Age of Sigmar General


Let it go edition

>General's Handbook is up
Who can convert it in pdf with hyperlink function?
Rough version is up, still waiting that kat uploader version.!DxJhhQRa!ObBJiQp43LJK2gC22ioeyXsMNU1_BjwyAR-sjeAoHJg

>OP image album

>Cheer for your faction!

Old thread:
Can you imagine that, let it go+ogors?

nth for >tfw the star drake kit seperates the stormcast torso from his upper body in such a way as to be perfect for magnetizing
>no longer have to worry about choosing between a templar and a celestant

I'm more excited for this than I should be

does anyone in particular post the pdf versions of the new battletomes? all I can find for the new battletomes are epubs

So while the seraphon players are victim complexing, how do we kick them down some more? We need the faction properly extinct, they wined all the way from end times and haven't shut up

Gee, that's real fucking constructive, user.

Are any of the Grand Alliance books available in pdf or epub format? I checked the pastebin and they don't seem to be in either mega.

I'm glad to see AoS art is taking a different path that the cartoonist stuff we first saw

Well, getting called Carnac is not constructive.
Boo I am a bogeyman.

No that's a pretty cool thing to be excited about. Sometimes GW can be very clever with its engineering.

Thanks, much obliged

I don't want to be constructive, I want to remove lizard and have anyone who thinks they aren't complete faggots for playing them to leave forever

You are a WAAC faggot for playing lizardmen, any attempts to claim otherwise are self delusion and I won't hear it, so shut up and get an army that doesn't consist of a bunch of Mary sue OC donut dinosaur angels that a fucking 10 year old could have thought of

Leave it in the last thread, dude. Trying to start a fight with players of a particular faction with the 3rd post of the thread isn't helpful.

It's helpful to me because I get to watch dino faggots squirm and self justify their shitting up of this game

Generals Handbook: Do we know the rationale behind how many units a warband champion is entitled to? So far I'm working off a base of 8 units modified by the points value of the champion in match play, whether or not he has a monstrous mount, and whether or not he has access to monstrous and/or heroic followers, as follows:

Start at 8 units

Points Value of champion:

< 100 +1 unit
100-200 N/A
200-300 -1 units
>300 -2 units

Categories of followers available:

Access to heroic followers: -1 unit
Access to monstrous followers: -1 unit
Access to war machine followers: -1 unit
Champion has monstrous mount: -1 unit

This works for most of the tables but it throws up some anomalies. For instance, Why does a packmaster (60 points in matchplay) get fewer units than a Warlord (100 points)? Any thoughts?

So my kid who just wants to play some dinos is a WAAC faggot because he plays lizardmen? Nice generalization asshat


Boooo bogeyman everyone who disagrees with me is a bogeyman

Yes, if anti lizards get all lumped as carnac, this is what you get, you brought it in yourself and your son should learn that dinosaurs suck, grow up

Well, the path to glory warband rules are for Narrative Play, and the points are for Matched Play. There's probably no rationale because, from GW's point of view, those are completely separate ways of playing the game. They probably don't expect people using the Narrative system to build their armies to be using points.


Serafags, everyone.

Guy who was talking about starting an army based around summoning all the fucking forests last thread:

In GW, bought a citadel wood, some Kurnoth hunters and ordered a few 50mm square bases today.

Also realised that Tree Revenants are clearly the same size as dryads but three times the per model cost, so will be just fucking painting some dryads in spirit host colours instead when I get around to those.

I'd do the same but... I love how the modles look too much

I've been collecting lizards for fifteen years and like them because DINOSAURS RIDING DINOSAURS.
Fuck the new fluff (why are they all dead except the slann, the slann look dumb fffff). Fuck any sort of competitiveness. I just like giant reptiles. They could be the worst fucking army and I'd still play them, because DINOSAURS RIDING DINOSAURS.
I was actually surprised to hear that they're the supercheese army.

