Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
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Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
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I'll post my shitty modern deck again and see if anyone else has advice on what to cut and what to add.
Reposting this for feedback
How's this Jeskai-black Gifts Reanimator
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Path to Exile
4x Lightning Helix
2x Spell Snare
3x Mana Leak
2x Remand
4x Snapcaster Mage
2x Cryptic Command
4x Gifts Ungiven
1x Timely Reinforcements
1x Jace, VP
1x Wrath of God
1x Supreme Verdict
1x Iona
1x Elesh Norn
24 Lands (incl. 2x Manlands)
You don't have to jump through any hoops. By itself it resets your Planeswalkers. In addition to having one card out it allows you to use an ultimate twice save for Sarkahn and Kiora unless you have Oath of Gideon out as well, but I'm not counting on it.
And what would you suggest add in in the place of Venser and Season?
How is that "jumping through hoops"?
Where's the Reanimator aspect of this deck?
He's supposed to have an Unburial Rights in there somewhere for the double entomb combo.
Double entomb combo?
>Can't tell if serious.
Deploy the gatewatch can be cut. It's a lot like CoCo, it just digs 7 deep. So on any given casting, you're paying 6 mana for a chance at hitting 1 walker. I'd either try to hit a critical mass of walkers, probably about 20 or so, or cut deploy.
Call the gatewatch is cute, but I'd probably cut it down to 2 or 1. It's just a bad Chord. You don't have the ramp to hit stuff early.
There's a ton of stuff that's going to be rotting dead in your hand. Consider noble hierarch or bird of paradise. efficient mana dorks that double as chump blockers.
Path to Exile should be in there. With it, you'll get smashed instead of throat-fucked.
I'd suggest ensnaring bridge, but you'll have a bunch of uncastable cards in hand. Maybe ghostly prison?
Woops, yeah, missed Unburial Rites.
You search for Rites and Elesh/Iona with Gifts Ungiven and present them to your opponent and ask them to pick two to go to your graveyard and smirk.
I suppose jumping through hoops is the wrong term, what I mean is that those cards and the intended interaction between them are all dependent on getting multiple things to happen together in the right order for an end result of putting you further ahead when you are winning; in my opinion you'd be better served with good cards that further your game plan while also being good by themselves. As I've already said, I would cut venser and doubling season for more early interaction in the form of removal or counterspells in order to safely get to the point where you've got 2+ planeswalkers out and can just take over the game, grinding out your opponents. I get that doubling season makes the planeswalkers a lot better and it's pretty cool being able to ultimate the turn they come down but it's expensive and doesn't effect the board when it comes down; with your slow deck and low interaction you run the very real risk of being run over or combo-ed out before your stuff comes online, especially if you tap out for the doubling season turn 4 or 5.
Again, I've never played with or against superfriends except in cube so my advice could well be very off but it looks like you don't do enough to slow down your opponent enough to take control of the board before you lose, especially since you don't have some kind of instant-win combo and are relying on your planeswalkers grinding out your opponents in the long game. As is, you will just lose with that deck to any tier 1-2 lists before you get your stuff online. But hey, play what you want as long you enjoy it, otherwise what's the point? This coming from a guy who periodically brings his UB mill to FNM when I feel like changing things up.
> Cut deploy
> a lot like CoCo for pw
> except 7 deep instead of just 5
> somehow a bad thing
> cut Call
> just like Chord, except a tutor for pw
> somehow a bad thing
> Mana dork
> possibility, bop very playable over hierarch
First good suggestion. But, I don't need it to net me top 8. It's just a fun deck.
> without Path you'll get your shit pushed in
> great card, but...
> meh, somehow I don't think so
Second good suggestion, but see previous answer.
> suggest bride or prison
> seems like a reoccuring suggestions of staples of OTHER decks
> thinking 2 generic is worse than 2 life per critter
Hmm. Nope.
And what if they let you keep the Norn and pitch the Rites?
You search for *up to* 4 but the opponent always has to choose two to bin. So if I search for one or two, all the cards go in the graveyard. If you look for three, you keep one; if you look for four, you keep two.
It's quite a tricky card to grasp at first.
I'm glad you went into more detail with your explanation. Thanks. I won't be getting the seasons for a bit since they are $40 each. The deck is primarily for fun and not a tournament deck by any means. I'll have more counters in its place before dropping the Seasons in, so we'll see how it runs before I dish out for them.
As I said in , your deck doesn't put on enough pressure to make the 2 life more costly than 2 mana, plus there's more artifact than enchantment destruction played in modern.
