Why don't fantasy games let you play as a dragon? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
Why don't fantasy games let you play as a dragon? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy...
>mfw there are "people" who unironically want to play as non-humans posting on this board right now
I-I think halflings are kinda neat
Fantasy Craft has a Drake as one of the playable races, along with giants, robots and tree-men. FC is pretty cool.
You can do that in 2e and 3e D&D. There's actually a campaign setting dedicated to the idea that players play Dragons controlling heroes and villains like pawns.
Tolkien said they're a race of man.
So I guess they're legit in most fantasy.
Because Tolkien didn't have a dragon protagonist.
Also, Rifts lets you play a dragon. There's like a half dozen options in the core book.
I guess it has to do with a the fact that they are usually extremely powerful. You could do a game were you level up based on how old you get, the younger you are the weaker you are and the older you are the stronger you are. But then you get to a point were there is no competition.
You and I have much different take on what is cool.
A lot of systems allow it. Many GMs won't want to do it because it would require more work than kill quests in nearest dungeon.
AD&D Council of Wyrms campaign
There's a point when blaming shit on tolkien gets ridiculous
Most people want to play as something vaguely humanoid and letting a PC be a dragon would be jarring on most settings, so that's why you don't see it as an option often
To be fair there are games that let you play as demons, angels or vampires.
>demons, angels or vampires.Post a Reply
Mostly of the humanoid form. Not the classical biblical angels
And dragons can take humanoid form in like 99% of systems.
Most classical biblical angels were humanoid. I mean, a guy got a name that meant 'He who wrestles with god' because he wrestled a humanoid angel.
The first 6 ranks of angels all look human. It's only the last 3 where weird shit starts. And even then they are usually humanoids with a lot of wings.
They can take humanoid form. But still, the first thing they say to a mortal is usually "Don't be afraid", there's got to be reason for that
>Most classical biblical angels were humanoid
> And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
>And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
>And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come
That's the final 3 ranks that stick close to God.
The angels that actually do real work and interact with the world are humanoid.
Go and read about angel hierarchy.
What, you're not full of eyes? It's just me?
>tfw people with less than 600 eyes are allowed to post on Veeky Forums
This Deus Vult meme is the most forced garbage in fucking years.
I know
Only once and never again.
You still have the chance to go to the holy land and have your sins be forgiven
The bible doesn't describe the hierarchy.
If you took the Bible as the sole authority, angels are freaks that sometimes appear human to tease sodomites into damnation with their fuckboi booties.
to whoever made that: have you ever heard a waiter say "what will you take?" ever?
Why don't fantasy games let you play as a sphinx? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
Why don't fantasy games let you play as a hydra? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
Why don't fantasy games let you play as a basilisk? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
Why don't fantasy games let you play as a devil? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
Why don't fantasy games let you play as a beholder? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
Why don't fantasy games let you play as a kaiju? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
Why don't fantasy games let you play as a phoenix? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
You can't play a dragon and here's why. Read this. It's from the 1st Ed. DM's Guide.
Better question. Why don't fantasy games let me make jazz fusion? It is always that lame lute and pipe shit.
>Le every game is DnD user
>Why don't fantasy games let you play as a kaiju? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
This is a good question. Where the fuck is my kaiju RPG?
What's the difference between playing as a dragon and a dude?
Well.. what would you do in a Kaiju RPG? Once youve punched another kaiju in the face, what's next? Eat nuclear waste? Fellate Tokyo tower? Shit on an anime studio?
If you actually read the page, it makes the wider case that applies to all fantasy game genres.
Do crazy over the top wrestling promos and build your fanbase. Kaiju wrestling league.
>n a Kaiju RPG? Once
All of those things, for one.
Fight off enemy kaiju from space like Space Godzilla and King Ghidorah.
Defend the world, or destroy it. Hell assuming we could be Godzilla style Kaiju go from world to world, fucking planets up or keeping them safe from other Kaiju who want to fuck them up.
