>Running homebrew campaign >Playing a military unit tasked with hunting paranormal/weird shit >Paradrop into supposedly magic jungle where a bunch of scientist have gone dark >Though investigating the scientist apparently pissed of the locals >said locals are actually a mix of elves and humans who are all females living in a tribe >basically amazons >Also learn how they knew we were the island the entire time >Jungle is apparently alive and the amazons are spiritually connected with it >Find the scientists dead and were given as sacrifice to the jungle >GM specially mentions how the scientists blood was drained though roots in the ground >Think of it as edgy shit at first but suddenly remember how the jungle and amazons are connected >session ended with us falling back to an old WW2 Japanese bunker with amazons not to far behind
This leads to my questions Veeky Forums I was thinking 3 things either use caltrops to cover out escape and bug the fuck out I thought caltrops since a majority of the amazons are barefoot so it should possibly slow them down. Second we go full ork and decide to blow up a section of the island with the explosives we have or maybe find some extremely toxic substance to send into the soil of the island to possibly weaken the amazons. Or third and this is the weakest one as the me and my squad members lay down our arms and make peace with the amazons to see maybe the scientists were the ones who caused the shitstorm.
Burn em out. Not really. But just fucking kill them. If they are engaging in hostilities with an armed military group they are going to die. Standard procedure.
Logan Reed
What's your overall goal here? Because if it was to recover the scientists that has failed, if you need to collect their research that seems like it should be your priority. If your parent organization wants to study the island killing everyone or blowing up half the forest is probably a bad idea (Its probably safe to assume the relationship between the jungle and the Amazon's is symbiotic in nature and one can't survive without the other) You need to get back in contact with your superiors and figure out wtf they want you to do or you could potentially fuck up everything.
I thought that too but then what if we cause some shit all around and other sects of amazons pop out of fucking no where. Or I am just a faggot who is overthinking shit and maybe we should just waste the mother fuckers
Justin Davis
We were sent to check up on the scientists our task force is essentially a clean up crew the reason they sent us was becasue this wasnt the first time a scientist has gone rouge in this campaign now with all this shit I would not be shocked if we manage to head back to the laboratory and see a few amazons on surgical tables or possibly the scientists chopped down some tree and got everyone super pissed.
Anthony Jenkins
Literally laughed my ass off. Waste the mothafuckas mate. Drop boddies first, ask questions later.
Well then your job is done soldier. Caltrop those bitches and bug the fuck out, then watch it be firebombed from the safety of the rescue ship.
Dylan Wilson
In my opinion? Bug the fuck out as soon as possible. Magic shit can only end badly for every one involved, especially when it comes to blood rituals. Trust me, you dont want to fight in a jungle. Just keep running till you hit the shore. If the Amazons are smart, what they'll do is pick you off one by one from the forest and starve you out of the bunker. They have the advantage of not only home turf, but all of the worst parts of a jungle.
For example: Poison. All it takes is a knick, and your buddy will be dead in about a minute, if its dart frog. Depending on where the bunker is, you could deal with some nasty shit. How good are bullets gonna be, if they send a swarm of African bees after you?
Honestly? Go with the third option. If you don't believe me, watch Predator. Doesnt matter what equipment ya got, they know the layout, and have the jungle on their side. You dont.
Leo Nguyen
What is your secondary objective, if any?
Your RoE?
Your country/organization's responsibilities or investment in the area?
If your entire objective was truly just to scout the area and report back (or act as cleaners if shit went pear shaped) then your objectives supposedly were to investigate their deaths and tie up any loose ends.
That means that you have four main options at this point: 1. As the cleaner detail, you determine the natives/jungle are a loose end (or the research station holds value) and you have the firepower to wipe out all hostiles. You then do so, secure the labs, and extract. 2. You determine the natives/jungle are a loose end (or the research station holds value) and you do NOT have the firepower to wipe out all hostiles. Call for reinforcements, secure a dropsite, and hold out. 3. You determine that the natives are of no threat or value. The main objective is deceased, so blow up the labs (or whatever SOP is for a failed experiment, this should have been factored into your pre-mission brief and RoE) and call for extraction while holding the natives off. 4. You pass the buck up the chain and extract while holding the natives off, relaying the info back to base and let the brass decide to either leave the island alone or firebomb it.
