Infinite Stars Quest 27


Archive: Stars Quest

Other Quests:

You are Captain SAMANTHA WELLINGS, a newly minted captain of the Centauri Accord!

Currently, you were in a bit of a jam. You had just saved (though she insists that you "helped") her from her mutinous subcaptains under her command. And while the immediate threat was dealt with, there was the issue of getting back to the damn ship.

Unfortunately, a deep rumble that shook the entire room seemed to indicate things were not going as well as hoped.

"Well shit, it figures that they'd have their crews in on it, too." Carly groans as she saunters over to the front door. "Looks like we're gonna have to clean house."

She then glances back at your horrified expression.

"Ah, don't worry, this kind of thing happens all the time in pirate bands!" Carly laughs. "It's like spring cleaning!"

Somehow that didn't quite convince you.

>Fine, I'll help you clean house.
>No, we're getting the hell out of here!

>>Fine, I'll help you clean house.
Get the big guys.

>Fine, I'll help you clean house.

>>Fine, I'll help you clean house.

>>No, we're getting the hell out of here!

>Fine, I'll help you clean house.

I hope it isn't too much to loot some armor or weapons.

>>No, we're getting the hell out of here!
Reminder that Sam is actually a Ghost.

Though that physique is more Julie than Sam.

Anybody got a shortstack blonde in a skintight suit?

Wait, if Carly becomes part of our crew, what position would she fill?

It'd be sorta weird to have two captains on a ship (if we keep our current one, or upgrade), so I guess we could have one of us act as a body double for the other when convenient.

>Fine, I'll help you clean house.
Fuck Jap moot.

Probably put her in Security under Tank

The day Sam and Carly become Alpharius/Omegon is the day Sam takes Ghost training.

But we're the only one allowed to be under Tank.

Closest thing I got, user.

Sam would look rather nice in a white suit.

"Fine, I'll help you clean house." You groan as you check the charge on your plasma pistol. It was still in the green, so you were good for a few dozen more shots. "But we're out of here once we're done."

"Pirate's honor!" Carly grins as she hits the door control. The conference room's heavy steel doors slide open and she casually shoots the two guards posted in front.

You give her a judging look.

"What?" Carly looks at you curiously. "They ain't mine. Better safe than sorry."

"It's going to be that kind of cleaning ,isn't it?" You groan.

"Hey, it keeps things simple, and there's more loot for the survivors!" Carly laughs. "Now come on, lets see if the armory's been looted yet or not. We're gonna need some bigger toys than these popguns!"

"Maybe we should call for some help from the ship?" You suggest as you follow Carly up the entry hall and she starts casually shooting the rest of the sentries before they can react. SHe was getting a bit too trigger happy here. "You know, maybe Tank or Bolts or something?"

"Well, I kind figure they'd be busy guarding the ship." Carly points out. "Besiiiiides. I'm sure the both of us can handle it! We've been through worse, right?"

>I suppose...
>I still think we need some help.

>>I suppose...

>>I suppose...
inb4 nat 20 on RIP AND TEAR

>I still think we need some help.

>>I suppose...

Maybe we can somehow hijack a shuttle and tell the loyal crew to rendezvous at some coordinates


>I suppose...

>I suppose...

>I still think we need some help.

Given Sam's surprisingly good performance during missions when she's boots on the ground, what do you think her other superior officers are thinking when they're reading the reports of her infiltrating facilities without detection, fighting people in hand to hand combat, or doing nigh-impossible things straight out of an action movie?

They commend the science team that created her.

Whatever they think, what I think is that we deserve a vacation to get away from it all. Maybe a few days back home, a pleasure planet, or maybe just a paradise world and embrace the scenery (with swimsuits).

Probably about how they can use her like a Swiss Army pawn

>Tank comes to the beach wearing an old diving suit.

>I still think we need some help.
>Better safe than sorry, I just got you back, And I'm not going to lose you again.

>Tank and Sam get alone together
>Heartfelt confessions of feelings
>Tank begins to take off his suit

Probably investigate if Elizabeth accidentally switched some of her reports with the manuscript of a movie/show, or make her do drug tests.

>2nd attempt at intimacy takes place at a waterfall where Sam is washing herself, Tank is about to join her, and take off his suit....
>Our bridge crew steal Sam's bikini and Tank goes into hot pursuit.

"I suppose..." You groan, unenthusiastically remembering all those previous times you had to bail Carly out of trouble when you were kids.

"Great!" Carly's face shines happily as she skips up the hall to where it connects back to the main chamber of the base.

And it's total chaos.

Pirates of all types and sizes are running, brawling, shooting. Fighting for greed or for simple survival. The air is dripping with yells, screams, and gunfire, and already you could see dozens of bodies littering the floor. Without the Captains to lead, what started out as a coup had now devolved into a free for all riot.

Not exactly the most ideal of situations.

"Okay, so where's the damn armory." You hiss.

"Just across the chamber!" Carly points to another hallway across the room.

The room packed full of fighting pirates.

You shoot a poisonous glare at Carly.

"What, if we run fast enough nobody will notice us!" Carly laughs nervously.

>Make the run together.
>You'll create a distraction so Carly can get to the armory.

So what kind of swimsuit is Sam wearing?

>You'll create a distraction so Carly can get to the armory.

Time for the one two punch!

Avast! I'm the beautiful Captain Carly!

>>You'll create a distraction so Carly can get to the armory.
Set something on fire!

>>You'll create a distraction so Carly can get to the armory.
*sigh* Go, your Big Sis can handle this.

