/CYOG/ CYOA General

Lady Mars edition

>Last Thread


Altering History




Let's keep the fun flowing and choose F.


What is this, 2008 on /b/?



>tfw no original ideas

Fixed up a bunch of spelling and grammar errors.

>[French Laughter]



Does French laughter sound any different from say, Brazilian or Latvian laughter?


Yes, but only slightly.


I have important questions. How much money per round (it's blank), and do I get to keep the lightsaber if I go that route?

It is infinitely more smug though you get used to it after a while. Like sparrows or traffic.

>he thinks anyone can be 'tricked' into reading 160 pages of options.
Thanks user for posting the Underwater cyoa, I didn't do it last thread.

Cyoa about living a new life like in my SoL animes, where I design my family and classmates.
Please include a twin and be a girl/trap option.

World of Myth And Wonder (Altering History DLC)



>implying it isn't a punishment for hubris


You get $300+(Round number times 200$) for each round. If you wish to keep the light saber, you must fight a final boss for no money. Either 100 geese sized horses or one horse sized geese.

In reality, I would turn down this CYOA. If I was forced to, I think I would go with the flamethrower. I don't trust my competence with either a lightsaber, gun or sword when it comes to it. Flamethrower seems I could just flail about with.

It looks great so far user! Has the creator started to add any art?

Sure lightsaber's a lot of rounds and geese, but it's a lightsaber. Basically instant kill on contact. Hell, force lightning will basically do all the work for me.

It says that wounded geese would still attack. That is the worst option unless you want to be attacked by hundreds of flaming geese.

Anons, question. Would you find it annoying if certain gods only accepted worshipers of certain genders? In particular, I was thinking of having Ares (god of war and masculinity) only accept male worshipers, but offer to turn you into a man, while Hera (the goddess of womankind) would be the opposite.

There's an image version that I'm working on updating. Should be done in a while as I'm trying to thoroughly spell check and reformat.

I for one would not mind

I think I might be done in terms of ideas for this. Everything I make is too meh for me to post.

Pretty sure it was either Artemis or Athena that had a thing for women huntresses. Then there could be pervy gods that just want harem sla--you know. I would recommend explicitly mentioning that those goddesses will only offer a special reward for females, and that you can get it if you agree to a gender change.

It's fine either way but I should warn you that you're liable to get a shitstorm with this.

Gender limitations are fine if they are consistent and make sense. Same for gender changes. I particularly like the idea of Hera offering to make you female considering that there is an actual myth based on that concept, the story of Tiresias. I'm not convinced about Ares turning a woman into a man though.

Mage Sphere
Current Shaper, Climate Shifter, Light Bender
Crystal Pearl, Ancient Mount
Syria, Eaomund, Tia
Blood Fish Swarm: Enchantment, The Maelstrom King: Weapon Mastery, Mimics: Shape Mimic,

You're thinking of Artemis, Athena is the Mary Sue Athens self insert goddess of the Ancient Greek Pantheon.


Artemis. Though there are not going to be any explicit "bonuses" for attempting to sleep with the gods. In general not a recommended course of action, given their history.

Yeah... it first occurred to me for Hera. The reason I would have it for Ares, is that I don't want the CYOA to have a way to become a woman, but not a way to become a man. And, Ares being the god of masculinity, makes the most sense of any of them I think.

Whoops missed the new thread.

I might be missing something but I can't see why I couldn't take those drawbacks. I'm not the one making any changes to history, they're just happening around me.

Because you'd be in RomanAnon's world, a common world, and if you took those drawbacks they'd impact everyone.

Poseidon is the only greek god I know of who has turned women into men. Twice, as far as I know. Caeneus I know by name. Hero might have done it too once.

I'm not seeing a mention of them impacting everyone either in those drawbacks or in the description of Shared World. It says my companions are affected but it's highly unlikely any other Immortal will become one of my companions.

>I might be missing something but I can't see why I couldn't take those drawbacks. I'm not the one making any changes to history, they're just happening around me.
You can take them.

