Gameplay Rules:

>you must create a persona
no memery BS

>you must include at least one complete sentence of RP with each roll.

>you must establish a character and play as they would
if egotistical autocrat, you wouldn't ally with a populist, etc

>no rage- or quitceding
to transfer lands there must be a trade in favors, promises, or Ts.

claimin wessex

gotcha. once we have 2 more we go.



Let's do Essex.


The Year is 790. The Isles have been at peace for two generations. Small kings govern their domains as they see fit, content to trade with their neighbors.

In Ireland, a new King has ascended. There are rumors that he has begun to make plans and build ships...

In the East, King Nyrah calls up levies of men after a Frankish raiding party murders a conroi of ment-at-arms led by his Bastard son Ninevah. His son in chains in Amiens, King Nyrah must decide to accept the reality of having one of the smallest holds in the Isles or expanding into his peaceful neighbors and resurrecting warfare.

Wessex is strong. Wessex is large. Wessex is slow. Having the highest population of all of the kingdoms makes for large armies and severe shortfalls of food and supplies. The juggernaut of the Isles must expand or fracture...

First rolls to here. Include names of leaders as well as Kingdom in sig. dont forget: 1 line of RP required to be counted.

I will be playing as Francia unless someone comes along and wants it.

I sail for Kent, yes? These Angle chattel do not deserve these lands they corrupt with their mere presence. I bring the Bastard Ninevah with me as my court pet. It is no more perverted to bugger an angleman than it is to boff a sheep, and no true frank would touch an angle whore...

sussex is mine, those franks may not have it nor can they have Kent!

>those anachronistic flags for Wales and Ireland

Time to invade Thetford. I mean I like my son, but France is way too far for my tastes.

Also, is my house Anglo-Saxon or Norman or some weird bastard of the two?

The Frankish soldiers did well, rolling through the Kentish forces easily and spilling into Sussex and Wessex. Moving quickly to counter the incursion, King George marches East and retakes the territory around Winchester while subsuming the last territory controlled by Sussex.

King Nyrah, in a cold and calculated move, strikes north into East Anglia, his powerful if small army sweeping through every teritory they have and surrounding the cities.

The King of Ireland sists and broods on his throne. His masses of soldiers remain bivouacked on the shore, eager for Brithonic virgins and silver, and champ at the bit.

come play mang!

you decide, my friend

Oh, I guess I actually have to siege Thetford. But hey, at least those Kentish dogbotherers got what was coming to them.

>come play mang!
I don't have the patience ;_;

I siege Canterbury.

You would be well advised to make positive overtones to me. I have deigned to trod this near-worthless island, and i'll not accept impertinence...

My Lord the King of France, Anointed by God, Most Worthy,

Have at it.

Your humble servant,
Nyrah of London

Join as Dal Riata

Spread into Pictish Lands, surround Scone and Alcluny

5min warning

Is it to late to get in on this? Is Ireland taken?

The Ireland player has been out forever. Hopefully the gm will let you overthrow him.

>Hopefully the gm will let you overthrow him.
Tannistry is beautiful.

Ireland is yours. roll to herefollow the rules from original post, and make Ireland great again

The Frankish siege on Canterbury falls apart as sortie after sortie by Kentish cavalry tear down the engines.King Nyrah is likewise repulsed from Thetford by Danish mercenaries.

Alaric rises as a King of the tribes of Dal Riata, uniting them under one banner and marching on their Pictish cousins.

King George of Wessex has taken ill from tainted camp water in his forward outpost on his border with Frankish Sussex, stalling his campaign and losing the season.

Siege Scone

Any spaces left?

Fucking Danes all up in my ass. Fine, I will wait for them to starve and then offer them the chance to leave the city peacefully.

Continue to siege Thetford.

I send my noble warriors again to the walls of Canterbury.

King Nyrah, would you sign a compact to fight the men of Wessex with me, should they attack my flanks? In return i will support your legitimacy as a King over the Angles...

This roll would not be counted, though it failed anyway, because you did not put in any Role Playing. Minimum is 1 sentence.

Tannistre Niall kills the King for drunkenness and cowardice and becomes high king of Ireland.

I send a message to King Alaric

"In times long ago, the progenitors of Dial Riata came from Ireland. Your kin is our kin, and your fathers were our subjects. We do not take jealous claims on your lands, and look favorably to your brave ambitions on Pictland. Acknowledge us as your suzerain, as King of the Irish, and we shall aid you in your conquest, and grant you the protection of the High King of Ireland.

Many. Look at the map and the flagss. black dots next to a faction mean it is occupied. pick an unoccupied one, go back to the OP and read the rules, then roll to the latest mupdate.

The gods frown upon our efforts. the hardest decision a general-king makes is when to push or break a siege...

