I'm happy to report that today my SoB table on turn 5, 6 wraith, 3 full necron Warriors, 2 croissant, lord with orb and his shield lych guard buddies.
+++ Traditional Sisters of Battle (1491pts) +++
++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1365pts) ++
+ HQ (135pts) +
Saint Celestine (135pts)
+ Troops (290pts) +
Battle Sister Squad (145pts) [2x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Flamer, Battle Sister with Flamer]
··Immolator [Dozer Blade, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
··Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Flamer]
Battle Sister Squad (145pts) [2x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Flamer, Battle Sister with Flamer]
··Immolator [Dozer Blade, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
··Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Flamer]
+ Fast Attack (550pts) +
Dominion Squad (190pts) [4x Dominion with Meltagun]
··Dominion Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]
··Immolator [Dozer Blade, Laud Hailer, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
Dominion Squad (190pts) [4x Dominion with Meltagun]
··Dominion Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]
··Immolator [Dozer Blade, Laud Hailer, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
Seraphim Squad (170pts) [8x Seraphim, Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers, Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers]
+ Heavy Support (390pts) +
Exorcist (130pts) [Storm Bolter]
Exorcist (130pts) [Storm Bolter]
Exorcist (130pts) [Storm Bolter]
++ Inquisition: Codex (2013) (Inq Inquisitorial Detachment) (126pts) ++
+ HQ (126pts) +
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (63pts) [Bolt Pistol, Force Sword, Power Armour, Psyker (Mastery Level 1)]
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (63pts) [Bolt Pistol, Force Sword, Power Armour, Psyker (Mastery Level 1)]