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I claim this thread for the Emperor !

Praise be.

This thread has been exposed to the TRUE GLORY OF CHAOS UNDIVDED

sup niggas

Too late foul spawn, this thread have already been claimed by the light of the Emperor!

Praise be!

Fuck that. Nurgle is the best.

You know why Tzeentch has two heads? He needed a second one to suck twice as much cock.

>slaanesh fapping intensifies.jpeg

I have a rematch against Necrons tomorrow, this time he said he won't bring wraiths or destroyers so I am really hoping for a fairer match. Decided to bench my Hellhammer and run a 1500pt list of my Astra Militaruhh- Imperial Guard.

I have my vets in chimeras (three units) and two units of Scions in Taurox Primes. Debating how I should fill out the rest of my list since out last game had my Leman Russ and Poor Pask turned into swiss cheese by Gauss weaponry.

Still fairly new to playing but I have a sizeable IG collection to choose from, besides the above I have a command squad, a piece of every artillery including two Wyverns.

Me want pls give

Repost from the end of the last thread.

Do space marines ever go to ground in the fluff.

Does any other faction ever go to ground in the fluff.

You could try the Emporer's Wrath Artillery formation to give basilisks ignore cover

This technically might not be "going to ground", but its close

Can someone please tell me, because I can't find a straight answer anywhere.

What is the horizontal firing arc of the Necron Obelisk?

I've seen more than one answer online, so I don't know what to trust.

I've started unfortunately reading all these Gav Thorpe DA books and there are a few times where the marines will crouch or take small shelter that most people wouldn't include in every inch of their wargaming table. Sometimes no more than a rock or something.

How unfair is multiple of the same assassin?

100% legal

Depends on assassins, generally not worth it in most situations

i'm now thinking about an inquistor sending a bunch of assassins to either pick up his dry cleaning or to destroy a dry cleaner for messing up his favorite skull cloak

I'm a Necron player who mainly runs a lot of infantry like warriors, immortals, lychguard, and so on. My group complains about reanimation protocols but I win about as often as everyone else so they never really give me too much shit.

The other day I faced a rando for the first time and fought a Necron list with 10 destroyers and 5 wraiths at 1500. He said he planned on buying more wraiths.

Why would anyone do this. What man could enjoy this much cheese.

What can mere men do against such reckless WAACfaggotry?

There's a ban on multiple Eversors due to an incident involving Orgyns.

Assasins are all meh tier, the anti-psyker one is good in the current meta but is going to next to useless against all but five factions.


5 wraithblades-160
5 wraithblades-160
5 wraithblades-210

3 Vypers
bright lances


This doesn't seem like a very good idea.

I agree since the list is illegal. Wraiths can't be taken as troops any longer.

The list is also flat out terrible. The meme that all Eldar units are good is dumb, their bad units might be better than other faction's bad units, but that doesn't make them good.

should have put it in there.

Some people want to optimize their chance of winning, this can be for two reasons. They either want to win because they like trying to win or because they like winning/dislike losing.

I think most people can attest to liking to try to win once the game starts, is it really so strange to want to try to win before the game starts? It can allow for hours of fun as you try to figure out what the best options are and how you can optimize your chances.

The way to know if your opponent just likes to win or if he likes to try to win is whether he netlists or builds his own lists.

One thing to consider is the option of waying out the strength of ranged Wraiths with the weakness of melee Wraiths and Wraithknights with Wraithlords. If you take more melee Wraiths than ranged Wraiths and 3 times as many Wraith Lords as Wraithknights I think you are in a good spot.

Vypers are also bad, I guess you could weigh those out by Scatbikes or bikes with one/two lasers.

Can't you not embark in another faction's transports now? Or am I misunderstanding

loads of generic guardsmen, small squads so literally canot chew through enough squads.
Remember Lord comissar gives Ld10 bubble within 6' (not for orders, though)

Depends on the meta and players you are up against.

I play Tau. My usual list is full of foot slogging Carbine warriors and Breachers, charging up the board to claim objectives, flanked by Vespids, and backed up by two units of broadsides in the backfield.

This is against the many local fluff players who want casual games with units they like (and I fucking love Vespids)

My other list is rarely used, but sometimes a new face shows up with the most obvious netlists ever, and tries to pick fights with people playing their weak fluffy list. Then I bring out my riptide wing, backed up by a metric shit ton of Crisis Suits, and the drone net for a ton of reliable jet pack markerlights, and give them a run for their money.

