
4x Wooded Foothills
4x Valakut the Molten Pinacle
9x Mountains

4x Golgari grave Troll
4x Insolent Neonate
2x Stinkweed Imp

4x Tormenting Voice
4x Faithless Looting
4x Slendid Reclamation
4x Life from the Loam
2x Edge of Autumn

4x Noxious Revival
3x Reclaim

Still working on sideboard but will definetly include Boseiju and most likely Natural State

Playing the matchup properly, you'll never mill them. And yeah it has to be a lethal milling or else it doesn't do anything.

...But playing the matchup improperly, and giving them a Howling Mine on turn two, these guys go dredgecrazy, man. The power of dredging twice an upkeep drives them power-mad, and before they know it, they've only got a dozen cards left and you're probably dead by then, but holy hell is it gonna be fun pulling it off at FNM

Lel nice try
>Shinx's Rev
Lel never gonna happen
>Timely and Feed clan
Actually, better hope I don't have 1 of the 8 anti-Lifegain burn spells in hand

Sweet, thanks man!
Saw another guy run it in a Treasure Hunt deck with Moltex Vortex, pretty hilarious.

Ever try using Magmatic Insight with it? It seems like a piece of the reclaimation puzzle.

Fair enough. I definitely agree that the best wins are the ones where if your opponent had played perfectly you had no chance but they decide to get greedy and blown out.

Semi-related: I have a UB mill deck that I sometimes bring to FNM if I'm feeling frisky. Last week I was in the mood and brought it only for my first 2 matches to be against dredge. Luckily I maindeck leyline of the void and I knew for a fact that those 2 players were on dredge from overhearing conversations before the event. Both game 1's I didn't get the leyline in my opening 7, 6, or 5 so I just conceded and went to sideboarding. I barely managed to win 1 of the matches but not the other. The look on my opponent's faces game 2 when I opened on leyline, turn 1 hedron crab followed by turn 2 another crab and fetchland was absolutely worth every loss that night.

Makes sense. I was running 3 Spell Queller but I upped it to 4 now and I'm slowly ridding the deck of the Wanderer

That matchup is next level, the pinnacle of mtg playz on par with zooicide vs burn.
Also, void leyline = best leyline, hands down.
punishment and singularity get honorable mentions.


roast my deck Veeky Forums
4x Disowned Ansector
4x Qarsi Sadist
4x Kheru Bloodsucker
2x Wall of Essense
2x Siege Rhino
2x Athreos, God of Passage
1x Archfiend of Depravity

2x Abzan Ascendancy
2x Palace Siege
2x Assault Formation
2x Brave the Sands
1x Hall of Triumph

2x Abzan Charm
2x Dromokas Command
2x Shape the sands

Lands: A bunch of basics and multicolored tap lands because user was too poor to get sets of fetches etc.

*Yes I know this deck is running 70 cards rather than 60
**Yes I know there's no Coco, I'm waiting until they cost less than 30 kangaroo dollars each

Wait, there's 26 lands, so deck is 60 cards, I can't do maths today apparently

>roast my deck Veeky Forums
You're confident enough to call that a deck?

I really hate playing cryptic command, it's always begging to get countered.

>playing assault formation and not going full retard with it

I fucking love this card.

Flashing back Ancestral, Kommand, Dismember, Pulse...

Will it ever be more than a one of?

It's a super fat pseudo-caster mage.

I love it personally.


Is there a deck ever that uses pic?

No. That's probably the least viable win condition ever printed.

Are spirits going to be a thing? I noticed that Rattlechains spiked up to $5 now due to the hype

No... but if you want to try it, Prismatic Omen, Nylea's Pressence, Transguild Courier and Bloom Tender are ways to do it.

The difference here is that cardboard will always just be cardboard. You cannot possibly compare it to ski gear or golf clubs because those actually need to be designed well to function properly. It's impossible to play golf with a big stick or to ski on top of a couple 2x4s and expect to be able to compete at a professional level, but you can take a piece of paper and have it represent a piece of cardboard.

Esper?! ESPER?!? Are you Roger from Shaun McLaren's Twitch stream?

>Nylea's Pressence and Bloom Tender

How gross. Prismatic decks don't need that much mana fixing, just ways to get the enchantment out and land ramp as fast as possible. You couldn't even recommend Sylvan Caryatid with your dumb deck in mind? You just had to go for the overpriced elf?

What he should be using is Birds of Paradise, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Kodama's Reach, and Enlightened Tutor.

You run prismatic and nyleas not for fixing but so you have all basic land types for Coalition. It would be more expensive to go for a colorful mana base instead of monogreen.
Transguild is there so you have a creature of each type. Bloom tender is there since you've already cast Transguild, you get 5 mana, which is needed to cast the 8 mana sorcery. Why bother with hexproof when they can kill the courier?
By the way Birds are expensive nowadays, so your shitpile of suggestions is not only infer-
Ah it was a joke. My bad.

Didn't work well, you need to discard the dredge cards. Also usually hands have 4 or less hands in it and then you never draw another card, just dredge.

Mono black zombies, or mix some blue in?

Here's my great brew. It wins against other tier 1 solid decks like mardu or draw go with ease. All it needs is sphinx rev tho. Any idea what to replace to add sphinx rev?

The ToPs feel really out of place and should be cut for Languish or Planar Out Burst.

>modern thread
>modern non viable card

Maybe the next thread should start with sphinx rev.

You two are close to describing my modern deck. Just add molten vortex, more disruption and removal, faithless looting, and various hate cards to deal with weak matchups.

>tfw your dankdwellers hit a Boom/Bust

Why not just play regular dredge?
Wanderer is shit, don't play him at all
...Why are you running gemstone cavern if you're mono blue? Every land you play that doesn't tap for blue makes your Gigadrowse worse. And gigadrowse is kinda a time walk that fits anywhere on your mana curve.

>Ancestral Visions on gatherer
>"This has no mana cost, which means it can’t be cast with the Replicate ability of Djinn Illuminatus or by somehow giving it Flashback."
Are you sure it works with goblin dark-dwellers?

Blue, unless you're going black devotion, which is legit. Compelling Deterrence is good.

Yeah goblin dark dwellers dont give a card flashback, it just functions like flashback. If goblins couldnt "flashback" visions suspend couldnt.

Worse than Door to Nothingness?

Yes it works, same way as cascade does. It doesn't have a mana cost at all, rather than having a mana cost of 0, so snapcaster can't give it flashback for 0; however, the converted mana cost is technically 0, and since GDD cares about converted mana cost 3 or less it can be recast by him.

There's only two gigas, and while yes there is merit to going only islands in order to min-max the gigadrowse, I've yet to have a problem casting it optimally and I must have played the deck a hundred times online. I personally think the upsides of the colorless lands outweigh the downsides, although you could argue that gemstone and calciform aren't very important to the gameplan and are moreso luxury lands. They do some crazy things though.

I'm sure I'll get pinched for it some day. As far as I'm concerned though, the odds of punting a gigadrowse are lower than the odds of starting with a chrome mox. It's a bit like scooze and goyf, where the nonbo exists but you don't give a hoot.