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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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That's the true end. Nobody else could possibly want it to end any other way.
No the anime ended already, but the manga that it was based on is still going on, also page to show the stabbed bit that he got better from.
More likely the former. The War is a subtle thing were celestials try to win mortal souls for their side, and most people are going to assume you're going to play along with that. Then there's the fact that it will take you a while to build up a suitable force of angelic servitors to make a large difference anyway. Some demons might even be glad that you're there, depending on your politics. Andrealphus and the other Princes who want to keep things at a stalemate so the flow of human souls doesn't get disrupted might be thrilled to hear there's someone else in Heaven to help talk down the more militant Archangels for example.
On the other hand, if you start to make big waves, especially by bringing in out of setting powers, everyone will sit up and take notice. The last couple of times a Demon Prince got too powerful and started to conquer Earth on their own, both sides teamed up against them, and it might happen again if people get too scared of you. So really it's down to how you present yourself.
Jump #25: Ben 10
Refugee - 200
Human - 0
Saint - 600
Magic - 0
Anodite - 600
Grimoires - 0
Companion Import - 300
Null Void + 100
The Most Dangerous Game + 300
Rooting You Out + 300
Archmada Book of Spells - 300
Staff of Ages - 300
Forever Knight
Osmosian - 300
Lightbringer - 300
Osmosian - 300
Technopath - 300
So my plan is to defeat Hex and banish him back to Ledgerdomain, then convince Charmcaster to become my apprentice.
We'll be under constant attack, but hey. Nothing incentvises mastering phenomenal cosmic power quite like threat of imminent death.
I'll leave Gwen a beginner's spellbook lying around somewhere.
Then, I'll spend most of the jump showing up and teleporting Vilgax to random planets whenever he appears.
Oh, and getting some new morphs. This setting is basically an all-you-can-eat buffet for Animorphs.
Are bioconverters and biocapacitors actual thing in infamous universe or jump fiat?
If you get extra power, do you also gain that power's method of recharging?
At one point in games Cole could stand on electric fence to remain recharged constantly. Would a Video conduit touching or standing on the screen also have unlimited energy this way or do they drain pixels faster than they are returned to normal?
How hard must you focus to grab things without issues and what would these issues be for Video man
You got good taste. Charmcaster is best waifu.
Although in Alien Force her fashion sense was just gone...
>Disrupt the flow of human souls
Wait, what? What's that all about? I mean, is there a specific source of human souls that will get messed up if the stalemate is broken?
Also, on the second note...how powerful are we talking about here? What's the standard level of power, and what's the power level that would get me ganged up on?
It wasn't that bad. They were clearly going for a Doctor Strange theme.
>>Disrupt the flow of human souls
>Wait, what? What's that all about? I mean, is there a specific source of human souls that will get messed up if the stalemate is broken?
Probably where they go, I'd assume? Like Heaven or Hell?
Hi all! I'm back with changes to the jump after reading the critics.
i'm not really trollin, woiuld a troll have put so much effort into a jump of suffiecent quality??
I;m one of you.
Is there any setting where Zoroaster was right?
Would the Helm of Fate work outside of DC?
Zoroastrianism? I'm sure there are settings where it is factual, yes. Don't think there's a jump with them currently though. There are even more where Judaism and Christianity, which cribbed heavily from it, are right.
Oh, well that's alright then. I mean, we don't want people to go to hell anyway...do we? Is there some sort of balance between good and evil thing going on?
There is nothing particularly wrong with it but it is a gauntlet, a lot of the people who have been interested in this world were hoping to "teach the new government the error of its ways".
I dunno about bioconverters, but I am curious if you can develop your conduit powers as high as the conduit who had them or only as high as the guy who absorbed them, or in between
Welcome to the Jungle (+1000CP): You may choose to import your entire Chain
experience to place the Purge in. Your stay will now be ten years long instead of twelve
hours long. You may either choose to place it in amalgam America as in A Nation Reborn,
or a bizarre and distorted realm reflecting your entire Chain. You will have access to all
your perks and items, but no Companions unless imported. You can only purchase new
perks, items and companions from this Gauntlet, at twice the cost. You may not take any
backgrounds in this Gauntlet or benefit from discounts.
