
>Foot demons have infested the land
How does this affect your setting, Veeky Forums?

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There are now foot demons in my setting

People get sore feet a lot

We are using the Assholia setting.

It is the least of everyone's worries.

Apothecaries everywhere recommend decreasing meat in the diet and drinking more water.

Magical healing kills foot demons. Cure light wounds wands are now twice as expensive due to the high demand.

Thriving anti foot demon potion side business for my party.

Knock on effect to the market for the rare ingredients.

Sharp increase in price for said ingredients, attempts at farming them.

Break throughs in rare magic animal domestication and fungi raring.

One of the rare magic animals is hand demons, vital to the process.

Breakout, due to rushed efforts to better capture the market.

Hand demon infestation in the land too now.

I read that as Australia, and now that I have reread it correctly I still can't picture it as anything but Australia.

It's Dire Australia with more mountains and less coast.

At the start you roll to make two characters. Then you flip a coin to determine which dies. You play as the other

I get my pink dog to fuck the foot demons up.

Hes a veteran on the subject since hes faced a foot mafia and actual foot demons

Boots become far more popular, and the holiday name and a few lyrics are changed.

I le make an le epic thread on le Veeky Forums
*snags le epic fedoratrillbilly and tips with a devilish winaroo*
epic fucking thread, as heck as cool!!!!!!

edit: thanks for the reddit gold kind stranger!


People just wear boots now I dunno this seems like a problem to people who like being barefoot or get some power though it

>actually recognize that pic from the gout wikipedia page
anyways, probably very tiny demon hunters.

It doesn't, foot demons exist.

Fear the jigger.


Some vengeful god scattered lego everywhere?

Taking care of your feet is no joke I work as a Caddy and I cant tell you how many kids fuck up their feet by wearing converse out on a golf course.

Foot disorders and mouth disorders are probably the most cringey for me.

I get the mouth stuff but I don't know why fucked up feet are so off-putting.

kek, not at all. it sounds absolutely perfect for my setting. counter-question OP: how do the other demons that infest my lands react to them?

Because both of those are really fucking disgusting yet so easy to prevent.

Fucking foot fungus,ring worms,trench foot you are right to be grossed out about it not even non footfags would agree with this

>Ymir style dead giant in space

That means the boss of the foot demons is a huge foot demon biting the feet of the dead giant.

>TFW Nidhöggr, dread of reality and already pretty damn scary as all fck has a rival now

Probably the angry gods kids, they never pick their shit up

Party's goal is to get people to eat less fatty foods and drink less liquor, so the foot demons don't bother them as much?

That only makes them angrier and hungry since there's less food.

Jesus christ that's fucking triggering...


ITT magical jiggers.


>Dire Australia
>This will mean we at some point have to fight Dire Cassowaries.
Fuck you man, fuck you.

>Other places need 'Dire' critters to even come close to Australia

This is the most elegant solution.

>foot fungus is easy to prevent

if you get pic related you have basically two choices to cure it:

>anti-fungal pills that can potentially obliterate your liver and fucking kill you
>surgery to cut off the nail and entire bed, which occasionally means your nail doesn't grow back

those "anti-fungal nail" creams at walmart etc. are literally snake oil and do not cure nail fungus, it even says in small print on the label that it's ineffective against nail fungus, hilariously enough. and just about anybody can get this fungus, I've had good personal hygiene my entire life but ended up with it years ago and no doctor will give me the pills to fix it so . . . I'm basically fucked, although I'm considering just cutting off the 4 effected nails myself, no access to local anesthetics is what has stopped me thus far but I'm starting to think I'll just #yolo it

>that shamelessly pleasant itchy feeling when you get a jigger in your foot

>no doctor will give me the pills to fix it so . . . I'm basically fucked, although I'm considering just cutting off the 4 effected nails myself, no access to local anesthetics is what has stopped me thus far but I'm starting to think I'll just #yolo it

America folks

I like this footwear.


Footmen are fucked.

gout sucks. don't get fat, kids.

Look up stir up leggings

>toe rings around the big toe

That must be painful as fuck yet looks nice on her

>Decreasing meat in diet

But roast meat is what gives a man his strength and vitality! And surely you cannot expect a man to subsist on water when there is coffee, tea, claret and gin to be drunk!

I roll up a fighter named Timothy Acton, and take the fight to them.

Foot demons got you down? BOOM, get tough actin' Tim Acton!

This is a shop...right?

well the pills are pretty dangerous, the docs have told me it's not worth the risk in my current state plus with my other medications and (mostly good) medical history they think I shouldn't change it. you have to periodically get your blood monitored etc. because these pills can seriously fuck you up, so I'm not really sure if I believe the doctor is dicking me around or really is concerned about the risks. I should also mention that I have a reason to believe these specific doctors have an interest in bullshitting me that I won't go into tho, it's not like I think I know better than (honest) doctors

>think I shouldn't change it

*chance it

obviously, did you even read the filename

>Prescribing pills needlessly to justify outrageous subsidized costs when other treatments may be more effective.

How about you sit back in your corner.

there aren't any other effective treatments, you either take pills that might destroy your liver or get your nails cut off. I'm willing to try either but the doc basically just told me to deal with it because the pills are too risky and the surgery is too invasive, so I think on my next checkup I'll just say they're unbearably painful and I'm tired of dealing with it

>Foot demons appear

>Folk,both common and highborn,start questioning mages and religious authorities about this new unholy plague. Scryings,divinations and sacrifices are done. No clear answer from the Pantheon.

>The gods get fucking pissed,because this means the demonic dimension of Tartarus has a leak...again. They give the Demon Regents a mean look,and send their divine legions to
wage war upon them...again.

>Demon cults see this as a sign of the incoming return of the Supreme Dark God. Cities fall into control of the cults; the main knight and paladin orders declare a crusade agaisnt the rebels. Neighbouring kingdoms see the chance to expand. Civil wars in the northern lands.

>Orcs,giants and elves are keking their asses off,seeing this petty kingdoms suffer under such irrelevant nuance.

>Some years (and maybe a few wars later) people just got used to it,and foot demons simply became another little thing that pests the everyday life in the setting. Since the Infernal Regents of Tartarus didn't really have anything to do with this,the gods just chill down a bit and go on with their businesses again.

Well,everything goes to shit for a while,but right after that it just goes on nicely. A new entry in the bestiaries,I guess.
