How do you guys feel about cards like this one in table top magic?

How do you guys feel about cards like this one in table top magic?

Me and my mates doesn't really care that much. When the word ante comes up we just treat it as "removed from the game".

It sucks

As a concept, Ante sucks because magic cards get really expensive, and the secondary market exists.

As a mechanic, Ante is dumb because, if you choose not to play for ante, you remove the cards from your deck. You could include 8 regular cards and 52 ante cards, remove the 52 ante cards at the start of the game, and have the 8 cards be the perfect hand for an OTK.

Ante is retarded. Keep in mind that the card you ante is random. You could ante a basic land, the other guy could ante the best card in his deck.

>When the word ante comes up we just treat it as "removed from the game".

You seriously allow a Draw 7 for B spell in your games?


ALso outside of price sucks because losing your property in a game like magic sucks dick, it's not like playing cards where losing money doesn't impede you ACTUALLY playing the game (the deck is always standard for every player)

The best way to play for ante is in a draft with your friends. The feeling of loss can't get any worse than losing in a cheap poker game if nobody plays with their real decks.

I think he means that all cards that mention ante are removed from the game.

Otherwise, you open the door for retarded shit like this.

No i mean that the ante pool is a "removed from the game pool", nobody loses any cards.

We haven't had any problems with any ante cards at all because we exclusively play 4 or 5 free for all and if someone gets to powerful it often become 1v4 or 2v3.

Quoz is "I'm losing, coinflip."

In our games the amulet would say: Remove the to card from the game, if not do the effect ...

I would be an exile the top card of your library for 6.

>Muh changing ruuurz xD
n MYYYYYY group we play chess with having the knight move like a horse but backgwards it's epic for teh winz

So you are allowing a Draw 7 for B card then? Why do you think that's in any way fair? Would playing four copies of Sol Ring be considered a fair deck in your group as well?

>if someone gets to powerful it often become 1v4 or 2v3.

You're sad and no one likes you.

It's a way to still play ante cards without actually having to ante.

In a casual game.

You fucking retard.

Christ, "Veeky Forums is bad at Magic" means more than just fags being bad at the mechanics of the game, doesn't it?

>As a mechanic, Ante is dumb because, if you choose not to play for ante, you remove the cards from your deck. You could include 8 regular cards and 52 ante cards, remove the 52 ante cards at the start of the game, and have the 8 cards be the perfect hand for an OTK.

Wait, really? I would have assumed the 60 card minimum would apply after any necessary card removals, not before.

That's the same shitty logic EDH has for how to ban cards, and you can't team up when you're playing 1v1, try again.

The guy said explicitly that he exclusively plays 4 or 5 man free-for-all.

Veeky Forums is bad at reading, too, it seems...

>tfw this thread is full of carebears who don't know the joy of gambling

You need to learn how to read nigga.

>>Would playing four copies of Sol Ring be considered a fair deck in your group as well?
Yeah. All of us run Sol Rings in every possible deck we have. We also have tinker, artifact lands, æther vials, leg lands from Urza, bazaar of baghdad, tabernacle, skullclamp, power 9 (i.e. if you want to play 4 black lotuses, then it's fine) etc etc
As long as we're having fun, I see no reason not to play cards which are meant to be played with

>casual playgroup of friends
Rules can be bent and broken, who cares? Everyone should be playing for fun, I don't care if someone plays 4 copies of Necropotence or such busted cards. Hell, they can play proxies too

Rules are changed and cards are banned for a reason


Shitbrewers BTFO.
Aryan modern gods uplifted yet again!

he's playing a custom format as such he isn't a human, he's a subhuman entity that should be culled in the great aryan day of the rope

I suddenly thought I was on /pol/ for a second
Really makes you think..

>He's never played 4-man FFA in Magic:Duels

...wh...what? What just happened?

>he's playing a custom format


/pol/ has spilled into Veeky Forums, lovely

You are now even sadder, and people like you less.

nope, you remove ante cards as the game starts.

Group is too new for ante to even be a thing. It's better that way.

>roommate complains about people not doing ante.