Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Nonsensical Pit Lord edition

Discuss the lore of the Warcraft setting and its relation to tabletop gaming, and plan Warcraft based games

previous thread:

Why is Khadgar so handsome?

because Medivh bungled the curse he was casting and aged him into a silver fox instead of dead

Knew it wasn't really Medivh because he didn't make him play a retarded chess game for ultimate power then cheat half way through.

a chess game that you can win by not moving anything and letting his pieces walk into you and die one at a time

>inb4 Alexstrasza gets corrupted by the Old Gods
>inb4 they tell her "join us, and nobody has to die ever again"
>inb4 she falls for it and turns everyone she can into undying slaves to the Old Gods
>inb4 Yogg decides he's too God of Death for that and tells everyone if they kill her, he'll leave them alone
>inb4 Red and Blue team up again
>inb4 Kalec is the last ex-Aspect alive

>>inb4 Kalec is the last ex-Aspect alive
> People constantly check if he's still sane.

>god damn it you fucks, I'm the god of death, you're ruining my brand

>everyone forgets about Noz because he's already dead but never born or I don't know, time travel
>this is how Murozond happens

>Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
>everyone bets on him in cards games
>he's their only hope

Old God Civil War?

There's your new expansion.

>N'Zoth is the True Final Boss
>he's been waiting for the other two to weaken each other
>it's go time
>even the Naaru are getting involved
>this is the fight we've all been waiting for

If Azeroth had a titan form, what percentage of her would be tentacle-y old god goodness?

Shit, we're going to fight Azeroth as a raidboss in some future expansion, aren't we?

What better boss for World of Warcraft could there be than the world we've crafted through war herself?

I imagine half her mouth is a Yogg jaw, she has Several C'thun eyes, and where her heart should be is a sha-smoked hole.

>"You have spent decades fighting for the future of your world."
>"What hope do you have, now that the very world you fight for, your very home, turns against you?"
>"The Fallen Titan would have been more merciful. He would have given you a quick death."
>"Some were born here. You shall be again as one with your mother. Some were made here. You shall again be with your precious Titan. Some came here from afar. At long last, She will accept you as Her children."
>"Your souls shall awaken Her. Your eternal suffering shall sustain Her. And She will put an end to the Light."

>"Come, then, children of Azeroth. Face the very world you hold so dear. It will all be over soon."

I'll take 3

>"Why are you fighting me?"
>"I'm doing this for you."
>"I love you."
>"It won't hurt, I promise."
>"Please stop fighting me."
>"Why do you prolong your suffering?"
>"I won't lose any more of my children!"
>"See, isn't that better? No more pain, no more hatred, no more mindless death."
>"I... love you all... so much."
>"What... have you done? I only wanted... to save you."

>this is what happens when you try to solve everything with violence!

Too real.

Aren't the old gods supposed to be enemies anyway? Like, i remember it being mentioned somewhere that they spend most of their time ruling azeroth fighting with each other.

>Spend literally decades trying to protect Azeroth from complete destruction.

>Azeroth tries to kill you regardless.

Ungrateful bastard.

Not a bad idea. Altough i imagine the massive outrage of people that don't want to kill their waifu probally means it's never going to happen.

I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you, user.

Does not hope end when it is fulfilled?

We may never know, user. I intend to post forever.

When do you guys start discussing roleplaying games.

You guys never seem to actually discuss using any of this stuff for roleplaying games.

When there are groups that actually play the Warcraft RPG.

Is there something you'd like to know about the RPG's otherwise it is like Discworld, lore is just as Veeky Forums as the rpg's.



Where'd Nozdormu go? I know Ysera will be raid bait.

He's gone to the Sands of Irrelevancy.

>the satisfaction of drinking everyone's tears - hers included - because you're a damn dirty forsaken bastard who really only gives a shit about power, being comically mean, the safety of lordaeron and the banshee queen
stay mad living shitstains

>be undead
>slowly rot away and lose mind
>go to warcraft hell when you eventually die

What is there for us to be mad about?

there are multiple people who frequent these threads that are either planning or playing a Warcraft game, and others who have mechanical questions about porting it to other systems, but most people would rather bullshit about how their favourite villain of the week did nothing wrong

btw Lei Shen did nothing wrong

delete this, Med'an isn't real

>"Sure, just stand still for a sec"

>Azeroth is a Titan

Don't get it.

She's been DWARFED too.

It lives within the world and everything has sort of built around and on top of it, like Shen Sihn Zu from Pandaria.

Thought it was more that Titans are literally humanoid planets, with continents on their bodies and stuff, so when Azeroth the Titan is born, the planet will sort of morph into a giant humanoid form (rather than, say, exploding as the Titan bursts from its core).

I honestly wasn't sure, the only artwork of Titans that I'm aware of comes from Chronicles and that only shows celestial faces or Sargeras hitting a planet with a sword, and none of them seemed to be vaguely....life supporting? Maybe it's not really meant to be categorised, since Chronicles also has the Titans walking the surfaces of worlds.

There's always the possibility that you could get a better combination of cards next time you play him...

Mankirk did nothing wrong.

