Why the fuck does no one here play Yu-gi-oh?
RIP DN 2012-2016
Why the fuck does no one here play Yu-gi-oh?
Cause it's boring, imbalanced, and total garbage stylistically
Totally not garbage statistically, this game probably has the least variance of any tcg even magic. And it is definitely not imbalanced LOL
>Boy this card has 1400 attack, this will be an amazing addition in my deck to help me survive until I can fusian/ritual summon.
>Boy, these new effect cards that build off each other and encourage synergy help make the game fun
>Boy, synchro summons? Thats sounds kinda broken, at least you need a special card type to summon one
>XYZ? Ok... this is getting more bullshit
>Pendulum? Well fuck me, summon 5 monsters this turn idgaf anymore
Does the fact that current decks can have you draw, discard, and play maybe 2 dozen cards in the first turn and wipe out your opponent not have anything to do with it?
The game is bloated, it's shows aren't exactly high art (haven't glanced to check if there's a current manga) and it's aesthetic was kind of generic when it came out several years ago.
Yu gi oh became unbalanced garbage
I still play it alot though (pic related, best deck)
Hahahahahahahahahaha, my Gravekeeper's have a few things to say to that.
because its a kids game...
i mean i play it. (raidraptors FTW)
>but real quick for a topic of discussion
Kozmos are fucking trash
>has good field
>delt alittle damage but not enought to stop him/her from using the cost effects
>opponents turn
>summons tincan
>knows im already fucked
>one turn later
>WTF!? special summoning after removing DURING the damage step to attack again? and again?
>okay thats fine just lemme activate a speedroid menko to stop that shit
*****Kozmo dark lady: pay 1000 LP negated and RAGE
okay, then lemme activate a trap card that targets your mons--
>cant be targeted by card effects
>has 1400LP left
>has a MST and a pain lanius because my big play was last turn.
>draw for turn
>its Cattle call
>normal pain
>puts pain in grave
>summons ultimate falcon (hear me out)
>opponent pays 1000 and
Still don't understand how it has become "unbalanced garbage". Sorry that you can't play your shit dark magician deck anymore. Just like with any card game formats and sets cycle what is good similar to mtg standard. I'd honestly say there are only a few cards that aren't fair like Monarch Stormforth, Card of Demise, and maybe Pantheism too.
I wouldn't even say it's a kids game. If you go to any evens they're filled with mostly 18-2X year olds. Younger audience than magic for sure but I don't consider it really a game made for children anyway.
maybe were you are but im surrounded by kids at my locals, and if they are not kids, they are fedora fags (im a man bun fag but eh)
>Still don't understand how it has become "unbalanced garbage".
Imagine if, for the sake of argument, you received a gun that could kill most other players in 2-3 shots.
Now imagine if the gun suddenly became unusable and the next gun you received could kill other players in 1-2 shots.
Now imagine sometime later, that gun became unusable but this time, you received an automatic gun that could take out maybe 4-5 players on average.
Now imagine sometime later, that gun became unusable but you received an automatic gun with less kick, allowing you to take out twice as many players as you could before but now, it takes special ammo.
Now let's say that sometime later, you're forced to upgrade to the next gun, whose ammo clip can accept any ammo you find lying around, without sacrificing any of the perks it had before.
Now imagine if the next gun after that one could suck up ammo from the ground and just give you effectively unlimited ammo so long as you have a large enough cache of bullets.
And that's basically what YGO has become and why it's complete garbage, in order to win, you have to play to the meta and abuse combos and poorly written rules just for most games to be over in 1-3 turns due to how powerful certain cards have become.
And then to add insult to injury, you look back and realize that you basically wasted hundreds of dollars on cards that will most likely never be playable ever again due to the game has changed while still having to spend hundreds of more dollars just to keep up with the latest broken archtypes or special rules that they keep pumping out every couple of years.
And that's why it's unbalanced garbage.
Is the treadmill that bad? Are there no stable decks in the game?
>Sorry that you can't play your shit dark magician deck anymore.
Why does every Yugiohfag resort to this defense? No one hates that they can't play cards from the original anime, they hate the fact that the game is an unbalanced piece of shit.
>Is the treadmill that bad?
>Are there no stable decks in the game?
Every archtype that's released is fundementally better than most of the archtypes that came before it. Then a year or so after release, they'll ban/limit specific cards that made the archtype viable and then release the next broken archtype that's better than everything that came before it.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Literally everything on Veeky Forums is a kids game.
I wouldn't really call SR or WoD or Apocalypse World kids games.
Because tg is full of the kind of filthy unwashed people that would be kindly asked to leave the card shop.
>Does the fact that current decks can have you draw, discard, and play maybe 2 dozen cards in the first turn and wipe out your opponent not have anything to do with it?
If anything that's the reason why you would play this game. I don't wanna wait 20 turns to make a move.
