Pokemon Quest #152

Still Not Dead Edition

Archive: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Gobble
Twitter: twitter.com/GobbleQM
Pokemon, items, and summary: pastebin.com/tSNKt0Wm
FAQ and general concepts: pastebin.com/Ht1Q5E1p
All guides, player knowledge, and smutty stories: pastebin.com/u/Gobblepokemon

Themes: youtube.com/watch?v=6Y-ad_74T08
Quest theme: youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1422579428&v=YW9QKy6oDkE&x-yt-cl=85114404

Recently: Robin is the champion. Violet is missing! Hornbeam has a device that let's him psychically control anyone he can see (even through live cameras) and you, the gym leaders, the elite four, and a few others are going after him.

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.

Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as it comes up.

Combat involves rolls! Once there's a clear vote winner, we roll for the move accuracy/crit/secondary effect. Usually it's just three 1d100s. Sometimes you can get a modifier from circumstances, so be creative! Add flair, do tricks with moves, mess with terrain, whatever! This is not a video game. Weak moves tend to be quicker.

Call me out on a mistake and receive an apology butt or suggestive picture.

Badges: 10

Pokemon on you:
Devon (Houndoom)
Leviathan (Gyarados)
Zappy Dan (Magnezone)
Destiny (Kingdra)
Aria (Meloetta)
Raistlin (Alakazam)

Not In Party:
Trunks (Trevenant)
Fel (Butterfree)
Vlad (Crobat)
Oberon (Garchomp)
Nibbles (Tyrantrum)

Awww yiss


Hi Gobble.

I missed you Gobble!

It's been too long



You and Robin ride Levi and Gyarados side-by-side. Gyarados and Levi keep needing to be told to slow down because they keep racing each other. It seems that Robin becoming the champion has really reignited their little rivalry.

Your eyes scan over the open water. There doesn’t seem to be any trouble so far, but Hornbeam’s ability to control people and Pokemon with his psychic device, you’re worried he might throw weird surprises at you. You still have no idea what happened to Violet.

You look to Clair on the boat

The gym leaders, elite four, and a few others are all around on various water Pokemon, or the two small boats. It’ll be a few hours before you hit the mainland.

Something doesn’t feel right, but you can’t put your finger on it.

>Scout ahead with Levi
>Take the rear
>Stay close to the main boat
>Something else

[I missed you guys! Sorry about the absence!]

>Scout ahead with Levi
Missed you too Gobble! A whole month!

Gobble is kill

>Stay close to the main boat

That's the target. Might as well protect it.

>Take the rear
Kat is experienced with this.
What've you been up to since last time gobble?

His cat is dying.

>Kat is experienced with this.
user pls more like experienced taking it

Well that sucks.

[Working! Oh man. I've got a solid week and a half of banked time. built up and too much of a workload to ever be able to use it without things falling to shit.]

>Stay close to the main boat
Most worried about sleeper agents at this point, I think we're set on firepower if there's some kind of ambush.

Welcome back, Gobble!

>Stay close to the main boat

Sounds rough. Hope your workload lightens then!

Actually, gobble is resurrected

[Nah. He should be fine. Vet said he just needs to get over this puke fit.

Feeding a cat pills is a goddamn nightmare scenario, though.]

You know, it's funny: Because of this quest I've actually started doing a freeform pokemon RP with a couple of friends.

It's been pretty fun so far. Definitely a good way to fill in the wait.

You can't mash the pills and mix them in some wet food? Is how we always did it. Didn't work perfectly but okay enough.

Sounds fun user.
But is it this lewd?

I think we established that Gobble is a butch Canadian lumberjack lesbian.

Shame I haven't got that step-by-step guide for worming a cat.

It ends with, and I'm paraphrasing, but this is close to the actual wording:

'Call pound to retrieve mutant cat from hell from on top of blinds.'

The rest was equally hilarious.

>10 anons
>5 votes
git to it

Nowhere near. The closest that's gotten is my character accidentally catching Misty with a fishing rod.

No gobble is cute.

He's a 13 year old girl.

Trust me, I know her

Well it sounds like you're in the spirit of things at least. Next time try catching her with a different kind of rod!

How well do you know her?

That escalated quickly.

Like how Ash knows Dawn

This sounds like internet lies.

...you fight pokemon-battles together?

Gobble I need a quick back up here sweetheart.


Yeah, sure.

I'm sure his Diglett used Pound on her Cloyster at least a few times.

