When was the last time your character was happy, Veeky Forums?

When was the last time your character was happy, Veeky Forums?

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The summer of '69.

When he stumbled upon a dragon's hoard.

Then he found out that the gold was actually foreign pyrite coins and the big teddy bear atop the pile, in fact, a mimic.

Never Forever DM

Pets and ear scratched make him extremely happy.

When he found the perfect lasgun. Not too heavy and not too long. He was euphoric for about three seconds, then it was sliced in half by a fucking Eldar.


When she joined up with the Americans as a translator and they gave her bread.

Who the fuck holds their rifle like that?

The droid BF-109 is always happy. That's part of the problem.

It's a dragonov, or at least a knock-off of one. They'relong rifles, you see the barrel going past his other arm.

Why would you not hold the heaviest part of the rifle in your lap, and let the barrel hang free? That's what any sensible person would do.

When he got to pet an owl and watch it fly from his windowsill.
An old NPC friend that was affiliated with the clan of the owl in the setting died to save my PC, it was the GM's way for my guy to say goodbye and let him know it was OK.

A few nights ago, when he and his waifu were engaged in some mutual bloodsex.

But tonight, he's being viciously tortured for magical secrets that only he and his regent know, so it's not all fun and games.

>Expecting him to care
I just pointed out how he can do that, not why he's doing it

In the last Arc of our DnD 4th edition campaign
Shoved my whole foot but the ENEMY CRAB's ass.

We've been playing (on and off again for 5 years) We've now entered the FINAL STORY ARC. Should be a good ending.

As bizarre as it sounds, probably when voided and floating all alone almost a year ago. Since then, there's been FUCKIN' RAIN, heretics, rebels, heretic rebels, way too much mud, way too many orks, way too obnoxious techpriest, stupid commanders, mines, traitors, spooky skeleton servitors, intense cherry flavours, droning noises, spooky cogitators
>ssh root@site137_b
>sacrifice --now --victims 8 | touch -G KHORNE lesser_daemon.dataslate
, DAEMONS, conspiracies, daemonic conspiracies, dead tech-chicks, and idiots who insist on trying to monologue.

Actually, the mines were nice in themselves.

Before his entire company got annihilated by an Elven ambush.

So about a half-decade ago or so.

Before she died.

Source of image?

She stopped off in her home town and saw her dad. She helped out around the shop, just like when she was a kid.

When he was a kid

Me. Fuck you for asking.

The barrels are the heavy part retard. Centre of mass is on his right knee area

Before being sent into a dungeon with a crazy wizard trying to pay off his student loans, a silent dwarf who only makes noise when he shouts to activate his enchanted sword, and a sex crazy bard who routinely tries to fuck the things trying to kill us.

If she's to be believed, never.

Everything she remembers of her childhood is a lie, planted to make her a loyal agent of the Chelish Inquisition.

My character is happy all the time. I'm here to roleplay not live my everyday life.

Back before shit hit the fan and he wasn't fighting for his life literally every second of his waking life

Her name is "Nah", she is a totally normal human with nothing weird about her. From an elderscrolls fan comic called Prequel Adventure about an ill-fated Khajit who messed up my life by driving me to furrydom

Both images are by the creator?

/spoiler testing /spoiler

Last session my character reunited with a dragon who he hatched himself. The dragon's mother was slain by a goliath dragon hunter and its father was trapped under rubble for decades using magic to keep the egg in limbo. We ran into the father while exploring and promised to take care of its child. When the dragon hatched it imprinted on my character and so we kept good care of it for about a year in game. Then we got stuck on another plane for seven days, which turned out to be seven years on the prime material plane.

Our reunion was a joyful moment. It was nice to see that the dragon survived when so many characters died during that seven year period.

Briefly here or there.
But more than just in passing? When she was shacked up with that prince.
He's on the other side of the war now.

nigga you retarded just hit ctrl+s

When he was sailing the open seas, with the wind of his hair and the thunder of cannon in his ears.

Shortly before the Awakening.

It's 2077 now, and the amount of tears he puts out have serious hydration and salt implications.

He's happy pretty frequently, as long as he has a story to tell or a song to play. The glory of battle, the joy of revelry, the contentment of freindship; he is no stranger to these things.

She's generally happy when she gets to spend time with her baby. Since she's traveling with it, that's fairly often.

When he and his brother solved the puzzle in the family tomb. Shame they're enemies now.

When he saved one of his close friends from torture and killed the son of the guy that was torturing him (got KS'd by an NPC because of missing so many attack rolls) which also power up his demon sword.

About 5 minutes ago, when he used relatively low power celestial fire to destroy the horrible, corrupted staves of some Druids which were controlling their disgusting bramble-elemental creatures.

He just couldn't stop laughing. Even the smallest blessings of Kord are sufficient to destroy such pathetic creations.