Granted, I probably *should* have forbidden The Slow Pace of History in group worlds, because it's not really a "drawback" if others are advancing technology, but as written there's nothing stopping you from taking them. It just means that you and your companions, personally, will be unable to affect technological development or historical progression in any way. You'll be an observer of history rather than a participant, and would thus be unable to qualify for things like Empire Eternal, for example.

My bad!
>The Slow Pace of History
>This includes technological innovations that your companions and you try to
use yourselves!
In a Shared World, wouldn't that prevent him from using advanced technology created by other Immortals?
>The Course of Human Events
>helpless to make any real changes to the rise and fall of nations, as occurred in the timeline you came from
Does that gets changed to
>as occurs in the new timeline
for Shared Worlds?

>In a Shared World, wouldn't that prevent him from using advanced technology created by other Immortals?
No, because the technology he can't advance is based on the pace of technology as determined by those without that drawback. He can't invent or innovate new things, but he can still use those created by others. This is probably something I would tweak in 2nd edition, but for now it's valid.

>Does that gets changed to
>>as occurs in the new timeline
>for Shared Worlds?

2000BC where doesn't matter

Mysterious stranger

Memory of the ages lvl1 (3)
Wellspring of harmony (8)
Polyglot (13)
Gift of Gab (18)
Economist (23)
Artistic prodigy (28)
Map Maker (32)

Strength lvl 4 (44)
Impervious lvl 3 (56)
Non reactor (58)
Regeneration lvl2 (61)
Endurance lvl2 (69)
Temperature tolerance lvl2 (75)
Diet lvl2 (80)
Iron gut (81)
Flight lvl2 (86)

Blessed one major + gift major (106)
Shapeshift major (116)
Master of motion major (126)

Book of culture (131)
Book of knowledge (136)

Ops! looks like i went over the point limit...
Guess I'll cut regeneration lvl1 since I got blessed one (133), economist and map maker aren't really needed either (123).
I guess I also got to lower my temperature tolerance a notch, but I don't like doing it (120).

An eternal empire
Free and sustainable

I'll fly around the world taking over taking over civilization and tribes, and quickly set up a global empire where I control the flow of resources and manpower using portals.

Starting major selective breeding operations is high on the priority list, because modern fruits and animals just didn't exist back then.

Once the ball gets rolling the eugenics will kick in; killing of people is however a bit too heartless, so I'll just introduce people with desirable racial traits into areas with undesirable ones, and with time there will be little racial diversity.

Teaching modern art and engineering is highly useful, so I would try to create printing presses as fast as inhumanly possible.

I'm still trying to preserve the earth as much as possible, so I will limit the use of coal and petrol, and rather focus on hydro and geothermal; at the very least filters will be heavily used. Nuclear is great, but it will take time to reach it.

Spreading the blesses on ability will practically eliminate diseases, and I'll ensure a high quality of living.

Initially I will need to micromanage the hell out of it all, but eventually I'll be able to relax and enjoy it.

Merfolk. There was a slight temptation to go Merrow, but I want to be good at being in the water, and having a pelagic tail is probably the best bet.

Royal Palace, why would I turn down nobility?

Weapon mastery
Current shaper

A good warrior and a good magical skill for combat purposes.

Magma trident and shell shield, I guess, to be a warrior.

Nora is a good support character and waifu. Lillian is a good spy and assassin.
Gregor the Shark makes a good backup combatant and mentor, and his forging skills will help keep things working well.

Ah, I hadn't really thought of The Slow Pace of History being potentially mitigated by other immortals. That's maybe a bit cheap but the way I saw it was less that those advances couldn't happen and more that I couldn't have anything to do with it. On a grand scale I'm effectively powerless compared to any other immortal.

Honestly the drawback would be pretty annoying after a while in spite of my desire to just experience and enjoy the world that everyone else creates. I already have some ideas of how to advance technology earlier in history. Add a couple thousand years of thought and experience on top of that and it would get frustrating. But overall I just want to be the impartial observer. I'm sure there's enough I could do on a small enough scale that it wouldn't matter but I could still keep myself entertained.

Yeah okay, fair enough.



