What's the appeal of playing a druid?
What's the appeal of playing a druid?
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Pet, shapeshifting, healing, offensive spells, and not totally helpless in melee.
So it's a class with a broad range of capabilities and with specialization can be a master ant any one particular role.
Bear riding a bear while summoning more bears. What is not to like?
Trees and magic and shit.
You also get to be a serious spellcaster without having to be all bookish, or making a contract with a demon, or be just super special born with it.
Instead you're the shaman, the man who takes the form of beasts, the walker of wild places, who knows the language of beasts and trees and all their names.
And of course, a healthy sprinkling of "it's cool and players want to do it, so let's put it in our game.", as with literally everything else.
Nature is cool. Calm, dangerous, strong, inevitable. Being a friend and guardian of it is even cooler.
Mocking the Fighter with your superior pet.
Drowning enemies under the weight of 16 giant snakes preventing them from doing anything.
Turning into a bear or T-Rex and destroying people.
Also you can do some nature-related stuff like obviate the need for rations.
Am I weird for thinking that a druid SHOULDN'T summon food?
For a druid, nature is key. And the search for food is a key part of that, it should be earned and not summoned. Unless they're currently doing important druid things and can't afford the time or they're desperate, they should gather the food in a more mundane fashion.
But then I like spellcasters who avoid spellcasting until required to respect the natural world and avoid fraying reality/depleting magic so I'm just weird like that.
I like wizards who will do shit themselves before throwing magic at the problem.
i was going to ask about why wouldn't you want to play as matt but then i realized nobody wants to play a cuck
>What's the appeal of playing a druid?
If a certain high-profile streamed D&D show is to be believed...
... well, it lets you be a cunt and never be called out on it.
That's because she's hot as fuck, not because she's a druid. But anyway, take your faggotry elsewhere.
I want to know more about what you're talking about
It's natural for a creature to do everything within its ability to survive and dominate.
It is taboo for my Druid to rely on Goodberry for sustenance unless he is in dire straights. Of course, since the adventure always takes place outside of his grove, he is always considered to be in such a situation.
He is also not keen on throwing Goodberries around to feed a populace, he would much rather help them acquire a bountiful harvest through Plant Growth or similar means (as repayment for services rendered of said populace, of course).
Because cleric was chosen already.
Honestly I never see druids when clerics can be chosen. Basically no point unless you are desperate for a magic user because nobody picked wizard
>Cleric master race
Jack of all trades
>Master of none
Why gimp yourself on purpose?
"Jack of all trades, master of none,
though oftentimes better than master of one"
Unless the druid goes 1v1 against a master...of any combat type.
I admit I am biased, because I never see good druids, usually I see druids with a pet using a bow and not casting magic unless someone needs to be healed and the clerics busy.
Why would you go 1v1 against a master in their own field to begin with? Don't you have a party to do that crap for you, or at least a thief/rogue to gank him from behind. Meanwhile you continue to be useful almost all the time.
Depends on system, setting and player preferences.
>druid using a bow
Uh, alright.
Isn't that just a ranger?
He wanted to be a combat mage with a combat familiair who could heal and be ranged.
Druid with a bow was made
I dunno man stop judging me.
>Combat mage
>Doesn't use magic
>So, a fighter with some magical aptitude
>Uses a bow
>animal familiar
That's a fucking ranger.
I know but he wanted access to all magic levels, it isn't very fun for me, or the groups healer...but we make it work.
We have a paladin, a cleric, a druid, a rogue/sorcerer, and a fighter/rogue.
They are all level 6 except the splits the fighter is 5/1 and the rogue is 3/3.
It's gone OK so far, just a weird bunch of friends.
Although the cleric wants to put levels into favored soul which I don't have the book for. Not sure if that will mess anything.
Be better than every martial since 1st level while still be as good as a cleric also since 1st level
Because manly, no bullshit, outside man. Also many viable options (in dnd).
Having 7 Spinosaurs as pets and be able to turn into a 12 headed criohydra is nice
>Favored soul
It's so beautiful when you play with literally ignorants, no, really, I'm not joking, it's a blessing. It's been ages since I played something like a Monk or a Paladin without being completely outclassed by everybody, your group seems like the perfect fit.