The original Titans were definitely described as less than planet-sized, at least in the wc3 manual. However in Chronicles (see pic related) Sargeras is as big as a titan so I think now yeah, titans are supposed to be literally planet sized.

If you wanted to try to fit both together without retconning, it could be explained by the avatar. After all, Sargeras originally came to Azeroth via an avatar or at least was planning to iirc. Otherwise his eye would be the size of a continent instead of something Illidan could hold in his hand.

They may change that in the future, but basically both old and new versions of the titans are still compatible. Also Sargeras didn't use his half-a-planet-sized sword to destroy Azeroth because..I dunno, someone help me out on this one?

I'm gonna try to answer my own question. Sargeras had to be summoned. Therefore he either can't get to Azeroth without using a portal or it's too hard otherwise. When we consider that actual ~spaceships~ are a thing, it must be possible to physically travel through space. No idea if physical space is the same thing as the Twisting Nether.

Therefore the only conclusion I can reach is that Sargeras is just reaaally far away. Makes sense - the universe is a big place, and he probably isn't too fast. Not being able to enter Azeroth is another possibility; maybe the strong world soul of Elune protects the world from Sargeras somehow. Maybe all the shit the other titans got up to on Azeroth gave it defences against incursions. I don't think it makes as much sense as Sargeras just being really far away though.

Maybe you should discuss that in Veeky Forums then.

>maybe the strong world soul of Elune protects the world from Sargeras somehow.

Annnnnd stopped there. Please include stuff like that towards the beginning.

New expansion: South Seas.
As Kul Tiras joins the Alliance, the Kezan volcano goes dormant, allowing the Bilgewater Cartel to resettle New New Bilgewater Port, inviting both factions into the region, with several more or less uncharted isles free from the grasp of the Horde and the Alliance, untill now. The big bad however are the Naga who have been raiding the coastlines of all the continents lately, and have an especially strong presence in the region.
>Plunder Isle
>Ruins of Zandalar
>Kul Tiras isle

Murlocs join the alliance, their city is the alliance fortress while bilgewater kezan remanants is the horde one

Maybe nagas that can transform into nelves? Like the worgen/human thing

Is there a reason in Lore why the horde and the alliance should still exist after Warcraft 3?

No. They exist because Mmorpg "needs"

Sorry, is that controversial? I thought it was pretty well accepted here that the world soul (aka unborn titan) is Elune? Of course it might not be called that but it's the same being the Nelves worship.

There are Mmorp without Rod vs Blue

It could have been, but the moment is passed. Pandaria, and now Legion are also doing the whole "unexplored islands" thing, including Naga being some of the big bad in Legion. Both thematically and geographically it doesn't work as an expansion, unless you rolled back to Wrath. RIP Kul Tiras, we hardly knew ye.

Why is she dropping her cup?

"Dare you enter my magical realm?"

Typical Highborne decadence.

uhh dude thats a 2hu not a highbourne........

Uh oh, I've used an image not pertaining to the content of the thread. That's just not on. What kind of monster would do something so terrible? Better abandon thread.

really makes you think.............

Yes, but those aren't called World of Warcraft. Blizzard's PvP model was built on 2 hostile factions, half of WoW's story was based on that, and now it's too late to change things... the only way we could get rid of that nonsens would be WoW 2, ideally preceeded by Warcraft 4. But as long as there are people willing to pay the price of stand-alone game for an expansion AND monthly 15 subscription fee, Blizard has no reason to start a project that would be costlier than just another expansion to existing game, and with less certain profit.

Blizzard doesn't care about lore, only about getting the most money from their cashcow

Only it will be a dangerous hybrid of titan and old god, and the most powerful thing ever made.

>the strongest titan ever, plus Sha powers, eye beams, the ability to make people go insane, and dragging the most powerful warriors in the universe in tow like a doting mother
Azeroth is some scary shit

>But as long as there are people willing to pay the price of stand-alone game for an expansion AND monthly 15 subscription fee, Blizard has no reason to start a project that would be costlier than just another expansion to existing game, and with less certain profit.

Too bad it loses subscribers faster and faster.

No poster live forever my son.

>Missing the reference that badly


Can humans and elves make children?

Also most people assume that the elves come from the trolls, but in Ulduar you can see images of night elves, trolls and tauren. So they maybe their own separated race?

Titan creations can inter breed? What about with the others?

Supposedly orcs and ogres are like the humans and vrykuls of Draenor, that supposing the apexis crystal are titan made and all... Why can they breed with draenei?

I know there's a human-elf kid in legion.

I guess the titans never thought to not let them do that.

It isnt a night elf, r-right?

Yes both night elves and high elves can breed with humans

So can orcs, weirdly enough, but I think human/orc hybrids are sterile

Didn't look like one.

