How come different types of elves have different stats while humans are all the same?

How come different types of elves have different stats while humans are all the same?

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Magical bloodlines, different genetics, etc.

>all the same
>bonus feat and skill of your choosing

despite having fuck long generations I guess they just adapt to places really fast and dramatically. Maybe elves just naturally change to whatever environment they're in if they're there long enough

In Faerun, there's a lot of differences between humans from different regions, including what prestige classes you can qualify for and what feats you can select.

I won't be happy when Hillary wins, but I will be happy after Trump loses and the amount of /pol/fags on this board declines slightly.

How come different types of felines have different stats while humans are all the same?

Elves are magical, humans are mundane.

You first.

Because if you give asians +1 intelligence and africans +1 strength then people will call you racist.
Whether or not that is indeed racist is a different question, but people will accuse you of it all the same, and that kind of publicity is poison.

Have we really reached such a point that just posting a picture of a black man is considered offensive?

Fuck that, I play Basic. You want to be an elf? Elf class. There's your elf. All elves are magicky fightery dudes who are pretty cool at the start, but fall behind humans as time goes on. That's why they get emo and sail away.

Humans are more resistant to mutations caused by high energy magical radiation.

Divergent evolutionary paths/deliberate or semi-deliberate magical mutation over superficially differences.

Meh, I bet most aren't even racist and don't really act on beliefs like these in life.
It's just an easy way to troll people and fire people up and people are fucking DUMB on Veeky Forums about obvious baiting so it works stupidly well.

Depends on the setting.

D20 Iron Kingdoms was pretty awesome because it described at least 15 distinct human Cultures each of which had their own ability modifiers.

Also most fantasy worlds don't have Asia and Africa.

Because humans are always the generic standard.

But they do tend to have asia or africa expies, or at the very least black/asian looking people.

Put it this way, if DnD 6e gave advantage to dark skinned humans for running and yellow-skinned humans for doing math, how do you think people would react?

>thinking shitlary cuntton will win
This faggot doesn't even believe in meme magic.

Variation between individuals is plenty to account for all the different combinations of genes in humans and numerically more significant than the +2 that elves get.
The average number in a stat is human average by definition because we're all human and can estimate numbers more easily in relation to a familiar baseline. The stats of NPCs can be whatever you want and they don't have to follow the probability distribution implied by rolling 3d6 because no one is going to conduct a census in-game.

But I don't believe you're talking about fictional non-human species at all.

Birthright for AD&D 2e did this. The different kinds of humans got different stat mods, and nobody gave a damn. Of course, that was long before the Current Year, and there were only various kinds of white people, plus Arabs. If I recall, the Arabs got +1 wisdom. Kek.

Huh, I always thought that the feat and skill of one's choice refelected the diversity of humans on an individual scale, not from culture to culture. As in, each human was born with a unique aptitude in some skill or ability and the circumstances of his birth (geographical location or culture) had no impact on it. Your interpretation is definitely not wrong, I just had never thought of it that way. Neat.

Because if they gave humans different stats based on their nationality or race people would throw a fit.

it wold cause a shitstorm.