Greetings High King. We fought off the bloody Vikings, We'll fight off the bloody Franks, and if you think we'll bend the knee, we'll fight you. Now, I've no issue with you moving on the southerners, but don't go getting ideas above yer station. You're no King of Dal Riata.

Nyrah of London throws up his hands at the obstinacy of the viking-sons. "By God, we will besiege Elmham instead!"

My Lord the King of the Franks, beloved of Mary, descended from Carl Magnus,

Let me take these cities first.

Your humble servant,
Nyrah of London

I seek an alliance with the Picts, and move to invade Dal Riata from their rear, attacking from Donegal.

Very well, Nyrah King. I feel as though i should break my siege and march east, but i must pray on it. As a sign of good faith, i am sending your bastard home with a title, a wife, and a claim to a nice plot in the south of Francia.

This is your mulligan. only rolls linked to the mupdate + at least 1 line of RP get counted.

[Keep previous action to avoid metagaming, Siege Scone]
Right, you Pictish scum are working with the arrogant idiot on the Isle! I'll burn you out!

Ah, thanks.

Then I, Chief McFadyen, angered by the wars of King Alaric, shall step up to the throne at Alcully and march to expand the lands of Strathclyde

"King Alaric has grown proud and arrogant. He seeks not only to aggrandize his own land, but will brook no high king over him. It is time he be made humble, before he gains a kingdom to match his hubris."

I seek an alliance with the Picts, and invade Dal Riata's rear from Donegal.

((hope I'm doing this right))

Cheiftian, I have no issue with you, simply with Irishmen who think themselves superior. And Picts, but they shouldn't have killed that herd of Cattle.

Ah shit, thanks for my son back. He's got a bit of an accent, but a few beatings should take care of that. In any case, I gotta get back to fighting these Danes.

Well met High King of the Emerald Isle!
"King" Alaric is a bloody and arrogant man - do you agree that Dunauld must be crushed?

Very much so. He is nothing more then a rebel to his rightful kind, and a bandit to his neighbors. I seek only peaceful and good relations with the rightful rulers and lands of the Picts and Strathclyde. If you aid us in bringing these rebels under our rightful rule, and acknowledge it over his lands, we shall be happy to relieve you of their quarrelsomeness, and look upon your ventures elsewhere with favor and aid.

The North falls into chaos as the Irish leviathan awakens and stretches its form north into the islands of Dal Riata. The Picts hold out against the might of Dal Riata as it sieges Scone, and the Strathclydian tribes coalesce under Cheif MacFadyen, urging him to ascend and unite the north even as they march into Northumbria.

This campaign season is wasted by the Southrons in failed sieges, with both ethe Franks and the Essexmen failing to bring their foes to heel. The King George of Wessex has died from his illness, and his sons are gone to ground as jealous lordlings vie for control of the armies of Wessex. A ripe opportunity for an enterprising noble, or a temptation to foreign invaders?

META: you get one roll per turn. no re-rolls, and only logical, fair redirects. If you give me instructions (march directly towards X) and i screw it up, then you must chalk it up to poor weather, poor discipline, or local whores distracting your commanders. pretty much all errors and infelicities are under this Fate Umbrella, excepting of course if i forget you entirely, in which case i will rectify with no roll penalty. In terms of RP, you guys are rock solid. A final note: put your kingdom in your tag along with your name. not mandatory, but it will aid in diplomacy and dialogue, as well as mudslinging and skulduggery.

I shift my forces West and march on Wessex, burning and looting as i go.

My generals confidence is shaken; i must bring them spoil and woman flesh or they will turn their hearts towards home and my family's expenditure here will be for naught. Damn this dreary farm stead of a country!

These cities are proving quite intractable. I shall take battle to Mercia in the west, then. I must reach Nottingham as soon as possible.

March, lads, leave the picts, it was only 5 cows after all. Charge!! Drive the Irish into the SEA!
Right then! I don't know why you think I should bend the knee, but you're hardly going to hold my lands for long.
Chieftain, the Irish never held these lands, why are you aiding him!

OoC: walking to corner store. back in 15

You can bend the knee to me...

I seek to take the remaining 'original' Dal Riata provice that is not their capital, cutting off their capital from their armies in Pictland. I plan to lay a low intensity siege, less interested in breaking their capital as to keep it and their armies firmly separated, and unable to support each other. They can be destroyed later.

"Alric fancies himself King. Let us see how much a king he is without armies to command, or lands to rule."

He is but a plague on both our houses - I would seek to aid you in hastening his defeat, and my price is little - just what he has greedily stolen from his neighbours

My army shall march to the relief of Scone, to knock the armies of Alaric back and defeat him in the field

That may lead to quarrels with the Picts, and I cannot promise what was their lands before they were plundered. I can only offer my services as a man of peace to mediate between you and the Picts, and as a strong and honest King, who will assure you are compensated, one way or another.

Any openings for another player?