I put the most thought into companion selection, so that we'd have complementary skills. One elemental mage, one nature mage, one fighter, and one sneaky type. We also have all crafting skills covered, at least eventually once I'd get enchantment on myself.

The rest of the stuff is, I don't know. It was hard picking even two artifacts. I do like the magic system I guess.

All of this reminds me of playing Dominions as an underwater nation to be honest

Oh, and I always liked squid people the most out of underwater human-animal hybrids anyway, so it was nice that they're the most in tune with magic.

Intense! I like it. Do you plan on spreading your enchanted items beyond Japan?

>All of this reminds me of playing Dominions as an underwater nation to be honest
Ouch. That's not good is it? Or maybe I'm the only one who doesn't like them.

Hera's granted powers for "Now":

First, you will always know when someone has been unfaithful to you, whether it is in marriage or a business arrangement, and will be able to uncover proof. Second, each day you will be able to bestow a blessing that ensures a healthy marriage, or one that ensures a woman carries a healthy child to term successfully. Third, if you have proof that a man is unfaithful, you will be able to curse his fortunes for a year and a day.

I'm aiming in general to have the "Now" powers more subtle; things that could fit into a modern day world.

>Ouch. That's not good is it? Or maybe I'm the only one who doesn't like them.
What do you mean. That's excellent. There was so much special setting flavor in that game, it's insane.

Finally made a build after all this time.

Pre Agriculture, Africa

Points (120)
Mysterious Stranger (120)
Genius 2 (114)
Memory of the Ages (107)
Polyglot (103)
Gift of Gab (97)
Economist (92)
Map Maker (87)
Strength and Speed 1 (83)
Reflex and Reaction 0 (83)
Impervious 4 (67)
Regeneration 1 (64)
Endurance 2 (56)
Temperature Tolerance 0 (56)
Diet 0 (56)
Sanitary Convenience 2 (48)
Iron Gut (46)
Telepathy Minor (41)
Blessed One Major (31)
Storm Sage Minor (26)
Firedancer Major (16)
Book of Culture (11)
Book of Knowledge (6)
Bag of Holding (1)

God Emperor
Free and Sustainable

Phase one: Find a tribe of early humans become their leader. Gaining their trust shouldn’t be that big of a problem; all I have to do is ask one of them to stab me with a spear, and watch it break like a twig. A bit of fire magic later, and I become their leader and fire god. Now, what shall I do first with my newfound position as a tribe leader.

Teach the tribesmen agriculture and restraint. I shall explain my actions as a way to prepare for the “cold times, when the sky rains white.” Any diseases and injuries shall be healed; can’t have a fully efficient tribe with broken legs, and everyone is needed. In the mean time, I’ll teach these beings other things, such as combat and science. I’ll also try to teach them how to create more permanent and sturdy residences. The designs will be made for efficiency; a garden in every house and rain barrels on every corner. Once the population is about two hundred, I begin my next phase.


Okay user, the cyoa is already being formed in my head. I'd love your opinion and advice on it, but I can't start work on it before about the 20th or so.
I think we'll both enjoy the end product.

Phase two; Unite the tribes. A civilization at war is always a terrible thing, but it is possible for it to lead to an economic boon. I’ll try to have the other tribes peacefully integrate with my own, showing them the benefits of a steady supply of food, water, and a proper language system. Should they accept, then their camps are added to our trade network. I’ll also be sure to use weather manipulation to give them rain but not too much.

Should they choose to fight back, a more… direct demonstration of my powers would needed. Healing their sick and dying should coax most of them to my side. If that fails, then fire and lightning will coat their lands, and only them joining would stop it. I’ll be sure to do this alone, so my tribe folk don’t think of me as a demon. It shouldn't be necessary, however, given the vast reserves of wealth I offer.

At this time, I hope to teach these primitive people basic research, so that they may discover great technologies themselves someday. After this, my next phase shall be under way.

Phase three; Grow the kingdom. Since I need 1 billion people for immortality, I’ll have to have a high population. Using my telepathy, I’ll send out a “mating signal” to my people in order to slowly increase the population. Combining this with subconscious messages to work and only eat allocated amounts as well as the progression of technology from those who dedicate time to doing so, I will ensure a sustainable growth.