Anthony Kelly
Oh, also, why are you relying on caltrops? You are a modern special ops unit... you have a spool of razorwire with you, probably several. That is MUCH worse on lightly armored foes. Just use that.
Parker Hughes
What is this Rainbow 6 Siege? I mean why would they carry an entire spool of barbed wire? Also paratroopers I am pretty sure have to pack light and compact.
Jose Anderson
I am wondering what the GM is gonna pull so far hes been pretty good other missions were mostly in backwoods towns or underground labs now were in the middle of a fucking jungle.
I feel like were either gonna find out something more sinister the scientists woke up or one of the scientists possibly joined the amazons this is where I think the jungle can some how communicate only to females. For adding in amazons I was expectin magical realm but so far its been pretty good. Though I wasnt expecting the edition of elves but ill see how it goes from there.
Hunter Hill
If they are being dropped into unknown territory for an indeterminate time with no reliable safe base (remember, their allies the scientists had potentially gone rogue) then they would need some way to make a secure encampment. I imagine they have claymores and a few small spools of razorwire. Nothing huge, but enough to give lightly armored amazons a REALLY bad day if they wire it up in the bunker entrances.
Nathaniel Watson
Also, paratroopers have to pack light and compact... but crates with parachutes can be dropped too.
Even tanks can be paradropped in, and have been in the past.
Brayden Phillips
We have to also remember if the people OP are working are the supportive type or are "if you fail the mission we dont know any of you all of you are just nameless people who had an military arsenal wandering in the woods"
Easton Ortiz
Carter Parker
Fire and bullets beats tits and tone soldier, burn 'em out.
Easton Reed
Continuing the session today ill try head back to the research lab and get a better understanding of the situation if shit hits the fan were wasting the tree huggers.
Evan Rodriguez
Fucking Hernando Cortez the fuck out of them
I'd say your a squad of 4 or 5 guys since you said they are barefoot so they should be lightly or barely have any armor. Set a perimeter and hold the line maybe call in some support if your command allows.
Or maybe you could talk to them but is that cool? Your a clean up crew not a frist response team
>Everyone going cleanse and burn kinda surprises me I thought alot would call it edgy if OP did that
Hell no. The best response to unknown hostiles that control the terrain (which, incidentally, wants to kill you) in an area containing nothing you need to secure is total annihilation. Anything else is political.
OP, if you can call in FAE drops, do it. You want thermobarics, napalm, a goddamn tacnuke if you can requisition it. If there's a single blade of grass remaining, you didn't use enough fire.
Jack Long
I think the party going out in a Predator style blaze of glory or a Heart of Darkness (BECOME the jungle) is cooler though.
Gavin Gomez
Depends on if the desired outcome is CoC tier "everyone loses", or for the party to have a semblance of a chance of walking away alive. The first, enjoy your Pyrrhic last stand and make it glorious. The second, apply more fire.
Joseph Green
It seems like the OP was going for more of a Heart of Darkness thing, where the party could embrace what's going on and become Kurtz-like figures as a third option.
Leo Barnes
I dunno I would think amazons would be agasint men becoming leaders but I'd imagine if OP did some crazy shit that makes the jungle respect them then I could see it happening
Juan Ward
OP, use your superior human body to take LCD, trip out hardcore, and single-handedly kill them all like the dude in pic related. It's the only way man
Christopher Jones
>hey lance you seeing this shit >yeah it's amazing >you remember that last tab of acid I had I took it >far out man
This actually sounds tight as fuck but I think OP is in modern times.
Though I think we could do something with delta green and make it set in Vietnam
Angel Evans
Let me teach you proper military procedure.
Call for evac. Leave the island killing everyone in your way, and then have the island napalmed out of existence.