I found this the other day in my Facebook feed. Apparently it's like Loot Crate but for tabletop stuff. Pretty neat, thought you guys might be interested too.
RPG Crate
Also they're selling Wyrmwood die cases for $50, so that's a thing.
the box looks like a doughnut box.
user, if you're going to shill, be honest about it.
Anyone here got a box from them? It looks good but I'm wondering what it actually comes with.
Paying $30 a month for some neat modules, minis, etc seems pretty cool. Getting dice every month could be fun, so long as it's not the same 2-3 kinds of dice each time and there's actually a large variation (ending up with 80 D6 at the end of a year for no reason could be cool, 30 D20s would not).
The problem comes with what the content is. A bunch of old, hard-to-find pewter minis? I'm in. A cheap plastic halfling rogue, or something similar, every month? No thanks.
Because of how much roleplaying crap you can actually buy for $30, this is one of the loot boxes that could actually prove promising, and not just a handful of shit for 30 a month.
I don't understand why you'd give people money for some random shit every month. Seems like most people who buy into this crap are the "OMG SO NERDY I HAVE TO SHOW ALL MY FRIENDS THAT I OWN A D20" types.
>What's in the crate?
>We will focus on modules, adventure settings, maps, art, and gaming accessories and new Tales From the Bloody Bucket (our exclusive Adventure Setting). Every crate will have exclusive content created and distributed ONLY by RPGCrate, some old school (OSR) material, and/or master crafted relics. Dice, Miniatures, t-shirts, and other items are also possible.
So the same shit you get in a standard loot crate, but geared for the "lol I love dnd and the renaissance festival!" crowd, rather than the "lol I love comics and can't wait for the Suicide Squad movie!" crowd.
I'd rather spend $30 in my LGS and know exactly what I'm getting with my money.
>ending up with 80 D6
>could be cool
Ave Imperator IG bro.
>I don't understand why you'd give people money for some random shit every month. Seems like most people who buy into this crap are the "OMG SO NERDY I HAVE TO SHOW ALL MY FRIENDS THAT I OWN A D20" types.
Nah, it's more...inclusion without the effort.
These things are never worthwhile. For $30 I could buy killer sandwiches for everyone at the playing table and have $5 left to throw the way of whoever my favorite RPG company is. That's a much better use of moolah let me tell you.
>Tales From the Bloody Bucket (our exclusive Adventure Setting
That sounds cringe worthy
They're made for people who want to look like they're a member of a community but done want to waste the effort actually engaging in it.
That's the part where they should be paying you.
You're already helping them offload their unsold stuff that's taking up warehouse space, and when they try to also advertise their personal, unprofessional baby's-first-setting, that's when you should be expecting a check in the mail.
Oh so it's like a gym membership
Got two or three Dungeon Crates--basically this. $40 each. Canceled because the stuff inside wasn't worth it. Occasionally had a neat little coin or leather pouch, but most of it was pamphlet rules for games I didn't care about or shitty plastic standees.
You roll dice for a hobby. You understand probability. You want to risk $30 or $40 on bullshit, or do you want to get something you know you'll use?
I have friends that are pretty much OMG LOOT CRATE, but every time I see the contents of one, I see myself using maybe 10% of it, and just hoarding the rest as junk I will never touch, and Im usually into pretty pop-culture geek stuff. It's just when I want to spend money on pop-geek shit, i get exactly what I want.
As an RPGer and tabletop wargamer, I see this as being zero use to me. Maybe once in a great while it may contain something I could use, but I can only see it filling my storage boxes with shit unrelated to my interests.
Yeah exactly.
It's a miscellaneous pile of crap that will trick people who also don't engage with the topic into thinking you care about something.
Actually, gonna quote myself 'cause I had a second thought.
This kind of crate is solid for someone just getting into the hobby of TTRPG as a kind of sampler. Any one of the things that come along with the crate is a doorway to fractal interest, but to someone who already knows what they want, has a game of it running and ample players, AND isn't looking for anything new--not worth it.
Get it to get your kid sibling/nephew/niece/cousin into gaming.
>get random shit for free
>creator gets jack shit
>get what you want for free
>creator gets jack shit
Thanks, I'm fine Mr. Shillington.
Oh and I forgot:
>have to have a Jewbook account
You're a shitty marketer desu. All lootcrate-related products are pure garbage.
nice shill
Could almost be useful if there was a bit more structure to what you got. Like, a box of random dice, minis, and maps would actually be cool as something to just add to collections. Not worth 30 bucks a month, but cool. But you'll get almost none of those, mostly random bullshit to hang on your wall.
Not even that. Its literally just a way for them to clear unwanted shit from the warehouses to make space. A rule book pamphlet that didn't sell, a shitty plastic figure that didn't sell, maybe this cheap die or that cheap prop, oh and we gotta actually seem directly tabletop related so have this module we don't know how to make.
Now they sold all the crap nobody wanted and for about double what they would have otherwise received.
>Fucking inflatable fucking crown.
The crate model is shit and always will be. Not worth the money for the shit in the box, which you're probably not interested in anyway.