I'm in the mood to hear some interesting setting ideas. Give me your sales pitch for a unique setting in three sentences or less.
Settings Thread
Everything's dead and it's all your fault.
God put down his hammer on a planet after forging a star since it was time for dinner. The Hammer reacted with the material the planet was made of and made crazy geology and new life on the planet as well as functioning as a giant tower that is the source of all magic. God doesn't want to pick The Hammer back up because it'll hurt the new life, but he also really wants his hammer back so now he, his wife and all their kids are on the planet trying to figure out how to pick it up without hurting anyone.
Magic apocalypse rendering the world a barely inhabitable shell of its former self. Everywhere you go, there are numerous distortions in reality as a side-effect of liberal magic abuse. Magic is now frowned upon by the surviving population, and there are factions that dedicate their lives to destroying magic-users, arcane knowledge and magical artifacts.
Might be an interesting campaign setting if all of your characters are some variety of wizard.
Cozy magitech-steampunk world full of superheroes and monster huntan'.
The precursor race ruled the planes and heavens themselves, but perished in a bloody civil war between two factions within themselves: the Virtual and the Concrete. The world was a massive lab of theirs, rendered barren for millions of years by bombardment (and will soon return to this state, as the winters grow longer and harsher). The former creations of this race, who have forgotten their celestial heritage, must use their ruined artifacts and vessels to either save their dying world or escape before their mother's barren corpse claims them as well.
>Super srs description
In all seriousness I like your style user
Forgot pic
The Endless Universe is too good not to rip from
Cult-posting best posting
The Queen best BBEG by far, anyone who says otherwise is a dirty Endless slave
The Age of Ice has ended, and the civilizations of the world have begun to rebuild and rediscover ancient secrets.
An immortal wishes to force the creator god to return and end creation by summoning demonic powers to create hell on earth, while a mysterious figure from the north claims to be the human incarnation of the fallen God of Winter, and desires to ascend to godhood to return his people to their former glory by bringing forth a second Age of Ice.
Can you save the world? Can it be preserved forever? Is it even worth saving?
This really takes me back
Can't stand-on the Lanun!
We've got to build a wooden wall, and we'll make the Sheim pay for it!
>Apocalyptic Hellgate: London/DOOM-esque near future where the techno-Templars and Freemasons fight demons.
>Chronicles of Darkness, but with the Immortals from the Highlander films acting as their own little aspect of the supernatural world. It takes place in a Gotham-esque platonic ideal of the City.
>Water/jungle moon of an industrious planet recovering from a major war.
>Rapture, future, angels in space with plasma swords, demons in power armor. Humans stuck ind middle.
>Shadow of the Colossus meets Demon Souls.
>STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl meets Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
>Post apoc, basically Mad Max but with tanks everywhere instead of cars. The tank commanders act like knights, their tanks are their 'steeds' and the crew are like their squires.
>A setting and plot like The Warriors, but in a massive planet-sized metropolis.
>Old West setting, but there is actually not a stop to the exploration. The party shows up during a new boom, but the maps never seem to have an end; and the further you go, the more lawless the land becomes...
>Souls-like in a desert setting with an obviously dying sun. The players are trying to gather the souls of gods-on-earth to try and keep the thing going by feeding souls to the bonfires; each in the center of its own holy oasis.
>In the aftermath of a devastating war using immensely powerful arcano-tech, the massive golems that we believe caused the destruction of the societies past wander the world; forces unto themselves. Our only defense are the orders of knights in magitek powered armor; and even then, only just.
>Motorcycle cops patrolling the massive highway that circumnavigates the world and connects all cities. Entire Mad Max-like road cultures have built themselves around and under this massive complex.
>You live on a planet where forests replace the oceans. The shorelines are very light folliage, but the further you head into the forest, the darker and more dense it gets. Wildlife and civilization becomes more and more rare, and the creatures become more deadly and horrific.
>Exploring the cyclopean ruins of some long-ago alien race, trying not to wake the things that killed them.
