/cyoag/ CYOA General
does anyone have slut life?
It's right there in the previous thread.
Am I the only one that's shocked that at least one person is in their feelings because a zombie won't fuck them?
Of course a creature that isn't alive has no interest in sex; there's no blood or air flowing to their brain; there's no signal going to their nerves telling them to do anything. Those nerves have likely rotted away.
Then there was that other guy talking about how people were forcing their fetishes into things; how can you complain about cuckoldry and then complain when someone doesn't include necrophillia?
Moreover even if she wasn't made 'asexual,' she still wouldn't have a sex-drive. All it would mean in reality is that she'd be willing to give you hand-jobs or rub you with her dry vagina. SHE DOESN'T HAVE NERVES.
She doesn't eat; sleep; shit; drink; or likely even feel emotions. Love; lust; joy; despair; hate, these are biological processes. These biological ended when she became a zombie. That's what it means to be an undead zombie lich.
don't bring up shit from last thread. It's not even dead yet. Go there.
B, because D is boring
Please stop.
Post your rare CYOAs.
Anyone post from their phones? I have a lot of saved up CYOA usually containing waifus. Just wanna know if the size or resolution ever gets fucked up.
>40 Points
You realize this is pretty much just an RPG character builder. Different stats, but it may as well be ripped straight from DnD or something. There's no lore and there's no hook for self-insert wish-fulfillment.
I do, resolution can be a big issue
>It's My Job, Easy CYOA, Immortality
Comfy immortality and easy money (plus basically all the CYOAs I could ever want).
>immortality for first
>no need to worry about END
>humanity, northern (36)
>Beautiful (32)
>Necromancy (27)
>Druid (23)
>Rouge (18)
>Bard (15)
>Scholar (13)
>Alchemist (10)
>Short Sword (8)
>Throwing Knives (7)
>Large Instrument (5)
>Staff (1)
>Robes (0)
end stats
Str 4
End 1
Int 11
Cha 9
Per 7
Wis 6
Agi 7
Luk 5
I was disappointed about the changes to halfbreed and halblood, and about no more super strong and super agile. I thought my build was ruined and my stats would be horrible. But I guess the other little tweaks helped balance it, because my build still works fine and has pretty good stats. Thanks! Still very fun cyoa!
I'm thinking maybe I should take 2 of my pureblood vampire points from agility and add to wisdom instead though. Kind of thinking with my heavy natural armor that I wouldn't be to quick, but I might learn a lot of ancient secrets from living hundreds of years in the underdark.....
>Beastwoman (Naga) 33
>Halfblood (Dark Elf) 24
>Beautiful 20
>Blood of Giants 17
>Berserker 12
>Heavy Armor 8
>Vampire 10
>Pure Blood 0
>Deformed 4
>Practical 0
>STR 11
>END 9
>INT 3
>CHA 8
>PER 7
>WIS 5 (maybe should be 7?)
>AGI 7 (maybe should be 5?)
>LUK 3
A monstrous creature of the underdark, cast down a well by her mother because of her frightening form. She spends most of her time fuming over past wrongs and stalking dweller dwarves and mountain orcs for food. Occasionally she ventures to the surface to fight for a dark lord or evil enchantress when the price is right and they're in need of a savage addition to their hordes.
Thank goodness for cyoas when you have to stay up late to get ready to work some nights in lab.....
>80 Points
Angel (68)
STR: 14 / Werebeast 16
END 13 / Werebeast 15
INT 12
AGI 7 / Werebeast 10
WIS 10
PER 8 / Werebeast 11
Third Eye, Beautiful, Blood Of Giants (59)
Classes [Phys.] (Paladin, Slayer, Berserker) (44)
Classes [Mag.](Cleric, Alteration, Blood Magic) (32)
Rogue as well. (27)
Bonus classes (Leader, Smith, Gambler) (16)
Melee Weps. (Broadsword) (13)
Mag. Weps. (Palm Beads) (11)
Combination weapon ^ for a spell sword (7)
Shield (Energy) (4)
Armor (Light) (2)
Werecreature (4, +PER/AGI)
Greater Beast (0)
Deformed (Practical, +3 END )
>Assigned to destroy a demon army that had been attacking a kingdom
>They've taken the necromancer king and are using him to enslave the people they slaughtered.
>The total anhiliation of their forces takes 9 months.
>Return home to find that the commander has been raping an elf woman, forced her to carry his child for months and then let her die when she gave birth to, all because she said no earlier.
>No one is willing to do anything about it.