Well shit, I was about to show some dying cat solidarity with you but then you just go and say he'll be fine.
I'll just hang out with my own starving-faster-than-he-can-eat fluffball, then.

I hope your cat improves, user!

Sorry to hear that user.

[Awww. I'm really sorry to hear that. I really hope he gets better]

Future me feels your pain, user. I sometimes think about what it will be like when my cat eventually dies, and it fucking sucks.

You stick close to the main boat. If anything happens, you can react.

You glance over to Clair. She’s putting on a strong face, but you can tell she’s exhausted. Hornbeam’s psychic attack really messed her up.

Vance keeps an eye out. He never rests when there’s the chance for danger.

Jeanine is riding her Wartortle, Triton. It’s weird to think that if things had gone differently, he might have been one of the starter Pokemon you could have chosen. He looks happy with her. She seems to let him get away with too much mischief in your opinion, though. Coming from you, that probably says something.

The radio on the boat crackles. You can’t here it entirely over the sound of the boat and waves, but you get the jist. It’s an SOS. Some sort of fishing boat with a medical emergency. It’ll be to your East.

You can’t hear the debate on the boat, but you can see the body language clear as day. Most are arguing to go find and help. Some are saying it’s an obvious trap.

Vance looks to Clair to see if she can tell anything. She just shakes her head, looking frustrated.
>Volunteer to go alone
>Make a motion to the others to change course for it. They’ll probably just go with it
>Make a motion to vote against it. It’s a trap!
>Stay out of it
>Robin’s supposed to be the leader. Go get her so she can make the call (the convey may have to stop)
>Something else

>>Volunteer to go alone

>Volunteer to go alone

>Robin’s supposed to be the leader. Go get her so she can make the call (the convey may have to stop)

>Make a motion to the others to change course for it. They’ll probably just go with it

Unless we can get the coast guard or rangers to deal with it, the group going is probably the safest bet if we are going.

And let's face it, even if it is a trap, we can probably muscle through it.

>Make a motion to the others to change course for it. They’ll probably just go with it
Splitting the party is bad.

He's past the point of no return, sadly. He developed hyperthyroidism about seven months ago and completely refused to let us treat it, no matter how we tried to get his medication in him. Even if we snuck it in, he'd just vomit.
So, he's pretty much been aging at 4x speed for that time, and he's 13 to start with. Even if he started taking the medicine, he's already burnt through his life expectancy and then some. Not in any pain yet, though.
I'm going to miss him, but I've already gone through this song and dance with three other cats, two dogs, and a frankly disturbing number of hamsters, so I'm not too broken up over it. Hell, I'm just happy he didn't get cancer like his mama did.

But that's enough of my blogshit, give us the pokemangs

>Make a motion to vote against it. It’s a trap!

>But that's enough of my blogshit, give us the pokemangs

'Tis the cure to all ills.

>Volunteer to go alone

That sucks. Lost my cat when I was 16 after having it all my life. Was rough.

>Volunteer to go alone
>something else
Quick, does Levi know Dive? Because we could use it to approach underwater and take the initiative when we meet them. If they're legit, that's great, if it's a trap, we dive right back down while they're gawking at our MAJESTIC AS FUCK arrival and haul ass back.

I never understood having really short-lived pets like hamsters or most fish. You barely have the time to connect with them before they just die on you!

I don't know, I'm not sure Kat can hold her breath that long.

Okay, I think it's time we focused before things get really depressing.

>Volunteer to go alone

I'm sure she's had a lot of practice holding her breath in contact with soaked places.

Beats me. None of mine even survived long enough to reach old age.
Two got loose and suffered death by cat, one broke his neck by jamming his head through his exercise wheel while running on it, two of them cut their throats trying to squeeze through holes they gnawed in their cage, one rolled his hamster ball behind my brother's chair at the exact moment he flinched at something onscreen and fell over, and the last one decided she didn't like chewing on things, so she just let his teeth grow until punched through the roof of her mouth, punctured her eyeball, and caused it to swell up to triple the normal size before shriveling up and falling out.
I decided to give up on hamsters after that one.

Jesus user.

This isn't comfy or lewd at all!

>one broke his neck by jamming his head through his exercise wheel while running on it
This is some next-level stupid.

“I’ll go alone!”

“What?” Vance shouts!

“I said I’ll go!”

“No! That’s a ter-”

Levi rear’s up and you change course.