>summon 5 monsters
That's very uncommon, since you have to use 2 cards to set your pendulum scale leaving you with 3 cards in hand and it's very unlikely all 3 will be monsters.
and even if you pendulum summoned 3 monsters, now you don't have any spells or traps to protect them.
>this thread
Edgy kids game, I know because I play WoD since I was 13.
Lightsworns, heroes, mermails, burning abyss and blackwings will last forever.
The only good card there is Dark Law.
>burning abyss
I doubt that people will play after the next banlist
Heroes were good long before dark law and they'll continue being good long after.
Implying tewart is gonna touch his babies.
>>Boy this card has 1400 attack, this will be an amazing addition in my deck to help me survive until I can fusian/ritual summon.
That has literally never happened, because people realized pretty early on that La Jinn was THE beatstick and that 1800 was the gold standard of attacking. No one used fusions, because they quickly figured out that shit wasn't happening.
Rituals aren't even used outside of degenerate bullshit and the first prominent ritual deck was demise otk.
Tewarts babies are Noble Knights, BA, Kozmo and Subterrors
Tewart wouldn't completely fuck a TCG archetype, BA and Kozmo get slaps on the wrist at best.
Not even true, there are loads of archetypes that just keep coming back or stay good for a while. Heck just look at monarchs, heroes or even frogs
Fusions and rituals were never relevant at the time where 1400 attack even remotely mattered.
>Play Black Whirlwind
>Normal Shura
>Search Gale
>Special Gale
>Special Bora
>Special Kris
>Special Oroshi
Thats 5 monsters from the hand. Are blackwings broken?
yes, that's why they won worlds.
1400 attack had never even remotely been good, not even playground 10 year olds yugioh considered that good. 1800 has always been the minimum for a normal summon.
The won worlds because of DSF being a heinously broken piece of shit.
Veeky Forums is bad at everything.
I remember when newdrazi were released and their modern general shat on it for being a meme deck. Then it turns out that Eldrazi was the most dominant deck in Modern, a strong meta contender in Legacy, Vintage viable and a force in standard. Even after losing Eye of Ugin, Eldrazi are still strong as fuck in Modern.
I remember countless times where Veeky Forums would circlejerk over a soon to be junk mythic. There were people unironically calling that tree that swaps life with its toughness broken and deserving of a ban.
And there's staples that transfer over. It costs $400 or so for a deck from scratch in yugioh, with staples transferring over to other decks. In modern, it's $1500 for a good deck. That might eat a ban or a metashift and not be as good or even viable. You also have to deal with buyouts, which simply doesn't happen in yugioh. Heaven forbid you want decks that are off color from the fetches you have already.
Standard is a joke and legacy is 2-3k unless you go to based chinamen.
Daily reminder that /a/ yugioh threads have better players than Veeky Forums
/b/ yugioh threads have better players than Veeky Forums, never in my life have I seen so many shit players.
Daily reminder that /a/ yugioh threads have more pedos than Veeky Forums
/a/ and Veeky Forums are pretty equal on their pedo count.
I'm sure little billy would love to come over and check out your warhammer models.
So Desires is going to be a sure money card, right? I was thinking of going to gamble at the sneak peak.
Yeah, dumb people are gonna buy the fuck outta that shitty card.
From the looks of the thread, a fair number of people do play yugioh.
It's just that they're all really bad at the game, so they have no right to talk about it.
Are you really going to argue that Blackwings of all things are broken in today's meta? The person I responded to claimed that Pendulum was broken because they could throw out 5 monsters in one turn. I gave an example of an irrelevant deck that can do exactly the same thing (on the first turn, no less; in a vacuum, pendulum can only put out 3 monsters AT MOST on the first turn).
Because DN is down retard.
Because there are too many MTG fanboys, and YuGiOh limits itself to Veeky Forums a lot of the time.
And /a/
/v/ when the mods are asleep
/b/ when /b/ feels like it
/r9k/ when the robots get a little nostalgia boner
But yeah, mostly Veeky Forums
If there ever is a stable deck in the meta that lasts more than a couple formats, Konami will start banning cards until the archetype is unplayable when compared to the hot new shit they just printed.
Blackwings themselves ate multiple bans across multiple formats before people finally gave up playing them. That's how dedicated Konami was at burying the archetype.
>No one hates that they can't play cards from the original anime
I do.
Regardless of which direction this game goes, I still have my pair of Goat Control decks built and ready to use whenever and with whoever. Unless Shiranui Sage/Solitaire is gonna be
the treadmill is not that bad. Veeky Forums fags probably don't even play the game or have any knowledge other than what they hear from their other shitty magic friends
The game has gotten even cheaper too desu. It is very accessible now I'd say. It was extremely inexpensive when you could play online for free with DN and then only decide before actual events what cards to buy/borrow
you guys know Devpro exists right?
i know its not as accessible as DN since it needs a download, but that doesnt mean that online yugioh doesnt exist.