Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

How does it feel to know that you can never be a succubus in Horror Adventures and DSP's succubus has shit balance? Rebalanced PC succubus when?

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just be a pitborn tiefling and be a muscle-succubus. Then proceed to bully paladins.

I miss when Pathfinder General was actually about Pathfinder and not just Magical Realm General...

>Not playing a succubus(male)

Petition to ban 2hu from /pfg/ forever when?

There is literally nothing left to talk about with Pathfinder, and when there is the stuff gets torn apart, analyzed and shat out before the General's even done.

Why can't it be both?

Well, we're pretty much just waiting on the scans of the two new books that came out (Dragon stuff and Horror stuff), so until then, we don't have a lot of new stuff going on.

That said, how's everyone doing? Looking forward to the weekend?

>I miss when Pathfinder General was actually about Pathfinder and not just Magical Realm General...

You want to talk about Pathfinder and Magical Realm? Okie doke, we can do that!

Hey /pfg/, what's the best non-playable race to waifu right out of your backstory? What creature is best to admire and aspire to court, like an Arthurian Knight with his lady?

And yet 5e General doesn't have this problem. Like... I dunno, talk about Characters? Plothooks? Homebrew?

As things stand right now, the person who came here to bitch is kinda right. The topics basically magical-realm and fetish art dumping grounds.

Dragon. Explains why you're a loot whoring adventurer.

Didn't we already have this conversation?

>Like... I dunno, talk about Characters? Plothooks? Homebrew?

Pathfinder is a den of power-gamers, it's impossible to talk about characters or plot-hooks because we are incapable of imagining characters or plot-hooks.

That's because 5e posters are high-functioning autistic. Pathfinder is for low-functioning, hence all the people here desperately trying to become a meme. All you have to do is acknowledge them and they live another month.

Here's your (you)

Why are sex demons so wonderful?

Former love angels going out to get a piece for themselves?

Arueshalae is the only decent sex demon.

Maybe because they are literally created to draw out the desires of those they seduce?

Do magical traps (things like Symbol of Death, not crossdressing mages) affect the caster when triggered, or only enemies?

I figure it's like fireball in that everyone in the area is targeted by it unless you can shape the area of effect.

Someone have that adventurer egg copy pasta where adventurers are actually dragons or some such?

They should.

Different question: can you buy a scroll with meta magic on it?
Like quickened mage armor for example?

Depends on your GM.

However with quickened in particular... eh, reading a scroll is a standard action, the spell being cast kinda just happens instantly afterwards...

I mean, we could talk about homebrews, but personally I feel like I'd get burnt out discussing cool shit i can never use for thread upon thread. Other anons might have better luck with groups, though. I always seem to find "1pp only all 3pp is the devil, barb is OP and wizards are balanced" people somehow.

>DSP's succubus has shit balance
Even with SLAs traded for casting?

Honestly, I wouldn't mind some constructive homebrew discussion either. Love some of the shit people come up with but I'm in the same boat with "no 3PP/homebrew allowed" campaigns being the norm.

>find a homebrew campaign with rich lore
>core only
for what purpose

Literally every game I've played with 3rd party content allowed has been with complete uber-faggots who wanted to play Kitsune, Magical Girls, Catgirls, and other flavors of anime-inspired "original character" wank-fodder bullshit.

I unapologetically don't allow third-party content in my games ever.

don't know why it made me reply to that post.

Think about what you posted for more than a second.

What are some of the homebrew settings/concepts you love that came from this thread?

I mean, aren't they going to do that anyways? Because those are all achievable within 1PP.

Have you considered being the change you want in the world?

Indeed. Aasimar have default anime-style catgirl options. There's at least a couple magical girl-esque classes, and one explicitly magical girl one. Kitsune are a thing too. PF is pretty weeb.

Literally every shitty GM I've played with has banned 3pp with exceptions.

Getting people to actually talk is the real catch, though. That unchained fighter user has been practically spamming every time someone talks about "how fix fighter lel", but I haven't seen anyone actually talking about it. The most discussion I think I've seen is that initiating bloodrager, that warlockfag spawning an entire class, and the legendary vigilantes playtest, and the last one wasn't even homebrew.

>picture has one of the most well known shit anime in he past decade
>lel its all shit guise
>implying 1pp doesn't literally let you do everything you just bitched about, and worse

Is this some abstract kind of irony?

You know what confuses the hell out of me?

You're offered content that lets you be Ornstein, or a badass knight, or an expert brawler Big Boss CQC guy, or a mighty archer with lightning arrows.

But when 3pp rolls around people use it to play boring cringe shit like you suggested.

I'm talking homebrew classes in specific. Haven't seen any posted here in a while. I'm not talking about class tweaks like Unchained Fighter.

Have you considered just telling your players they can't play something if you don't like it? It's not like banning 3pp will stop them anyway.

But then you get shit GMs who ban just about anything that they have no clue about (see: "Core only" GMs).

Personal preference is a shitty reason to act on by itself since there could be any amount of issues, or lack thereof, in anything the GM will or will not allow.

