That Player/DM Continued

Let's continue and bitch about gaming horror stories brought upon by sheer inability to communicate with human beings

Other urls found in this thread:

>unironically uses Drizzt as a token
>not even transparent

>"That Guy" of our group played a Drow Ninja who was the most unlikable fucker ever.

rap list includes

>constantly drew his blade on peasants whose only crime was "they were happy" and saying they were blissfully blind and made a fake peace
>casted darkness on a king who was pissed when he learned that he lied to him about destroying his fleet
>Stole from the party members because it was unfair that local merchants hated him so much that they jumped prices up for him
>got into arguments with local authorities over how they were artificially imposing peace when everyone should be afraid
>constantly fucking off in combat essentially leaving the party one man down against Hard CR challenges only to come in when everyone was almost dying because that meant he could leverage for more loot
>complained about NPCs having dark vision and high perception to see through invisibility even when he knew it would be an outsider-infested setting
>complained when invisibility was mildly countered by shit like sandstorms in the desert, rain, and ash sticking to his clothes
>kicked a half-elf girl in the middle of the street at midnight because he mistook her crying at night for her dead friends was her summoning a Daemon. later calls it investigating

Last event was the final straw for the town and other PCs. Eventually got charged with attempted rape and murder, and was hung. Body was mutilated, remains put on display in a cage outside of town that stood for centuries until the next campaign in the same setting. Player didn't come back until the second story.

>pic related, the moment I should have reconsidered DMing

Complaining about how everyone hated him for his "investigating"

Shit, I fucked up. Here's the full bio

>Be at FLGS.
>Playing D&D with group of strangers.
>Making characters.
>Black guy sits down at our table.
>Tell him to Fuck Off.
>Why? He says.
>You know why I say.
>He leaves the store.
>DM thanks me and group breathes a sigh of relief.

Felt good, I thought I was gonna get my shit kicked in by a nigger or possibly libtard players. But it was a good group.

I want summer to stop.

That was a close one.

go away.

>When someone suggests a Euro game.

Hello Florida Man

>be me playing white soldier deck
>other guy has some storebought red deck just to try it out
>he has a creature which he can tap to deal damage to an enemy creature, its a 1/1
>I only have a Crossbowman (also 1/1, can be tapped to deal one damage to target creature)
>we both tap at the same time
>him and the people wathcing get into a loud argument for 15 minutes over whose instant takes effect first

Got a pretty long story, but I've got to run to the store and get some shit. If you guys can keep it bumped till I get back, that'd be cool.

Hot memes, newlad.

>Player: Donald T.

lol shut up /co/


Alright, I'm back.
This is a story spanning around a year and a half, one I've told before.
A year and a half ago, mid January, I was in the mood for an online game. After searching on Roll20 for a serenity game which subsequently fell through the cracks, I came across a game that was based on Madoka Magica.I was pretty hype, and met the GM, Javier. All in all, there were 4 players. Me, Jess, Joel, and some guy called Mono.
You guys want me to continue, or should I knock it off?

Lay it on us, Veeky Forums always wants storytime.

Entertain me user

please drink some bleach


So we start off the game in class. I rolled up some delinquent asshole, Jess an empathetic "friend to all living things" type, Joel a really forgettable nerdy dude, and Mono a psychopath.
After class, we all get texted on our cell phones to head to an empty classroom after school. Bored and not having anything better to do, we oblige.
After a half hour of awkwardly shooting the shit with people I hardly knew, we were interrupted by two guys entering the room, trailed by a cat.
We roll well, and recognize that the two guys are our classmates who had disappeared about half a year back. The cat calms down the ensuing interrogation, by asking us to work for it.
My character wasn't a genius, but he figured that this was getting weird, and he decided to get out while the getting was good.
Rather, he tried to. As it turns out, those two other guys must of spent the off season training or some shit, cause they stomped me into the dirt.
After the ensuing beatdown, Totally Not Kuubey over here asks again if we want to work for it. Not seeing any other option, we agree.

it doesn't matter they both die

Go away.

So, it tells us that it'll be in touch, and vanishes in a cloud of smoke and all that shit.
After various utterances to the tune of "What the shit," we all decided to go home and hope that when we wake up, the weird shit had ended.
It hadn't.
The next day, I wake up, go to school, and do all that shit.
After class, sure as shit, we get a text from the cat. Same time, same place.
So we meet, and the cat tells us our prime goal. "To unlock people's hearts," whatever the hell that means.
Refusing to elaborate, the cat vanishes again.
So, we leave the school, and see some woman getting chased by some thug.
Me and Mono were the only characters halfway decent in a fight, but it was still four on one, and we ran the thug off.
When we approached the fleeing woman, however, it turns out she'd been stabbed. Apparently that thug thought it was unsporting to stab a bunch of high schoolers, I don't know.
Anyways, she also had a baby in her arms. With her dying breath, she plead us to keep the kid safe from the witch.
I wonder who that is?
So the women bites it, and Jess suggests taking the kid to CPS.
Jav shuts that shit down, hard. Despite us telling him we didn't want to babysit a kid in the middle of all this shit, Jav all but fiats that we need to keep the kid.