Not optimal, but it does what those people want.
see Which is disappointing, because Zoroastrianism is significantly more interesting than any rendition of Christianity.
>claims not to be a troll
>promises quality
>misspells and fucks up punctuation
You're a dedicated troll, I'll give you that.
>Oh joy, It's the Purge jump again!
>Still a gauntlet.
>instant boner-killer
How versatile is Bayonetta Witches/Sages time manipulation? The jump says they have a time stop, but can they accelerate their own time to achieve similar effects? Or slow everything else down?
Huh. I always figured it was more of a Scarlet Witch look.
As far as I remember those're fiat.
From what little I remember I think you just get the extra power
It was a rigged up generator, not a fence; he just skated around while he was all charged up because of the generator. It's not clear. Eugene or Delsin never gets access to a source of video pixels
Again, it's not clear. Eugene was put through a LOT of training/experimentation though; Prisoner background would probably have sharpened your skills in that regard.
Well, potentially Percy Jackson jump depending on your pantheon import I guess.
Fate/Jumpchain would probably make him very sad, though. Angra Mainyu's a scrublord who got hooked up to a magic wish machine and the closest thing to Ahura Mazda is a blind, instinctive force that promotes human survival above all other considerations
Uh, Supernatural? TTGL?
Don't we have some really popular gauntlets? #NotAllGauntlets
Besides, it offers options to grant you the perks you had from one jump or your entire jump.
Judging from the gameplay - not very. Then again I've just barely gotten into playing it and haven't watched any LPs, so maybe they display time-fuckery later?
Mostly it's just the Witch / Sage Time.
You can't import monotheistic religions in Percy Jackson.
I literally never heard of this setting outside of this thread.
So basically in order to get the purge jump we want we have to not take any origins, get no discounts, and pay double for everything while still having our companions limited.
Maybe so, but I always saw it more like Strange. Look, she's got the tall collar, a similar symbol on her chest, the too-long shirt, and a sash.
It's a series of fairly popular (?) films in the US.
It's not Monotheism, it's Dualism.
Bayonetta isn't exactly deepest lore but to quote one of the journals in the first game-
"As “Overseers of History,” they possessed the ability to literally see everything in an instant, also known as Temporal Control. This technique sharpened all of the five senses, and pushed one’s emotional energy to its very limits. It is a world where a falling drop of water can become a crown, and a humming-bird slowly and elegantly flaps its wings. Temporal Control is not just simply being able to recognize this world, it also enables one to boost their physical abilities and move freely within that single moment.
Temporal Control requires a sound body and mind, and complete grasp of Spirit Energy. While quite similar, the witches and sages each practiced this art differently, leading to different names for their respective techniques, Witch Time and Light Speed."
-the answer's kinda confusing, because metaphysically their powers are perception-based. So theoretically they seem to have lots of versatile effects, it's just in practice they boil down to time stopping/slowing.
From what I remember in the cutscenes, visually Umbra powers resemble timestops while Lumen powers resemble personal time acceleration.
Please make the full jump option more palatable.
It's probably influenced by both, tnbh.
It's a series of fairly okay american horror movies. The third one came out this year. It's also useful for spotting would be social darwinists.
One the plus side it offers thousands of CP worth in drawbacks. Seriously, how do you balance something like that?
Hey jumpers, what's your favorite invention?
Hmm. I always figured it was Scarlet Witch/Loki's female look.
I don't have a favorite. Most of them fulfil specific infrastructural roles, which together create something greater than the sum of their parts.
I guess the most whimsical would be The Roast Chicken of Eternity: A bird which, like the phoenix, cooks itself and can be devoured every evening only to reconstitute itself overnight and be ready for lunch, dinner or in emergencies a brunch.
Would it be possible to make an epic spell that destroys everything in an area and everything in that area in overlapping dimensions?