Phase Four; Just try to go the next 12,000 years without much trouble. Only going to war when necessary and making sure no one tries to usurp my throne. Given I can shoot fire from my hands, God Emperor should be within my grasp.

And so, I shall ascend into godhood, leading humanity into a new era of prosperity and abundance.

Still need a name, though.

>you will always know when someone has been unfaithful to you, whether it is in marriage or a business arrangement

Does this mean that you can tell when someone is telling lies?

I agree the game is excellent! I just don't like the underwater nations except maybe the Lovecraftian one, R'lyeh.

>How will you deal with outsiders? Descendants of immortals could easily immigrate to your domain, and their superior genes would spread pretty quickly.

Constant Vigilance is the only way. Not only do I monitor all traffic in and out of my nation (of which there will be little), but I also keep a close eye on them once they are within my lands. I'd give each village or settlement a item only usable by humankind. It would act as a sort of test of purity. To fail to use it proves that one of your ancestors was a traitor to your species. Do understand, I have nothing against the godlings in themselves. My divine fury is roused only when they attempt to propagate their inhuman blood and drown out original humanity. Envoys from your empires are welcome, so long as they don't try to impregnate any of the local whores.

Re posting because old thread archived right after I posted.

>Does this mean that you can tell when someone is telling lies?
Only if that lie is in violation of an agreement. There's some wiggle room in interpretation, though.

mage sphere
(aqua - climate shifter), (aqua - current shaper), (life - green manip)
bone armor, crystal pearl
Merinth, Kiandra, Petra
Frozen Sea, Stranger's arrival, Mimics

Has anyone made a King Triton build yet?

Well, I had lots of fun with the others. The CYOA reminded me of how the mer mages there lose a bit of their power once they go to land, and of how difficult it is to really go to land in the first place.

It's still actively played and updated.

They're not that great mechanically, but the picture you're painting is more like the structure of the game than the specific details involved.

I don't play it anymore, hence the was. The fourth installment really killed it for me somehow.

"Was"? Come on! It's still an active game, despite the tiny community. Hell the only tabs I have open right now are this and I should maybe make an Ashen Empire build for Altering History.

Oh I responded to you there

Weird, you're the first person I've heard from with that opinion. Any specifics come to mind? If not, it might be worth giving it a try again, with the guys over on Veeky Forums. Maybe you just got burned out on it for a while.


So hard would it be to take over the kingdom?

>Cecaelia/Sharkfolk (Reward)

>Royal Palace
You're right princess, I didn't kill your father, that incompetent assassin I hired did. Thankfully he didn't totally ruin my secret plan to take over the kingdom, in fact, I may be able to capitalize on this whole "champion" thing.

>Weapon Mastery (Reward)

>Crystal Pearl

Instead of becoming a hero that will just be forgotten and thrown away with time, I'm going to give Merinth the opportunity to become my queen and rule the kingdom by side. There's no way she'll pass up such power and with her magic augmenting my skills we'll be unstoppable.

My main enforcer and protector. Hopefully taking over Thalassonia is a good enough challenge for her.

Poor kid, I'll try my best to be a good role model but I expect him to serve as a loyal spy in exchange.

I think we're now up to 15 players in the main Shared World.
And I just realized I have to redo my early strategy and most of my fluff to fit 2000BC.

>Strangers Arrival
"Uh, hey. Look there's this giant abyss a few miles that way, could you guys dump your toxins there instead of directly on our homes? Just put them in some sealed containers and dump them in the pit, it'll solve everyone's problems. Also, would you be interested purchasing some of our alchemical resources? I'm sure they can produce much more energy than what you're using now. One more thing, I'm planning a coupe latter so if you guys sent some of your forces to help out I'd be very grateful."

>The Maelstrom King
"Ok Thresh, this is the strongest armor I've ever made. If something somehow manages to break the outer shell just pull out of combat for a minute or two and wait for the damage to heal. Don't get too crazy however because the enchantment won't be able to fix everything. Here are your gauntlets, should be nearly unbreakable and sharp enough to tear through sharkfolk hide. Finally, take this backpack full of health and stamina potions, you'll need them."
"Hey Merinth, remember to whip up a whirlpool big enough to capture the king's army after we kick his ass. It would be a shame to let all those skilled soldiers go to waste, and after meeting you I'm sure they'll realize it's if they start working for us."

