Duel between an Warcraft Orc and an Warhammer fantasy Orc. Who wins?

Duel between an Warcraft Orc and an Warhammer fantasy Orc. Who wins?

Whichever is better.
Seriously dude, they're all fucking different.

The slutty elves that are getting a sexy show.

Fantasy Orc is probably dumber but definitely tougher and almost certainly a better fighter.

Blizzard and GW.

Depends on whether the guy GMing the fight is a Warcraft faggot or a WFB faggot.

These kinds of threads never settle anything, and always end up collapsing into fanboy dick-measuring contests.

Well in Warcraft 3 Orc soldiers were better than human soldiers, taking 3 population for Orcs while a human soldier only using 2. A Warcraft Human soldier is likely as good as an Empire soldier, Weapon Skill 3, Sword, Heavy Armour, Shield, but an Orc is significantly better than that.

So since a Warhammer Ork isn't significantly better than an Empire Soldier I'd say a basic Warcraft Orc is better than a basic Warhammer Ork.

Warhammer orc.
Then the warcraft orc drinks demon blood and bix noods around and dies. then his relatives say that he dindu nuffin, he a good boi who went to the altar of storms every sunday.

warhammer humans have to rely on tactics and shit.
warcraft humans are mary sues that have roidrage.

Okay, but this is about a Duel. So tactics aren't really a concern.

A Warcraft 3 Orc Grunt is about 50% stronger than a Human Footman and costs about 50% more resources. What stats would you give the Footman and what would a Grunt with 50% more points in cost and power look like?

I'd say the Warcraft Orc would be about the equivalent of an Ork Big 'Un. That sounds about right.

that is adorable

>this faggot in every thread

>every thread
because Veeky Forums regularly discusses this topic.

I think he's talking about the "dindu nuffin" part, not the orc part.

Some /pol/ meme.


but blizzard are famous for changing the lore retroactively to make the orcs misguided.

And in WC1 and 2 orc grunts are the exact equals of human footmen in every way, from which we can draw the conclusion that a Warhammer orc is above and beyond Warcraft orcs and can take several of them in combat. Using game stats is stupid.


>Ah, Thrall. You always believed that the demons corrupted our race, but that's only half true. We gave ourselves up willingly on Draenor! The other chieftains and I... we drank Mannoroth's blood, Thrall. We brought this curse upon ourselves!

- Grom Hellscream, WC3

Oh, oh, I have another one, though.

>"To pretend it [the demonic corruption] did not exist is to forget how dreadful the impact was. To make ourselves into victims, rather than claiming our participation in our own destruction. We chose this path, we orcs. We chose it right up until it was too late to turn back. And having made that choice, we can, with the knowledge that we have of the end of that dark and shameful road, choose not to take it."

- Thrall, Rise of the Horde

>dindu nuffin

Please, know the lore before you memespout and make yourself out to be a fool.

I find your conclusion flawed.

>Warhammer fantasy Orc

Age of Sigmar Orruk

I fixed it for you op, free of charge.

his conclusion is close enough.
then garrosh was told what a great herrow his dad was for being a warmongering retard and ended up nearly killing all of the horde. The horde always blames others for their problems, especially the orcs.

What he means is that instead of keeping them as invaders who want to conquer human lands and take them for their own simply because they're a hyper-aggressive species, they changed their lore to be "we were corrupted by devil magic, we're actually peaceful, loving greenskins who just want a home". WC3 went out of it's way to say that humans are douches for being so mean to the orcs when they just want to be friends now, and that the orcs are just like humans now that they got rid of the "evil juice" that made them mean.

Probably the WFB Orc because they actually look gnarled and tough.

Fucking Blizzard shit all looks like Saturday morning cartoons.

If you are over the age of 18 and enjoy that shit you are a massive manchild.

>adults are only allowed to like things that look grimreal

Brony detected

Come on man, you aren't even trying.

WC3 actually did nothing of the sort.