So my character goes home, and the next day, some more shit happens. Turns out that our teacher has been acting strangely lethargic, something my character was quick to brush off as "him getting drunk on the job, again."
Jokes aside, we reasoned that his heart was trapped, and we had to free it.
That in mind, another day ended, and we got to sleep.
In the middle of the night, however, I awoke to find a very familiar cat perched on my bed.
It told me that I had to meet the other at some diner to discuss shit.
I told it to fuck off and tried to go back to sleep.
Then it teleported me into the diner.
Fucking mages, man.
So in the diner, I enter midway through an argument between Jess and Joel whether we should focus on our teacher, or just deal with the kid.
Eventually, the teacher wins, and we all set out that night to help him out.

Long story short, the heart freeing thing ends with our teacher having a heart attack on the floor of his room, the baby crying and screaming, me trying to shut the kid up (and wondering why we brought it,) and, oh yeah, the cat appearing, revealing she's a witch, and trying to eat the teacher's soul, all in the space of four seconds. I mean, I know subtlety and foreshadowing is an art, but wow.
Anyways, I think this fight was meant to showcase that we had no chance against the boss as is, and to level grind and come back later. As it was, were getting our assed handed to ass, being a bunch of untrained high schoolers, and the cat being a timeless mage.
All of the sudden, the paranormal A-team kicks in the windows and shoots the cat with magic rounds or somesuch, and we fuck off as fast as we can. And when I say the A-Team, I mean the actual A-Team, complete with painfully bad Mr. T accent.
This is getting a bit longwinded, though. Would you guys prefer I skip to the fun parts?


Tell me more about Mr. T

Did he wear a mask?

What were his feelings towards fool's?

Sure man skip to what ever made up parts you like.

Well, after we made it to the A-Team's base of operations, Jav decided we had too much firepower at out disposal and had the witch teleport a bomb in the middle of the warehouse.
Not a magical bomb, or a fireball, or something, just a brick of plastic explosives.
Despite being out in the open and not having any form of armor on, we managed to survive the explosion, while the A-Team did not.
Then, long story slightly less long,we had to escape the warehouse and the police, while asking Jav why the shit that happened.
Finally, after two more sessions of running from police, Jess and Mono left and the game ended.
I've got like five more stories to tell, in order:
>The D20 Game
>Stars Without Number
>Mercenaries Homebrew
>Other incidents of shittery
>The Adeptus Evangelion Game

After about a week or so, Jav claimed to have seen the light, and he invited me, Mono, and Joel to a 20 modern game, where anime cat eared assholes were invading modern Japan.
This one is pretty short, only about three sessions or so.
We roll up characters, me rolling up a delinquent again, Joel rolling up a son of a senator or something, and I forget exactly what Mono had.
First session, we were in a school being bombed. We escape, and manage to help some terrified asshole on the way out.
When we get outside, we find the place is surrounded.
Also, the guy we helped has disappeared. Not kidding, like he was there one moment and when we turned around he was gone.

We manage to sneak to a big SUV, and I try to hotwire it.
Crit failure.
Jav pauses for a second, and tells me that the car starts up miraculously.
I'm kind of annoyed by that, but Joel tells me not to look a gift horse in the mouth and all that, and we drive through our bombed out city, eventually encountering a terrified, dying woman in the freezer of a restaurant, with a child in her arms.
Are you starting to see a pattern?

We start to get a bit apprehensive, because this is exactly the kind of shit Jav said he'd learned not to pull, but we go on anyways.
After that, the campaing was pretty boring. It was just us taking care of a kid in a wasteland.
After 4 sessions, it died as well.

The only fake stories worth telling are shadowrun ones.

I kind of wish that this was fake. The dude was an asshole. He wasn't so bad when we started out, just kind of neurotic and railroady, but he eventually started hating me and some other guy in the group, though to a lesser extent.

So, a few weeks after that, Joel approached me and Jav with an offer to DM a SWN game.
I roll up a gun runner with ties to a lot of underworld contacts, and Jav rolled up, well...

Jav rolled up Orihime, bounty hunter and part time stripper. Her character bio took note of her "assets" and she was the captain and proud owner of the "Perfect Cherry Blossom," written on the side in Kanji.
Naturally, our first meeting involved her kicking my ass and apprehending me for gun smuggling. Then, she essentially press ganged me onto her crew, also forcing me to sell my ship, breaking my contract and incurring a debt to the tune of 100,000 credits.
Anyone still reading this, besides the guy who says it's fake? Cause here's where it starts to pick up, a bit.