I can't seem to find any watermark/comment on BL's epub, I'm genuinely surprised, I was expecting them to use every DRM scheme ever.

So I've learned that you should never try to defend yourself from Internet hate, it only fuels their hate amd let's them feel even better about themselves in doing it

what are you even trying to do?

I'm just kind of ramming together the models I have for the last leg of this summer campaign, how does this Khornate force look?

Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster - 360
Chaos Lord - 100
Bloodsecrator - 120
Bloodstoker - 80

30 Gors - 240
20 Bloodreavers - 120
10 Chaos Warriors - 180

Chimera - 240

3 Mighty Skullcrushers - 160
5 Chaos Knights - 200
1 Gorebeast Chariot - 100
10 Ungor Raiders - 80

TOTAL: 1980/2000

Well they are, so that makes you the new wiping boy right next to Grey knights and eldar players, live with it

Scare you.

Get responces and defence attempts to feel good about deflecting with non arguments, it seems to be working.

>except I'm fairly sure the guy he was quoting actually is carnac, note the similarities in posting:

It's okay user, I like lizardmen too. I mostly just bought big kits I liked and run them alongside wood elves, Sylvaneth and SCE.

That makes sense. What I'm searching for however is the underlying rationale (if any) behind how many units a champion gets...the reason being, I want to homebrew some similar tables for some of the minis in my collection that aren't represented by a warband table, eg Night Goblins and Bretonnians, etc.

Dead is... not the right way to put it, it's more like butters in imagination land, they imagine them being alive, and they are, with all their mind and personality intact

Not quite, more like the old maxim - "don't feed the trolls"

are there models in your army you wish weren't shit because you like the look / idea of them ?
pic related for me

wtf I'm scared now

leg it boys!

Ah, gotcha. It sounds like you're on the right sort of track, re-reading your original post. Would be interested to see what sort of tables you come up with.


Perhaps you should learn what words one should use in what circumstances before attempting to use certain phrases.

You know.... one might think that this was the whole idea behind AoS... Like GW literally said "screw points and WAAC fags, we want players to just field what they think looks cool on the table and just have fun!".. pfh... like that would ever.. oh wait...

What's the default to build Kurnoth as?

Deathrattle Battletome when?

Shadow warriors. 1 shot with their bows, which will probably hit admittedly, but then 4+ to wound and no rend. Haven't proxied them to test, but it looks like they won't achieve shit.

Bugger your obscure sub-army with like three unit choices, when the fuck are mainline Skaven getting attention?

Speaking of Citadel Woods though, think I'd be able to make a mould of them instead of buying 9+ of the bloody things?


bonesplitterz pdf when?

>Bugger your non-fleshed out army. They should release more things for my fleshed out army
Your inner skellington is dissappoint

Yes, but the original saurus and skinks and whatnot are all gone, and only the living imaginations are left (other than the damn frogs)

You don't have to use point.



C'mon man, skeletons are just a couple troop choices and a token HQ from vampire counts. Skaven are a popular and fun mainline army that's had no attention outside the closet nurglites since AoS kicked off.

Lizardfag froglets get out

pistoleers aren't shit though


Yes, they are in fact!
You visit, pick whatever faction you want the GA book of, click every single unit that appears under that and then download their warscrolls.
Now you have 99.9% of the GA books. The rest you find in the pastebin.
You're welcome.

Yo, /aosg/. Had been considering getting into AoS for a while now, but I was uncertain which army to go with. After lurking in these threads for a while I learned that mounted ogres would become their own army in the form of the Beastclaw Riders.
With that in mind I've been digging around my old WHFB bits and look what I found. These are leftovers from a Ashigaru ogre project that never really took off. There should also be a second box of mournfangs somewhere, but I can't find them right now.
So, I guess I'm playing AoS now.
Anything I should know when playing these? I have a cursory knowledge of the rules from playing a couple of introductory games in the FLGS myself and watching a few others, but nothing too in-depth.


