ITT: Things we have NEVER said or posted but truly believe about Veeky Forums

ITT: Things we have NEVER said or posted but truly believe about Veeky Forums

I'll start:

I actually think elves are cool, I just hate the Tolkien part.

I'm a huge nerd.
I started watching "Roll 20" a webshow about professional voice actors playing DnD.

I realized, watching other people be nerdy makes me feel REALLY uncomfortable.

I hate what anime/interpretation based on japanese culture has done to elves in popular culture, but I like interpretations closer to the fey or the Norse alfar.

Perfect. My true-to-thread post is that I secretly LIKE the anime-ification of elves. Never told anyone ever.

From are fucking stupid.

The "stat me" threads should be against the rules

Are you sure user Veeky Forums gamer is autistic, or just obsessed about the rules? Or is this the same thing?


Auto correct. Drow sorry

Reddit is actually a valuable resource, especially concerning 5e homebrew, but with other RPG Systems as well. They are great for focus and getting Shit done in that regard, but they're so compartmentalized that they lack the creative freedom Veeky Forums has. Other than that, they're fine.

Also, 5e is a great system.

Too many generals


I enjoy /r/makeyourchoice more than CYOA generals

Veeky Forums never actually gets shit done. It's always one or two dedicated anons doing all the work and everyone else are idea guys.

I like elves and dwarves equally.

For all the shit that happens here, Veeky Forums is one of the better boards. Intelligent discussion is actually possible here (usually)

Veeky Forums was better when the weekend smut thread was around.

What would you like to see "get done"

Clarify yourself

Just like every business everywhere. 2 pins holding the whole contraption together.

Veeky Forums was better when smut was an instaban.

> 5e is cancer
> most Veeky Forums homebrews are shit
> engine heart is shit
> dungeon world is a terrible game
> savage worlds fucking sucks
> elves are awesome
> tieflings, thrikeen, drow, kender, etc. should never have been added to D&D
> edo for the win
> steampunk is fucking awesome if you make it fantasy steampunk instead of victorian bullshit
> shadowrun is a shit system, as is World of Darkness
> GURPS is pretty good
> FATE is pretty good but sucks in execution
> most of the RPGs out there are total shit and not worth playing
> one or two "le cool mechanics" do not make an RPG worth playing
> if you contribute to kickstarters you are a nu male faggot. No exceptions.

When was that exactly?

Veeky Forums has occasionally had some of the most intelligent and civilized discussions about religion that I have ever seen on the internet.

Sphinx's rev for 15 is a legitimate win condition.

>nu male
/v/, pls go and stay go. Your board is a shithole that hates its subject matter with a burning passion.

> most Veeky Forums homebrews are shit

this hurts me

Veeky Forums is dinner than /v/ and less capable than them at rational, mature discussion

Given the opportunity at least 90% of user's would actively indulge in their magical realm with others who share the same or similar magical realms and no qualms.

Dumber than /v/, even

... What?

truth always hurts

Veeky Forums does get shit done sometimes, there is proof of that.

>rational, mature discussion
Mention No Man's Sky, see how rational and mature they are then. They get even more triggered than SHILL, REEEEEEEEE! user when a Kill Six Billion Demons thread comes up on Veeky Forums

I legit hate elves. To the point I have to stop myself from being a human supremacist in every game I play.

I tell myself I'm not that bad, but I'm probably worse.

Veeky Forums is filled with nu-male beta cucks who think they understand courage, confidence, and honour but would never tell a nigger or Muslim off

Quests are cancer that clog up the board and should all move to the dedicated quest board.

Go back to /pol/ and play Holy Race War there

Discussion outside of circlejerk is possible here, it isn't on /v/.

/pol/, pls go and stay go. Don't you have some guns and pictures of Trump to wank onto?

I've played Dwarfs in damn near every fantasy game I've ever had or participated in. I don't actually like Dwarfs. I just have this weird thing about my height and playing people shorter than me makes me feel better.

I don't let my players to sex. Fade to black. Always.