I is user

>Old 3.PF game
>friend's step-cousin is That Guy, but he's definitely motivated
>Likes dark and edgy themes
>Every one of his characters is some wish-fulfilling garbage
>believes he is allowed to get away with WHATEVER he wants, always saying his backstory justifies it.
>entitled fuckbags who go out of their way to insult every NPC
>would often argue with and attack other characters
>Both would rape or kill or both but not skull fuck, that's not something
>Just one disaster after the next
>That guy makes a shitty abnormal Half elf sorcerer character
>Doesn't buy any defensive or offensive items, at level 8 has AC 13.
>wondering why he is not min-maxing
>The game starts normally
>party starts fucking around in a city bazzar on "market day"
>Half orc starts to talk to characters, explains he was banished from his tribe
>the party thinks this is the quest hook
>the party explore the castle
>small, secret cult sacrificing townspeople to a gentlemanly bodysnatching tentacle monster
>they go down stairs and kill some orc cultists
>furries are, in my experience the Cult Master
>find the cult has managed to summon a powerful daemon
>epic battle sequence
>That Guy gets hurt more from his own moves than anything the cult master and his minions do.
>Mage attacks again, succeeds in killing the cult leader
>temple has a artifact portal to hell
>chaos will spill out from it to infect the rest of the universe
>Sorcerer wants to steal it and use it to contact some devils
>shit goes wrong
>Continue creating portals to chaos dimension
>enable his spiral into madness
>I offered him the chance to just have me hand-wave it away
>he just grins and sits down.
>they finally clear the building and leave
>Somehow we survived
>But it was not fun
>That Guy just gets buttmad and whines
>That Guy cannot accept that it's just the nature of part of the challenges in this game.
>so unlikable as a player that they either wanted the duel of the fates or a collective narrative

I'm watching the DNC too so go far it

We're in the home stretch buddy, hang in there.

>DM for a group of friends starting a year or so ago, it's everyone's first time playing D&D
>Everything is fine for a while, people playing properly, sticking to their alignment, staying in character
>Things slowly begin to change
>Starts with friend 1 asking to build a battery, in a medieval setting
>Argues that because he knows how to build one in real life, he should be allowed to in game, despite his character having no way to even know what electricity is, along with having very low int
>Tell him no, because that's fucking retarded
>Then it fucking starts

>The bard who decided to specialize in out of combat skills (sneak, persuasion, performance etc) wants to convince someone to do something for her
>She says nothing to the guy, takes a persuasion roll, passes
>Ask her what she says to convince him to help
>"I dunno lol"

>Rogue is addicted to stealing from other party members
>Whatever, she's chaotic evil I guess, make her pass sleight of hand rolls each time
>Party members she steals from insist they notice their missing possessions without a roll
>"B-but I check to make sure I still have my stuff every morning!"

>Continues like this for months
>They go out into the snow during a blizzard without a map or compass and complain about getting lost
>The neutral good character murders a guy who was willing to cooperate peacefully
>Cry about not getting to do what they want when they roll a 20
>"What do you mean I don't kill the dragon in one shot? I rolled a 20!"
>Playing 5th edition because they all thought other editions looked too complicated, and we still have to ignore some rules because they're too hard
>All of them have a lot of disposable income but I'm the only one with a player's handbook

>Fast forward to today
>Next session is later today, hopefully it will be the last

Wish me luck, anons
Any tips for ending a campaign early? I don't want to be a dick about it because they're still my friends but fuck me they aren't good D&D players

>>The bard who decided to specialize in out of combat skills (sneak, persuasion, performance etc) wants to convince someone to do something for her
>>She says nothing to the guy, takes a persuasion roll, passes
>>Ask her what she says to convince him to help
>>"I dunno lol"

Went to get some food.
Jav press ganged me, and we set sail for tide, an ocean world.
While there, we killed a rebel, and got paid very well by the ruler of tide, with her even throwing a festival in our honor.
While there, We got piss drunk off of some fruits, and woke up the next morning on the ship, with massive hangovers, and a slave.
Her original name was Alice, but I just called her NotSlave, due to Jav's frequent misgivings that he was now a slaveowner.
The next part is boring, so I'll skip ahead to when we brought Eric, and Colin on board.

Put your foot down and have the CE character automatically lose the next stealth check this teak from he party and do nothing to stop the other members from murdering the fucker. When the ass hat inevitably screams "It was what my character would do" just tell him "Killing you was something their characters would do".