>Cut him down for justice.
>Learn that he and other commanders had been consorting with demons prior and that my orders were to help secure a demon lord's position by killing their rival.
>The command attempts to arrest me; kill them too.
>Lies are spread; get cursed by warlorcks.
>Vow to annihilate demon scum and all the angels that do evil.
>Assemble rag-tag band of warrior-bros with good hearts that will help me in my quest.
>Vow to annihilate demon scum and all the angels that do evil.
>Vow to anihilate demons, all angels that do evil and everyone else that does evil too. Some mundanes will be forgiven but that'll be on a case-by-case basis and only if they're truly looking for redemption.*
None that sin will escape justice; all those that do evil will learn a fear that will stay with them, even millennia after I and all my descendants die. They will fear.
That's not how Meta CYOA works.
This was a point-based CYOA. I chose A. How is that not how it works?
>Beastmen, Forest-folk (33)
>Golfer (13)
>Gunslinger (7)
>Explosives (3)
>Great Hammer (0)
>STR 4
>END 2
>INT 3
>CHA 8
>PER 6
>WIS 4
>AGI 7
>LUK 4
We Pangya now.
You're supposed to post your metachoice first, then apply that choice to the CYOA(s) after that post.
Read it again, this time from the top.
Darn, why couldn't you have posted this before , so I could combine the two cyoas?
Well I haven't made a build for the New a Generic Fantasy cyoa, so I probably shouldn't ruin it with the meta cyoa
Pic kinda related. My monster form is draconic but it's also somewhat feathered.
Idgaf desu.
I can't find it
give me like an hour to read the cyoa and I'll comment something meaningful on your build.
Shit, your job demands you're working at 4 am? My future looks bleak
How unfortunate.
Do you have it?
No. Go into the previous thread and control f slut life. There's all of one result. It's that easy.
Yeah sometimes I work nights in the lab, but it's much less busy then. Don't worry, I'm sure there's lots of lab jobs that are only daytime.
Pls stay out of underdark mister smitey angel-dragon paladin guy.
3 boons
>Dream CYOA
I sorta already do this, but this makes the dreams better.
>Easy CYOA
oh god yes please oh please yes
I don't want anything with my leftover point.
and ew, why would I possibly want a harem? I just need my authorfu and you, so you can be happier.
I never knew Berri made this. It's a great cyoa.
Did you draw the images yourself? I remember one time you posted images of the Apathecary, I think, pretended to be her. I mean, you posted as yourself! And please come back, Berri. You posted some scary stuff last time.
I don't know anything about heavy metal, and I'd honestly much rather do the generic fantasy cyoa mark deux.
>I don't want anything with my leftover point.
>and ew, why would I possibly want a harem? I just need my authorfu and you, so you can be happier.
They CYOA does say that you can just choose to be friends with them if you'd prefer.
>High Elf (34)
>Alteration (31)
>Paladin (27)
>Bard (24)
>Apprentice (22)
>Alchemist (19)
>Mace (17)
>Javelin (15)
>Palm Beads (13)
>Small Instrument (12)
>Enchant Javelin with Holy (8)
>Combine Mace with Small Instrument (6)
>Energy Shield (3)
>Medium Armor (0)
End Stats being
>STR 3
>END 3
>INT 11
>CHA 7
>PER 4
>WIS 7
>AGI 5
>LUK 3
Granted combining a weapon with an instrument might be a stretch but damned if I couldn't get in on that dragonzord flute action
>lab jobs
I don't feel like working in a lab all my life though... In hindsight I probably should not have taken this education, but I like what I'm learning. There's gotta be a job relating to the human metabolism, metabolic disorders or diabetes that doesn't force me to be in a lab for 8 hours a day...
going in raw. Wisdom is how smart/strategic you are, and Int is magic power, right? And Per is perception, letting you spot traps and body language?
Angel was tempting, but Elf wins due to the cost
>Elves -> High Elf (34)
I can't understand Halfblood. Not that I'd pick it anywho.
>Beautiful (30)
duh. I desperately need END now
I like Deathknights, but it's a bit too edgy for me
>Duelist (27)
I figure speed is smarter for an elf
>Elementalist (24)
dangit, why can't Conjuration let me be Archer?
And I can't take alteration, I'd end up with 0 END. Poop.
>Manipulation (20)
>Apprentice (18)
>Leader (14)
Honestly... can't I buy equipment later on? I can't buy skills and classes, so I should really not take anything on this page.