You look back and see Clair and Vance just throwing up their arms in surrender. They know they won’t stop you. Apparently everyone else is willing to trust you on this. You did beat the Elite Four, after all.

Man. It feels weird to have trust you like that. Still. You’ve always gotten your way by having a silver tongue. Now it’s different. Now it’s respect.

You probably shouldn’t let that get to your head.

You see the boat in the distance. You don’t think you’ve been spotted, but you can’t be sure. It looks like a small fishing boat

>Take out Destiny
>Dive under water, then surface right next to them (will require a roll)
>Just approach normally
>Make some noise and motion for them to come to you
>Something else

>forging on without hearing objections
Now that's the Kat I know this will go terrible
>Dive under water, then surface right next to them (will require a roll)

Whyyy did we do this?

>Dive under water, then surface right next to them

>Just approach normally

>Take out Destiny

Just to be sure as we approach.

>>Dive under water, then surface right next to them (will require a roll)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

>Dive under water, then surface right next to them (will require a roll)

>fishing boat
>with a ballista
Advance roll for immanent ambush

>Take out Destiny

>Take out Destiny
>Dive under water, then surface right next to them (will require a roll)
We can bring Destiny on a dive, right?


Waterbuddies time!

Because anons don't have a sense of caution.

It's easy to forget after so long!

Then I guess let's do that.


There's something a little adorable about tiny seahorse riding on Gyarados's back with us.

[Roll em!]

Rolled 24 (1d100)

Rolled 59 (1d100)

Rolled 75 (1d100)

you enjoying all the new art cause of pokemon go gobble?

I'm not sure if this is accurate or not, but do anons tend to be (even more) more reckless after a long break because they're eager to have things happen?

Do you do much IRL RP?
Because believe me, the moment something like this comes up there, you ought to go full paranoia, especially if you intend to go anywhere near it.


I don't know, but there've been plenty of close shaves in the past with this quest.

I'm a more recent player, but you only need to look at the archive to see how badly things could have and have gone wrong previously.

Could be. It's certainly different from the team-work and deferring to Robin we did in the last thread or two.
That said I'm sure things won't go TOO bad just from this rash choice.

If we get a warning of something suss, we'd better GTFO then.

This shit is bad enough on land, without having to factor in drowning.

We should apologize for just rushing off when we get back.

You take out Destiny and explain the plan. She’ll follow underwater and act as backup if anything happens.

You grab on tight to Leviathan and dive. It’s harder than you expected to hold on. The drag is intense. But you’re stronger than most girls, and you can keep yourself close to Levi. You’re breath really starts running low, but not dangerously. You depend entirely on her to figure out when to surface.

Whoosh! You rise up into the air. Water drips down your eyes and your hair sticks to your face. You quickly wipe it back and get ready for trouble.

Levi was smart. She took the side of the boat that was facing the sun so that they’d get the sun if their eyes as they look at you.

A figure on the boat scrambles for a an electric net, but Levi roars and they fall back.

It’s a kid, maybe 12, 13 years old. He looks slightly relieved to see you on top of Levi. He knows she’s not wild now.

“Help! It’s my Psyduck!”

You peer over a bit and see a Psyduck laying on it’s back, breathing heavily. Wait. You know what’s wrong. “Is he poisoned?”

“Is that what happened? Can you help?” He sounds genuine, but how does a kid his age not know that? Maybe you’re just overthinking it.

>Hop aboard and apply the antidote
>Toss an antidote down.
>Leave. Poison isn’t fatal, just unpleasant.
>Ask him some questions first (write-in)


>>Toss an antidote down.

>Hop aboard and apply the antidote
Destiny is our surprise support, Gyarados handles the obvious threats. Even if he's really a good kid, Hornbeam influence can't really be avoided or detected.

>Toss an antidote down.
I gotta be off to sleep, night Gobble!

If you have anything of team Valor's leader I will love you even more then I already do

>Toss an antidote down.

If this doesn't work, then it's probably just Psyduck being a Psyduck and having its arse kicked by a headache.

Well, it's still early user - there might not be many Valorbutts yet!

I had joined team Instinct before they had revealed the leaders. Sparky is funny but goddamn I'd leave him for Valorbutt in a heartbeat

>Hop aboard and apply the antidote

Don't worry user, it's very understandable. A good butt.

If you've got anything to share, you might just convince me not to join Mystic.

Most people I know have gone Instinct, but if the booty is good enough I might be convinced to join Sarge and the other reds.