Orcs were a shamanistic tribal race of hunters and warriors. They probably loved fighting on an individual level but the Blood made them into the angry demon army we saw before.

It's why Ogrimmar in Warcraft 3 TFT is founded as a nation of Warriors.

I just wish they hadn't done it to Diablo.

Da biggest wins

>Can your blood atone for genocide, orc? Your Horde killed countless innocents with its rampage across Stormwind and Lordaeron. Do you really think you can just sweep all that away and cast aside your guilt so easily? No, your kind will never change, and I will never stop fighting you.

Reminder that Proudmoore was right, and the orcs proved it when they chimped out repeatedly

Obviously Powerman.

A Warboss or Warchief? A Warboss beats ass.

A boss vs a grunt? Depends...

But a single orc boy would lose the fight against a grunt.

Would depend on what Warchief, though. We've seen them display wide ranges of competence and gear.

what class is orc form warcraft? what equipent can ork get? can use bionik?

if we take fresh 1 lvl warrior form wacraft and just spawned ork boy, boy would most probably kill unexperienced git, because he already have some killy knowledge, and orc still learns how to attack boars roaming his nearby village.

If we take 60-70 lvl ork warrior, it would have duel with fully armed nob stuffed with bionik, euiped with power claw etc. When it comes to raw power, ork is a winner, but orc is already experienced, have some tactical insight and would probably outmanouver ork before it can bring some fatal damage to him.

At lvl 100/110 you have Horde hero, admiral, memorable participator in most prominent victories archived in that times. Equiped with ancient armour, wielding one of the most powerful weapons ever existed. On the other hand, if boy/nob lived long enough to competete with that same orc, he would probably be a warboss already, wearing mega armour, euiped with most dakkiest of dakkas and choppiest of choppas. I'd say that if ork wouldn't kill orc in range with dakka, it would be 1 hit kill for orc.

Read this
It sounds like the Warcraft storyline may be too complex for you.

That's not a compliment to Warcraft.

Repeated Orc chimpouts are almost entirely the fault of Kosak, and of the general two-faction PvP idea.

the orcs under garrosh restarted a war they had no chance of winning and got put down hard.


Your average Warhammer Orc would of been raised in a world of violence from the get go, participating in any fighting they can, whether its a small brawl or on the battlefield. Because of this you could imagine them to be very resilient, however there isn't too much to suggest that the average Orc boy gets any martial arts training besides hitting something as hard as you can.

Warcraft Orcs on the other hand, have atleast a few years of martial training before becoming a fully developed adult, honing their skill with different weaponry, however eventhough the training will still be rigorous, I don't believe it to be as harsh as the life of a Warhammer Orc.

So basically, in a fist fight the Warhammer Orc would probably win due to their sheer brutal and resilient nature making them physically stronger than the Warcraft Orc. But with weaponry (although it depends what they are equipped with), the Warcraft Orc would probably win due to their martial training meaning they'll use their weaponry to its full potential.

warcraft orc win

warcraft orc of any class has a shitload of hitpoints, itd take at the very least a minute of combat for the warhammer orc to take it to zero. meanwhile, id be surprised if the warhammer orc survived a whole minute's worth of attacks

>Orks willingly drink demon blood and invade azeroth
>B-but we were corrupted
>Ork goes back in time and stops them from drinking demon blood
>Orks invade anyway cause lol



The explanation of the invasion was piss-poor like everything about WoD, but it was SUPPSOED to be Grom thinking that Thrall was actually Blackmoore's stooge and invading to free the MU orcs from the humans and their uncle toms.

But it failed fucking miserably at explaining that and also had him start murdering Draenei and forcing the Shadowmoon to experiment with the Void.

It sounds like you are assuming the ork is from 40k. The question was about who would win in a duel between a warcraft orc and a warhammer fantasy ork, not 40k.

With AoS, they are now the same.

It always pissed me off that in TBC, Garrosh was a little bitch with massive guilt over what Grom did. He only got over it when Thrall told him about his father's efforts to seek redemption.