On a normal game he'll mess as fuck multiclassing into that, any multiclass as a caster actually, but in your group he might not even notice it.
>Cleric master race
Life cleric master race.
>Aww c'moooon!!
>You're being so uncool bro!
No no no no no no!
>This is so bullshit man.
No death zone.
>Aw sheet, what's with the racism now? Too good for death now?
Don't make me use the snake stick
>Now that's just uncalled for man, I wasn't gonna use the scythe or nothing and you pull this shit on me?
Disconnection from original source
Rogue/sorc may be going for arcane trickster (likely) or spellwarp sniper (significantly more fun). Fighter is dumb. Your cleric is possibly retarded to double dip with favored soul, aka sorc-cleric. I'm sorry.
I kind of want to go back to 3.x, but only to play a mid-power gestalt game where I can use something underwhelming like lurk or spellthief and not get steamrolled by Wizbat the Batzard.
"It's not bestiality if you're both same species when the sex started."
If SeƱor Benjamin is a druid then what class is Broken Matt, what about Brother Nero?
I can knock up the wizard's familiar
I wasn't going to say it first, but..
Is there a joke I'm missing here?
Because I can substitute ropes for giant fucking beanstalks.
Choke on it.
/asp/ bro, it's the neutrality and the not give two beans attitude also the summoning and the herbs man lol.
What are some RPGs other than DnD that have a druid class?
If you want to play a divine caster but not be bound to a deity, or if you want more offensive and field-control magic than clerics get, or if you like shapeshifting for some weird reason (i'd prefer to trade Wild Shape off for something else, myself), or if you enjoy having a lot of reasonably decent skills to go along with your magic and thus being able to be more sneaky and crafty...
>inb4 yiff
But user, Ironclaw is unironically good
The druid's pet is literally a better fighter than an actual Fighter, though. As is a wildshaped druid. Or anything they summon. On top of being a full spellcaster. They're pretty close to "master of all" as far as combat roles go.
I love the idea of controlling the elements n shit, shapeshifting, and having animal allies but i hate having to be a hippie.
How do i conciliate this? Can i be a druid who only wants to control nature instead of protecting it, or is this atheist cleric tier?
Are you a lawyer?
Just be an edgy avenger of nature.
Killing with your bear hands.
But i don't want to go around killing people for chopping trees
Nature is uncaring. A storm will not pass to avoid the unprepared, nor will it strike harder against one who has attempted to defy it.
Build on that philosophy. You do what you need to survive and live your life. If you rise against someone it is for survival or because they just happened to be the path of least resistance.
Why does Senor Benjamin specialise in 'Massacre?' Seems like a strange thing for a landscape gardener to deal with.
I like this.
He himself doesn't do the massacring. He however does prepare the battlefield FOR massacre which is more difficult to fit in the space given.
Make them edgy satanism Druids from the 1970s and 80s, not the hippy kind.
>Why gimp yourself on purpose?
Am I playing a fucking MMO here?
Druids are not hippies. Hippies wouldn't survive two days in the wild.
Chopping down trees can be beneficial for nature as long as it's done in moderation. You seem to be under the delusion that Druid = modern treehugging vegan environmentalist. A fantasy Druid has more in common with a modern day hunter/trapper than anything else.
> ctrl + f
> "bestiality"
Thank you.
Matt - Warlock. He seems like a schemer especially if he summons a drone army to send messages to his brother
Brother Nero - Fighter
The entire point of a JoaT character is synergy and asymmetrical combat.
>Up against a melee fighter? Throw spells to slow him down and hit with ranger attacks
>Up against a wizardy guy? Sneak up close and go apeshit in melee
>Up against a sneaky skill guy? Use magic to weed him or buff yourself in anticipation of his attack or heal up after his attack. Then beat him up.
Being a master of any single thing usually involves leaving some large weak points. A smart well rounded character can never take a master in fair fight, so they cheat and exploit their weakness.
It's a style of play that seems sadly underused. It's a good for any party with an extra space after the traditional roles have been filled.
However its also lots of fun to have an entire party of rounded characters. Instead of playing the same roles every encounter you can switch it up to fit the situation. It's slightly trickier to pull of than the squad of specialists but it keeps the party from getting stuck in tactical ruts.