>Palm Beads (12)
Oh yes. That should compensate for my low STR, and allow me to use my high INT for fighting.
>Light armor (10)
welp, going back to take more classes for statpoints!
>Knight (6)
More strength and endurance
>Paladin (2)
Mostly for the endurance. Fighting for "God" is okay, I guess.
Two leftover points:
>Dagger (1)
>Wand (0)
>STR 4
>END 5
>INT 11
>CHA 12
>PER 4
>WIS 8
>AGI 6
>LUK 3
That seems pretty balanced. A bit low on STR and END, but I have high INT to compensate, especially with the Palm Beads.
Dang, Heavy Armor should probably cost more given your size!
I mean... no offense meant, snake-lady, I know women are usually self-conscious about that stuff. Please don't eat me. I have very little meat on these bones..
I think you should swap AGI for WIS. Not because I want you to have less AGI than me or anything.
>Wisdom is how smart/strategic you are, and Int is magic power, right?
Intelligence is knowing that tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not using it in a fruit salad.
yeah I know, but, that's a lot of friends. There's something like 12 people in the old author cyoa.
And I wouldn't ever want to make my authorfu jealous.
There's a bunch of people in the old author cyoa I don't know who are, so I can't say I have any reason to want to befriend them.
I need my authorfu, Berri so I can make her happy, and Tunebuggy definitely. I can't remember any others.
yeah... that didn't really help.
Intelligence is "book smarts" then? Wisdom is applied knowledge?
Like Intelligence is knowing how to build a perfect bridge, wisdom is building the best bridge with the available materials?
E, please.
Int vs Wis is basically knowing vs understanding, yeah.
googled it and reddit says this
>Intelligence is how efficiently knowledge can be absorbed. Wisdom is how efficiently knowledge can be applied.
>Intelligence is knowing it is a one-way street, wisdom is still looking both ways before crossing..
It sounds like I should have swapped INT with WIS, so I could apply my magic better. I'd rather be better at knowing how to use my available tools, than having more tools.
Experience is my favorite superpower. Jason Bourne and Hawkeye are way better than a dude who blasted himself with SCIENCE or a guy who found a ring.
Maybe you could get a job working in clinic or doctor's office with patients. Otherwise, probably in the lab...
Elves are almost always good choice because they're good with magic, always look good, and can live a long time. Powerful water mage with some agility type fightin' skills for emergencies can probably be pretty strong. I think with Apprentice and Leader, you can probably train other elves in magic to. What kind of adventuring would you plan on doing?
>that pic
Now you see why I stay in the underdark most the time>:(
Heavy armor doesn't give a stat boost, so I added the 3 points from Practical deformation to endurance and figured that was like my natural armor. So I already paid for it twice!But I think wise naga in the underdark is a good idea, especially since heavy armor would make me not that agile. I'll change that in next update.
Apparently this triggers people. I don't know if it's the "new" version, I took it from last thread.
Everything triggers this thread.
There's a difference between people thinking something is bad and being "triggered", if anything the author was the one that got butt hurt when he realized how stupid everyone thought he was for basically wasting all his time creating a cyoa and then making it pointless to play with the final mystery box.
>working in clinic or doctor's office with patients
that sounds amazing honestly. I don't know if metabolic disorders are common enough to where you can hire a guy just for that.
Maybe I could work in a hospital and do it?
Yeah, I didn't want Deathknight because I felt it would make me a worse leader. And I picked Leader, you know, to be able to lead.
>why I stay in the underdark
yeah, but you picked Beautiful! And I swear, if you call Miia fat, we will have problems.
Miia is the perfect size.
But you picked Blood of Giants and Deformed... Still, with Beautiful and Dark Elf traits, you should be able to do well with the ladies who aren't scared too much!
I have no doubt there are girls who would be into a protective, strong naga. But you need to work on your confidence. No one likes a sad monstergirl!
Wise naga is a good idea, so you know when best to attack from underground.
well jokes on you, I haven't read the mystery box yet, and I'm not picking it. So there!
For all I know you're Satan shitposting because she wasn't included.
oh, and about adventuring:
I want to first hone my Water magic so I can use my Palm Beads most effectively. I definitely have to find a wise Wizard to teach me.
Then, I want to learn the basics of ice magic, just enough to create powder snow and creating thin ice to skate on.
I want to travel to somewhere far away and find a Wizard who can teach my Lightning magic, to mage my Palm Beads super effective. I imagine punching lightning is better than water.