>>You'll create a distraction so Carly can get to the armory.

>inb4 we somehow find a super advanced prototype suit of Power Armour (A Universal/Medium Power Armour) from god knows where.

>>You'll create a distraction so Carly can get to the armory.

Obviously a frilly Maid Bikini with Side Ties

Front zipper swimsuit

>>You'll create a distraction so Carly can get to the armory.
Great taste

>inb4 the suit, using nanomachines and advanced tech, permanently bonds with Sam
At least we'll get to be suit buddies with Tank

No, that'd be what Carly is wearing

So we're going to be flying?

Well, as long as the previous owner's mind doesn't mess our own mind up, it should be fine.

"Ugh, I always have to do the hard work." You mutter. "All right, you go for the Armory, Carly. Grab whatever you can. I'll distract these assholes and give you an opening."

"You sure about that?" Carly blinks. "What are ya gonna do?"

"Oh, I have a trick or two up my sleeve." You assure her as you take a deep breath.

"Damn, wish I could see it." Carly grins. "You good?"

"I'm good." You nod. "On three."

"Three!" Carly cackles as she dashes off.

That goddamn-!

>Find the biggest nastiest pirate and take him out.
>Make a run back to the ship to lead them away from the armory.
>Yell real loud and fire your pistol into the ceiling.

>Yell real loud and fire your pistol into the ceiling.

>>Find the biggest nastiest pirate and take him out.
Solve two problems at once.

>>Yell real loud and fire your pistol into the ceiling.

"Yarr! I am the DREADED PHANTOM TWIN (or Stand) of Captain Carly!! Stand and Deliver!"

>Find the biggest nastiest pirate and take him out.

>inb4 "HEY!!! That really hurt my feelings."

>>Find the biggest nastiest pirate and take him out.

>>Yell real loud and fire your pistol into the ceiling.

>Find the biggest nastiest pirate and take him out.
You're huge! That means you have huge guts!

>Yell real loud and fire your pistol into the ceiling.
The Planefag option always works.

Unless we roll a 1, and then we'd either: have nobody notice us, or have a really big guy want our gun.

>>Yell real loud and fire your pistol into the ceiling.
You gave us a planefag option. Of course I gotta vote for it.

Well, if you wanted to draw attention, it always helped to just imitate your annoying little sister. You draw your pistol and step out into the open...

>Roll 1d20

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Here comes the snow!

Rolled 6 (1d20)


Meh, Clearly Sam is much better suited to being silent and effective than trying to be fancy. She's a commando, not a clown.

So what you're saying is, our sister is the clown

We seriously need to see who their parents are. Gotta see if there are dots to connect in the sister's backstories.

I think I have a good guess

Clearly it's not genemods, or cybernetics otherwise Carly would've underwent the same thing. So, yeah, maybe exposure to xeno stuff unlocked psionic potential.

>Implying Carly isn't just the failed one

"HEY YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS!" You bellow, trying to channel your sister as best you can at the top of your lungs as you stride out and start firing your plasma pistol into the air wildly. "YA WANT ME? COME AND GET MEEEEEEE!"

And you do grab their attention, for better or worse. Fighting is briefly paused as eyes turn to you.

"Hey, it's the Captain!" Someone shouts.

"She can solve this!" Another barks back.

Uh oh.

And that's when a few of the pirates step forward.

"Some of the boys are saying that you killed all the other captains!" One of the scowls. "So what did they go and do to deserve that?"

UH OH. What were you going to tell them?

>They were totally wanting to backstab me.
>They were trying to hoard all the loot away from you guys!
>I just felt like it, that's all!
>Start shooting.

>>They were trying to hoard all the loot away from you guys!
then when I told em fuck no I take care of my boys
>They were totally wanting to backstab me.

>They were totally wanting to backstab me.
>And steal all the loot as well.

>They were totally wanting to backstab me.
>And steal all the loot as well.

>They were totally wanting to backstab me.
>And steal all the loot as well.

>>They were totally wanting to backstab me.
>Plus trying to snag all the loot for themselves

>>They were trying to hoard all the loot away from you guys!

>They were totally wanting to backstab me.
>They were trying to hoard all the loot away from you guys!

>They were totally wanting to backstab me.
>And steal all the loot as well.

>I just felt like it, that's all!

Rolled 19 (1d20)

"Well, that's simple!" You grin as you puff up your chest, still trying to play up the part of your ister with all the confidence you could muster. "The bastards were planning to backstab me, so it as only natural I pay 'em back! Plus, ya know, they were planning stealing all the loot, too!"

The pirates all hesitate and murmur among each other. Was... was it working?

>Roll 1d20

Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

>They were totally wanting to backstab me.

Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

So I guess it's the shooting solution then

For all we know that could have been Carley's roll.

So close, yet so far

Eh, the shooty method makes for a good distraction though so mission accomplished

There's a brief moment of silence, and for a second, you think that you might have actually pulled it off.

That is, until one pirate speaks up.

"Hey waitaiminute! She's got BOOBS! That ain't Captain! SHE'S AN IMPOSTOR!"


And that's when the glare of dozens of pirates meets you.



You saying your Captain don't have boobs?!

>"Hey waitaiminute! She's got BOOBS! That ain't Captain! SHE'S AN IMPOSTOR!"

Hahaha Carly is gonna kill that man





Seduce them




But Sam hasn't even seduced tank yet...

Well duh I'm the big sister, and carly's gonna kill you for saying that.


Rolled 18 (1d20)

>NTR-ing Tank