Fight off Kaiju-genre military that wants you dead or enslaved, free your Kaiju brothers from enslavement, shit son the possibilities are about as endless as the Kaiju genre itself.
Well, most dudes.
1. Don't have caly skin
2. Don't breathe fire
3. Don't have wings
4. Can fit through human-sized doors
5. can walk into town without the townsfolk immediately running for the hills.
They're imagination-based games, you can play as a dragon or be whatever the fuck you want. Getting people to play with you is the only hard part
I'm not sure I 100% agree with it, though I understand the dragon argument.
But to say that playing the nonhuman requires some herculean effort to do justice so you shouldn't bother is just a little bit much.
Not all fantasy game genres are humanocentric, not every player can only play what they easily identify with.
The latter part of the page makes assumptions about alignment, the bent of dragons, age categories, and an adventuring requirement that only exists in DnD, and goes on to assume that people who want to play monster characters are unintelligent (arguable in DnD, but not every fantasy game is DnD)
If I want to run a game following the premise of, say, Dragonheart, where one player is the down-on-his-luck knight and the other is dragon Sean Connery, this page doesn't really contain any arguments relevant to that desire, assuming I'm not using DnD.
Depends on the game, if it was something like Reign or someshit where the game is more about political leverage and armies going to war maybe, but for a comfey old dnd setting you don't get to be a fucking dragon, be a kobold with delusions of grandeur it'll be funnier and more appropriate.
>not playing a scaless, wingless human sized dragon that lacks fire breath
While I'd let my players run one of those all day long, I think I have another aesthetic for a beast race.
You mean a human sized thing that looks exactly like a dragon, but with smooth skin instead of scales, and no wings?
I think World of Darkness does devils.
Yes, that exactly
I'd recommend something other than D&D, but if it has to be D&D, then I'd make an entire class that is "Dragon". In B/X, OD&D, 0e, whathaveyou, there were in fact, playable monster classes in some splat supplements.
They usually start you off with negative experience totals and less abilities than you'd have as full-fledged member of your species, which allows you to level up and progress in power like any other class, and eventually bloom into "I am fire! I am death!" mode.
So, it's entirely possible to do. Council of Wyrms might be an informative starting point.
Are there rules for playing as a dragon in Shadowrun?
Sure they stay in human form most of the time, but they've gotta pop up and burn some shit every now and then don't they?
>clinging to old memes
>trying to be edgy
Summer break is almost over, go have fun!
I'd like rules for playing a solo adventure as a dragon, amassing wealth and hunting meat for daily food while trying to avoid being overwhelmed by large groups of warriors. Or maybe a fixed competitive card game, first dragon to X treasure wins.
The answer is "because I don't know how to challenge you when you're playing as a magical fire breathing lizard with scales as hard as diamond."
It's simply too hard to GM a dragon in the party, or worse a dragon party.
Really, how many things could actually challenge a bunch of dragons? How many could challenge them after they moved from baby dragon mode to full grown dragon mode?
>your players probably just want to game the system
>by playing as characters who are usually just worse than normal humans
I mean yeah it's blatantly bad if someone wants to play a dragon or some shit, but how about a gnoll or an orc or a kobold? You'd almost always be better off just playing a human. Especially if your DM hardlines on the drawbacks.
Woops. That was supposed to be a reply to this post.
I think a game actually designed around the premise of playing as beholders liches and dragons and the sort would be good fun.
Might be a bit hard to balance. Jim wants to play a goblin, but Bob wants to be a Power Lich. How do we keep everyone having fun in that scenario?
Same way you have in any other scenario: don't play with fucking faggots.
Don't play D&D.
Tell one of them no. If it's a high power game then Jim has to deal with it and make a new character, vice versa if it's a low power game.
why do you treat your own fantasy as game? Why don't you let your own fancy wander and wonder?
>Why don't fantasy games let you play as a dragon? I've only seen, like, one or two that let you do it. It's fantasy, why can't I play something other than multiple varieties of dude?
Some do.
For others, dragons are OP.
>angel hierarchy
>being this catholic