Moonclan Grot Warband

Champion Table

Champion: Followers
Grot Warboss on Great Cave Squig 7 units
Grot Warboss 7 units

Retinue Followers

1 - 20 Grots
2 - 20 Grots
3 - 5 Cave Squigs
4 - 1 Grot Fanatic
5 - 5 Grot Squig Herders
6 - 5 Grot Squig Hoppers

Heroic Followers

1-2 - 1 Grot Warboss
3-4 - 1 Grot Shaman
5-6 - 1 Grot Warboss on Great Cave Squig

Monstrous Followers

1 - 3 Sourbreath Troggoths
2 - 3 Sourbreath Troggoths
3 - 3 Fellwater Troggoths
4 - 3 Rockgut Troggoths
5 - 1 Aleguzzler Gargant
6 - 1 Mangler squigs

Compared to Outriders, they so are. Outriders have
>better Bravery
>better range
>better shooting
worse melee sure, but why are you shoving ranged units into melee anyway when you have FUCKING DEMIGRYPHS for melee?

This is the easy part, the fun part is the champion and follower to suggestions, I'm thinking they'll be mainly centred around fungus beer, tricksy traps, tactical cowardice and so on.

Naaah! Your kidding right?

Because with the Griffin generals command ability pistoleers have quite good melee and a ridiculously long charge

Literally great whatever you give them. Ranged and Melee are equally powerful, just for different purposes. I prefer scythes over swords, but that's just a personal thing. Build the ones you like the look of best or the ones you know will help your army the most. The unit is simply great however you build them.

Sure, but that Command can only target one unit and I'd rather use it on Demigryphs.

>These fucking kitbashes within their own limited box instead of real new models.

Not liking this Beastclaw release at all.

Just another way for the lazy fucks to sell us books, but never provide any new models.

Imagine how shit the beastman release is going to be

>Uhh, it's the Cygor but with FOUR arms!
>Uhhhh it's the Ghorgon, but with one eye! the Cyghorgon!

>Bugger your obscure sub-army with like three unit choices, when the fuck are mainline Skaven getting attention?
Mainline Skaven have less units than Deathrattle.
Though I agree in principle. GW should get the "main" sub-factions out before random shit like Slayer and Dryad sub-factions. I'd consider Deathrattles just as mainline as Clan Verminus though

how would you use them then ? their main weapon, the pistols only hit on a 5 plus in both melee and ranged which is just attrocious
they're obviously meant to be the melee version of the outriders but they just don't have the staying and the killing power needed for melee in my eyes the only advantage they have is mobility , but what good is that when the unit can't do any reliable damage and has a shit save

>waste your huge buff of a 300 point character on a shit unit to make it slightly decent
no thanks i'll keep my general on horse and 2+2+ handgunners + 2 other units that get 1+1+ thank you very much

2000 point Stormcasr List for review

Celestant-Prime on Dracoth
Prosecutors with Javelins
Prosecutors with Javelins
Knight Vexillor with Stormbringer

Skyborne Slayers
Liberators (Grandhammer)
Liberators (Grandhammer)
Judicators (Bows)
Judicators (Crossbows)

Teleporting shit all over and hitting hard.

Should do quite well

You do realize you have it backwards, right? Making those books is fucking expensive, even with tons of outsourced artwork. They make those new, expensive books in order to get you to buy the models.

And I am going to continue saying this: I like those kit-bashes and model remixes because it gives me hope that one day, Vampire Lord on Terrorgheist might actually be a legal combination.

But what about Skink Carnosaur Riders? Or Scar-Vet on Troglodon?

How is that backwards? i said NEW models. I don't give a fuck if they think they can sell me the Stonehorn kit again.

Where's the plastic clampack hunter? or plague priest? or Wurrdok? or the completely original unit they could provide?

The books are trash and the weakest money-maker for GW. You know you can dl all the scolls for free on their own site?

