Is DnD the only tabletop that gets refrenced/shown in mainstream or popular culture?
Is DnD the only tabletop that gets refrenced/shown in mainstream or popular culture?
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According to mainstream/popular culture, it's the only game that even exists.
Someone just started "Stranger Things"
You know I had it yet but now that I looked it up to find out what it is I think I will. Thanks!
Dude. Watch that shit RIGHT NOW. You will not do anything for the next 8 hours.
Well technically World of Darkness once got its own tv show.
It was barely a TV show.
sick burn bro
And I can't actually remember any other games being mentioned.. Probably can blame Mazes and Monsters on that one.
South Park had that MTG episode.
Didn't some popular actor talk about GURPS?
Near as I can tell, D&D is the only tabletop game the "normals" can even comprehend. Explaining HERO, or Shadowrun would be an exercise in futility. So, therefore, in mainstream media, its D&D or nothing.
It's just because D&D has the biggest name. To be fair, though, Shadowrun has had its fair share of games.
Cyril on Archer becomes generalissimo of a South American state because he learned tactics playing Warhammer, so there's that.
Apparently Riddick is based on one of Vin Diesels character he made in D&D.
Settlers of Catan, Monopoly, and Risk have all gotten references IIRC.
In the Freemium episode they also had Zombicide and some other board games.
Does he say that?
This is a common rumor passed around that's not completely true.
Riddick was created by the writers of Pitch Black, but Vin Diesel liked the character a lot and gave a ton of input during filming. After that, the studio kept Diesel involved for future films and he helped develop the character and setting more for the films and other media
There's probably some stuff influenced by his D&D hijinks, but Riddick didn't come from them wholesale.
Yes I remember that. He was on the Colbert show I think.
Thanks for the recommendation. This is awesome.
Yeah, it's not that Riddick is one of his D&D characters, but rather that he channeled certain characters he played and remembered fondly for the performances.
Warhammer, sometimes especially in British media. And of course boardgames as the smartarse above pointed out.
The Green Bay Packers playing Catan was a big thing last season / season before.
Shadowrun has better dragons.
He makes a throwaway reference to how his pincer maneuver was just as effective against rebels as it was against "Keith from my Warhammer guild" or something like that.
Isn't it generally accepted the D&D scene in ET was one of the most accurate portrayal of a gaming group you'll find in mainstream pop culture?
How many of those are actually referencing the Tabletop wargame ?
I remember the comic about some kid wanting to go as a specific space marine for halloween. One of the Blood Ravens. Making it a reference to a video game, not the tabletop.
That's like saying someone going as Drizzt for Halloween is a book character and by no means a D&D character.
It can be both.
Too bad GURPS will never become mainstream :(
GURPS is more popular than you think, user.
Aye, though if I remember correctly his character in the Last Witchhunter is based off his tabletop character wholesale
>Vin Diesel helped make the games?
Really? I know hes actually kind of a nerd but that is cool
He had his favorite D&D characters name as a fake stomach tatoo for xXx, I think it was Melkor
He actually owns a game studio that helped develop both Riddick games in some capacity, they're working on a game about his old dnd character as well.
Vin's a pretty cool guy, even if everything he makes isn't always top quality the guy's got passion.
I'd be shocked if Vampire:The Masquerade didn't get a nod in some kind of media back when it was in its prime, it was damn popular for a while there.
I'll be damned if I can remember ever seeing it happen, though.
Orphan Black
The eagle-eyed viewer would see the show's name in transparent white writing in the lower left of the image
GURPS is God