I don't know what else to do, really. The CYOA is pretty generic. Maybe try to get myself a squire, and a small band of adventurers, and train them. Become famous and fight in wars, that kind of stuff.
(We won't kill giant snakeladies underground who don't attack us. That is way too troublesome.)
I'd like to think that the only time Yahweh exists is when you pick the box the CYOA explicitly recommends you don't take: going so far as to lock you to only that option if you do.
But whatever floats your boat, man. The box did warn you.
My little vampire can't be this cute.
Northern Human
Pure Blood Vampire (+2INT +2CHA +2LUK)
Energy Shield
2x 4 point companion/thrall
CHA 14
>Thrall #1
Swamp Orc
Vampire Thrall
Practical Deformation (+3STR)
Heavy Armor
Kite Shield
Great Mace
STR 20
END 13
CHA -1
WIS 13
>Thrall #2
Dark Elf
Vampire Thrall
Throwing knives
Light armor
Diabetes is pretty common, so you might be able to work at a hospital or clinic and specialize in that. Might be more difficult to find something for less common disorders though.
Blood of Giants makes me a large size naga, just right for a monster. Deformed and Practical gives me my natural armor and weapons.But my charisma was high enough that the -3 didn't take it down to much. I figure I can still have beautiful dark elf features, but most people probably wouldn't take the time to notice given everything else... Maybe sometime a dark sorceress will hire me as a guard and we'll grow close, but it's hard for monsters to warm up to people and vice versa...
After you've mastered your skills, you could go on some quests and make a name for yourself. Once your famous for your heroic deeds, you could become like a teacher for other people who want to be adventurers. Then you'd be even more famous as the adventurer trainer that everyone seeks out.
If we met, it'd probably be on a quest in the underdark. I'd be wary, but I wouldn't attack on sight. And if you asked very politely and maybe had a nice gift, then I might even share some long lost secrets of the deep with you...
"Young" girl vampires are the most dangerous kind. People might not take you seriously or realize that you've got hundreds of years of knowledge and experience to plot with. Good idea.
Yeah, I know I can't work with niche diseases.
I just like metabolic disorders. VLCAD deficiency is cool as hell, but I know I can't use the knowledge for very much. I don't want to study in it, just learn about it, and probably do the whole talking to people with the disorder, checking up on them, telling them what to eat/not to eat.
You shouldn't give up on love just because you're a giant snakelady!
Settling down as a teacher, once I've made a name, sounds comfy. Pop out a couple kids, tell them stories of when I was an adventurer (like that one time, in the underworld, where I nearly got eaten!), and be a successful teacher.
WARNING: you may only pick one
[38]Greater Werewolf (STR +2/END +2/PER +3/AGI +3)
[46]Fully Deformed (CHA -6)
[36]Mount Lord Ent (STR +2/END +1/INT +1/WIS +2)
[33]Third Eye (Per +2/WIS +1/CHA -1)
[28]Deathknight (STR +3/END +2/CHA -1)
[22]Warlock (STR +3/END +2)
[21]Druid (INT +1/WIS +2)
[16]Necromancy (INT +4/PER +1/CHA -1)
[11]Blood Mage (INT +3/WIS +3/CHA -2)
[07]Monk (END +2/WIS +1)
[03]Smith (STR +2/END +1)
[00]Duelist (AGI +2)
Total Stats (Werewolf form):
STR: 15 (17)
END: 12 (14)
INT: 13
CHA: 0
PER: 7 (10)
WIS: 13
AGI: 5 (8)
LUK: 4
Stay out of my fucking forest.
>Spends 80 points
>Stats that pitifully low
Especially you angel boy.
I'm luckier, prettier, quicker and have more or less every bit as much strength, perception and endurance.
It's called a balanced build.
Title correction
It's my job
Oh I'm sorry life didn't hand me everything I could have ever wanted on a silver platter angelboy.
Is surviving a sin as well? Huh?
I did what I had to do to survive, maybe if you bothered to put your divinely manicured hands to work for a day you'll understand. But probably not. Fucking angels.
>maybe if you bothered to put your divinely manicured hands
Maybe if you spent all day every day killing literal hordes of demons, bandits and degenerates you'd know to keep your mouth shut. Stay in your forest, dogeboi.
What would happen if someone set a few fires in your forest, woody?