The remix idea is lame, and regarding Terrorgheists, i don't think they should have riders at all.

>mfw AOS general is moving at twice the speed of the 40k general

so what, like, a day?

b-but the game is dead in the water...

AoS is a dead game, wont last this year for sure

>>Uhh, it's the Cygor but with FOUR arms!
>>Uhhhh it's the Ghorgon, but with one eye! the Cyghorgon!

>implying a viciously colored, cyclopean avatar of multilimbed death shooting hot plasma from his single eye wouldn't be fittingly brutal
it's almost like you don't want to become death

First things first, beastclaw raiders battletome.
As is you will have the smallest army ever. What you have can be assembled as a actual army.

>1k pts
- Frostlord on Stonehorn - 460
- Beastriders on Thundertusk - 320
- Mournfang Pack - 200

No idea on how it'll perform in practice, but on paper it's nasty as shit.

Those too of course.

Kay, you're just a whiny bitch, gotcha.
I grant you the clampack plastic Heroes though. I'd have liked those too. Then again, the Plague Furnace Priest looks great and a plastic Hunter is insultingly easy to kitbash.

I made this a while ago.

>No argument
>Calling someone else a bitch

That's all i needed to hear. Oh thanks for 'granting' me that too! :^)

The general book was a BIG help for AoS.

No objective presence at all, unless your entire army sits on one point.

No arguments necessary. I just see someone who's triggered because Daddy GW doesn't love him as much as Ironjaws and Sylvaneth.
And then I see a whiner who complains even though GW at least gave those factions something instead of continuously ignoring them.

So? All your support Heroes are dead turn 2 at the latest. Everything else will quickly follow.

Just finished the first Silver Tower quest with a couple of friends. Hot damn that shit is fun. The last encounter with the Gaunt Summoner's shadow felt a little too easy, but I suppose the encounter with him get harder down the line. Hope GW will release an addon sometimes in the future.

Depends on what you are up against. A shooty list will have no problems drowning your few guys in chaff and shooting the stonehorn down.

It's take a hell of a lot of good shooting to get rid of the Stonehorn. Stone Skeleton, 3+ and a easy 4++ against mortal wounds go a *long* way to make the most of those 13 wounds.

And how many shooty lists are there? Empire, cheese-Skaven and...?

I can tell you what would happen to all the armies I play:
>My Rotbringers would lose their chaff and then I'd rely on my Harbinger's 5+ save-after-the-save and pray that my Bile Trolls and Blightkings can somehow get through their wounds and high saves.
>My Bloodbound would be out of support Heroes after two turns and then I'd have to pray that my Skullreapers and Wrathmongers can wing it without support
>My Sylvaneth would have to dump obscene amounts of support into keeping the Dryads safe, the Revenants would be able to do fuck-all before being raped by the Thundertusks. And in the end, it'd be relying on my Kurnoth Hunters to save the day
>My Nighthaunts would get btfo very easily because the massive amount of mortal wounds would fuck my ethereal saves


>Plague Furnace
>Plague Priest with Plague Censer
>40 Monks
>40 Monks
>10 Clanrats
>10 Clanrats

Would be a very good matchup for the Ogre list.

The very final mission, where you fight the Gaunt Summoner for real, IS brutally tough, don't worry.

I have a question, can you use your armies heroes in silver tower? Or only the ones included in the box?

Why would a shooty list with Skaven be considered cheese while the Ogor player also tried to maximise his list as best as possible?


There are all the heroes you can play. We all used our own models. Kinda fun to see them work together for once instead of killing themselves on the battlefield.

If you get rid of the Clanrats and take a Congregation of Filth, it actually would be. But there's the problem.

Any army has a hard counter. Yes, that army is perfect for Beastclaw Raiders, but a Drycha-based Sylvaneth army would rape your rats with absolutely no way of fighting back. And the Beastclaw Raiders, conversely, would rape the Sylvaneth list. Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Whoops, meant post this link: