Magic: the Gathering Casual General
What're you building?
Pic related with Demonic Pact and permanent sacrifice in modern
What're you playing?
Devil Goggles in standard its so awful and fun
Favorite stuff from EMN?
Elder Deep-Fried looks delicious
Magic: the Gathering Casual General
What're you building?
Pic related with Demonic Pact and permanent sacrifice in modern
What're you playing?
Devil Goggles in standard its so awful and fun
Favorite stuff from EMN?
Elder Deep-Fried looks delicious
Other urls found in this thread:
>What're you building?
Grixis Instant/Sorcery Goodstuff using a lot of fun cards from Eldritch Moon
Esper Ally Mill with a fair bit of re-animator and wipes
>What're you playing?
Selesnya Elephant Token deck using/abusing Parallel lives, Populate and Second Harvest. Could be so much better if I used practically anything other than Elephants, but fuck you, Elephants.
>Favorite stuff from EMN?
Docent of Perfection is hilarious
Bedlam Reveler is going STRAIGHT in my Burn deck
Harmless Offering is adorable, also thinking of how to base a deck around it
Soul Separator looks zany
Tree of Perdition is hilarious for a Triskaidekaphobia deck
BUG infect and something to beat my friend's permissions deck.
I'm liking Docent. Gonna build a UB wizards deck around him.
>What're you building?
an abzan birthing pod. i just wanna play rhinos in the smae deck with pod. also been thinking about a suspend deck.
>What're you playing?
it's casual so... anything i want?
>Favorite stuff from EMN?
nothing really. i've kinda skipped this whole block
Revamped old theme decks.
Currently adding some stuff to Bait and Switch from Onsluaght and Elemental's Path. Not sure If I want to make them block or if I should bring things from other editions.
Duel Decks from EM.
>EMN Stuff
Sigarda's Aid.
>Esper Ally Mill
That looks fun.
Post lists so far, please.
Building an eldrazi werewolf ramp deck. Probably won't be any good, but tribal werewolves was my first deck, and the eldrazi wolves look dope af, so I'm ok
Funny cause I'm currently doing a Selesnya Wolves token deck. ( Selesnya Elephant Token sounds lovely)
I keep on doing tribal decks this summer. Few weeks ago, I finished a W/U tribal archon, and a U/W/B tribal sphinx. I should do something else than tribal decks, but god I love them. Also, the sphinx one is surprisingly not too bad.
I recently finished a B/G Deadly Jungle deck, with little spiders & snakes, big gorgons and Vraska, but it's just not working well when I play it. it sucks cause I love the flavor of this deck, but still, I keep on playing it.
Niblis of Frost replaces nicely the niblis of the breath in my old and messy W/U Spirit deck.
>What're you building?
MonoBlack Phyrexian Infect.
Creatureless MBC
Erebos Commander
Theme decks for all Walkers starting with Liliana.
>What're you playing?
MonoBlack as always, in all incarnations. Control and Suicide.
>Favorite stuff from EMN?
Meh..not a fan of the set at all. Probably Emrakul herself, though Soul Seperator is a cool card as well.
I just got the angel horrors from eldrich on duels, burdy gud. delirium decks seem to be the shit now.
Thinking of dropping Retreat to Emeria for another source of Allies instead, or perhaps more reanimation.
Deck mostly revolves around Halimar Excavator, but also has Kazandu Blademaster and Hada Freeblade to try and win by damage if that fails.
Deck was originally Chromatic. With 2 Halimar Excavators (or an Excavator and a Shapeshifter), and a 4-colour United Front, I could win turn 4.
Which was fun.
>What're you building?
Trying to do my best with UW Spirits and UB Zombies
>What're you playing?
Well, fuck me running but I just mixed two RB intro packs from Nyx and added few cards from theros block only - this deck is amazing for casual play but my gf's BW lifeplay deck based on M15 intro pack just killed me a few times
>Favorite stuff from EMN?
Spindown lifecounters with tentacle-porno symbol
Delver levels 1-3 with some "number of copies in graveyards matters" blue cards.
Eldrazi RG Tron featuring Spawnsire. I spent some money to get each of the Titans, so I guess it's not that casual. It is intended for my friends to team up against me, (sometimes with an archenemy scheme deck if there's enough of them) so maybe that makes it more casual.
Emrakul, The Promised End
Docent of Perfection
Contingency Plan
Let's talk.abijt Mardu and what we need as a deck.
Bob and lilli are a must but what can I substitute?
What about fetch lands?
Big beaters. Hero of blade hold and brimmy. Are there any other options? Butcher of the horde.
>What're you building?
Just finished Werewolves, have my eye on some kind of storm brew, maybe simic eldrazi
>What're you playing?
Simic good stuff control. Elves. Human soldiers
>Favorite stuff from EMN?
I picked up some Ulrich.
>Casual MtG thread
I've been waiting for this
GB aristocrats
Should I replace some of the blue cards with something in the sideboard or maybeboard?
>Fav stuff from EMN?
All the new Eldrazi, so much better in flavor than some of the ones from the BfZ-block
>birthing pod
>tfw my friends in my hometown use the modern banlist because "it's more balanced" for casual play.
R/B Eldrazi Drone beat because I love stuff like pic related. I'm thinking about upgrading it when I get ahold of more Eldrazi Temples. I might change it into B/G though for more ramp, or at least splash green. I'd post list for suggestions, but I don't have it on hand at the moment.
Get some green in for this, so fun.
Making a Rakdos Eldrazi myself too, so a list would be nice
Building: Grixis Poison, Green Stompy, Mono B Zombies, Izzet Isochron Scepter/ Kiln Fiend, etc.,etc.
Thinking about making an Elesh Norn/white-themed Phrexyian deck. Any ideas?
I'll try to think of some of it off the top of my head.
4 Forerunner of Slaughter
4 Sludge Crawler
4 Dominator Drone
3 Wasteland Strangler
2 Culling Drone
2 Vile Aggregate
2 Bearer of Silence
2 Matter Reshaper
1 Eldrazi Aggressor
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Tragic Slip
4 Ghostfire Blade
2 Sol Ring
1 Eye of Ugin
1 Eldrazi Temple (working toward getting more)
4 Corrupted Crossroads
A lot of the rest consists of basic lands, a couple duals, and a few cards I just can't remember.
I'm working toward upgrading it slowly with more processors and utility cards. Thought-Knot Seer is on my to-buy list with Eldrazi Temple and maybe another Eye. I had one before the winter price spike that I never ended up selling. I'm also looking to buy one Ulamog when I get the Temples.
>What're you building?
RG They 'Were' Wolves.
>What're you playing?
GWBlues Clues, BR Mad-About-Twilight.dec.
>Favorite stuff from EMN?
The whole SoI block has been a flavour home run for me, and casual kitchen table means here we fucking go.
foiling out my Omnath EDH at the moment
Bushwhacker Zoo in modern, and as much limited as i can
>Favourite EMN stuff
I don't play standard so I can only go off drafts/sealed. I drafted G/B Delirium with Ishkanah last night at it was busted, went 3-0-1. At EMN prerelease, i had 2 Lone Riders and Odric in my pool. It was gross.
What does Veeky Forums think of this shitbrew that I'm putting together because I have most of the cards in hand? Pic related.
>Elder Deep-Fried looks delicious
Elderly Friends aren't for eating!
Also you should prolly run pic related in your deck alongside a bunch of "you loose" cards.
America fog for standard
Azorius Tutelage
>Favorite EMN
Geier Reach Sanitarium without a doubt
Why that land?
I fucking love me some Whisperwood elemental. I wish manifest would be more viable, probably one of my favorite mechanics.
Reminds me of Mikokoro for tutelage, and in a delirium deck it can be an enabler
And... no help with my deck.
It looks like Superfriends Season 2? None of us are going to know the power level of your playgroup, and so can't offer relevant advice.
Straight up, your deck would blow my entire playgroup out of the water singlehandedly, so I would tell you to tone it the fuck down, but the BUG Infect guy might fucking destroy your deck without paying attention, and tell you to play something better entirely.
Recently got into EDH so probably budget esper artifacts.
Janky Jeskai Control and Mono Black Zombies.
The foil token from pre release.
>What're you building?
MACHINE HEAD type thing in modern, I have few variations...
>What're you playing?
...which I've been testing and tinkering around with.
Maybe lose a Norns annex for a crawlspace.
12 EMN booster sealed deck. Haven't opened the packs her since I'm waiting for the other two guys to get back from vacation and give them their thirds of the box.
R/G werewolves kinda moved from budget to less budget with the inclusion of 3 Arlinn Kord, 1 collected company, and a Ulrich.
>Favorute stuff from EMN?
Thermo-alchemist is a sealed All-star that can end up dealing 10-15 damage over the course of a game.
Not really anything. Maybe considering Golgari, possibly Delirium/graveyard stuff.
Bant Walls.
BU Zombies
Permeating Mass
Lone Rider
Distended Mindbender
What are you building?
>Uril Enchantment EDH. It's going to be spicy as shit once I figure out how to brew a balanced assault. I already have all the staples he would need, I'm just worried it's going to turn into a one-shot-show where everyone saves a counter for Uril and I durdle to death.
What are you playing?
>Three things: Maelstrom Wanderer basic land ramp, Ayli tempo control/recursion, Lazav "All my good black and blue cards are in Ayli and Maelstrom, so this is what you get"
Favorite stuff from EMN?
Assembled Alphas, that new Thalia and Tree of Perdition are pretty gosh darn spicy.
My group plays slightly competitive. Theros-Tarkir Standard winning UBG Super Friends, 8 Rack, Elves, Goblins, Burn, G/W Bogles, and so forth.
So you can only play with new cards? Lame
Last time a thread gave you advice you threw a bitch fit about. Fuck off
I'm working on an Atog deck and something that uses Birthing Pod, not sure what yet. Maybe Golgari gudstuff.
this + Cloudpost + Axebane Guardian + Overgrown Battlements + A shit ton of other walls
What're you building?
Really struggling to make a viable rite of flame -> pyretic ritual -> seething song -> geothermal surge -> dragon fatties. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What're you playing?
EMN delirium. Shit is pretty fun.
Favorite stuff from EMN?
Grim Flayer obviously
I played similar thing for a bit, although inspired by and finished with Colossus of Akros for full "tribal"faggotry.
I run colossus as a one of in the deck, mostly because my LGS only had one when I bought most of the cards
You have so few blue cards that you probably should.
Posting list since that might be conducive to getting help. The big problem I have is too many spells that just clog up my hand forcing me to sit with my thumb up my butt. Maybe cut them for more creatures? Maybe this is just a bad idea? IDK.
So what should I substitute the Deep Fried and the Sire with?
Actually, I didn't. Two other anons threw a fit because I didn't use their advice.
Like the reason I won't use Prison, Propaganda, or Crawlspace is because they don't count for my Planeswalkers. They can attack them unhindered with those cards. Annex also applies if they attack my Planeswalkers.
Play your deck some then, and see how it goes. Eyeballed, it looks probably okay for that power level.
I'd say void winnower for sure and then I'm partial to unmake, but you might want to consider warping wail and/or stasis snare.
i want to make a jund meme deck thats running demonic pact, trisk, tree of perdition, harmless offering and some sort of green delerium shenanigans
and soul separators as well
Casual multiplayer variants stay here? I like to play constructed fifty-cards highlander. But I would like to increment that with Limited elements. Maybe when Planechaser launches.
Newfag here
How viable is a Blue/Red Eldrich Moon deck based mostly around instants and sorceries
Also any tips for new comers
There's a whole bunch of support in Thing in the Ice and Bedlam Reveler, it won't be tier 1 but itll be decent
Pic unrelated
Reading up on Thing in the ice, i need this card.
Already had a few Bedlam Revelers but never considered making them a staple in the deck until now.
Yeah it's really good, run the Lightning Axe/Fiery Temper combo, Stormchaser Mage is good
I'm playing my mono black Reanimator/Control deck
I'm pretty happy with it myself, even though it needs more testing and I'm not sure if I'm completely satisfied with the ratios of the deck
>4x Griselbrand
>3x Avatar of Woe
>1x Crypt Rats
>4x Ravenous Rats (think I'll swap this out for something else but right now it's fine)
>2x Vampire Nighthawk
>2x Gatekeeper of Malakir
>2x Hypnotic Specter
>4x Entomb
>4x Vampiric Tutor
>4x Reanimate
>2x Exhume
>2x Unearth
>2x Geth's Verdict
>2x Duress
>2x Disfigure
LANDS (20)
>16x Swamps
>3x Barren Moor
>1x Mortuary Mire
You don't need all those spells.
-1 Ruby Medallion
+1 Rite of Flame
-3 Manamorphose
-2 Magma Jet
+2 Draconic Roar
+2 Sarkhan's Triumph
+1 Crucible of Fire
+2 Dragonmaster Outcast
+1 Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
+1 Dragonstorm
Consider getting more win conditions
fuck yeah casual
Thanks a lot for the advice, dragon tyrant is a good idea and I completely didn't even think about creatures with fire breathing. Dragon storm would be fun as shit to ramp up into. Thanks lad, an outside perspective is always really helpful.
Glad to help.
You know how Trample with Double strike works right? Its a reason you have to pay for this monster every upkeep, and why his +1/+0 ability is bonkers.
You could also look at
>Urza's Incubator
>Flame Slash
>Basilisk Collar (even though its expensive, its insane combined with Balefire Dragon due to the multiply)
>Ghostfire (since you're playing mono red, you're going to have a tough time against protection from red. Maybe sideboard it if you don't know if it will fit the deck.)
>Form of the Dragon (risky but fun)
>Selesnya Elephant Token deck
Brother! I play the same deck but haven't put in Second Harvest yet
So I made a hilariously strong deck with this guy in a recent conspiracy draft, anyone thought of making defenders.dec with this guy? Any ideas?
I put in 4, but I'm thinking of taking a few back out.