Fuck it, A me too. (80/40)
STR: 10
END: 7
INT: 30
CHA: 4
PER: 9
WIS: 17
AGI: 8
LUK: 5
>Elf (76)
>>Snow Elf (73)
>Third Eye (70
>Elementalist (67)
>Cleric (63)
>Druid (59)
>Conjuration (54)
>Warlock (48)
>Alteration (45)
>Shapeshift (40)
>Blood Mage (35)
>Bard (32)
>Gambler (29)
>Apprentice (27)
>Alchemist (24)
>Seer (20)
>Dagger (19)
>Staff (15)
>Energy (11)
>Robes (10)
>Vampire (12)
>>Pure Blood (2)
>Were-Creature (4)
>>Greater Beast (0)
I'm assuming WIL and WIS are the same stat? I'm also assuming that the Third Eye isn't blinded by Seer, because that would be weird, thematically.
>Natural genius child
>Parents put pressure to excel
>Develops fondness for magic
>Finds old book in Alchemy teacher's shit
>Book contains an old demon
>Agrees to free it in return for tutelage
>Demon gets out, takes his eyes
>First lesson: Never trust a demon
>Alchemist gets angry, kicks him out
>Can't find his way home, gets lost
>Freezing to death, not sure where he's going
>Until he feels something
>The more he wanders, the more he can feel it
>He's going to see his eyes
>There's the demon, but he doesn't need them back
>They're his, so he always had them, after all
>He looks at the demon and demands his second lesson
>Demon's impressed by his gumption, tells him to come back tomorrow
>First, he's got to find a house
>Next day, the kid finds the demon again
>It's not hard, once you know what to look for
>Demon says he's not used to teaching humans, they're fragile
>They start slow, but the kid has an idea
>He'll turn himself into a monster
>It doesn't work out as well as he'd like
>Has trouble controlling himself, detracts from the lesson plan
>Demon doesn't want to wait, figures he can fix this
>Calls up a friend of his, turns the kid into a vampire
>His inner nature is stabilized by the transformation
>Demon forbids him from continuing his research
>Kid agrees, but they both know he won't stop working on it
>It's not like he'll be an apprentice forever
Given how many CYOAs you've done and how many pages some of them have, I'd say you count as Major Contributor.
Oh please, all you do is beg and pray to your celestial sugar daddy to solve all your perceived problems for you. All that holy fire and judgement nonsense? Just an fucking stupid elaborate groveling act because pigeon baby wants to be a big big man. Again fucking angels.
I'll douse that fire with every drop of your blood mate. When I say stay out of my fucking forest, I fucking mean it. Damn kids these...
>all you do is beg and pray to your celestial sugar daddy to solve all your perceived problems for you
Stay in your forest and whine about how the youth are stupid; it's all you're good for. Some of us are doing our part to better the world.
Doubled wishes. Lucky me.
>Breast Magic
>Grill Bros
>Inner Fire
>Giant Sword
>Stave Death
>Catman's Ancestor
>Clumsy Assistant
>The Horror
>Flooded Market
>Kemomimi City
>Is this... me?
>Monster Girls
Orc (36) Mountain Orc (34)
Halfblood (31) Angel (19)
Blood of Giants (16)
Slayer (10)
Smith (6)
Great Sword (2)
Light Armor (0)
Str 13 Per 4
End 12 Wis 4
Int 4 Agi 3
Cha 4 Luk 4
It constantly tells me to deduct the cost. From what am I supposed to deduct it from?
The only points I'm given to spend are shown as ??
40 points base.
I can't find it anywhere.
It's from the older versions. Go back 2-3 threads.
>40 points
>third eye
>blood of giants
>ultra weapon (cannon)
>no shield
>heavy armor
STR 10
So I'm an unlikable brutish demon. That's alright, I've got a mountain of steel to wear and my own personal bombard. Guess I can whore myself out as a mercenary.
So the new version just lets you make up your own point pool?
Nope. The guy just couldn't decide how many points he wanted to give.
>except yes
m8 either he decided it or he didn't, which is it
Doing your part to make a better world? Do you seriously believe all the scriptures they spoon feed you?
By the fucking god and all the infernal planes of the abyss, ya know what is wrong with the fucking world today? You and people like you who think they're doing everybody a fucking favor by going around smiting evil-doers. And after a hard day's work of massacring every poor bastard they think is evil, is the world a better place? Fuck no!
Your priest and archangels will just claim there is even fucking more evil people springing out of nowhere ready to be chopped and burned. Where are all these evil fuckers coming? Because clearly priests and angels can do no wrong am I right?