If you aren't willing to take good advice I've got nothing more to say to you. It really sounds like you just don't want to change any part of your "special brew" just because clearly we just don't get your genius and only want to make you netdeck like the rest of the sheeple. (That last part was sarcastic in case it wasn't clear.)
I've seen you post a few times before and honestly, tonight is as good as you are going to get when it comes to constructive criticism. Either take the advice or play your deck as is, I no longer have the patience to give a damn.
Good night and good luck.
I gotcha.
Why are you asking suggestions for your 0-4 at FNM deck when you aren't willing to give anyone the time of day.
How is your deck going to beat Infect? Jeskai control? Fucking Death's Shadow?
Nigger, I'm trying to help you. I could be like a hundred other people screaming at you to burn the whole thing and play a real deck.
Let's check some math on deploy . You have 11 walkers right? All of them less than 6 mana besides Elspeth. Even if you do hit 1 walker ( Roughly 25℅ give or take) you won't even get 6 mana worth of walker.
It's bad, unless you have a critical mass of walkers like you have to build with CoCo. And you don't. You're going to wiff. A lot.
Tutors are bad in Modern. Spending a turn to snag another card is usually awful, unless you do it as an instant (Chord) or there are "restrictions" (Ancient Stirrings in Tron). You need to be playing good cards in the first place. If call was 1 mana, or even 2, it'd be better, but using your turn 3/4 mana to find mostly terrible cards, is just asking to get your butt handed to you.
>Suggesting other staples
I'm suggesting cards that are good for a reason. Do you not want to run good cards?
Jesus fuck, man.
I suggest you playtest your deck on Xmage or cockatrice so that you can see for yourself how any tier 3 homebrew will tear your deck a new asshole.
Rate my brew. It consistently beats other tier 1 decks like Mardu and Esper Zur.
Just because someone doesn't take all of your advice you assume they won't hear what you're saying and don't plan on changing it? That's pretty pompous of you to assume such. Not all of your advice is golden. Remember that. Just because you know what other people play in tournaments doesn't mean all of those cards are good in every deck just because they share the same colors. I've stated that this deck isn't meant to be very competitive and I don't need it to win me tournaments. I'm just looking for advice. You gave it. I thanked you. But, I won't be using it. Don't take it so personal.
It doesn't need to win tournaments. It's just for fun. And I've taken advice. It's been changed from the original premise. I just don't need to change my deck to every single person's suggestions. Why is it if I don't listen to one thing someone says, they get all assblasted and assume that I'm not changing it no matter what anyone says? The deck is just a modern deck to have fun with. It's not my only modern deck. Chill out, yandere.
I don't really want to defend him here, but your math is a little off.
If he casts Deploy at 6 mana on turn 6, that means he has been through somewhere between 4 and 6 draw steps. If you assume he draws somewhere between 1 and 3 walkers before he casts Deploy, that means his chances of hitting at least 1 walker are somewhere around:
1 - ((8-10 walkers left in the deck)/(47-49 cards left i his deck))^(7 cards searched by Deploy)
This number is very very high, regardless of what end of the spectrum you look at. Even if you assume that he has 6 walkers in hand and is casting oath with 50 cards in his deck, it still ends up way higher then 25%.
The only advice you've given that is viable is the concern with Deploy. However, with that being said the part that is viable for it isn't even what you suggested. I could easily put in some scry/draw cards and control the top x cards that I Deploy for.
Why are you so butthurt just because someone doesn't take your every advice?
Just because it's a modern deck doesn't mean it's a tournament deck.
Stop being an asshat and trying to make this a meme.
Thank you, senpai. (Posted "f-a-m" there and it'll probably be changed to "senpai" by Veeky Forums).
My mistake, it would be the number of non-walkers over total cards (so something like 30/48). Which comes out to about 95%. Still really high.
The point of Deploy late game is to weed out useless cards between your walkers. It digs 7 deep and chucks the ones you don't need. Otherwise without it, you'd just be drawing all of those cards. Think of it like "scry 7; put two pw into play while you're at it."
>I want to make my deck good, but not TOO good!
Modern =/= casual =/= modern. Just because your deck is Modern legal, does not make it a Modern deck. It's a casual deck that belongs in a thread for casual decks. Why is it so hard to understand that we don't want people to discuss casual decks in threads dedicated to competitive Magic?
I'm crossing fingers that a janitor will come along and clean your posts up soon, because this is just silly, as exemplified by the other user trying to make a meme out of you.
No problem. I think that the reasons the deck lacks competitive edge are as follows:
1) No early game interaction. A deck can be slow to win, but if that is the case then it has to interact somehow to stop decks that clock faster then you from winning.