"I gotta say old man, your work is incredible. Not the horrifying mindless abominations part, that's tremendously fucked up, I'm talking about how you figured a way to combine different races together. It looks like you could've done a lot of good with but instead you wasted it on your useless monsters. Oh well, at least my troops and I will get to enjoy a boost to our abilities thanks to your research.

In response to your question: I'd probably try to smuggle as many human-only items to the dwindling human population of the other empires, but I wouldn't move overtly to aid them.

so whats the latest juicy gossip or "juss guss" in the rp? whos fucking who? whos betraying what? who said what now?




Most of us are more than happy to rule over our uncontested territory I think. No real drama here.

I... don't get your strategy.




Melek Taus


Dr. Sexy, M.D.

So. You get younger by making love. You can enter people's dreams and also turn into some sort of wind thingy for up to a minute? And you fight for... justice? Wtf?



My build is perfect.

Let's see.
AngelAnon was chased off the Old World by RomanAnon. She relocated to America and has been taking her anger out on innocent pre-Columbian tribes. She then got tricked like a dummy by CoyoteAnon and is even madder now.
Meanwhile RomanAnon can't decide which goddess gets his dick the hardest Angel, genderbent Mars or the Babylonian one?
Speaking of the Whore of Babylon. She's been busy whoring it up trying to get precious magic semen from VikingAnon. He's not having it. He'd rather conquer the northern hemisphere. Problem: there's an army of angry penguins led by a the absolute madman PenguinAnon right outside his territories and they can't wait to just kill everyone.
Eeeh I'm too lazy to look up the rest.

Mark of Hades
Mark of Ares
Mark of Athena


Gonna use war and intimidation to make New Babylon great again.

I miss babylon-fu.

How dreadfully boring.

So new Angelanon is as retarded like old Angelanon?

For someone who tries the very hardest to force RP to happen, Angelanon isn't very good at it, at all.

That is because she is so obsessed with her lesbian paradise rather then making a decent RP.

To be fair, I probably would be too.

Okay! I went ahead and created a thread for Altering History.

Even if you do not want to roleplay there, and I'm not forcing you to, I would personally appreciate it if anyone in a shared world would post/repost their builds in that thread. It would make things easier in terms of both keeping track of the world, and nice for me (and potentially others) to have a combined record.

The thread may end up going nowhere, and is unlikely to become a continuing trend, but I figured it was worth the effort.

I'm not telling you you can't post here, that's not my right, but if you could at least post your build there too that would be great.

Not shared world builds are more than welcome as well, just be clear whether you are part of the shared world or not.

Later I'll try to look through and see if anyone was missed, and repost builds myself as necessary.

Of course you would think that. You're an isolationist.

There are DEFINITELY tensions. In North America it's getting real crowded between Father of the Hunt, Raven Trickster, some Vikings, and AngelAnon sacrificing people left and right, putting up a goddamn flaming wall made out of DEAD BODIES.
Mars wants to rape and kill everything, although becoming RomanAnon's waifu may have mellowed her. We'll see.
Huge red flags from PenguinAnon saying he finds "the thought of a worldwide ice age seems rather appealing". That's a direct quote btw.
What else? Oh right the Whore continues her creepy eugenics project and one day soon she will have her perfect magic race with all the perks ever. What then? Who could stop her from replacing humanity? We'll all be "one big happy family" and she our "loving but VERY POSSESSIVE mother" also a straight up quote.

Still think some magic fog can keep you safe?

My build would have caused conflict, had RomanAnon not decided to make him his waifu.
Hopefully Mars the Destroyer can avoid that fate, though.

Why not just watch lesbian porn rather then make up a society that would collapse as soon as anyone from the outside world found out about it?

This is what you get for taking shared world knowing full well the kind of depraved and fucked up people that browse and post in /cyoag/.