Exactly this.

I allow third party content with GM-veto, but goddamn do I get some people who will whine and bitch endlessly sometimes about how it's "unfair" or "there are books on it so you should allow it!".

To be honest though, it's better to catch those people early and just kick them out before you waste your time with them. Banning 3pp won;t "fix" those people, it'll just make them more determined to rules-lawyer their way around whatever rules you try and set down. Tieflings, for example, are first-party, and if you're a total weeaboo autist you could interpret tiefling to mean fox girl, so yeah...

Tieflings don't get foxgirl options. That's aasimar. It's not an interpretation thing, it's RAW that aasimar get foxgirl and catgirl options.

Paizo is just as cringeweeb as your players.

Have you considered the idea that you and them have different opinions on what is interesting?

Well, technically you could have a tiefling whose parents were kitsune.

I guess so. That's not a foxgirl though, that's just a horned furry.

Do scrolls reduce cast times for everything? Like stuff that takes a minute to cast or so?

>Activating a spell completion item is a standard action (or the spell's casting time, whichever is longer) and provokes attacks of opportunity exactly as casting a spell does.

Scrolls are Spell Completion items, so no.

I'd love to pull a god wizard in a campaign, but every campaign I seem to join bans them.

I love wizards, man. Psionic and sop may have the better resource mechanic but they're still something about them that rubs me the wrong way.

Same here. Psionic powers feel too "sci-fi" for my swords-and-sorcery fantasy games. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth whenever anyone plays one.

I honestly think it's the lack of spell books and robes. Psionic is like, crystal sorcerers (Although I like how the powers are done mechanically). Spheres of power is just all over the place and not very... I don't really know. Shit just feels weird with that.

I wish there was a class that was a Mashup between psionics power and power points, but with the mechanical ability to write down spells in books and learn them.

It'd probably be over powered as hell, but it's still what I want.

Not a gish either.

Also staves, I wish staves were garbage.

>my swords-and-sorcery fantasy games
With psychics. Monks. Robots. AIs. AI gods. Lasers. Rocket launchers. Batmans. Magical girl batmans. Kitsune magical girl batmans. Half-angel half-kitsune magical girl batmans.


>Psionic is like, crystal sorcerers
It's just a theme 3.5 followed. Psionicists can be like ninjas. Not PF or Naruto ninjas, but real ones - you won't know he's a danger until it's too late.
>I wish there was a class that was a Mashup between psionics power and power points, but with the mechanical ability to write down spells in books and learn them.
Spell to power erudite. You guessed right, it's OP as fuck.

>Spheres of power is just all over the place and not very... I don't really know. Shit just feels weird with that.
It feels weird because you've been force-fed Vancian magic for decades. Just give SoP a try, it's actually pretty great.

>every game of Pathfinder must take place in Golarion
>homebrew settings must include everything Paizo has printed

You do know some of the oldest sword and sorcery fantasy books contained both, and actually called them by those names (psychic as opposed to psionic though), right?

Nah, seconding that SoP is kind of a mess.

It's lightyears better than having to keep track of spell slots and shit... but it's still kind of a clusterfuck that could be organized and simplified ALOT better than it currently is.

How are staves garbage? Rechargeable magic weaponry that can contain plenty of spells in a variety of styles seems bretty guud tpo me, user.

I know jack shit about SoP, but it does have a wiki that might help, if someone wants to link it. I would, but I don't have it handy and can't be assed to root around for it.

It takes like, two weeks to fully recharge most staves, and they have other limiters. Even low level staves take a week, because you HAVE to charge each stave with ONE USE of ONE SPELL per day, and multiple people can't charge the same staff.

>if someone wants to link it.

>20 schools of magic.

Goddamn, couldn't they have merged them down into like 6 or something? Why is this better than regular Pathfinder magic again?

I've played through the first 2 books of RotRL as an incanter.

This was back when it was just 1 book though, and I did have fun with it, but that's mostly cause the GM allowed me to fill out my 'spell book' (ritual book) and allow me to take False Focus to cast spells for free, as long as we had time, as well as a custom feat to lower the ritual cast time by 2 steps.

He shat all over our not!paladin Bushi warlord though for free infinite healing via silver crane, despite me literally having free CLW every minute.

It was a weird game that concluded with the group falling apart.

Are the new books worth it?

Meme magic turning D.Va into a gremlin was a miracle of the internet.

>post yfw the Dragon Companion book is giving Cavaliers a Drake battle buddy

I want to know what the Paladin is getting, I've always wanted to play a Dragon Knight or a Dragonslayer.

>Why is this better than regular Pathfinder magic again?
Because you can do almost nothing for free ALL DAY LONG!!!

Leadership is like, 16 years old? And dragon buddy is far from most abusable way to abuse it.

I want to ______ an axiomite.


Three days until we get Gareth back.

I'm so lonely


An whole axiomite?

A whole axiomite?