2) Not much acceleration into the wincons.
I suggest that you keep oath to the gatewatch and the planeswalkers AND doubling season but you add efficient removal and better mana ramp by cutting Norn's Annex, Thrummingbird, Thalia, and Harrow.
Cards like path to exile and lightning bolt in for the early game issues you might face and then cards like noble hierarch and birds of paradise to help you get the mana you might need.
You can keep the thrummingbirds and maybe cut the doubling seasons to lower your curve and keep some of the theme alive. Thalia is removable so you might be better off with a card like Ghostly Prison, which will lockdown your opponents while also allow you to win with your planeswalkers.
Take advantage of your lack of creatures by playing cards like ghostly prison as mentioned above, but also cards like Supreme Verdict.
Deploy is bad. If you want to do Doubling Season, Jace, Architect of Thought and Nahiri are what you want to be doing. Ult them to fetch up Emrakul, rest of the deck can be mana ramp.
This is my version:
Hows the infect/burn/eldrazi/merfolk match-up?
> never said make my deck good
> repeatedly say it's not going to see tournament play
Any deck that is modern legal is a modern deck. That's what defines modern. Why is it that I say that I'm not going to use your advice, you act like I just fucking raped your sister? Stop getting all mad just because I say that I'm not going to use your advice. Damn, you're autistic as fuck. I don't need my deck nor want my deck to be like any other deck. I ask for advice to see what other people suggest and to see if they suggest cards I never thought about. Which has already happened.
> we don't want you or your sub-tier 3 deck in here
> we don't want
> we
> you
You need to go back to your therapist and cry to him about why you're so fucking assblasted about this convo while your mother pays him either $200/hr or ducks his cock for payment all because her little snook'ems is a fucking bitch.
That's how you are acting right now. Go jerk off to your cuck porn.
You should kill yourself at this point instead of throwing the exact same fucking tantrum in every thread.
No he's right. I dont want you here either. Therefore we dont want you here. And no, modern legal doesnt mean its a modern deck. My casual decks are vintage legal, that does not mean they are vintage decks
My friend, I replied earlier with some advice on the deck while maintaining the core. Just making sure you didn't miss it.
You can help your early game survivability by cutting some of the weaker cards and adding either efficient removal or an enchantress-style control shell (ghostly prison, sphere of safety, ensaring bridge, etc).
The power of a deck like this is that you can win without relying on creatures, so you should focus on cards that normally hurt both sides to give you lopsided advantage, ie supreme verdict. I therefore suggest cutting the thrumming birds and Thalia for more protection in the early game in forms i mention previously.
This is a competitive discussion, so I will try to help you make it as competitive as possible within the boundaries of your theme. I think that is a good exercise for overall deckbuilding skills.
I'm not the one throwing a tantrum, buddy. I'm calm and collected. Maybe you should actually read my posts and see that I'm telling butthurt sperglords to chill the fuck out.
You're absolutely right. But, I'm trying to stray away from heavy hitters like lightning bolt, path and likewise. I might take Prison and Birds in consideration. I'll just have to look over what I have and how lon it'd take me to assemble the deck. Possibly add in brainstorm/ponder/preordained.
All three of those cantrips are not modern legal
Passive aggressiveness is not calm and collected, boyo.
Consider ramping with enchantments like Utopia Sprawl instead so that you can add board wipes like Supreme Verdict and further reduce your reliance on creatures. I just thought of that which is why I didn't mention it earlier.
The current best cantrip in modern is Serum Visions and then it is kind of downhill from there with a bunch of options that only net 1 for 1 card advantage more or less.
>Grixis delver T2
>D&T T3
>Dredge T2
>Elves T3
hot damn, shit has changed
you should've went with esper draw go, nobody plays zur
Autism speaks. You just don't know when to fuck off with your shitty brew.
Just add sphinx rev as your wincon, you really need it. Also consider the original "counter everything and sphinx rev for 15" as your fnm deck. You would love the guy who brew it.
So many butthurt people all because I don't want to use their suggestions.
You're absolutely right. But, I just want to try some of these cards out because they seem like fun. So, why not? I have my more competitive decks for tournament play. This is just a modern deck that I want to have fun with.
Doesn't mean I won't toss them in. I said it wasn't meant for tournament play. I can change it from Modern legal, to Legacy legal, to Casual only. Shit. I could just toss in 4 sol rings.
Except I'm having fun with them, not being all butthurt. It's amusing how upset they get over someone not taking their advice. Like their words are law. And I should be grateful that they bless my deck with their words. Fucking tryhards.
I do like Serum Visions a lot. It's in my Prodigal Sorcerer deck.
