/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Scam Edition

Secret League signups are open and it will begin soon

Regular season soon over, playoffs soon

The latest rules, the CRP (aka LRB6):

Stunty Leeg handbook:

Veeky Forums FUMBBL group:

Veeky Forums Stunty Leeg group:

Veeky Forums Secret League group:

IRC Server: irc.fumbbl.com
Port: 6667
Channel: #tg

Steam Community for Blood Bowl 2:

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How do you play undead? They seem too slow

>not "last thread died like Poundinator" edition

you had one job, user

slowly punch your way through with awesome mummies

By playing Necro instead so you can kill things, ball, and block with fodder you don't care about.

You are slow team that -can- go fast. But since ghouls are really frail, you should play conservatively until you can actually score and not just run your ghouls forward like elves, because you DO NOT have 11 ghouls.

In just under 30 minutes, the epic shodown! A pretender to "The most hated coach" trophy (although recent machinations of Tooby might have made the competition a bit more tight) Penis13 will face super rookie, Ram "Let me run the clock every turn" ciamciam! Be there or go fuck yourself!



Anyway, when do these games start?

>Crab wants to limit the secret league to 24 people max
>Will nitpick who gets in and who doesn't

What do you think lads? Yes or no?


>limit on players
>not on rule page
Shiggy Diggy

>more than 24 people would play in a league run by crab

haha, no

23 and counting.

Mauled, if you ever retire, please don't hand over to a chucklefuck like Crab.

Would you rather it go to Special Eddy?

Just let me do it.

give it to me I gonna rig the shit up

>Crab meme-ing as a old cranky man.
I have a hard time believing someone actually has that personality.

Get out of your hug box and stop being shit Crab.


I voted yes because i'll know i'll get in and seeing some people get filtered out would stroke my elitist ego.

I have bad news for you then.

>cant tell if I am getting better at undead or just lucky

Probably just lucky.

>tfw I realize I must be a dick when I play open match making
>be me
>playing box
>have the ball, be at the opponents endzone with no chance for him to get to me
>he does the auto end turns thing
>turn 14 knock down his Block, Guard, Break tackle mummy and gang foul it
>next turn gang foul his ag 4 blodge side step ghoul

His fault for auto ending turns while he still has players standing


>see that link for sekrit signups
>check out the roasters
>see Albion
>TEA-SUCKING LIMEY heritage comes to fore
...should I do it or not?


Do it or no balls.


1.human CS
3.P Elf
4.D Elf
5.W Elf
6.h Elf
7.Undead CS
8.Necro CS sinnedbad
9.Khemri CS sinnedbad
10.Vamp CS
11.Chaos CS
12.Pact BOMB CS Thrower
13.Nurgle CS
14.Chorfs CS Thrower
15.Dorf BOMB Thrower CS
16.underworld BOMB B&C CS
17.skaven B&C
18.Lizard CS
19.Gobbo BOMB B&C CS
21.Zon CS
22.Norse BOMB CS
23.Slann CS
24.Orge BOMB CS

my high elf team only has 2 rerolls, should i save for a reroll, or buy an apo?

>dorfs can field 4 secret weapons

Do you have any elves you can't afford to replace?

The answer is yes, buy the apo

Cut-off day you last 4. Get your games done.

So what's the most bullying team in secret league? Hobgoblin Slavers looks pretty good.


What's the legal most bullying team in secret league.

Do you want a team of bullies or 1 player to make the enemy team regret life?

Team of bullies I guess, though I am curious what the one player team is since Daemons of Khorne are no-go.

Half Orcs are bullies cause of all the tackle spam

I've seen some people play deamons of Slaneesh and just blitz every turn with the secret keeper and do nothing else, seems to work alright

Northern Nipon's Oni is very strong also. If you want to bully with bash go with any of the super strong teams. Slaanesh Daemons bully because stupid amounts of hypno gaze.

noob here

what are some teams that play like chaos but aren't as hard? i like bashing and mutations

Nurgle, Pact, and Underworld are the only other teams with mutations on singles. I would only say Nurgle are close to easier, but they still have issues with faster teams.

If you want a bashing team with some good killing power, you can still go Chaos Dwarves. Their blockers get mutations on doubles and the team is pretty simple to learn.