I dunno, fanwank something.
Do we? I'm not being rhetorical here.
Competence? Most Gauntlets do a decent job of balancing things.
I'm not sure if I would call any of the gauntlets popular give how little chatter they usually gt from the tread. With that in mind however that doesn't mean I don't think a few of them like SOMA and the Elder Scrolls one are awesome.
I wonder what happens if you import DC and take your purge jump in Gotham.
>woiuld a troll have put so much effort into a jump of suffiecent quality
Yes. Absolutely. It's what trolls live for, because they have nothing else going on in their sad, pathetic little lives.
That said, for now I choose to believe that you're a shitty speller with a rather shaky grasp on the concept of jumpmaking.
>Still a Gauntlet.
*Disappointment intensifies*
>"1000 CP full Jumper" option
Cautious optimism. Maybe it'll be like the option Red put in for Mad Ma-
>punishes people for taking the option
Disappointment back in full force. It's like you're not even trying.
Why don't you make it a normal jump?
There is nothing so special about this IP that it needs to be made into a Gauntlet.
Gauntlets in general are fairly counter-intuitive to the concept of Jumpchain in the first place, and if they are made, there should be a truly fantastic reward at the end.
Also, those setting options are murdering what little setting is there.
It's a series of three mid-tier horror movies where the U.S. government, on the verge of collapse, sets up The Purge, a period of 12 hours between 7:00 P.M. March 21 and 7:00 A.M. March 22.
During that time there are no government services (police, hospitals, fire dept. etc.) and all crime, up to and including murder, is completely legal. With the exception that you can't use WMDs, or weapons above a certain classification, and government officials of a certain ranking are immune.
Allegedly it helps keep down crime, unemployment, and every other social malady of modern society, but what it really does is kill off poor people who rely on government assistance.
It's okay as a horror movie, but it also has a neat little philosophical social responsibility question in there somewhere.
>there should be a truly fantastic reward at the end.
No, there shouldn't be, because there's zero risk.
12 hours with no powers in an anarchistic environment where people are looking to kill every one they can find.
Zero risk in a gauntlet? Nigger what.
You literally cannot lose the chain. if you die, you just move on to the next jump. How do you not know this basic rule of gauntlets?
Then Gauntlets shouldn't exist at all?
I mean, I wouldn't object, in most circumstances, but there are a couple settings that really only make sense as a Gauntlet.
The only reason I said that to begin with is because if I'm getting gypped out of a full jump, I at least want something to remember it by.
He's technically correct. The best kind of correct.
If you die in a Gauntlet, your chain still goes on, no harm, no foul.
I like ben 10 as a genetic buffet too - but as a zerg.
Well yeah, but one's like this are hard as fuck to survive. There should be a reward for doing that.
There's an epic spell that layers dimensions together to cause mass destruction (country busting), so yes.
Why? You don't lose anything for taking it nor for failing it. I can see a small reward for winning a challenge but apparently tens of millions of people manage it in the movies every year. It's not as difficult as you say nor does it have any sort of real risk, so why should it get a 'fantastic reward'?
Why? You literally can't not survive it.
I like Robot Unicorn Attack, LLTQ, Gaki no Tsuki and that one about Elder Scrolls werewolves Cats did a while ago personally.
>Poor people
What about the middle class?
>and that one about Elder Scrolls werewolves Cats did a while ago
That one is still incomplete, it has like two more parts to go.
The point is that it is a challenge to jumpers that normaly ha ha fuck you BBEGs of most settings, you normally get a major reward (by said setting's standards) for "winning" because jumpers wouldn't bother with them unless there was a good prize at the end.
I'd find it better for jumpchain adaptation since Ahura Mazda isn't actually omnipotent, just the most powerful thing in his universe, kind of like a D&D overgod.
