You offer your hand out to her Highness. "Brianna la Croix, Princess," you offer. "It's an honor to meet you."
Amalie raises an eyebrow, but she takes your hand and shakes it firmly. "The friends of Death," she notes, curiously. "I hadn't thought we had a la Croix family in Greenwall."
"You don't," you admit. "...Well, you /do/, in the Dungeon, but they're Roses. Not quite the same."
"Not at all," the royal agrees. "What is it /you/ do?"
"Think of me as a...spiritual advisor," you evade, with a little grin.
Princess Amalie snorts. "My father told me stories about the la Croix, back when Greenwall was still part of the Empire. He said you had difficulty bowing even then."
"We don't go in for titles," you agree modestly. "We do go in for responsibility. Thank you, for helping Amy back there."
"Think nothing of it. Miss Amy's been a delight," Amalie tells you. Amy /beams/. "I've asked her if I can't procure something like that dress for myself, if she's of a mind. I get the sneaking suspicion that I'll have to be near Glen for awhile."
"What about you?" you ask. "What's being the Mistress of Coin like?"
"Please don't," Amy begs. "It hurt my head enough the first time."
Amalie laughs and signals to one of her handmaidens; the girl goes to retrieve drinks. "The very, unhelpfully short version is that I ensure the Crown doesn't run out of money. The somewhat longer version is that I try to keep Greenwall's coinage moving. Money that sits still isn't doing our work for us. Picking up Wrackholm was quite a coup for that, actually, even if there's some...disagreements."
"You can't just leave that sitting on the table," you point out. The handmaiden comes back with glasses of watered wine; you take one, gratefully, and enjoy a sip.
"People will tell you that Wrackholm was a pirate city, and that's true to an extent," Amalie explains. "But soldiers need support, and pirates are, make no mistake, soldiers."