Draw Thread: A Waifu Is Fine Too Edition

Previous Drawthread: Be patient, and bump your request one time every 24 hours from the time you posted the request. There is no exception to this rule, it doesn't matter if you "have work" or "are going to bed".

Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for as best you can.

Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, and be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.

Mind your manners and say thank you! We appreciate our artists and their amazing work!

Ignore the bait, you're better than this.

Don't be an asshole and immediately repost your request because you don't like the FREE art you received.

>Artists and Artists-to-Be:
Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information drawfriends.

Books and Tutorials:
Figure Drawing:
Beginners Guide to Drawing:
The w/ic/i art guide:


>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.

Other urls found in this thread:



It might be a little difficult but I need to someone the protag girl from a game I plan to do. She would have the proportions like Juvia Lockser (A) but her eyes on grey color, a side style haircut (B) but a little longer and in black color, wearing a black shirt with some colors on it (C), a gray jacket like in (D), and slightly ripped jeans similar to (E).

I will be very appreciated if you do it.

Also wearing boots like these: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1686343

Requesting a tactical marine for the Marines Mordant. He uses a bolter-sized hand cannon, like all the black and white pictures, carries around a machete like the one at the top, and has the chapter emblem over checkers like the lamenters. If you're a cool enough dude, the color scheme is in the top left. I know this is vague, but if you can give them their own unique look, I would greatly appreciate it. Basically, free reign on the whole thing. Thanks

Requesting Charlotte cuddled up in a library reading books she likes!

Shadowrun type request:

Requesting this K9 unit soldier and his doggy hunting down a catgirl fugitive or suspect. The catgirl suspect has a scared look on her face as she is hiding and should have some muck and dirt covering her body to mask her scent from the dog.

And the K9 unit soldier can have a crazed or furious or determined look with his eyes and the dog would be growling madly with drool. The dog can still just be a German Shepard or any other type of military dog.


>mfw centaur knight going to the farm and fulfilling her duty as a broodmare with the help of her ever-faithful squires

Retribution-class shipslut

(it's technically 2 words, right?)


At first this was horrible.

Then I realized it's a .gif and it got HORRIFYING

I fucking love it.

I-is a husbando fine, too?

Maybe not Veeky Forums related, but can you draw Cthulhu?

>not Veeky Forums related

You're... joking?

Delicious heresy.


this is an awful idea, and i love it. bookmarking for later

I didn't want to assume. I know there are good tabletops about the mythos, but I didn't know whether just those board and card games would qualify enough to be Veeky Forums.

My mistake.

Requesting a very dignified trained spider-hawk.
Should look hawkwardly majestic as fuck.

Yes, flying-spider falconry, not sure how this works but I'm sure it will.

I know that there was a bad-ass colorfag hanging around a thread or so ago, so I'm going to give this a shot. I'd just like a colorfag to color the image on the left with the color scheme on the right, if that's possible.


Call of Cthulhu is a tabletop roleplaying game, much like D&D.

I will try.
thank you

Requesting brawler style oriental girl, wraps on foots and hands, around chest, and loose pants tight around wiast and shins, with a fithging quaterstaff. Dark skin like mongolian tan, soft features, shot dark hair and a sash around her forehead, destroying a jar of clay mid air with her staff. The tip are reinforced with iron.

if it's tabletop gaming, it's Veeky Forums

I was hoping i could get a colorfriend to color this thing for me.

I'll post the colored reference sheet in a second.

Basically its supposed to have all the colors in the middle, but the tiger face and the arm should be kinda like a White Tiger outta Siegfried and Roy.

Migrating/Anchor for Z should he/she chose to draw it.

Can i get an amalgamation of cogs and flesh?

I am requesting a 'woman' named' "The Life Engine". It is important to show her in immense pain, I prefer to have most of her face covered by plates/cogs. This is the closest ref to my request although the Cog/Flesh ratio should be way more higher aaand the fleshy part should be way more sickly and underfed than this dude
My thanks to whoever is taking this nasty request and cheers!

Requesting an incredibly busty Kitsune in traditional Japanese robes looking very, very smug.

ugh that's positively repulsive...what's that shit?

A young paladin/knight-like magical fighter who seems partially merged with her magical armor and holy fire magic, holding a greatsword and maybe surrounded by an aura of blue fire. If you know the lord of cinder from Dark Souls, an effect like that with blue embers might be cool.