Nay offense Nyrah, but Im as much a King as you are. Maybe I might consider it if you helped with these Irishmen.

That is fair, though the Picts mill about aimlessly at this time, without a leader and their capital besieged.

My main aim is to clear the Dal Riata from the lowlands - once their armies are defeated I can treat with the Picts - we may even seek your wisdom as an adjudicator

Probably. Choose a kingdom and declare an action.

Look at the map; if a faction has no dots it is open. make sure to read the thread from the beginning as there are rules that must be followed for your rolls to count. Welcome to the game. make sure you put yor leader's name AND your faction in the Name section of your post.

mupdate in 5min. factions new and old, if you have not rolled yet, do so and with haste.

The women of Dal Riata weep for their lost husbands and sons as the combined forces of Strathclyde and Ireland lay waste to their once expansive northern holdings.

To date, no cities have fallen to invaders and all Kings turn from attempting to seizing the gems of the kingdoms and expand. The Frankish campaign is underwhelming even as the armies of Essex smash into Mercia. New lords move to ascend as the field of contenders widens.

Ard Ri Niall stands as the most powerful ruler, with Kings Nyrah and Artagnon II a close second.

Time to besiege Nottingham!

Push back the Irish out of original lands.

I continue my investment of Wessex, seeking the sons of the late King George.

Narrative: I have grown old on this dreadful island, and a Wessex farmer defied the will of god and planted an arrow in my leg, 'neath the thigh and above the shin. The wound is festering and no appeal to any of the gods brings relief. I sail for home so i can die on Frankish soil, abdicating the throne to my second son Clervin, first of his name. May the gods smile on him...

We seek to take the Dal Riata's holdings on the Isle of Mull and the Surrounding territory, and then prepare for a siege proper of Dunadd.

"Bring forth Cattle and Fish to our siege, for soon peace will be at had, and we will have cause to feast and celebrate, alongside good friends and brothers in arms."

Hello to you, young King of the Franks. How much of our humble rock are you planning to conquer?

Je refuse d'utiliser votre langue de porc pour la discussion officielle. Je vais prendre ce que Dieu veut.

The isles writhe in turmoil and it becomes abundantly clear that these lands are rich for the taking. It is for the future of the Norge and the glory of my King and namesake that I now set out to lay claims to the lands of Britain. By warfare and diplomacy will I establish a realm for all my people. Under my eyes the Isle of Man shall become the true center of the Emerald Isles

Starting first with the directionless Welsh and castle Bangor

If we are to clear the Dal Riata from the north we will need a staging ground - claim the seat of Scone for Strathclyde!

I urge you not make haste here, my friend. The picts have done us no harm, and make unruly subjects, at best. Let them live peacably, and show that Strathclyde is not only mighty, but just.

I think maybe Dieu veuts you to stop fighting fellow Christians and go kick the Muslims out of Spain. That way, your men won't even have to cross that annoying channel anymore.

See how he seeks to dictate to us. Why do you think I responded poorly to him. Do you think he will be satisfied with my lands alone? He wishes us weak and easy to crush, as walls for him against southern invasions.

Dal Riata, though assaulted by two strong armies, begins to claw its way back from the abyss. The pact between Strathclyde and Eire, once seen as unshakable, begins to sway ever so slightly as the Strathclydian siege of Scone fails and the Irish rebuttal to Dal Riata's salient is lackluster.

In the south, the forces of Essex are foiled again by drear weather and weary troops, as the Sheriff of Nottingham hurls insults down on them from his walls. The Franks slowly grind their way east under a haughty and impetuous new King.

Narrative: After the next mupdate, leaders must die or abdicate their thrones to heirs or usurpers, with the exception of Man and Strathclyde. With this succession should come a touch of character change, but this is not mandatory... though it may incur bonuses...

Lorsque mon père a échoué, je vais réussir! Dieu, accorde-moi la victoire et livrer entre mes mains tous les usurpateurs, profanateurs, et Angles bas nés!

Mars sur Wessex! Dieu le veut!
(Francia > Wessex)

"I grow tired of these proud rebels. I shall seek Victory or death in battle, trusting my faith in my God to see through the day."

Nial Seeks a conclusive battle with the armies of Dal Riata, now that they are in the field.

Ah, my poor husband Nyrah and his sons are dead from a sudden, simultaneous bout of completely natural disease. I suppose I will have to take up the reigns.

First, to remove these frogs from our country. I move the army southward, in hopes of "liberating" the beleaguered lords of Kent and Sussex.

As the Men of Dal Riata charged forth, reclaiming their holds, an Irish arrow sails over the army. Striking Alaric in the shoulder. Collapsing to the ground, he is surrounded by his retainers and escorted back to Dunadd, where he is laid to Rest. The Council of Eoldermen appoint his Son, current commander of the Infantry, to the Throne. "ALL HAIL THE SON OF ALARIC. ALL HAIL KING ALCARN!"