If you had to choose between giving SPP on TD to either Chaos Warriors or your Beastmen for your first few games which would you choose? Does it really matter? Trying to learn this team

Warriors, they need skills

how do you usually build your warriors? heres the ways i was thinking of

singles only would be something like
block > tackle > claw

if i got doubles i could go
block > dodge > whatever

AGI+ could be good for a ball carrier. AGI+ and sure hands would be even better

Guard is probably better than tackle. Claw is not that important early on, especially if you get beastman clawers.
MB can be also useful early if you want to gather SPP faster, though warriors have a perk of having 3 AGI and as such being reasonable fast to level with TDs.

Unless you are only facing av9 you want Mighty Blow first. As for why:

AV7, claw is useless, MB isn't
AV8, claw is +1 breaking armor, MB is +1 breaking armor AND injury
AV9, claw is slightly better for +2, but in the cases you roll a 10+ anyways MB is added to the injury

block first, you want some guard, mighty blow, if +str then tentacles, dont worry about getting cpomb before your team actually has essential skills first or you'll probably just get rolled over by teams with block and guard

Rebbit League in meltdown.

Turns out Veeky Forums does get shit done. Sometimes.

>LogicsFate and IgnoredConscience both also are reddit leaguers
Go figure

+ma or dodge on my lv2 orc blitzer


which team gives me the most cool kid points?


Underworld vs Dark Elves


for the 5th or 6th seed

Emo vs ZaUnd

Mauled, care to elaborate how the seeding this season works since we got some changes?

the fuck is a fling

Hafling you dumdum

those give you negative cool kid points because theyre ugly

All right what about lizardmen?

Fuck what everyone else says. Cool Kid points come from BB Code autism and kickass player portraits on fumbbl. If BB2, you won't get any because you own BB2.

which team has the best big guy?

Lizards with their Krox probably, but Nurgle's Beast is a close second.

beast of nurgle

Despite what rumors say, there is no limit on people allowed or teams for secret league. So make your team and prepare to get diced anyways.

ZUW lose their chance for playoffs, while EDS have to count on next match having favourable outcome.

How do you guys like your Dark Elf to be skilled up on the chaos pact?

I figure you are going to take a lino with +ag and give him block, sure hands, pass, accurate (dodge).

So do you make the dark elf a receiver, a sacker, a marker, a ball retreaver?

Goblin works fine as a retreiver, I'd proably make him a sacker. Wrodge, leap, VLL makes him a nightmare to deal with. Then the goblin can come in with two heads and big hand for the pickup.

he's good as a cagebreaker, 2heads horns or leap and long legs or something

I'm partial to mummies, although the low MA can hurt.

Mummies and tomb guardians are blockers not big guys

All big guys have bone head, wild animal, very stupid, or root.

If you don't need to roll to activate him he isn't a big guy

Ah, okay. Fair enough.

Probably one of the wild animal ones, then. The lack of needing a non-stupid adjacent to have a decent chance of not fucking your roll up is amazing (assuming they're in the thick of things, which they really ought to be).

They're big and they're also guys therefore your definition is wrong.

The wild animal big guys tend to be the worst ones. Frenzy and low AV means that they're likely to get into scrums they can't handle. They also eat blitzes, which is terrible.

frugs vs other lizzies

>they're also guys


gotta agree here, wild animal is actually substantially worse than really stupid, ALTHOUGH not losing your tackle zones when you fail it is good

bonehead is obviously the best

Wild Animal is better than Really Stupid 100%, but the Wild Animal players are worthless.


>the 2 rules of the league are no dwarves and no being a dick

What did he mean by this?

Failing Wild Animal doesn't lose you your tackle zones, and Wild Animal has a better chance of not fucking up without a non-big next to it (1/2 normally, 5/6 on a block or blitz).

Wild Animal is better.


Yeah Mauled!

>not the block on the skink that dropped the ball and bounced it on another
>not the missed pass that still lands
>not the 4 push crowd surf.

this was the missed pass.

Kek, awesome I fucking hate avatar


Funny Team Name vs League of Orcy Gentlemen

nu yu crab :

>thinking it is crab
I know you were dropped on your head, but come on now.


>humiliating someone that is clearly new

Funny Team Name vs League of Orcy Gentlemen ends

1-0 in favor of the humans

how did i humiliate him? i'm not a bully

>I'm not a bully
>Lel guys crab is a meme I'll put him on my team xD

calm down hothead...heh... your head might catch fire... heh

>my opponent sucks
>I'll just run around making unnecessary rolls and running my ball carrier around his pitch baiting surfs/punishment
Playing like a tard is rude as fuck and patronizing.

he didn't play that bad, the only real big mistakes i saw was dodging into tacklezones instead of out of them when he could have