Her armor should be like on the far left without the helmet- metal plates etched with fire and feather motifs (phoenix or salamander motifs are her thing) and wears blue cloth over armor plates and chainmail. She has a red mantle around her shoulders over the armor and cloth- not like the one in the picture. Her face is sharp, young, angular- she looks driven. Fanatical. Single-minded. Long dark hair, Under the armor, she would look slightly built. Her sword hand has a normal gauntlet, but her offhand looks like the one in the picture- clawed fingers.

Her greatsword could glow white or blue, or just have faint blue fire around it, and the hilt might have feather or salamander motifs. Pose is up to the artist, but she'd be fairly aggressive/fanatical personality-wise.

Thanks in advance if anyone considers this!

i saw you on /v/ drawthread you piece of shit

Likely a monstrous NPC of some kind.

Surprise, the trope of a vain, ugly-af antagonist is a common one, mister vulgar-judgey pants.

I'd wager it's priestess or cultist of Lamashtu (D&D deity)

We need more artwork of Lamashtu breeders.

Word. But I wouldn't mind some Lamashtu Priest (male) either.

>Lamashtu Priest (male) gets some bestial enhancements to better service Lamashtu's monstrous spawn

>calls something "disgusting"
>it was meant to be off putting in the first place
>so calling it disgusting is being judgemental

Live and learn I guess.

Well the story is as such. Two girls were roommates in a Magical Academy. They hated each other's guts. They pranked and sabotaged each other until one last curse.

See girl one was a hefty girl. Something queen bee elf girl focused on relentlessly. So Finally hefty girl decided to kill two birds with one stone. She made a "Liposuction curse" Sucked the excess weight out of her and injected it straight into queen bee Elf girl.

Except there was a tiny problem. Formerly hefty girl is a Rakshasa Spawn Tiefling. And a little bit of her demonic essence got transferred as well.

What you see in that picture there is 40+ years of Demonic mutation on an extremely pissed off elf wizard.

>to better service Lamashtu's monstrous spawn
you mean to serve?

I saw this after I posted over there, so figured I'd try here too

it's mainly the condescending and judgemental manner it was stated in.
>what's that shit?
Makes it come across as though the person was making an aggravated statement based of the assumption that the art was meant for lewd purposes or another purpose that they found distasteful for one reason or another. Even though the truth is probably that it's just character art for a Fugly antagonist.

What you're seeing there, is the result of a Pudgy Rakshasa Spawn Tiefling performing a "Liposuction Curse", transferring excess weight on Alpha Bitch elf girl. Well 40+ years after the fact.

The fat part was planned, but the whole slowly mutate into a demonic tiger thing was an accident.

Requesting my main character for a game, he is 16 years old and wears a black and yellow version of the the suit in the ref. Instead of having gauntlet he yellow gloves that cover half of the forearm, also instead of having a lighting bolt in the middle of his chest he has a symbol that represents speed or the wind , instead of the number 6 he has the number 7 and he also has a futuristic version of an aviator cap with the goggles. His main power comes from his shoes which has a bright yellow circle on his Achilles heel, the shoes allow him so control the air around him and allow him to run at sonic speed and air walk.

Nope, service.

And all that implies.




good job

Someone should draw Lamashtu as this meme.

Arthur Asa remains the greatest among drawbros.

English is not my first language, what does this mean?

Come, now. You're confusing autism with underage b&. No one over 16 plays a character who's 16.

Imagine his eyebrows going up and down rapidly as he says "service".

>We need more artwork of Lamashtu breeders.

What would a Lamashtu breeder even look like?

Extremely voluptuous with a baby belly, probably gained by fucking a werewolf or centaur or some other unnaturally monstrous animal?

Oh, Ohhhhhh.

So service is a way to say "sexually satisfy?"

anchoring for new thread.

Before and after!

This is Lamashtu we're talking about.
Make it werewolf AND centaur. At the same time.

But basically yeah - preggo, feral, deranged, hedonistic, possibly with some bestial "gifts" of her own.

But Lamashtu portfolio also includes Nightmares, so another take on this could be something akin to Hex Maniac or Tomoko Kuroki.