Listen you fucking pigeon baby, the world isn't black and white, nice and simple good versus evil like your fancy story books tell you. People simply are doing what they can to eek out a better life for themselves, but because shit happens and life is a miserable bitch and due to circumstance, there is very little opportunity for these poor fucked up souls other then to hitch up with demonic and undead cults, cutthroats and thieves, because they promise them a family, a warm home bed, a community that doesn't discriminate them based on ethnicity or creed, food and clothes. You don't fucking understand angel boy, Nobody in your over glorified choir club does.
And it's your arrogant righteousness that makes the world a shitty fucking place. And I'm glad I have my forest at least in here, I can keep some resemblance of sanity and peace.
I'm not really a fan of how the cyoa makes it sound like only male gods can be dicks and cheaters.
Aphrodite openly cuckolds Hephaestus all the damn time.
>divorce your husband for someone loyal
there's something wrong with that sentence
I liked it. They felt like people, not fetishes.
As tempting as Polytheistic is, it's hubris to think a mere mortal could satisfy two Goddesses, let alone one
I do like the pictures for Polytheistic and Pantheon far more...
oh god(s and goddesses) the writing is small!
Artemis sounded like a nice girl but what the fuck happened. You can't just order a gangrape on a virgin goddesses just because she said you weren't a virgin!
>the last two lines of Demeter
oh jesus. Is Jesus in this?
I shouldn't be this okay with Hastur's intimacy...
Will she respect a safeword?
As hot as Nctos and Nctolhu sound, I don't think my mortal sanity and penis can handle them.
Possible picks
Fun, and she's protective without it being too much. Like 'naturally protective'. I'll be the one worrying about her, and asking her to be safe.
besides the "must try to be a politician" and "can't tell you how much she loves you", she is literal perfection.
The goddess of self-improvement. There's nothing to hate.
Mainly because of her ridiculous body. How is she not a fertility goddess?
"Following me and writing down what I do" sounds adorable, not full-yandere. Like she wants to be a better wife.
Her goal is noble.
I didn't expect there to be so many good options! Shit.
Hestia and Isis are similar, Eris is a badgirl, Nyarko is a cute yandere and Sjofn has noble goals...
>Urban Living
I wouldn't even consider using Physical Alteration
Nothing else seemed like something I wanted. Maybe Little Boy, mostly so we're both so young.
this desu. It doesn't exist since I didn't read it.
This could go very wrong... Let's roll.
>3: Pantheon
>1: One Goddess
Okay, could have been worse.
>27: Sjofn
Sounds good.
>1: Urban Living (8 left)
Could've afforded Comfy. Meh.
>2: Lewdification (6 left)
Not really necessary with Sjofn.
>6: Love Shift (5 left)
Again, not really necessary.
>11: Godhood (2 left)
Eh, okay.
>4: Divine Blessing (1 left)
...but I'm a god already.
>10: Cute Little Boy
I'm a god. Can I turn back of my own volition?
Could've been worse, but definitely could've been better.
I'm sure the kingdoms & clans regularly threatened by demon/bandit hordes really give a fuck about your opinion. Has anyone else noticed it's always the people with no skin in the game that claim moral superiority?
Once again, and always, Athena. Goddess of the City and the Republic. Of wisdom and learning, of philosophy and mathematics. Of warfare in a just cause, fought by cunning rather than only by strength. Of art and skill. Of civilisation itself. Of all that inspires mankind to become better than we are.
Among bloodthirsty kings and mad emperors and vicious brigands and pirates, in an age of ignorance and danger, she established her City and taught it democracy. Her people taught civilisation to a barbaric continent; and for all the boasts made by certain rivals about 300 strong and manly heroes it was her sailors who truly preserved Europe from the Persian yoke.
All that our world is, all we value most in culture and civilisation, we have from Athena and her City and her people of long ago.
Mortal Man has worshipped so many gods in so many places and times. Few have deserved it as does she.
And the problem I have with this whole concept is that I don't deserve her. None of us do. But how we need her and the values and the virtues she upholds...
I'll bring her to the Sci-Fi World. A technological civilisation at its highest evolution of crafts and cunning will surely please the ancient goddess of the City. And if this is one of those cyberpunk settings full of moral and political corruption and degeneracy, then it needs her more than ever. We'll build a new Athens; and for her sake and with her guidance we'll launch a new Odysseus to the stars.
>willpower stat
Is this mentioned anywhere outside of the werebeast section? Because if not then there's no point in it being a stat IMO
Kitsune Gift
Shadow Monster
Inner Fire
Dream Beast
Terrarium Orb
Flooded Market
Storm Seer
so orc father, angel mother? how did that happen?
Why not orc mother and angel father?