It was a Windrunner.

it's Turyalon and Alleria's kid

At least one of the only good things of wow being rated 12 is that we dont have to deal with shit interracial couples having kids

I miss the old nelves more evryday

DOn't you remember that scenario in MoP, though? WIth Tyrande? Yeah, see, Elves are still like they always have been :^)

vereesa has kids


King Varian Wrynn says: Jaina! What's happening in Dalaran? Has there been an attack?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: The Kirin Tor was betrayed from within. I've handled the situation.
King Varian Wrynn says: How?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I've purged the Horde from Dalaran. You have what you wanted, Your Majesty: The Kirin Tor belongs to the Alliance.
King Varian Wrynn says: But you said-
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I know what I said. My trust was misplaced.
King Varian Wrynn says: What of the Sin'dorei - the Sunreavers?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Those that surrendered are being taken to the Violet Hold. I make no guarantees about those who chose to fight.
King Varian Wrynn says: Jaina, you need to talk to me before you act-
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: How I run the Kirin Tor is my business.
King Varian Wrynn says: I was trying to negotiate with the Sin'dorei. I was opening discussions to bring them into the Alliance! By attacking their people, you've forced their hand-
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: They chose their own path.
King Varian Wrynn says: You've driven them back to the Horde.
King Varian Wrynn says: Jaina. We've got to work together on this. The Alliance must act as one.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Don't get soft on me, Varian.

Dalaran was a mistake

Varian was a mistake

Tyrande has always been a terrible, terrible military leader who only got her position due to being a crack shot and in the pants of the stupidly overpowered druid

This was true in WC3, has been true throughout all of WoW, and is true now

>Let's have Jaina do something nasty, have her forcibly take control of a neutral state by purging one of the most peaceful Horde factions lead by an elf who really really loves the Kirin Tor

>Great idea! But we'll make the sunreavers all vile betrayers to the kirin tor so she can still be right. Can't have the Horde look like they might be something more than generic villains now can we?

>yfw one of those dirty mixed kids blades Quel'Delar

No one in Azeroth has sex. Little orcs and elves are delivered by stork.

>implying Dalaran is by law part of the Alliance
>implying the Horde isnt bad

The Horde IS bad

What I'm saying is that the Horde being "bad" is boring, and that it SHOULDN'T be bad

Neutral dalaran was a mistake

Red vs blue destroyed every hope of the history being good.

Thry try to make the Horde the edgy ones that have to fight for their place, but in cold this just look like their are assholes fucking with the people that lived alredy there.

Trying to balance the red vs blue specially when the alliance could have destroyed the horde in vanilla (both teams shouldnt have existed anyway) just keeps making the lore worse and worse

I think it was done well in Vanilla, when it was a cold war which neither side wanted to see go hot.

It certainly explained why the Horde could exist, because if the war did go hot they'd be destroyed.

I thin asspulled Stormwind could defeat all of the orc, troll and tauren forces together alone

I wouldn't say Stormwind could, but Ironforge might be able to do so

Not that they would, they're on the other side of the world and, honestly, not that big a threat. Especially since they'd damn well know that they could be destroyed so easily

Why not retake Lordaeron? I mean they are literally evil zombies there while the quel'dorei are suffering

If they are backed by orcs and trolls you cane easily wipe, Ironforge and Stormwind being untouched by the events in w3...


Because it would cost thousands of lives fighting against an army that would never give up or surrender. The cost is far, far greater than the gain

Not that former Lordaeron residents would ever shut up about it. I seem to recall some minor dialogue about that in Vanilla WoW.

No. Stormwind was a barley functional mess in Vanilia. In Bc and Wrath they had other things to worry about. And around cata the horde suddenly pulled enough troops out of its ass to stand on equal footing with the alliance.

Why do people always think Ironforge is so powerful? The horde pretty much walked over the place during the second war. Just because they largely avoided the horror of the third war doesn't suddenly make them the most powerful kingdom in the world.

Because the entire kingdom is a rotten husk of what it used to be. There's no point in risking thousands of Alliance soldiers over soil that might never grow crops again, especially when the free undead there are acting as a buffer zone between you and the Scourge proper.

>Neutral dalaran was a mistake
Dalaran being anything was a mistake. Seriously, people accuse stormwind of being a asspull. And yet nobody seems to care that logically Dalaran should be a undead inhabited ruin after warcraft 3.

Because Ironforge never fell

Granted, neither did Kul Tiras or Gilneas. But they weren't around in vanilla WoW.

Since it never fell, that means everything it has in intact and working at full capacity. Which means superior production, superior training and superior numbers compared to everybody else

I get that. But my point is that it was never that strong to begin with. There's a reason why in Warcraft 2 and 3 dwarfs only have auxiliary roles.

Doesn't matter, because it's as strong if not stronger now than it was then, while everybody else is significantly weaker

Eh. A wizard did it.
Or rather a bunch of wizards did it.

Ironforge never fell. But the rest of the kingdom was pretty much razed to the ground. And they did suffer quite a few loses during the third war.

And besides that, it does matter. To use a real life example. France was conquered by Germany during World war 2. Ireland was not. And yet i doubt anybody is going to claim Ireland has a stronger military than France.

They were already taking Dalaran back in TFT's blood elf campaign. And it was secure enough to where they locked up Kael's forces in there, and Garithos eventually fucked off to Lordaeron proper to get wind up as Detheroc's mindslave.