To be fair, the from also are pretty god damn stupid

I wonder if there actually is a statistically relevant ennui with Tolkienesque fantasy or if its just Veeky Forums parrotting some contrarian oppinion until it appears as consense of all fantasy fandom.

I love and hate that Veeky Forums has opened me up to history and mythology. There's a wonderful world of quirky details too weird and more fascinating than OC could ever hope to be, but at the same time I catch myself spotting incorrect adaptions in fantasy all the time now.

Both of these points torment me as I am writing a setting that has the opportunity to be used in a commercial product and I'm beating myself up over getting it 'right' or people may tear it to pieces because I made a mistake.

Is "from" a real fantasy monster?

I peed in my cat's anus.

it has a weird sense of taste that I find mostly boring. i have to really dig to find an interesting thread.

I enjoy magical realm threads every so often.
I hate 5e theoretically but its ability to get players makes it my go-to system (which I homebrew heavily depending on the campaign).
I love the overly attatched or yandere 'character' and have one wherever appropriate.
One of my old PCs is pretty much a downplayed Gary Sue in my setting, and his history has influenced the plot pretty heavily.
People think I'm a good DM, I think I'm shit.
Part of me itches to run a quest.

Have you seen vin diesel play DnD?
Dungeons and Diesel.

OP said "Things we have NEVER said", user

Underneath the hate, there is a well of infinite worlds drowning.

you guys are alright

Most of you guys are pretty cool.

>Discussion outside of circlejerk is possible here

I genuinely hate reddit. Every once in awhile, I think "Hey, a real intelligent person should explore every avenue available" and then I go to a few sub reddits I might find interesting, and every single time, I just really feel like they aren't anywhere as near knowledgeable as Veeky Forums. They're much more polite, but you can see that the hugbox effect of their ideas means that their beliefs don't get challenged very often so they don't have the need to sharpen their edge.

On topic:

I genuinely don't believe that 80% of the people here who hate D&D have actually played it. I see them all the time posting in threads to not play D&D, and every once in awhile, I chase them down and ask what game they THINK is better. They always post:
>Something that isn't even fantasy genre
>A game that is an over glorified book of someone's house rules for D&D or even an outright retroclone.
>Something so rules light that they aren't even really playing a game anymore at that point
>Outright ignore me, and then shitpost common myths held about 3.5, or commonly held 'problems' with the system, even going so far as to decry anyone who tries to fix the problem through houserules without the complainer doing anything about other than saying "Don't play it".

Seriously, this shit is worse than when Veeky Forums says that video game stories are ALL garbage.

Video game stories are all garbage. There. Now Veeky Forums said it.

Fromsoft are kind of retarded, I thought he was just cross-posting from /v/

The more Veeky Forums tries to be purely about traditional games the worse it gets. One of /tg's strongest points has always been the variety of interests and personalities it attracts. Almost everything good that has come out of Veeky Forums has come from our willingness to entertain anything and everything. To discuss whatever is in front of us with whoever is willing to participate. This has breed curiosity and diplomacy in the best of us.

When it actually comes to purely Veeky Forums related topics, without nay kind of outside additions, we're middling at best. Not bad, really, better than most other sites, but that's more of a sad reflection on them as it is positive on us. But without history, art or horse biology to talk about most of our threads end up being fairly formulaic and repetitive.

>Alien angels, TRUE lovecraftian themes, TRUE sword and sorcery spirit, alignment sucks, something about D&D tropes, paladins, shades of grey -4strength, historical morality, human fighter, someone brings up black company, point buy is better, old school is best, THAT GUY, realism
It's not bad but it's not particularly insightful or interesting. When these topics do come up the comments seem to mostly be self centred. What discussion there is seems to often be somewhat shallow and filled with memes. There isn't much in the way of collaboration just posting.
Without something outside to spark our imaginations we aren't much better than any other board.

It's probably mostly nostalgia but it feels like Veeky Forums has only grown more samey. Nothing can be all good but it just seems the good doesn't come around as often and when it does it's not welcome.
It feels like it's been so long since Veeky Forums has made me excited about something.
Maybe it's time to leave.