And both things normally works perfect. I prefer the fluffy list, but it is nice pulling out all the stops, and going all in. But only when the opponent does the same. Otherwise there is no point - winning by a landslide is fucking boring. And most of the "netlisters" are tournament players, so they prefer the same - can't prepare yourself for tournament play, if you are playing against the most retarded lists you can imagine.

Only met two people who complained, and one of them was using double Skyhammer with Grav everywhere. He even won, and he still kept bitching about Tau being bullshit for some reason.

The other was a Tau player running the same shit I was, so he was pretty much the regular Tau faggot Veeky Forums likes to complain about.

Yeah, but only after the game has begun. No starting inside the transports before the game begins.

This kinda makes allied drop pods pointless.

They can't start in the vehicle and they are part of the same faction.

An addendum is that the internet has pretty much ruined the option for someone to seek out the best units through trial and error or math since ten people have done it before you so what is even the point of getting to the same conclusion as everyone else.
>Huh, I guess Warp Spiders really are better than Striking Scorpions
>I guess it really is true that Wraithknights are better than Wraithlords.
The amount of internal imbalance in codices even means that despite you playing in a unique meta you will almost always be able to apply what you read on the internet with good results.


The anti-psyker one is still good against non-psyker armies. Enemies always being reduced to WS and BS 1 when they're attempting to attack him is extremely it takes around 5 to 6 turns for a unit of grav cannon devs to kill him.
And the grav cannon is basically the god gun

He doesn't have an armor save how do grav cannons kill him?

I think our dear Culexus Friend is referring to the fact that Grav Guns blow the living hell out of everything else, and Mr. Culexus not having an armor save makes them nearly useless against him.

Gravestators have a hard knock life against nimbly pimbly assaultish infantry, like Captain Culexus

They still have hurricane bolters, silly
And even on a 6+, a grav-cannon + amp still has about a 30% chance of wounding per hit (and Centurions get the amp)

Grav Cannon Devstators do not. Grav Centurions do. The example listed is Devs, not Cents agree completely on the hurricanes

>I agree since the list is illegal

FAQ confirmed you can still use the Iyanden codex.

I suggest your read the Iyanden codex. It doesn't make wraithguard troops


>I suggest you are read
>I suggest you read

Whoops, typo.
>I suggest you read

Got an IG question. Would a Valkyre Sky Talon be capable of airlifting a rhino? Could guard deploy ala aliens through atmo in an apc hooked to a sky talon, especially if they had rebreathers?

CSM FAQ boys come and get it!


This has been posted at least 3 times already, and its only been one day


The joke is he put your, which is also wrong


And the big one, glad to see Helbrutes get more kill-y.

So dragon necks don't work?

They only work for sexual

Damn it nurgle, leave that shit to slaneesh

>he doesnt praise Khorne
Why even live famalam?

>more killy
Shame they're still absolute trash.



Playing an 1850 game vs. Eldar on Sunday. Maximum Scatbikes, a Wraithknight, and three Warp Hunters.

Any Eldar bros here that can offer me some advice? Never played against Eldar before. Im bringing Nurgle Incursion w/ a GUO.

Now that's what I call summer

>its like im really on /v/


So herald of ruins kill team a good way to play?

>as an ork player

If you have a playgroup for it, sure.

It is more of a small skirmish game than an army type match and has all the special rules.

If you do play please have a ton of filler terrain and not just big pieces on a boring board.

My local GW plays 1500, and I want to bring my Talos.
This would be:
Corpsethief Claw - 5x Talos, 5x Ichor Injector, 5x TL Splinter Cannon
Dark Artisan - Talos, Ichor Injector, TL Splinter Cannon; Cronos, Spirit Probe; Haemonculus, Flesh Gauntlet
So that 7 T7 MC's with 4+fnp, rerolling 1s.
Leaves me with 515 points to spare.

My first thought is Farseers on bikes and scatbikes but I don't want to be a grade A cunt.

What should I take for my last 515 points?

Could someone tell me why the Impossible Robe is any good? You take 1 wound and you're out.

Grav always wounds on a 6

I just started my DE and am going to play their debut match soon, are Ichor injectors better than Chainflails in general, or is it a personal preference thing?

It's good. Most everything that can take it has high enough leadership that going bye bye isn't really a worry.

it's so I have instant death for any knights, wraithknights, etc.
shred isn't super useful on stuff that'll usually wound on 2's. Anything you're wounding on 4s with a talos is something you want to ID


I'll consider it. Since I bought 2 kits, I modeled my Talos with 2 chain flail arms, and I liked chain flails because I roll 1's like a champ.