You're so totally right. Maybe if I built decks you do then I too could get rekt by 9 year olds at my LGS.
>Just because you know what other people play in tournaments doesn't mean all of those cards are good in every deck just because they share the same colors.
Of course user, goyf belongs to dredge.
It is up to you my friend. Typically in my experience modern is played at stores in a competitive environment, so I envy you for having the opportunity to play casually.
thoughts on my list?
Why do you feel its necessary to derail every thread?
You're so cute.
Like I said, I have my competitive decks so I really don't need this one to blow shit out of the water. It's for fun. Also, how much are modern tournaments at your LGS? Mine are $5 per person.
Not bad at all. Looks like it'll do good.
I don't, peeps who cry unnecessarily derail it. They do t have to say shit when I choose not to take their path. But, they bet heated over nothing.
I feel like goblin dark-dwellers will help you a lot, also a tasigur. Otherwise you're not retaining value off your yard
You posting your shitty decks derail an already notoriously shitty general
Then why are you here, buddy?
To shit on you
I agree with you, i feel like when a deck is that horribly shit it's best to not bother with advice. Which is sad, because that's toxic to the game for new players, but this modern superfriends deck is trash and the person that keeps posting it is as well (or just an okay troll)
These types of low curve midrange decks can benefit from having some 1 drop creatures. Consider Grim Lavamancer to take advantage of all your instants and sorceries in the yard. Lower that curve by cutting some 2 drop removal or boros charm, you already have a good amount of efficient removal there and boros charm is fairly situational.
Bring boros charm out of the board when expecting board wipes imo.
Right now it looks like you are trying to build some kind of deadguy ale, delver, mardu midrange kind of shell. You might want to consider picking a direction. By having only 5 pieces of hand disruption you have less consistent removal then Bx midrange and less tempo plays then a typical instant-filled delver shell. This makes the deck a little inconsistent.
>I don't, peeps who cry unnecessarily derail it
You do derail it with your dumb opinions and shitty decks that are like "guaranteedreplies.jpg". Just face it mate - nobody wants you here. So can you kindly fuck off to the holy you crawled from?
For FNM 10$ and it all goes to the pool. I actually like more expensive ones since I run competitive decks usually.
>Like I said, I have my competitive decks
Let me guess, "competetive" esper draw go?
Sick fucking quints, bro.
The ol' Rev-for-15 level of competition
Your life is dedicated to me then. I feel honored. Waste your life as much as you want, friendo.
Samounts like your friends don't ask you for information at all concerning mtg in any regards.
Sounds like you need some prep-h. Might want to check Walgreens for that.
Quints checked. The reason my LGS is so cheap is because there is a large turn out, typically 50+ participants.
Does anyone have a screen so of this shit? I'm kinda new on Veeky Forums, but that sounds like gold.
Bogles, Mono-white humans, Eldrazi Rites, Dredge (though it's tore apart at the moment).
I honestly think it might be the same guy. Im shitposting froom my ps4, but other anons should have some caps. It was fucking gold
It's on par with this autist. The rev guy didn't know when to let go just like him.
He was smarter tho, as he didn't shit 3-4 threads in a row if I recall well.
GDD is a bit too far up the curve, I only run 22 lands.
Thanks, post like these make me want to come back to these generals.
You're right about about the boros charm, it's situational. I was experimenting with it as a 3 of and will replace it with a lavamancer to get some value off my GY.
The idea I'm going with is getting value off of YP and mentor with cheap red and black spells, while removing threats and disrupting the opponent, sometimes even switching to a burn plan. So far the deck has been feeling pretty consistant
Give you an understanding of how many chromosomes that user had. He was running preordain
So one tier 3 deck, and 3 not-a-deck deck. K got it
dredge is t2 now son
it would be he he didn't admit that it was torn apart, which inr eality means that he probably has the key pieces but can't afford the expensive parts
No problem man I help when I can. How has mentor been performing versus "fair" removal decks? My guess is they are stuck between removing Dark Confidant, Mentor, and Pyromancer so have trouble. I like your threat density.
Is Bogles t3?
> can't afford expensive pieces
Pffsh. I bet my shitty domain deck costs more than every one of your decks.
Been thinking aobut buying my freind a boros burn deck to ge thim into modern. does this look right?
4 lightning bolts
4 rift bolts
4 lightning helix
4 boros charm
4 lava spike
4 shock
4 magma jet
4 young pyromancer
4 goblin guide
4 path to exile
Yeah, Modern Nexus had a metagame update yesterday. Bogles sits at 1.4% overall. It's still an okay choice in certain metas, but tends to get blown out especially post board.
sick deck bro, but you should take out the silent arbiters and put in progenitus and griselbrand
>Eldrazi Rites
Is this your deck user?
