Hey Veeky Forums im looking for a good, not very clunky system for lowish fantasy. What would you guys and/or gals recommend?
Looking for low fantasy games
That you don't ask Veeky Forums for game recommendations.
Shit is caustic as fuck in here.
GURPS Low Tech, obviously.
GURPS lite, Savage Worlds. Just use the Savage Armory for Savage Worlds instead of the core weapons and such.
What kind of feel are you looking for? Are you interested in dungeon crawling or political stuff?
>meme recommendations
Why do you want him to have a bad time?
OP, what you want is Dungeon World
It's pretty much objectively one of the best currently out there. It has fast easy to use mechsnics and is perfect for beginners, it's a lot cheaper than most of these other rules bloated systems that cost fifty dollars. There is no reason for extra rules when it is he role playing that matters. Dungeon World is fast and innovative and still feels exactly like the spirit of ADND before DnD 3.5 destroyed the hobby and ruined a generation of role players.
I want him to have a good time. They're both quick and easy to learn.
They're just not d20 based. Which seems to upset people for some reason.
Quick to learn, but not fun to play. At least, not by paying attention to the system.
I have a hard time recommending a system if a game runs better without it.
Probably not too much dungeon crawling, Mayby Investigation and shit, but political stuff would be good too. I dont mind magic and am willing to have it widespread I just dont want people throwing around fireballs, I want subtle magic that could be explained away by skeptics.
Dungeon world is pretty fun and all, but would require lots of modification to work.
Song of Ice and Fire
It's a blast to play, what are you talking about?
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Runequst 6 are the systems I would suggest for more low fantasy games. They're much more formally procedural though with plenty of rules, but emulate a low fantasy setting quite well.
>My own personal experience is the only experience possible
Anything else than your own personal reasons why GURPS and Savage are bad?
Because you just sound like a salty nigger
>Dungeon World
I often think this game was made solely to prove you can create something worse than 3.PF
OP here, I am not a huge fan of gurps but would consider it acceptable, Played it a few times mainly for sci-fi which might make things a bit clunkier.
Savage worlds is a more cinematic game right?
Redpill me on Runequest 6, what can you tell me about it.
What passes as cinematic in GURPS is standard fare in Savage, so yeah, it's more cinematic.
Anyway, you should still try Low Tech, basic Martial and Thaumatology's section on low-power, invocation-based and pact-based magic. If not for playing GURPS, then for the sake of getting ideas.
Savage Worlds can be both. It's main focus is for combat to be lethal and dramatic and to support large numbers of combatants, almost like a wargame.
RuneQuest 6
A Song of Ice and Fire RP
RQ6 is gritty, bloody combat with magic generally being restricted to minor charms (folk magic) or epic cosmic power (usually reserved for baddies). No classes, your skills (including weapons) are either bundled as part of your profession or just picked by you as needed.
He asked for "not clunky", and RQ6 is one of the clunkiest systems I've run in years. Combat is especially an awkward chore, that gets less and less fun every battle.
I don't know how you could turn a dynamic an interesting combat system, with real back and forth that makes the combat more cinematic than some nose-picker's narration in one of those garbage narrativist trash heaps (like Dungeon World) and come out of it 'clunky'. I've ran combat between players, groups and even armies without any problems and with fun had by all involved.
That sounds similar to what I want, will look into it for inspiration at least.
>roll d100
>is result lower than skill rating? If yes, you succeed. If no, you fail.
Doesn't GRRM actually use GURPS for his games?
>low fantasy
>sassy igbonigger womyn of colour in european plate armour
He uses GURPS for his ancient Rome inspired game, no magic but I believe it has been going for several years.
And what's going on with that sword guard?
Low fantasy does not mean follows our history. While based on historical time periods different cultures and civilizations arose with different customs.
frog poster? Ruining everything? Oh no, that's so unheard of.
>niggers advancing past literal poohuts
>----low---- fantasy
I define "clunky" as "lots of superfluous rules", and towards the end of my run I was so tired of the at-times tedious battle system that I was avoiding battles.
I guess it wouldn't be too bad if you kept the number of fights sort of low, and I might have just burned myself out.
Back to /pol/ you go and stay go.
>he's never engaged in "peace" with Askia
Niggers weren't Egyptians, Northern Africa, they were sand-niggers.
Amazing system with very flexible and simple base rules.
When i make a home brew I usually leave in bonuses but cut out all benefits, adding my own flavorful ones that makes the players more essential to the game I wish to run if they want to take them.
Play The Dark Eye
Never heard of that one
RuneQuest 6 is switching to Mythras. The free rules for Mythras are a dense 34 pages to read, but cover the basics really well.
I suggest trying this and if you like it get the full rules to flesh out what you want to flesh out more.
/pol/, why are ou even trying?
>someone didn't understand the rules
Use underlings/rabble if you have lots of combat. The book literally says this.
What civilization is that from? Don't recognize the architecture
is dungeon world Veeky Forums's boku no pico?
That was built 50 yaers ago...
No, but someone's been shilling it in every fucking thread for a while now
nah, that would be GURPS
>This site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List on March 19, 2008 in the Cultural category.
Lamentations of the Flame Princess is pretty fun, and the rules are free on their website.