>Humanity is gone; no one knows where. You play robots trying to get by, the green apocalypse only just taking over the cities that humanity has left behind.
>In a Victorian-era-inspired setting, you are guards on a massive train that leads across haunted and untamed lands. Can you protect your charge from the spirits and savages of the world beyond the safe, civilized walls?
>Napoleonic fantasy where you hunt down the things that go bump in the night--and the cultists who are helping them along.
>You play as the crew of one of the first outposts into the afterlife. The atmosphere is highly toxic, so you must do battle with the bioengineered nightmares that roam the wasteland in a mecha.
>The rubble of a city that stretches a country across is all that remains, but the war is still being fought. No one remembers why, but that doesn't stop evil men in the shadows from fanning the various tribes into action when a lull is reached.
>A world without any large cities, covered in deep forests and expansive deserts where agriculture is rare and very difficult. There are only fantasy races and humans are an extinct civilization.
>In a Supers setting, you are a member of a secret team responsible for hunting down and killing supervillains that their nemeses won't handle properly.
>The party are Union special forces in the US Civil War, tasked with infiltrating the CSA government and investigating their Occult Division before they make a breakthrough.
>The party discovers ancient weapons of legend, but all is not as it seems: they are now chess pieces in an ages-long war for slumbering gods. And now that champions bear their tokens, they are once more waking up as an age of blood will descend upon the Realms...
>The party are Bedouin-like nomads in a desert so fine that the preferred method of travel is wind- and push-powered skiffs. Their nation is in the center of a fantasy cold war between not!America and not!USSR.
>The Battle of the Somme has accidentally torn open a portal into hell. Close it.
>Your mech is shit, you're under-supplied, your CO hates your guts, and your enemies are the ones with the not!Gundam. Win.
>Delta Green: Generational campaign starting with the Office of Naval Intelligence in the Carribean in the 1920s, then some WWII stuff, 1960s, 1990s, and Today, tied together with some recurring astronomical phenomenon.
Paradise is a place that you can physically go. Its so nice there nobody wants to ever leave. 98% of the world's population is in this city and those who haven't are travelling there.
The gods chosen servants once ruled the world with their mastery of biology and genetics, but the earth was angered by their arrogance and lack of respect for the planet and so cast them down and toppled their civilization. Over centuries a new empire rises to replace the old. Ruled by an immortal queen who has been granted a place in the gods court and harnessing the power of the gods themselves it promises to reunite the world and return the Chosen to their rightful place. After sailing accross the sea to a new continent they encounter a strange race with strange inorganic technology called humans with no clear origin who appear to have evolved without the assistance or guidance of the Chosen. After 50 years a war breaks out and the Chosen conquer all the human city states, leaving the new empire the absolute rulers of the know world and opening the path to explore the vast wilderness west the human lands filled with old mutated bio-tech and strange magics.
That's a cool idea. And I love that picture user
Ever wondered what the Holy Roman Empire under the Habsburgs would be like if they were horribly inbred Dragon Blooded and threatened by weresharks to the south and an indepedent human republic to the east?
>A large water planet, with but a few continents housing three major civilizations and marine trade playing a major role
>The world was inhabited only around 1500 years ago, as 13 spelljammer-like vessels housing millions of sentient and non-sentient entities crashlanded on it after a millenniums-long voyage
>The world is in fact artificial and acts like a vessel containing a soul of an, so to speak, intergalactic lich - a revelation which drove the entire race of dwarves mad and forced them to become reclusive, spiritualistic warlocks
Surprisingly, my games tend to have more of a political angle
Roman, Aztec, and Japanese Empires, except each leader was a Forgotten Realms style God who was stripped of 80% of their power.
Everything is Dungeon. There is no surface, and Dwarves are superior elitists(read Nazis) who lord their domain over humans, halfings, and other "lesser" races. The elves manufacture miniature suns underground and grow forests there, nobody likes them, as per the norm.