Jump #26: Worm
Las Vegas
Hero - 100
Outside Context Problem - 0
What I Fight For - 0
No Such Thing As Collateral - 0
Tooth and Nail - 100
You Can Be More - 300
Dimensional Breach Controller - 300
Full Line Up - 300
Reverse Engineering - 400
Personal Problems + 100
On the Radar + 200
Wanted + 200
Miniaturization and Efficiency
Warp Spasm
Enhnaced Mastery
Soft Physics
The middle class pay out the ass for high tech security systems thus stimulating the economy, another benefit of the purge is the various businesses it creates.
Well first you must find a videogame, anime, book, or other where Zoroastrianism is correct.
How's Libromancer? I'm not familiar with the property, is the jump good? How dangerous is the setting?
There is an update coming so you may want to hold off on that.
It's primarily for the extermination of the lower class.
The first movie revolves around a rich family taking in a homeless veteran, and protecting him from a bunch of rich kids who call the veteran a 'disgusting pig', or something like that.
The second movie revolves around a poor young couple trying to survive out in the open, and also a cop getting revenge.
Third one again revolves around the poor defending themselves from the rich, while the one senator running for president with campaign of destroying The Purge gets targetted, and rules are modified specifically so they can target her.
It does offer significant rewards for the setting.
"A white carnation pin, if you did not partake in any illegal or unjust actions during the
Purge. Those who are seen wearing it can be assumed to be of strong moral character
until shown otherwise."
"Reward Cross of the Innocent: A wooden crucifix necklace that gives you the presence of
an innocent person. It turns black in the presence of a truly cruel and evil person, and
turns white in the presence of a just and kind one."
Stuff like this is a bit beyond the scope of the setting. Maybe this kind of stuff just appeals to me because I'm a moralfag, but that last one is more than just situationally useful.
It's mostly useless for jumpers that will blow up planets if the setting annoys them enough for any reason, who are a significant number if not the majority of the thread.
It's okay
Are you chucklefucks seriously arguing you should get better shinies because of interjump balance?
Because it seems like you are.
I think he might be baiting.
So a gauntlet should not only give a reward for beating it when there's no risk, but the reward should also be something vastly beyond the setting's power level?
Those are all extremely situational and better perks for them are often available in jumps where such things would be relevant.
Perks relevant to the path you took would have been better than highly situational items that you will never use.
He might be false-flagging.
That's just a specific flavor of bait.
Let's see, where to start?
Probably transform Shadowstalker into something unpleasant. Turn the E88 into various other ethnicities.
Then I'll move on to more important stuff; tracking down Jack and shoving his own knife down his throat, tracking down Saint and finding an alternate dimension where robots really did take over to drop him off in. Finding away to unshackle Dragon.
Eidolon's getting a nice punch in the face. Cauldron's already tracking
me anyway.
We'll help fight Endbringer 's of course, and sweep up the rest of S9.
Spend the free time studying various Tinker tech.
Then leave Scion to be dealt with Post-Spark.
I'm not them, but I'm not arguing for that.
I just don't think it needs to be a Gauntlet.
I should just be a standard jump, like over 99% of settings.
There is nothing unique or fascinating enough about the IP that calls for this kind of souper speshul treatment.
It's literally just an alternate earth where things have happened differently.
If we had a Sliders jump, you could probably find a knockoff version of The Purge setting there.
Hell, even Rick and Morty did it.
Eh, not always. I usually associate "bait" with "trolling", which might not be the reason for someone's false-flagging.
I know, but I need a couple of our powers for an upcoming jump, and Worm's plate is pretty full, I think, so I don't know how long it'll be. I'll likely end up changing some companion powers when the update comes out.
No, it shouldn't exist at all. Gauntlets are terrible.
Millions of people with good security systems. I get it depends on your situation in the gauntlet.
Well I am arguing that gauntlets should have good rewards relative to the setting because otherwise there would be no reason to take them, said rewards should be useful to you no matter how powerful you are while still not being very far above the setting it came from.
Usual Urban Fantasy fare, it seems. From the notes, the biggest direct magic exhibited was summoning ice to stop a battleship. Far as biggatons go, you should be safe expecting neighborhood-level stuff.