Fairly recently a guy was using illusion and mind-bending magic to pretend to be Jesus returned. Everyone around fell into a religious frenzy, screaming for forgiveness, beating on each other, gouging out their own eyes, utter chaos and madness. Fortunately my character's strong willed enough to resist, so she takes out her dagger, says "I'm not scared of you, godling," and charges him. Despite being a socialite with little combat skill, her rolls were so good that she gutted the bastard, and then denounced him a a false messiah. It made her feel immensely pleased with herself.

>britney kills the devil

Of course sues are always "happy," but let's not make this yet another Shit That Never Happened thread. Don't you get enough attention on /b/?

Of course my chars are "happy," too. They're never sues, but are still literally "living the dream," aren't they?

>tfw you just want to kill people and get paid for it but your party wants to usurp the throne and shit

I mean I like these guys, but fuck me if they ain't stupid.

Why, just last night he had a wonderfully relationship-recovering talk with his gf after near-single-handedly fixing the party tear he near-single-handedly opened up himself.

This was two months ago, fuck random-ass part-time job schedules.

Last time he had an opportunity to fly his fighter. Most of our missions lately have been ground stuff, investigation stuff. Considering I play my character the most charismatic, everyone expects me to face. Which I don't do well. And he's been unhappy with the mission because of how often they're just following a lead that leads to another lead.

He wants the simplicity of flying his fighter and committing good ol' fashioned space piracy.

She did magic cocaine this afternoon.

Quite recently, he managed to gather a fairly decent harvest of exotic teas from a magical garden of monster plants.

Before he was exiled from Lastwall...

It was most likely before he got wrapped up in adventuring.

never. My character was born a half-vampire half-spider.

Undead dont feel things like happiness. Only duty and hunger.

what if roleplaying included more than 1 emotion?
Also this implies that you're sad all the time...

I'd imagine almost every day when he wakes up and remembers his dream of being a super hero totally came true.

He's a Slav, happiness is a foreign concept to him. He only knows the feelings of drunken disinterest, unyielding rage, and the deep sense of satisfaction that he gets from the removal of kebab and kebab accessories.

6 months ago.
It was the last time I played him.

before the DM kicked him out of the city on a boring adventure

Right before he was told that he had to help some firefighters with clearing abandoned buildings. He dislikes fire. He also dislikes accidentally grabbing a burned child by its burns as he carries it outside. He disliked that the next day he had to blow up some bridges "in the name of protecting people" He dislikes being forced to shoot a half dozen men with an MG and he extremely dislikes the moans of the wounded from when he failed to grant them mercy.

He especially dislikes then getting shot in the arm and severely wounded. But if this is the way towards helping people, then it must be done.

The last time he saw his wife, just before descending into the goddamn heart of darkness wearing full plate and nobody knows endure elements gods above why didn't I quit being a paladin and become a cook or something this sucks fuck it I don't care what the drow are doing out here anymore.

I played a warlock who had the feeling of happiness torn from him as payment for power necessary to do the thing he wanted.
The last time he was happy was when he got his revenge, but then there was nothing but bitter ash.

he's usually happy. he's a Barbarian who loves to fight and adventure so there's not much that kills his vibe.

He has never been happier. He turned into a horrific monster, murdered his family, got press ganged into joining a murdersquad under the threat of being killed himself and is now currently fixing weapon deals with the illuminati.

He's also banging the boss of the murdersquad, gets paid in bags of cash, prostitutes and drugs and the murdersquad is basically enjoying his company.

Life's never been better. His family was abusive and he really hated them, so the turn into a monster only gave him the means rather than motive.

Evil campaigns are fun and when the werewolf is the party face it's all fun and games.

Lemme' see...

Either when everything was the smell of smoke and the sound of steel on steel, and the Captain shouted, "To me! To me!", and all the boys were still up and at'em, and that pretty redhead that the Captain fancied hadn't caught the brunt of a... either well-placed or ill-placed, depending on your point of view, cannon shot...

Or when I had a swig of that exotic fruit juice I had a few days ago. It was some kind of bright yella' something that was just dandy on the tongue.

She's having a great deal of fun slaughtering mutants while looking good right now. Those picts better come out fantastic, though, or her day will be quite spoiled.

He's never really been happy as such, though he fakes it quite a lot. The last time he was content was shortly before someone tried to kill him. I expect he'll be quite satisfied when he gets his bloody revenge.

When she participated in the pie-eating contest that followed the pie-baking contest. She won, to the surprise of most other entrants. My GM keeps telling me I should watch Slayers, since I tend to make all my mages big eaters.

She's happy right now, spending downtime between missions with her husband and kids.

sleeeping besides the attratctive woman which smelled awesome. besides his injuries...
never slept this good in weeks.

Technically, it's the summer of '69 right now

The summer of 2'769 AUC

Someone should play some music to celebrate.

Tell me more.