I've heard of all cleric parties. Never heard of an all druid party.
Now I think on that it seems like quite the omission. Who doesn't want to be a member of the magic bear squad?
Except the druid can shit on most anything
>Have a bear companion
>Turn into a bear
>Summon a bear
>Have other party members doing the same
A dozen bears charging through the dungeon mauling the shit out of everything.
The evil emperor is overthrown by a hoard of bears
The princess is carried back to safety on a wave of bears
Taverns become routinely haunted by too many bears
Local mayor slain for refusing to pay the bear-head protection money
>being a hippy
Go fuck yourself
There's so many other ways to play druid other than "hippy", which is both the laziest and the worst. If you play a lawful druid, you could be all about the rules of nature and the circle of life. You don't care when someone cuts down a tree to make fire or eat an animal, because that's how it works. Humans are animals too. On top of that, you could zealously hunt down and kill things like undead, which are a perversion of the circle of life
If you play an evil druid, you could be "survival of the fittest" at its most extreme degree, and play a predator. A good druid could go for some den mother kinda jazz, I dunno
And yeah, you could probably control nature. The important part is reverance/respect of nature, not being some weed-smoking, tofu-eating hippy
The appeal is that the Druid is the strongest class in the game.
Shapeshifting lets you compare favorably to a Fighter and fill the melee roll.
Pet lets you get better action economy.
Full caster with a great spell list, somewhere between a mix of Wizard and Cleric.
Thats the joke. Both the Clerics and Druids can do that. They are argueably a lot better than the other specialized classes.
>lets you compare favorably to a Fighter
Lets you SHIT on the Fighter.
A lot of animals have stats thats far far far beyond anything a Fighter even can do.
And tons of free immunities, or special abilities(hello stat damage on hit)
because you get to be a moonshiner/ drug dealer and make a reasonable profit for your group.
That depends on edition. They're only stupidly OP in 3.x.
This. Hippy is about the laziest way to play Druid.
I didn't mean literal hippies obviously.
I mean i want to play someone whose main motivation is completely unrelated to nature, but has nature powers.
It was two fucking sentences, user, just read them.
A druid can be spec'd to either be a master of one role or a jack of all trades. Or somewhere in between, where you're just short of being a master at some role, but have basic competence in other roles, too.
Plus many DMs run campaigns where Clerics' deities can be real bitches to have to deal with. A druid can do similar stuff without having that kind of DM constantly having you get coffee for his NPCs.
Last Druid themed character I played along side took the role of the damage sponge.
A body like a tree with regen abilities. But he had this mechanic where the more he used them the more tree like he would become. So he had to balance it by animal morphing into a raging bear that had to to int roles so that he could maintain control.
This nigger gets it.
Critical Role
What's the appeal of making this thread every other day
You should see my group.
This is like, the third campaign in a row where nobody went cleric, so instead we end up with two players using classes that have lesser healing potential. Like a bard and a paladin. A druid would be welcome in my group the same way, but only because none of us want to be a full-time healbot.
Some managers in business look after their staff, protect their rights, nurture their potential, fight to prevent unecessary work being forced upon the lineworkers, consider each individual as an individual and make them feel like they make valuable contributions to the company. All these things could be done by somebody who is nice and wants people to be happy, or it could easily be done by someone who wants to business to be as successful as possible and sees people as tools and resources in achieving that aim. A broken tool isn't fit for purpose, a crippled donkey can't make you any profit, a vegetable garden with no space, water, light or nutrients won't grow any produce for you.
You can control nature for profit, ants farm aphids to eat their nectar, termites harvest fungus for food, Lesser Long Nosed Bats survive off of organ pipe cacti and pollinate them in return.
Sometimes, protecting and nurturing something else is simply something you do to protect your investment.
I always figured goodberries were summoned by them making a plant quickly grow from the ground.
Also, you can scare the shit out of people.
Imagine attacking a group of goblins or orcs as a giant bear. Then midway through the fight, you break off a tree branch with your paw and start wielding it as a spear.
That's right motherfuckers, bears have learnt how to use weapons!
> "For fuck's sake, we're starving!"
> "No, no. Survival of the fittest. Nothing I can do."