The modules are all horror and pretty brutal, but the rules are disconnected from that if you aren't into that.
Pretty much, the coast of western africa is a bunch of warring tribes and petty jungle kings. Once you get past this barrier of jungle, disease and no resources other than slaves; you get to west central africa were there's a succession of various empires like mali, songhai and air. Think southern sahara before it desertified and became uninhabitable, stretching into Savannah regions.
>RuneQuest 6 is switching to Mythras
Another new system (permutation of RQ2)? Holy shit guys.
Low fantasy can be had just by having your backstory be "from [time period] Earth". If you meant "low magic", then there's already some pretty good recommendations in the thread, but Pendragon might appeal (you can file the serial numbers off and make it non-Arthurian).
However, it doesn't out of the box have a magic system. So, you'd need to graft one on.
seconding warhammer fantasy roleplay, both 1st and 2nd edition.
Though magic is not subtle, mages are rare, distrusted and avoided enough.
>warhammer fantasy
>low fantasy
Maybe as a homebrew
what the actual fuck does the word meme even mean anymore? GURPS is a meme? is everything a meme? am i a meme?
Scientifically speaking: yes.
It's the exact same as RQ6, just under a different name for legal reasons.
Meme is an idea, Humans are fleshy boxes containing memes that spill out onto other humans.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, especially 1e, is much lower fantasy than the wargame.
Can a meme contain more memes?
That's the funny thing. It's memes all the way down
One of the classic and better memes in the history of man
What about atoms? Are atoms made of memes?
Quarks? Strings? Is the whole world made of memes?
The world can be expressed as memes, everything can become a meme
Let me guess - you are a Pole, right?
They are fucking obsessed with WFRP and homebrewing it for pretty much everything.
It's virt falseflagging, it was amusing for the first time but shit's getting old
Reign is a pretty good system, especially if you want to run something with your players as political movers and shakers. There is a default setting which I quite like but is received... variably. If you're /pol/ you'll probably scream about SJWs and KANGZ until you have a stroke but reasonable humans do also find its not to their taste for other reasons.
Why would someone use such a huge portion of his time to falseflag a ttrpg? Are there people out there that have so much time to use it in such autistic endeavors?
inb4 it's virt
Barbarians of lemuria?
Have been considering reign, system looks pretty nice, was planning on home brewing a setting so would have too change some things
More like 70 years now actually (1948). But the point stands, it's postwar.
Because it is a german game and really popular there but very obscure outside of germany (although there is an english version).
Check the PDF-Request Thread, someone is bound to have it
Gurps low tech
Runequest without magic
D20 Conan
Trolling is fun when you're the troll. Any (you) makes a troll kek.
>sauce: fat-trolled some other 40k forum, was banned after 2 days
>Play The Dark Eye
OP said 'not clunky'. What the fuck is up with rolling THREE SEPARATE D20s to make a bloody skill check? You have to take 3 different attributes, and then make a check against each one of them for ONE BLOODY FUCKING SKILL CHECK. What the hell is not clunky about that?
Wasn't virt perma-banned like... a year ago or something?
Shadow of the Demon Lord is basically DnD-lite by way of Warhammer. Could work for OP's purposes, especially if you stuck to the subtler magical schools.
warhammer fantasy I'd say 2e, others like 1e more. Some like 3e and if you are into the ffg star wars it may be something for you.
GURPS Low Tech
Savage Worlds
Call of Cthulhu if you remove guns from it (no, really)
Warhammer 2e
Polish Witcher, but only if you won't allow players to start with stats higher than 3
he's back.
Burning Wheel
"meme x" is used when something is automatically mentioned and those who recommend it think it's the epitome of objective quality when in reality the x itself isn't well regarded by half the people that know it but still gets mentioned every single time
GURPS fits that category just fine since it's always the first shit to pop up when someone asks for a specific game because GURPSfags are always ready to jump and recommend their system
of course you can run fucking anything on GURPS that's the entire POINT of it stop recommending it every time people ask for games, everyone and their aunt knows about fucking GURPS
But it's objectively the best system. Everyone has to know.
>Recommending a game that suits the description and can be used exactly for what OP asked, regardless how outlandish the idea would be, is bad and a meme
>Recommending a game that everyone knows, created with the idea to fit every description of what you want
>Anything but a meme
i bet you also say "photoshop" when someone asks for a photo editing program you fucking faggot
of course photoshop is an option everybody knows about photoshop
CoC without the alien monsters
>can use various periods. includes melay combat so middle ages is a yes
has extra slots for more skills so farming is an occupation most people including the part time town militia will do.
>no middle ages equipment books so your going to need to home brew a little
This is the dumbest thing posted in this thread. There already is the game you are talking about, because CoC is the jack of the low fantasy game!
Seriously, this is like people asking how to do horror in Pathfinder.
>Being intentionally this dense
>But it's objectively the best system. Everyone has to know.
Not even close. For realism / simulationism? Sure, it's the best out there that is actually playable. But GURPS is far too rules-heavy for most peoples' tastes.
I'm saying what every fa/tg/uy already knows, and I know you are being sarcastic, but whatever. GURPS is a great system no doubt but you are cheapening it by pretending it is good for everything.
This. He's even confirmed it on his blog.