Colin rolled up an engineer, and Eric brought a medic. Only, he also dealt drugs on the side.
One of which was a potent mix designed to make the subject extremely suggestible.
This is kind of where Jav's less enjoyable tendencies came out. For starters, whenever we were in a fight, he would act as if our characters were extensions of his. As in, he's give orders and tell us who to shoot, when to shoot them, and what to do next. This'd be fine if he were roleplaying this, but he would say this shit OOC too. When we beat a bunch of kidnappers, for instance, but gotten beaten up bad in the process, Jav would bitch about how we needed to follow his orders,seeing as he was the captain.

Throw a TPK at them and say you want to try a different system. Pick Shadowrun and watch them lose interest when you tell them they need to read the books.

This metagaming would extend to Eric's drug dealing. On one of our first bounties, we shot a drug dealer and his goons, and stole his stash. What we didn't know, however, is that Eric had drugged one of the still-living goons, and passed him off as a guy wishing to defect. We obviously didn't know shit about any of the drugs IC, but that didn't stop Jav from assuming IC that the guy was drugged, despite there being no sign of it. This would come to be a long standing issue, with Jav hating the fact that there was a drug dealer on the crew.

This is also where he came to dislike me and Colin, as well. I have a few theories, and so does Colin, about why this is. A few of the major ones are because I'm a faggot, because Jav hates characters who are morally bankrupt, and because Jav hates people that bitch him out over why he metagames constantly.

So the game goes on, and Jav gets progressively more annoying and argumentative, until we eventually decide to end the game due to it, as well as a few other issues.
Anyone have a preference as to what incident I should post next, or should I shut the fuck up?

Tried recruiting for Mage the Awakening on Roll 20. Found this fuck.


Cancersticks the game

I don't trust people that appear to have never heard of punctuation. Good call.

I don't trust people who claim the have experience with the setting and then just make up a bunch of shit that doesn't fit and sounds like you want to be the main character of another game.

You put that nigger in his place. Keep up the good fight, brother.

This isn't really a That Guy story, because he's actually not much of a that guy, but one of our players always makes very hard to take seriously characters. They're always either edgy or retarded.

Examples include:

>Amnesiac mercenary swordsman who is actually a raw magical conduit, also he uses two swords.
>Hobo monk who hates the ruling class, also uses random bits of furniture and junk to fight. Not even Jackie Chan style, just uses them as bludgeons.
>Blacksmith, Colonel, and guy who uses almost a dozen different flintlock pistols, wears a cloak, and sometimes a metal skull mask, somehow was engaged and got married.

That's the highlight real anyway, like I said he's not a bad player per se, but the characters just don't usually work.


Have to head out guys, I'll be back tomorrow after work, if the thread is still alive.

Have you tried not playing D&D?

That's the fucking plan, idiot
Read the end

Okay, no need to be a meanie. The way you worded it sounded like you were quitting RPGs with them forever.

Do you know where the fuck you are.

It is summer...

/wpg/ - Where are your Parents General

no bullying


I'd say try to bring up your issues with them and if they won't change you should bail. It doesn't sound like you're having fun.


He's from /s4s/. What the hell does he have to do with /pol/?

This.. Considering DnD is talking game, players are often surprisingly unable to.... talk to each other about their issues.

Stop fucking saying "be me"
We KNOW you're you, you fuck.
"Be me" is a reddit-tier retarded non-phrase and you should stop using it lest it be abundantly clear how much of a fucking mongoloid you are.

Also you're both retarded at Magic you fucking niggers, there is no such thing as "we both tap at the same time", priority is fucking simple as day.

What the fuck is that pink twat meme anyway? Whats it called?

It's some shitty meme /pol/ users use to communicate.

Spotting shit signups is a vital skill.

>and guy who uses almost a dozen different flintlock pistols, wears a cloak, and sometimes a metal skull mask, somehow was engaged and got married.
Was that one recent? Because that's straight up rippin off Overwatch.

(well less "spotting and more "being able to tell them to fuck off")

I have an entire group of players who often deliberately attempt to derail for no reason other than because they enjoy watching how pissed off I get at it. they also have the fucking gall to blame me for the constant derailments because "oh, just go with it" and "stop railroading us". They don't seem to understand that actions have consequences, and that those consequences are not "railroading". Attacking the police because they won't let you murder a politician and then promptly being gunned down by a heavy response team is not 'railroading' that's called common sense. Of course, they didn't see it that way. They actually said that I was "preventing them from getting back onto the main plot", ignoring the fact that they are the ones who chose to abandon the main plot in order to go and commit this murder. But the really pissing annoying thing is that one of these guys is a GM himself who frequently whines about players that ignore the plot and go off on tangents.

Bury Pink Gril/This is a nice Board