Then come wrath and beyond, he promptly turns into Grom 2.0 without any of his redeeming features.
Who the fuck thought that would be a good idea?

Writers for MMOs? They're not going to be top quality to begin with, and then they're severely hampered by the format they have to work around.

not really. It makes perfect sense from an angry retard's perspective. If he secures a homeland for orcs on azeroth, he becomes the next great champion of his people right after his dad who freed them from the blood curse.

On a similar subject:
The orks of WH get remplaces by Blizzard orcs. How fucked are the other factions?

The orks of WH get remplaces by uruk hai, dark lord included. How fucked are the other factions?

Due to balancing issues the Warcraft orc isn't as strong as he used to be so the WHF orc pastes him.

In both of those cases, the other races become significantly less fucked, as neither Warcraft Orcs nor Tolkein Uruk-Hai are anywhere near as dangerous as WHF Orcs on a racial level.

the average warcraft orc seems bigger than the average orc boy, but then again warhammer orcs can become relevantly bigger guys.

the variables are manyfolds but warhammer orcs seem to possess a nastyness, toughness and endurance unmatched by other similarly sized humanoids.

Q for a Warhamfag.

How many points is a typical whfb orc grunt?

How many points is a typical whfb empire soldier?

Just curious.

Using point comparisons from the table top isn't a good idea, they tried to make a balanced game first so you might get some misleading results when talking about how strong they appear in the lore. Atleast, if that's what you're wondering about.

Duel between a Star Trek human and a Star wars human.

Who wins?

>Blizzard orcs
can be reasoned with, less threat, more mercenaries
> uruk hai, dark lord included
Great, another "Archaon", at least orcs have less muscle

please don't be such a fucktard

8th edition had irc boys costing 1/5 more than an empire soldier

trek for superior tech

But wouldn't they be balancing the game based on point totals of the armies? That's why whfb ork armies are smaller than empire armies right?

That's it? Would have thought there would be a bigger gap.

Yeah, but what if their boxing?

he was told about how his father was a hero for killing the demon they were all bound to and releasing them from the curse.

I miss back when Thrall wasn't Green Jesus. Garrosh had a point regarding Thrall's fuckups.


Blizzard Orcs can be reasoned with & The Empire has accepted High Elves & Dwarfs. Not saying they'll join them but there'd be far less orcish trouble.

Kirk beat the Gorn

Trek still wins a boxing match.

Before that. In the beginning of the Nagrand questline Garrosh is apathetic cause he's afraid he'll make the same mistakes his dad did.

A warcraft 3 orc grunt has 700 hp without the berserker rage upgrade to the humans 420

The human has 12.5 average attack damage, to the grunts 19.5, The human is better armored starting with a value of 2 to the grunts 1.

The human attacks once every 1.35 seconds to the grunts 1.6s, but when fully upgraded the grunt does 30 average damage to the humans 19 average, has 7 armor to the humans 8, has 800 hp to 420.

The Footman does have the ability to raise shields reducing damage from piercing attacks by 50%, giving a 30% reflect chance and also slowing movement speed by 30% too, which makes them almost strictly better than grunts in terms of survivability vs 'archer' units.

Humans also have amazing ranged units in riflemen, priests, sorceresses, mortar teams, dragonhawk riders, gryphon riders etc.

Interestingly the orcs start off at higher military tech than humans. With steel weaponry to combat the humans iron. 2nd tech level is thorium vs steel, and then it's arcanite vs mythril.

Overall the orc is more than 50% stronger than the human unit - because they do a lot more damage and have almost 75% more hitpoints (without upgrades). But humans typically have a lot of early access to healing in the form of scrolls of regeneration, paladin first heroes (which give armor aura and cast single target heals) and early access to priests in tier 2. Humans also tech a bit faster than orcs, and have the advantage of peasant militias.