> Couldn't they have merged them down into like 6 or something?
Probably not. While you could probably cut out a few (Destruction could be spread out among others, Enhancement could mostly be dropped into Creation or Alteration, Fate could just be axed, etc) 6 would be very condensed and would make it hard to realize a lot of concepts from level one, given that a lot of basic magical effects would be gated behind others. In general I'd compare spheres more to PoW disciplines or domains than schools of magic.

There's a lot more that requires spell points than I'd like, but there are some decent costless options. Telekinesis is cool if you have the caster level for it, short range teleportation is great, and you can use alteration to gain some different movement capabilities for free (though without a spell point it does fuck all in combat since it eats your actions like candy).

>law-aligned outsiders
>not robot angels

I think spheres are broken down into function, rather than schools.

Destruction destroys
Conjuraton conjures.
Warp does teleport stuff.

Say I want to get rid of of magic items entirely. No more amulet of +1, no more +1 shit. it's just all gone.

What do I have to do to the math to make sure this change effects characters equally? Screw the bestiaries for now. I just want to make the different character classes "close" to how they were balanced before the magic items all stopped existing.

What would be the best way to build a character that fights like Jaylah from Star Trek Beyond? Limited 3PP available (all DSP + ertw's beguiler).

You will need to post a gif of what you are talking about before we can help you.

Look into automatic bonus progression.

You might also want to limit characters that can boost there stats regardless of items. Soulknives, Mutation Warriors, Barbarians, Alchemists, etc become king.

That's not even getting into healing.

All magic items, or just these with numerical bonuses?
Why? Does, say, characters absorbing gold by bolling in piles of it and gaining bonuses make more sense than current system to you?

Biggest issue is mobility. Martial's need a way to ground flying foes.

9th level Casters will have to start off with at least 14 stat to be able to cast every spell they get their hands on (No problems here). 6th level and 4th level casters will need at least 11 and 9 stat respectively. This is a bit more of an issue as typically 6th and 4th level characters want to spend points into other places.

Save DCs will probably need to be increased. DR would become problematic, as even DR/Cold Iron would be enough to hamper all weapons, as +1/+2 weapons could bypass common forms of DR.

Healing is an issue, now tied directly to spell casters rather than a convenient CLW stick.


>That's not even getting into healing.
See now I don't know.

I'm just tired of magic items being a really boring time sink. Adventures should be able to find a dragon hoard of gold without breaking the game.

I do realize that this causes problems because the base math of the game was designed around all of those +1 and +2 bonuses.

>as even DR/Cold Iron would be enough to hamper all weapons
Isn't Cold Iron just a material. Players could still commission special mat weapons.

The ABP is poorly-designed and actively shits on martials. I like this one, myself:

So: Problems:

DR, Healing, Mobility for martials (most buy boots of haste?).

I guess I don't have a problem with items like boots of haste. Those are interesting, and actually change how you play. I really just hate the "welp, time to spend 3/4th of my wealth on increasing my saves, ac, and attacks by 3."

Path of War could help with mobility issues?

A little? I'm mainly trying to completely decouple wealth from power...The more I think about it the harder it gets.

>The ABP is poorly-designed and actively shits on martials.
It shits on casters too.
>You get a +1 weapon!
>And now you get a +1 armor!

Give the soulknife class features for free. Aegis can take care of a lot of other problems (Flight).
Give +number bonuses like automatic progression (You'll have to fix ABP, as it's a good concept but terrible in execution.)
Ban +number items.

Now gold is largely pointless.
>charge blade

But it is, but then you're golfbagging around 5 different swords of different materials to deal with weird shit that may crop up.

Yeah, but the stat boosts are more important. Really, it shits on everyone. The ABP is not a good system.

>9th level Casters will have to start off with at least 14 stat to be able to cast every spell they get their hands on (No problems here). 6th level and 4th level casters will need at least 11 and 9 stat respectively. This is a bit more of an issue as typically 6th and 4th level characters want to spend points into other places.
Not even. A prepped caster can start with an 11 and only miss a beat at level 3, because after that you have a +2 item. Spont casters dont even get 2nds until 4, so they miss no beats.

No +stat items.

>Not even. A prepped caster can start with an 11 and only miss a beat at level 3, because after that you have a +2 item. Spont casters dont even get 2nds until 4, so they miss no beats.
...we are talking about removing all of those +2 items.

>Give the soulknife class features for free. Aegis can take care of a lot of other problems (Flight).
So everyone's aegis/soulknife/X tristalt? I like where it is going.

Good luck with that, user.
Players will always find ways to spend money.
Mercenaries, hirelings, land.
If you give them all the money they'd normally get but no magic items, you'll have them commanding mercenary armies bristling with siege gear. Caves and dungeons will be torn apart by their hired miners/excavators so they can fire their ballistas into them.
In this state, wealth is still power.

You could deny them even the gold, but then, wealth is still power. They just don't have wealth.

Guys how do I make a fun character that the party will like?

Ok: Here is my idea:

Every item that gives you a +? to something is now gone.

At second level, and every even level after, each character gains an inherent +2 to two different attributes, and an inherent +1 to an additional two different attributes.

Could some gaming pros let me know how this changes the system?

That would really depend on the kind of people in the party.