Well, since you've pointed out the elephant in the room, why the fuck ARE quest threads still allowed here? At first, I was reporting them for being off topic since they have their own board, but what the actual fuck, it's been months.

>One of /tg's strongest points has always been the variety of interests and personalities it attracts.
It attracts one personality with one interest: the mindless contrarian eaher to dole out worthless trivia and prove his elitism

I can confirm I have personal ennui with Tolkien himself, not necessarily the generic fantasy. And that's honestly because his writing is dry and focuses on rather boring things, even from a world-building perspective. Plus, honestly, his worlds don't ever feel that magical to me. Orks, trolls, and goblins are the lowest of fantasy elements to me, and I'd prefer my casters to have a little more pew pew and a little less. . .doing whatever?

As far as generic fantasy goes, I'm for it. Hell, I LOVE the Dragon Quest series.

It's because the mods all suck quest dick.

Tolkein was more concerned with creating Quenya than focusing on his world-building.

If you think your masculine values are under attack, you probably have pretty flimsy masculine values.

Actual aesthetes wouldn't feel threatened by anyone not ascribing to their interpretation.

While aged, I wouldn't call him dry. Sterile is the word I'd use, especially in his worldbuilding.

The people who post about HFY and derail threads about non-humans in sci-fi are legitimately worse than the people who want to bring their magical realm into it.

>grab a random poll that was most likely proxy voted to shit both ways

Jesus, you've managed to be worse than fucking /pol/ and their infographics.

I genuinely believe that this board is undermoderated and that there are people who exploit that.

Veeky Forums needs to stay apolitical.

What, you don't like the three dozen daily MAGICAL REALM TEEHEE~~~ threads?

I miss Broquest. Been trying to piece all the content for it together to run a campaign in it.

The only useful subreddits I've found are for certain videogames, such as Dark Souls or Morrowind, or for specialized porn (but good luck finding any of those on purpose).

The default subreddits all seem even more out of touch with the world than the Veeky Forums boards I've bothered going to. It must have something to do with the upvote system. I can't think of what else it would be.

The people who flip their shit about scalies or furries or whatever when something with dog ears or scales shows up in a thread are a fucking cancer and I wish they'd go do something productive. You're on Veeky Forums for Christ sakes. Furshit is some of the tamest stuff on the site.

The magical realm, the thread-ruining /pol/shit, whatever in God's name Virt was

Well, at least virt's been removed. But we all have a little Virt in our hearts.

The poll was actually from some stupid article about whether you should get paid vacation when you get a pet (return in response to some me-ternity editorial). I just capped the result and use it for chuckles. Never did I purport it to be any sort of poll in relation to the thing I was talking about.

In other news, found the questfag.

I use two boards.

r/Parahumans because it's essentially the hub for Worm discussion

And r/smashbros or r/ssbm because it's damn hard to get melee discussion on /v/ that isn't shitposted to death

>Worm discussion

Sticky this thread. Everyone pay attention. Make Veeky Forums great again!

I unironically like Ironclaw.

Being apolitical is a political statement.

If that was really the case then I should be allowed to start threads on /pol/ that are nothing but pictures of squirrels.

well idk about that but theres a huge autistic knowledge base here that doesn't exist too many other places i've been on the internet.
and yet that same autism that makes the knowledge base so vast also gets triggered by the same things over and over and over again, derailing lots of good (and lots of horrible) threads. like seriously, Veeky Forums is probably the most triggerable board i go on.

I think their /tesg/ stuff is better than ours, kirklejerking aside. Then again, there's /r/trueSTL for joking about that.

thats what I thought he meant originally, and I was all ready to agree with him even though I love soulsborne.

I try to avoid and diffuse anyone talking about /pol/ in threads of good stuff because I am pretty sure most of us are terrible but we can ignore that here sometimes.

Veeky Forums seems to get a lot done, actually, but projects outgrow the confines of what the board can provide and the most dedicated producers second into a new communication avenue when the anonymity and community of Veeky Forums turns too cancerous or simply gets in the way of progress. It's a launchpad, and ideas can make a great start here, but they either grow beyond the board's confines or are killed by exactly the conditions that allowed them to thrive.

