My Giger Counter just went off the scale

My Giger Counter just went off the scale.

Looks like some shitty super le ex dee edgy gieger/beksinski faggotry.

Also you faggot.

You seem to have missed /v/.

I post it because there have been threads here discussing setting genres, and biotech settings are very rare, but heres a modern delving into the idea.

>Geiger the videogame with shitty 90s techno

My clit has hardened and turned into a 7'' erection.

Looks like some Eyedrops shit (which I am more thank okay with)

However, no gameplay = no opinion

-Cohesive “lived in” world - Scorn takes place in open-ended world with different interconnected regions. Each region is a maze like structure with various rooms and paths to discover .All the storytelling happens in-game, with no cut-scenes to distract you from the grisly reality of the living, breathing world you’re in. But keep your eyes open - the game won’t show you any sympathy if you miss something important on your uneasy travels. Everything has a reason and purpose - you just need to work out what it is.

-Full body awareness – player will experience better immersion being aware of the character’s body and movement. Interaction with the world is realistic - objects are picked up with your hands (instead of just floating in midair), machines and instruments are operated by grabbing the controls etc.

-Inventory and ammo management - is defined and limited. It plays a big role in keeping the player in an even greater state of awareness throughout the whole game. Players will have to think about when to fight and when to take cover and how their actions affect the world around them. Different play styles will be needed to advance.

some info from steam greenlight

Those sleeping creatures near the beginning looked really damn comfy.

Actually this whole game looks comfy, in body horror sort of way.

Since it's a horror adventure, gameplay might be mostly about exploring and solving puzzles.

Or maybe it'll be more like Amnesia, dunno.

I wouldn't call it comfy. It feels cancerous. Not in a "oh this game is just cancer" more like, when I see all this imagery, I can't shake the idea of cancer and tumors, it might be something about everything being a biological, fleshy construction, and the idea of a biotech landscape being plagued by cancer is a depressing concept, not saying thats whats going on in the game, but...well you know.

Moody, but somehow doesn't make me confident for a fun game.

I don't know... maybe the dissonance between turning Giger coating up to eleven and still being a very humanish dood with a pistol.

not quite phallic enough for giger

Still, it's got a badass artstyle

Holy kek, underrated

Well if this concept art is any indication, your character is not human at all.

Its like that episode in Courage the cowardly dog

I don't know, aside from a few gribblies the world seems to be a healthy what-ever-it-is.
It may be made of mystery flesh but it seems to be working fine. It's quiet, with some chill mood music in the background, kind of sleepy like.
I'm no doctor but I'm not seeing any bleeding or oozing soars, mysterious green discolourations, out of place bits of bone or sphincter polyps.

Mr. Clit up there seems to be doing ok body wise. It's sort of a weird body but it seems to work.
The tunnels are linking up for him on their own, which is pretty accommodating. He seems a little freaked but not too much (probably because of the mood music.)

It may be surreal fleshscape but I'm not quite seeing the downside of that yet.

don't care

Well just my take on it. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the game you encounter wings of buildings just infested with disease, rot or cancer, would seem fitting.

It's also a claustrophobic sensation. The only creatures we saw that weren't the player, or that thing on the floor were conscious creatures restrained to one location and practically grown into that. The toothy fella who was sealed in some membrane, the muscle fetus formed into the wall, and the wheezing fella stuck as a crane. It makes me antsy and uncomfortable to realize these clearly conscious things live their entire lives in these roles as meaty architecture (I am sure they have some important roles to the buildings workings, but it's still grossing me out)

Yes but is there any gameplay?

Go back to to shill

not really enough infromation about the setting to discuss in that sense.

Looked cool, hope it's a stealthy game or a puzzle game rather than FPS, need time to wander around and gawk at muh anuspunk reality.

Take comfort in the idea that, if those things are bred purely for that purpose, its most desired state is how it is seen there.

yeah but humans "desired state" is running around hunting shit, but our COMFIEST state is being all snugly cozy wrapped up in something lying on stuff.

Maybe to them, their comfy state involves running around like in an FPS and their tiring "i wish this would end" state is being comfified into an anus-surface?

What do you think these different guns do?

Wrong pic, let me find the right one.

Found it yet?

Nah, I thought I had the image but must of gotten rid of it. There were like 4-5 gun designs.