Though that's usually because I'm still drawing them in clumps of 2-3 with no Elephant sources which aren't immediately removed.
You should get 4 lightning bolts and 4 brainstorm and/ponder. They are probably the most powerful cards in that colour and you will use them for the rest of the time you play magic. Unless of course you want to keep it standard legal. Bit for casual kitchen table magic the 10 bucks spent will definitely help your deck and even your skill a lot
Been doing a bit of casual sealed. We each cracked six Theros packs and built decks. Daxos of Meletis and the league of Nimbus Naiads is a fucking monster of a deck.
I can't decide if we should add to our Theros packs and go with some Born of the Gods + Journey Into Nyx or skip ahead and do some Tarkir instead.
Why not run a bit of Assault Formation? It's the first card that comes to mind if you want to support your defenders.
so what deck are you guys consider your "iconic" deck?
I made a Trisk-Pact deck already. I think keeping it BR is the best way to go though. I'll be adding in one more Brutality and two Languishes in place of the Recruitment.
As a Reanimator player myself, I would ditch the rats for Putrid Imps and have some more board control critters like Jin Gitaxias and Iona. I don't know about needing 4 Griselbrands, the deck really needs to splash in U to run 4 of any creature. But, I personally like mini-black because it leave the deck more as a tool box. I would personally ditch all the vampires and specters and add in Dark Rituals and Animate Deads.
Here's my Reanimator deck. The pic is before I took out the Dread Returns for another Reanimate and Exhume.
I think so. Tyrant attacks, opponent blocks with a 2/2. So the 4 damage rolls over and then dragon tyrant hits for another 6 making it 10 total, correct?
Oh, and can't I pump tyrant after the trample damage but before the other damage resolves?
Creature tool box tends to be the best in Casual.
Since that's pretty modern, ensnaring bridges and maybe vraska or more venser
You can pump after the first strike damage and before the normal damage. But, it doesn't really matter if you do it before or after the first strike damage as it has the same affect if you have trample.
>16 toolbox targets
Bridges has the same affect as Prisons and Propagandas. They don't hinder my opponent from attack my Planeswalkers instead of me. And if I add another 1 of Planeswalker, I think it'll be Ral Zarek.
Why not? I consistently get to play critters turn 1 or 2. So, I get my choice of the mill and have a contingency for everything outside of FoW save for Duress/Cabal Theropy.
dude you should really be running 4 REANIMATE in a REANIMATOR deck. also why do you have so many creatures in that deck? you should mostly be looking to get a couple in your 'yard then reanimating those key creatures. you could add golfari grave troll and use that to dredge, with the combination of narcomeda and nether shadow that would allow you to use dread rewturn to it's fullest extent
I haven't played magic in quite a bit and decided to stop by a thread.
So, it colorless the same as no color? I heard there was some rules change regarding uncolored mana.
cause he doesn't know how a reanimator deck works
>So, it colorless the same as no color?
>I heard there was some rules change regarding uncolored mana.
There wasn't, but I know aht your talking about. They recently (as of Oath of the Gatewatch) added the colourless symbol. It is not to be confused with the generic amna symbol. Before Oath of the Gewatch nothin had ever required pure colourless mana before. But now some things do. Colourless mana is produced, while generic mana is a cost.
In pic related the total mana you need to pay is 10 mana. 2 of that mana NEEDS to be colourless (either from wastes, sol ring, ancient tomb or other) and 8 mana of any color or even colourless mana
Again, it's a toolbox. It has answers for anything and everything. And with a deck that consistently get out a creature turn 1 and 2, I really don't need to worry about dredging. The only change I'll be making is dropping the Raven's Crines which are placeholders for two more Cabal Therapys.
And remember, this is a casual deck meant to play outside a meta, meaning I can go up against any type of deck ever. So, I like the options. The only way I could make it more competitive is to make it UB and run FoW and draw.
So many of them are redundant though, or just win-more.
You're also only running 4 protection spells, and not even reactive ones at that.
he was like this in the modern thread too. just try to give general advice (which he tended to violently rebuke), and move on. He will derail the thread
Which protection spells?
> violently
I never once got irate. It was two other anons who were all assblasted about me not taking their advice like their world was gold and I should be honored to have their opinions.
>Which protection spells?
Duresses, and the single Therapy. 1 more than I originally said, but it's still not very much.
Fug, duh. Thanks amigo.
I've always wanted to build kind of like block constructed duel decks, mostly for RTR, but it costs actually a lot even if you forsake shock lands.
no, dude don't engage him
>Upheaval floating 19, replay most things.
I had fun with this list.
Again, the only card that is a treat to this deck is FoW. And I'll end up adding in two more Therapys. Everything else is manageable 1st or 2nd turn.
R8 my shitty boggles deck
why no strip mines? i always run 4 copies in my decks