Requesting my exalted character from last thread

He's a thief and a pirate who wears clothes similar to the guy on the left (probably without the jacket though. He dresses light). He has a black newsboy cap like the ones in the picture. He has a legendary artifact staff that's his height made of orichalcum (Gold if you're unfamiliar with it) but the handle is encased in exquisite wood. The staff resembles a shepherd's crook, and that's what the three weapon pictures are for. In addition he also carries a shortsword sheathed on his left hip, a slashing sword on his back, and several throwing knives sheathed in various places on his person.

The character himself is almost six feet tall, has an athletic build, and a charismatic smile. He's got messy black hair underneath his cap, and bright green eyes. His overall colour scheme would be dark, with mostly deep blues and blacks.


>Extremely voluptuous pregnant woman who has a knack for getting knocked up by beasts and is "blessed" with nightmares from her goddess

I'm requesting this, it's too good.

Hex Maniac pls.

Requesting my magus knight commander lady. Anything of her posed with a her spear and a shocking grasp spell prepared on her real hand would be super nifty and appreciated.

I'm sorry user, I'll change my character up for you.
How come people can play as hentai characters but I can't play what I want?

I'd like a drawing of my Obrimos casting a ritual. His face should look a bit like Jason Bateman, and he'd also wear a scarf, which should be lifted up from magical energies.
He should also be crackling with energy, and mana crystalizing around him.
Thanks to anyone interested!

You can play whoever you want, but Veeky Forums's policy is that you have to be 18 to post.

Anchor post for Necoho.
No rush. Just letting you know that I am still about.

Don't fucking respond to them you idiot.

>How come people can play as hentai characters but I can't play what I want?

Playing a large-breasted fuck-slut is a bit different than playing a spunky teenager.

One is for titillation, the other feels like wish fulfillment.

Reading this thread I'm not sure which would be which.

I'm 19 user
M'kay I'm sorry.
I just wanted a Spiderman styled character, and I just picked 16 as the age. Will 19 be better for you user?

Got to "Magical Academy"

Don't apologize for replying to trolls and shitters and then proceed to do exactly that in the same comment. Are you retarded?

Who *doesn't* want to play a large-breasted fuck-slut?

I didn't write this shit, i'm exploiting a character backstory for antagonists. It sounds a lot better in game.

>Are you retarded?
Most likely

I don't want to play as a large-breasted fuck-slut.

I want to play the virile stud that services the large-breasted fuck-sluts.

i would prefer having small breasts thank you very much.

Well, maybe somebody wants to be more of a petite fuckslut... and that's okay.

Does that mean to imply that now you don't?

It's not the breasts on the outside that matters.

It's the breasts on the inside.

>inverted nipples.

Hey, no being creepy at the table.

Requesting this techno-Valkyrie chatting and sharing stories with a few guardsmen and one butthurt looking commissar who's glaring at her, around a campfire.

The context or story is that the tech-valkyrie is from a race of literal space valkyries with advanced tech who're now "allied" with the imperium. And the tech-valkyrie in this request is just making friends with the local IGs but the commissar still views her and her race with a certain disdain for reasons.

Inside my mouth, you mean.

When life gives you lemons...

They're less fun than you're probably imagining.

>>inverted nipples.

Bite into them?
They're convenient and don't encumber me. Make up for it in thickness.

Who said anything about being creepy at the table? If they've already made a shameless fuck-slut than I've basically got the green-light to make a guy that enjoys fuck-sluts.

Of course I won't make one if the table doesn't call for it.

Folks, please, there is a time and place for discussing your fetishes on Veeky Forums, and that's in character art threads that have hit the image limit.

These conversations are infinitely more pleasant than anything we've had in the last three threads.

Shut up faggot, it's not that cumbersome to copy paste your request in the next thread

I don't wanna go full Rachel Bloom or nothing but I'd happily take on a bit more encumberance to look good in a dress other than a shirtdress.

where have i seen this

Don't mind if I do.

Have you read Watchmen or Swamp Thing?


Well, on the other side of the spectrum, there's like... Milla Jovovich. And I'd say it totally works too.

Another way to get around this - have cute butt and don't be afraid to use it.

>Unironically suggesting you become a butt-slut.

Requesting the man in the left pointing his/her revolver at Cultist Chan. Cultist Chan tried convincing him to go for Chaos but the man with the revolver would just be yelling at her scared with tears; "AWAY, AWAY! AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!!!" And Cultist Chan would still try convincing him to join chaos but the man would have none of it.

Butt slut?