I think chain flails remove a lot of the threat of the Talos though. You want people to pour shots into them and free the rest of your army up. The ID gives them enough tangible threat to force your opponent to shoot them


Rate my 3000 Points Sister of Battle List

++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (2915pts) ++

+ No Force Org Slot (350pts) +

2x Sororitas Command Squad (175pts)
··5x Celestian [Bolt Pistol, Multi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]

+ HQ (150pts) +

2x Canoness (75pts) [Chainsword, Combi-Melta]

+ Elites (480pts) +

3x Celestian Squad (160pts) [2x Celestian, Celestian with Meltagun, Celestian with Multi-Melta]

+ Troops (900pts) +

6x Battle Sister Squad (150pts) [2x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Meltagun, Battle Sister with Multi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
··Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]

+ Fast Attack (525pts) +

3x Dominion Squad (175pts) [4x Dominion with Meltagun]
··Dominion Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]

+ Heavy Support (510pts) +

3x Retributor Squad (170pts) [4x Retributor with Multi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
··Retributor Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]

Combi-Melta: 17; Meltagun: 21; Multi-Melta: 31; Twinlinked Multi-Melta: 17. You can't have 60 MM in a single CAD, but you can have 86 melta weapons.

They have to snap fire. They aint killing him.

can someone explain Kill Team to me? Looking to get into some wargames with a couple friends. I like 40k stuff, but the cost of the full game is pretty cost prohibitive. Kill Team looks interesting though, so it's probably between that or Bolt Action

when I say Kill Team I mean Heralds of Ruin

Look into infinity as well.

All there is to Kill Team is explained in the rules you can find on google or perhaps someone has a pdf to link here.

Each army has a bit of a minidex where there are tweaks to points, rules and other such things and you play a relative low point game with a handful of models. There are some missions but most people.. ya know... Kill Team.


How many shades darker is Zandri dust than ushabti bone?


download and read all the rules and stuff then whatever armies rules.


Hmm... So going from Ushabti bone, seraphim sepia, ushabti again, screaming skull for my bone effect to using the Zandri Dust base spray would be very noticeable then?


Heralds of Ruin is great, thats what my friends and I have been playing. The only lists that can cheese are Eldar, Tau, and Mechanicum. Pretty much everything else is on equal ground or slightly below it.

hey IGfags, tell me a thing

i fell in love with the macharius look, is it a good tank in the game?

I can't remove any troops from the CAD and be able to still take it, I need them as troop choices.

I'd just like a way to use the sternhammer formation with some decent anti-air.

Someone mentioned adding a librarius conclave, will that be under auxiliary or do I still need to run the CAD?

A grav/hurricane Centurion averages about 1.17 wounds against a Culexus if rapid firing the bolters, so a unit of 3 averages about 3.5 wounds
You can expect 1, maaaybe 2 failed saves
The hurricane bolters being TL makes a big difference

They're more dangerous than I expected them to be to the Culexus, honestly, though they obviously will get raped in CC


Some are. Its mostly just a buffed up russ.

Sternhammer can take the AA Def Force as an auxiliary which is ridiculous, moreso if you add a 3rd Stalker for Ignores Cover
the Librarius Conclave can be taken as a part of a Sternhammer as a Command selection, which is different from Auxiliary

I have a list that uses it but are any of the units in that force anywhere close to useful if there isn't a large amount of flyers?

It seems like crazy overkill, and if they don't have a single flyer I feel like I will get annihilated.

I really like the vanquisher model that can choose beetween a normal shot and a twin linked vanquisher shot, but since it costs quite a lot (i believe 400pt, thats like the 25men transport baneblade) i was asking if its worth it to spend this much.

>Playing a game against Dark Angel's
>"How good is your army or list?" he asks
>I try to briefly explain Salamanders I am bringing but after a few sentences he stops me
>"How good is it on a scale of 1-10"
>So I say maybe a 6
>"Alright 6 it is then"
>Ask him why
>He shows me his battle scribe that has 10 lists for each point level of 500 increments up to 4000

We played 1500 because I don't have a huge collection and we had a good game.

Is he some sort of uber autist to set up so many lists or a bro-tier player to be prepared for any level of play?

Now I wonder what a 1 or 10 would look like.

I made this earlier for some other user, enjoy


Forgot list

Bro-tier. Love people who do that