I started browsing here around 2010. And I completely agree with you.

Unfortunately, the landscape of Veeky Forums as a whole has changed such that compartmentalizing discussion and making them more formulaic is often the goal. Generals have served this purpose since their inception.

The site is changing. Veeky Forums possibly more than other boards because of the upheavals it experienced. Its sad, but no amount of complaining can bring it back.

I really appreciate the effort a lot of people put into creating truly interesting fantasy roleplaying settings with original races and unique magic, but I've found in my actual experience of GMing that at the end of the day most players WANT their elves and dwarves and dragons, and get kind of listless if there's none of that to latch onto.

I'm interested in exploring those common fantasy archetypes with interesting spins put on them or just going about them from a different angle, but I've found again and again that when you sit down at the table and start up a game of D&D (or your high fantasy game of choice - I've also seen this with Burning Wheel), most players want to know what they're getting into when they see a dwarf. "Goblin" and "Halfling" elicit more engagement than trying to explain the world's view on your unique crustacean merchant nomads and their culture.

That's not to say that people never engage with things that are original, just that most people who sit down to play an explicitly fantasy setting tend to want elves, and elves they can quickly grasp the general concept of at that. It's like their buy-in: people just get bored if there's not those familiar aspects to latch onto before they can start exploring the more nuanced parts of the setting.

Veeky Forums was at it's best when it was a replacement for all of the other boards, off-topic discussions here were better than most of the internet on-topic.

I miss bitches for Thulsa Doom.

I wish /r9k/ and /pol/ would shut the fuck up. There's good ideas buried in a lot of historical and cultural resources, but as soon as /r9k/ gets a whiff of women or /pol/ gets a whiff of niggers they start bawling like yappy-type dogs when the mailman comes to the door and the thread dies.

And then people complain that everything's the same derivative tolkien/medievalist/euro-historic/generic fantasy and nothing new ever comes up or is ever explored except not!Asian settings for Exoticâ„¢ setting splatbooks.

The people who say "/pol/ go away" always attract more shitposting than if the statement was left alone.
And further, 90% of the time its somebody just saying something lightly racist, which wouldn't have even batted an eye 6-8 years ago.

I remain convinced that anyone who complains about /pol/ is either someone not familiar with Veeky Forums or is deliberately attempting to derail the thread.

I believe the mods censor any conservative thought while encouraging and husbanding liberalism.

I do not believe this is a conspiracy, but rather a natural result of conservatives having day jobs while liberals are living uselessly at home and are more hungry for authority.

Oh, wait, you meant things related to traditional games? I think male elves should be the most ripped, manly bastards and crush pussy constantly.

I believe quests are Veeky Forums related, due to role playing games being one of the things that Veeky Forums is about. I also have no idea why some Anons are opposed to them.

I believe lesbian PCs should be banned as a matter of course, regardless of the player's gender or sexual orientation.

Even if the player is actually a lesbian?

What if you have like, an irl lesbian as a player

I believe that /qst/ is for shitty quest threads and Veeky Forums is for good quest threads.

This, and we should've kept the ERP generals too. Why did we have to get rid of porn at all? Anyone who browses Veeky Forums from work deserves what they get if they're caught.

>t. numale


Depending on who you ask, the weekend smut threads and erp generals were actively sabotaged and made to look like they were spamming the boards by some third party, for whatever reason.

I never looked too much into that.

I haven't played a game of WFRP in more than a decade, and the WFB generals are the closest thing I come to playing Warhammer anymore.

None of my current gaming group is interested, I can't find anyone around here who plays WFRP and my old Warhammer group have long since given up the hobby.

I feel dead inside.

These may be unrelated points.

Because there was so many of them, and a good number of them weren''t good/didn't stick around long which led to more quest threads being made.

Not saying that quests don't belong on Veeky Forums in some capacity, it's just that there was so fucking many that even a questfag like me got tired of it at times.

Veeky Forums needs to stop jacking itself off so fucking much.
It's complete cancer and ruining this place.

the >t. meme is the new "smug anime girl reaction image" of "ignore my opinions, I am from /v/"