As his first act, King Alcarn swear vengeance on the Irish, and orders his men to drive the Irish from their lands, pushing on to the Emerald Isle itself, if possible.

Historically accurate version. Dumnonia wasn't subdued by Wessex until a few decades further into the 9th century.

dude... thank you. Saving for next time. come play mang!

Siege the castle Bangor put all who reside within it's walls to the sword. Make way for the Norge so that they may inherit the lands.

"What good is a wall if men of weak hearts guard it? What use is an Ox with a bent back or a dog without teeth? The weak and old must make way for the new and strong, for that is simply the way of the world. Our arrival is a blessing for it will make these lands stronger"

also, can you add your handle? you have made a significant enough change to deserve credit...

Clear the rest of the lowlands of Dal Riata - now that their siege of Scone has been lifted we shall remove them from the east of Scotland

Dal Riata wins and loses by the same turns of fate. The Irish get pushed back even as the Strathclydians sweep the Dal out of much of Scotland.

The forces of Man defeat the defenders of Bangor, putting all to the sword.

The Frankish whiner sweeps through Wessex, but is cut off from the Continent by a surprise invasion by Wessex from the north.

Dal Riata and Essex get a +1 to their rolls on this round.

Quel traître scélératesse! Tourner vers le nord, mes sujets! Détruisez les hommes d'Essex!

(Francia > Essex)

Now would probably be a good time to seize Canterbury. My husband and I always hated Kent.

Right then. Mayhap you should watch your ambitions. Northumbria won't be there for ever, and the vikings are rising again. Would ye be amenable to a split of Pictish lands, drawn along my former borders, and the northern territories going to me, while you hold Scone and the southern Pictish Lands. There's softer targets than us around.

With the King Dead, and the armies divided, the Captain of the Irish Navy is perfectly positioned to win the succession crisis. Ireland will now embark on a hard nosed, less idealistic policy focused on trade and domination. But for now, the immediate goal remains: crush the Dal Riata, and maintain favorable relations with Strathclyde.

To clarify: Making a push to cut off their castle again.

Now men! Reclaim all that the Irish took! Men of the Peninsular, march North into the lands of the Picts! Men of Dunadd, Reclaim our Homelands!

A good start but the lands of Wales were disappointingly poor outside of the open space and those strange buildings the natives fill with silverware and golden crosses. The richer lands of the Saxons may be better suited for us. Cut through the coasts of Mercia and up into the lands toward York. We will take the Western coast to hail the arrival of any Norge settlers.

"Bells! Bells! Bells! Why do the Christians have such a fascination with bells? Their temples have bells, their castles have bells, their watch towers have bells, even their cattle have bells. The next man who rings a bell near me will be EATING IT!"

Eh. Serves me right for trying to kill Kentishmen at a time like this.

Ah, another queen. How delightful. It's a shame you had to be so Irish.

Shame you had to be such a prissy bitch.

You've proven equal parts capricious, greedy and cowardly - taking from the Picts but running from myself and the Irish at the first sign of trouble

A new leader is always a change, but we honour our auld agreements

Dunauld shall fall - the highlands bide themselves, so long as nae Dal Riata scurry away there to hide

I can keep hitting my head on yours all day Lady. Yer predecessor didn't realise that. Maybe you will. Also, look the the Isle of Man. Castle Town has been re-established, the norge once more sail the inner sea.

Dal Riata is hard put upon by the raiders of Strathclyde, and a devastating invasion by the new Irish queen nearly locked them away in Dunadd, but a desperate sortie by the Kings younger brother liberated a fraction of their former territory, leaving them alive, but only just...

The Manx are terrifying. Not content to slaughter olny welshmen, they march north, subsuming portions of Mercia and Northumbria. The armies of Essex fail in siege, and are rewarded by fate with a Frankish incursion.

All sieges get a +1, all invasions get a -1.

My father did nae run from you. He went to stop his home from falling. Which he did, at the cost of his own life. I'll ask you not to sully his name again.

Nous siège Winchester. Les propositions de paix pour la conscription sont étendues à tous les hommes.

(Francia > Winchester)

Sounds like you need more cowbell Magnus.

I must say though, it's not like you to want land that cannot see the sea


so by my own bonus, i get bounced from 0 to 1. FML

We shall return against France's holdings in England.

Once again the Irish sit at our walls. Once again we will ride out and meet them!. By my Father's soul, DRIVE THEM BACK! NOW BROTHER! RIDE WITH ME TO THE GLORY OF RIATA

At least yer brother has some guts

stop taking the trips/dubs yo
The decline of the ancient picts makes me worry for the state of Scone and it's stone - best be securing that capital, to keep its holiness intact

seewe both got burned. sorry bruv

oh shit yeah. REEEEEEEEEEEEE