Am I the only one who hates the 5e official character sheets?
I think they waste space with the personality traits/flaws section and could have made better use of the space with either spell slots/day or a larger features and traits section.
Am I the only one who hates the 5e official character sheets?
I think they waste space with the personality traits/flaws section and could have made better use of the space with either spell slots/day or a larger features and traits section.
What's wrong with devoting one whole sheet to things that everyone uses, and having things like spell slots on a different page? skimping out on other things to make room for spells on the main sheet means it's a waste of space for players who don't choose to go down that path. In my experience, it's the personality trait parts are as big as they need to be for players to fit the traits on it.
The second page has a huge box dedicated to additional features and the third page is dedicated to spellcasting.
High level games it seems more useful to have more space for more relevant skills while the personality stuff, while used by nearly every group it is still an optional rule and I think more suited to the background page.
By the time you're level 5 I don't think you need a constant reminder of your personality traits and flaws right there. I think it's better used for shorthand keeping track of stuff like ammo, spell slots and so on.
I also think that gear and currency better belong on a separate page two because that's something that is going to get rather large as the game progresses.
>I think they waste space with the personality traits/flaws section and could have made better use of the space with either spell slots/day or a larger features and traits section.
I agree with this. I think a spell per day tracker or ammo tracker would have been much better, then they could put the backstory stuff on a different sheet.
Also the equipment section is a joke. The starting equipment packages alone take up that whole space even if I write tiny as all hell. I pretty much have to either get a whole new sheet or track my inventory with excel. Even the treasure section of the second sheet is way too small.
I've physically pasted over that section with an ammo tracker I made on a piece of paper.
I keep track of my inventory on this bag/pouch sheet I got off of Reddit.
Has anyone found a solid character folio for 5e yet? Like the paizo one for pathfinder?
>I keep track of my inventory on this bag/pouch sheet I got off of Reddit.
I'd like to see that.
Personally, I'd probably be happy if someone just made the squire app usable on desktop.
What if my character doesn't have any spells? That's a big blank spot on my sheet.
Maybe you're an archer with different kinds of ammo, or a fighter with special abilities, or perhaps a paladin with a squire following you with a weapon rack full of gear for special occasion...