But considering some of the perks... Yeah, there's gonna be some esoteric shit to worry about. Can't help you there.
Also a (necromantic) zombie apocalypse maybe?
The jump's alright. Not the best, but it beats the average.
>Eidolon's getting a nice punch in the face.
Why? It's not like he's doing that shit on purpose; he has no control over the Endbringers at all.
Oh, wait, do you have one of those 'bitchslap people back to sanity' perks?
Oh, well.
I'm personally kind of indifferent to it being a Gauntlet or not. I'm not even sure if it's really a developed enough setting to make a jump for. Seems like these days people'll make anything vaguely fictional into a jump, even the ones which'd be awkward to make backgrounds and such for.
I dunno how to prove I'm not but-check my IP or whatever if possible, I think they're full of shit and I don't want to facilliate their bullshit.
>relative to the setting
>while still not being very far above the setting it came from
I can agree with this part actually, this seems like a good principle.
>no matter how powerful you are
Trouble is I'm not wholly certain what the qualifier for power here is and making it an axiom could result in it contradicting the first part.
He's so obsessed with playing Hero that he's fucking people over. Or atleast that's my understanding; I only got halfway through the series. Been meaning to finish it.
And I don't have those perks, so I'm being forced to improvise.
You haven't seen even the first movie. The main character who sells these systems specifically says they're mostly cosmetic and don't really do much. And he sells them to rich people. How are all the poor people surviving?
To be fair he kind of is. He purposefully sabotaged the fight with Noel/Echidna to try and die in battle or get riled up enough to increase his powers.
Eidolon is kinda like Bancho. His life is meaningfless and empty and he hates himself so all he has in the end is this little dream where he's worth a damn.
Gundam UC.
Bright Slap.
Oh, and Legend's definitely getting a pat on the back. Being an unambiguously heroic nice guy in that universe is a feat all its own.
So the Purge isn't actually dangerous then? Just staying in the doors should keep you safe.
You made me spill my drink, you fuck.
Best city to drop in, Buffalo NY. Numerous abandoned steel making plants, factories, and warehouses, along with multiple marinas. Either hide or steal a boat, sail less then 5 miles and you're in Canada.
I'll look into it, thanks. Will save me from cutting into my Naruto budget.
>I'm not even sure if it's really a developed enough setting to make a jump for.
If True Lies can get a jump, The Purge setting can too.
If anything, it's more developed than even True Lies, which is basically a version of earth with one single crazy story.
The Purge has a new, unique (far right?) political party, and new religious sects have opened up to include The Purge in their celebrations and practices.
Meanwhile there's a rebel group working figuratively underground, fighting against the government's utter abandonment of it's people.
And civilians are all caught somewhere in the middle, just trying to survive their probably extremely mentally ill fellow citizens.
If no one knows you're there, you should be fine. Bored, but safe.
The moment someone knows you're there, whether they're a Purger or prey, your survival rate gets cut in half, minimum.
Unless you're a main character with full plot armor, which a powerless Jumper would most certainly not be.
Pretty good, hammered out the drawbacks, except for the 1000 CP one.Just need to come up with some good items and finish writing up the powers. I can post the drawbacks if anyone wants to take a look and can give me a few minutes to make sure they're sorted out?
No, just what you had at that moment.
Basically what I mean is a something like a perk/item that's usefulness isn't dependent on the jumper's power level (or lack thereof).
For settings like Purge a good specialized social or luck perk that helps you in situations broadly related to the subject of the gauntlet would be good.
In a more high tech setting a technologically advanced item that can be either used by a low tech level jumper or reverse engineered for an addition to their technical knowledge for a high tech jumper.
>He's so obsessed with playing Hero that he's fucking people over.
That actually sounds like Armsmaster.
Oh yeah, I remember that. What a dick. A sad, suicidal dick.
Which one, Galactus or Thanos?
He's, far as he knows, one of the only people who can even dream of dealing with goldielocks.
I can forgive him for doing stupid shit to try and stop his continuous powering-down in that situation.