I'd say that warhammer orcs are probably 'tougher' than warcraft ones in terms of survivability, but warcraft ones have better tech, magic and social ability. Warhammer orcs also breed faster. In a duel... I'd probably give it to the warcraft orc, simply because the tech advantage outweighs toughness and warcraft orcs are more intelligent but evenly matched for strength.

Diablo 2 had a limited pallet. It literally wasn't able to do colors properly.

Diablo 3 didnt have the same pallet issues, it could literally do colors properly. And then a million faggots freak out over "NO RAINBOWS IN MUH GRIM DARK".

You're forgetting

>time dragon searches for 'perfect' timeline with just enough subtle changes that he can install a warmongering asshole of a leader
>Said warmongering asshole was supposed to prepare orcs to fight legion // create an infinite timeloop to make himself more powerful. Instead kills dragon, and decides to try to take petty revenge on people who judged him
>Iron horde gets their shit wrecked by heroes of the time and then realize 'oh shit the legion really was bad news, we should have helped you with that"
>warmongering asshole gets killed.
>Alternate gul'dan gets sent to real timeline, so he can steal powers from illidan who stole powers from real gul'dan, because recursion is fun.

The Warcraft Orc would probably won, if for no other reason than it would attack before the Ork's I2

Tainted Warcraft Orc beats Warhammer Fantasy Ork.

Non-tainted generic Warcraft Orc gets his head smashed in by generic WHFB Ork Boyz.

Mostly because I dislike everything after Warcraft 2.

WC3 and on has it correct.

The issue comes with the fact that Warhammer has a large discrepancy with the range from "Ork Boyz" to "Named Units" Whereas Warcraft just has its basic Orcs & Heroes.

I'd say a fully tech'd out WC3 Orc would be about equal to a Savage Ork Boy in Warhammer. Which is still pretty high tier. I wouldn't compare them to Big 'Uns because they don't have the flexibility that the Big 'Uns do (being able to also use ranged weapons).

A fully kitted out Black Ork I would give 3:1 when fighting against a fully tech'd up Warcraft Orc.

Named characters on either side have so much bullshit it's not worth comparing them.

Then there's no real comparisons for the Warhammer Orc Boss'.

Excuses, excuses.

Diablo 3 was, objectively, a bad game with stupid Warcraftisms, my mon.

It probably depends most on who the respective orcs are.

An orcish Blademaster from Warcraft could move so fast that he turned invisible and his afterimages could be mistaken for the real thing. By the time the enemy realizes the Blademaster has moved there's already a katana slicing through their sternum.

A Far Seer could strike them with lightning, rip the ground out from underneath them, and summon wolf spirits to harry them from all sides.

An orc grunt is just an eight foot tall pro body builder with roid rage, though he's probably going to be an adept tracker and hunter depending on which clan he's from.

I'm not really familiar with Warhammer orcs, though they look much larger baseline, but also much dumber.

Grunt v. Grunt it probably goes the way of Warhammer unless the Warcraft orc has some way to really exploit his intelligence advantage. I dunno anything about the Warhammer hero-type orcs so I couldn't really comment on it.

If you shoot a Warcraft Orc through the brain, it gets dead. If you shoot a Warhammer Orc through the head, it just gets angry.

Warhammer Orcs and Orks strength is that they're durable as shit. I don't remember if it's true for their fantasy version as well, but I know 40k Orks can survive decapitation, skull split in half syndrome, and getting all of their organs vaporized. Not to mention that Grimgor made Archaon his bitch until Chaos buffed him (again).

Is that why its one of their best selling things and has a dozen Korean and other copy-cats trying to clone its success?

I wouldn't say the current version is a bad game but Diablo 3 at release was bad and sold purely on hype and nostalgia.

the warcraft orc can make the gun, the warhammer orc needs to be from 40k to use a gun

40k orks don't even have proper organs,instead they have symbiotic living fungie inside of them.

>implying there are no blackpowder weapons in warhammer fantasy.

Nice cat

I was looking for inspiration.
Thank you user.

>Who wins?