Funny you were making fun from a guy who play bogles and does well at his lgs. Also something tells me you're piloting some kind of a shitty version of bogles, like that one posted a thread or two ago (sadly I didn't save it).
Doesn't look cheap just to buy it for your friend.
Hey, I posted this yest. Since then I've sleeved it up, and in playtesting it seems pretty fun and feels like teir 2 solidly (it definitely needs more testing, tweaking and working on the manabase)
I replaced the relic of progenitus with Scrabbling claws (because when I crack that I get to keep the artifact for goyf) and dropped a snapcaster and a delay for 2 blight herders. Anyone know good fixes for mana? I also want to put in 4 ancient stirrings (maybe) because it seems okay (haven't done the math for how many targets it will consistently see)
Burn is very linear and typically doesn't run Path to Exile or Young Pyromancer. It runs I think 2 or 3 of Grim Lavamancer, Eidolon of the Great Revel x 4, Monastary Swiftspear x4, Searing Blaze x, Skullcrack between 2 and 4 copies. Cut ANY 1 drop burn spell that does less then 3 damage for 1 mana. Cut the jets as well.
I haven't played this deck all that long. Kust some experimenting on cockatrice the last few days, so I haven't even played all the T1/T2 decks yet. If by "fair" removal decks you mean you jund and junk I believe this deck has a positive MU against those. By the time mentor hits they've usually exhausted their removal(if I can keep their Bob off the board) and if mentor sticks the game is usually over. But that is true for pretty much every creature I run, provided I can keep their side of the board clean with all my removal. They're also both 3 color decks that like hurting themselves which makes the burn plan viable against them. Of course this deck folds to NoSB, but that's life.
The most glaring card that can help with fixing is Cavern of Souls if you have the $.
the only money piece is the guides, and honestly i was gonna cut those. i jsut didnt want to get made fun of on Veeky Forums
Yeah. That's mine. And my Bogles was posted as my casual version without the Etheral Armors and Spirit Mantles. I dumb down a bunch of my decks to play against my friends. I don't want them to get burned out of the game if they keep losing. And as it sits, my Bogles does pretty damn well competitively.
Also, I wasn't making fun of his Bogles deck. I was pointing out that Bogles shouldn't net him 1st-3rd place consistently.
Good stuff man. Best of luck. Typically these kinds of midrange brews with enough tweaking can be competitive enough to win events, especially since you might be playing cards people don't expect.
Will that? I found needing to have mana for abrupt decay and dispel was the hardest part, the spells really push my mana base for colour needs. I'll try it, I have a few lying around somewhere. Thanks for the feedback user
I have a deck for that, don't you worry.
forgot about the revel and swiftspear. and really? no pyromancer, seems odd but whatever. thanks for the tip. i just want something for him to bring to fnm thta wont get his shit stomped in
>not alpha disenchants
Come on senpai
Still, a playset of Path's is $24 minimal. If you have the money, then go as far as you want bro. I buy boxes just to make shit decks that are fun, like my Trisk-pact deck. And let my friends snatch the rest for decks they need or just trash draft the rest of the cards.
Sorry I just relooked at your deck and didn't notice how many non-eldrazi spells you were running. My fault, I just saw the name and looked at your manabase desu. You might want to consider a City of Brass or two but besides that you have a typical fetch/shock base albeit I haven't done any mana math.
I'd definitely consider cutting boros charm for thoughtseizes.
I like your deck; it looks like the mardu equivalent to grixis delver. Without delver.
I think the claw instead of the relic is a mistake. Sure if you play both on T1 it doesn't matter, but if you draw claw later it's pretty much useless except for feeding the processors, while relic feeds the processors AND shuts your opponent's GY down.
I'll probably go with x2 lavamancer and up my TS count to 3 instead of the x3 boros charm.
>Not running Sudden Shock
Oooh okay, I'll still try a cavern (who knows!) I think another filter land might help, they tap for colourless or can be a suprisingly strong flex. City of brass seems good, I'll try that a couple times as well.
One thing that seems pretty strong (pr incredibly underwhelming) is a reflecting pool, it taps for any type, not colour, so I could use it to tap for colourless if I have a filter land out
>Bogles was posted as my casual version without the Etheral Armors and Spirit Mantles
Ok, that's all I needed to know. You don't even own a single competitive deck. Just look at your landbase, lack of umbras, no shackles/rays/path.
To other anons: here are his "bogles".