Jumpchain CYOA Thread #990: Better than Microwave Pizza Edition

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A lot of things are better than Microwave Pizza, OP, that's not an accomplishment.

Usually, taking an origin besides drop-in means you have a family in your new life.

Tell me about the families you've had.

I left every single one them. I don't want to be responsible for the inevitable sadness i'll surely bring to their once happy lives. I walk a lonely road user. A road of pain, destruction and darkness There's only me, myself, and I.

Alright guys, I've decided to do some rollfagging. Give me a jump, and then between one and three words.

I'll roll the jumps for a starting one and the words for a theme.

JJBA. [Walls] and [Empathy].

Road To El Dorado

Intimacy, Ferocity, Tides

Gravity Falls. [It's] A [DEAL]

R-Type. [Fun]-[Times]-[Ahead]

Batman: Dark Knight

Fluffy, Chef, Bipolar

Generic 40k, Love Can Bloom

Overlord. bones, wild, ride

Megaman, Hope Rides Alone

Rolled 45 (1d100)

Jump 041: Lovecraft
CP: 1000
Bloodline [+100]
Weirdness Magnet [+100]
Nightmares [+200]
Location: Richmond, 1861
Identify: Investigator [-100]
Skills & Abilities:
Multitask [-100]
Super Sleuthing [Free]
Stoic [-100]
Regenerative Stasis [-200]
Son of Old Man Henderson [-600]
Hunter [-300]
Items & Artifacts:
Tools for the Job [Free]
Impossible Dye [Free]

So, here's the plan. I've got skill as an Artificer and I have a set of little magical items that I've made just in case I just needed to be not be seen. My Hat (Great Detective) has both a permanent Mind Block and a permanent Non-detection, as does one ring, an anklet, and an earring. Next is layered defenses on the Velvet Coat (Uncharted Waters) which amounts to a small semi-thick stone wall at this point. Then my body, which through the use of my Symbiote (Symbiote) is tough, fast, and strong. I have a Chimera Morph (Animorphs) of a Deathclaw and a silver dragon. The rest of my magical items are all within the safety of my Warehouse where only I can reach them with Homing Beacon (Megas XLR).

Dropping Anti-Magic Fields is my panic button.

With all that I'll give myself a forty-five percent fail rate.
Here's to hoping.

>Fun times ahead
>Not Commorragh

Undertale. Potential, Compassion, Determination.

...holy shit...

Nechronica, I Sing Anyways


Man, I really want to go to Lovecraft in my chain to see if I can make new color magic with the Impossible Dye.

Rolled 4 (1d8)

2. Road to El Dorado
3. Gravity Falls
4. R-Type
5. Batman
6. 40K
7. Overlord
8. Megaman

Rolling for jump.

I regret this already.

Fun times ahead!

Journey to the west

R-type wins the bid for first rolls again. How many is that now?

Am I dead /JC?
Your choice.

No, but mentally scarred. You shall forever fear ducks, the color orange, and clowns.

Lovecraft isn't that bad usually, it's not like everyone encounters eldritch horrors everyday in that world, you'd be fine.

Yes. It was a worthy and glorious death that made us all very proud.

Rolled 1 (1d8)

Oh. I have no idea what that is.

Rolling for theme:

1. [Walls] and [Empathy]
2. Intimacy, Ferocity, Tides
3. [It's] A [DEAL]
4. [Fun]-[Times]-[Ahead]
5. Fluffy, Chef, Bipolar
6. Love Can Bloom
7. bones, wild, ride
8. Hope Rides Alone

I vote no, but you had an...encounter with the Crawling Chaos.
It was not a pleasant one. More like a traumatizing event that will haunt your jumper for a LONG time.

Rolled 5 (1d20)

11 and under you're dead

Uh, basically, you pilot a space ship to battle a race of omnicidal, body horror aliens who are actually bio-weapons from the future or something like that.

Three votes no.

Two yes.

We're going with alive.

If you have been to okami I'd recommend using the bucket of dye of the impossible color in conjunction with your brush god abilities as it makes things pretty trippy.

>[Walls] and [Empathy]
I don't know what theme to take from this. Someone help me out, here?

Good to know.

I can't. I work within a limit of forty jumps in my main chain, and Okami isn't one of them.

You're a pilot scarred by the war, you've lost friends and loved ones to the Bydo's relentless assault, so you've put up walls between you and others. Despite this, you still can't help but feel empathy for the human race, and so you will keep fighting, for their sake and the sake of all who lost their lives in this long war.
That's the best I got.

What are some good perks for a duality-based chain?

Eh. You feel empathy for your enemies bydo, and put up barriers between yourself and others despite everything? Would make sense if you took the weird-cat-bydo-thing as your companion.

Well, the Bydo are biotech fashioned after humans themselves, engineered to have lost all capability for emotion or feeling beyond pain, rage, and sorrow.

Delta and Final get really, uh, special with their final stages. By that I mean both involve your Force device (which is a primitive Bydo lifeform) penetrating some sort of Bydo egg against your will and evolving into a fully fledged being. Which you then murder. Final in particular has you go through what amounts to a birth canal, while Delta has some trippy stuff recounting human history and the Bydo's desperate wish to become like their progenitor.

...Wait, fuck, that doesn't help.

Building on this, if you're going SI Jumper rather than Native Jumper. Basically the same, but thanks to metaknowledge, you know what they are, and empathize painfully. The trauma of it all causes you to then take a sort of extremely militant/combative approach to coming challenges in the chain, even though deep down you feel for whatever you face and want to not have to hurt them.

For light and dark head to Alan Wake
Percy Jackson is good too, have a parent for that

Has the whole
>6 million miles of space, matter, and energy, condensed into a single sphere, produced 6 meters in circumference of Bydo flesh.
thing been mentioned yet?

No. I still have no idea how that works.

There is a variable alignment type perk in Forgotten Realms that allows you to freely switch your alignment. Traveler's Light from Destiny, shadow manipulation from Pride in FMA and the Nara clan in Naruto, picking a light and/or dark elements in the Generic Fighting Game, and you could pick up light or dark magic from Chronotrigger for free. Picking up positive and negative energy from the dnd jumps could also work.

Here you guys go
A jump-able grim adventures of billy and mandy
What do you think /jc/?

Bydo are basically NGE angels, waveform biology nonsense included, spread out over an extremely large amount of space.
Under normal circumstances, the Bydo are spread out so thinly that their ridiculously high energy, high density biology, makes no intelligible difference.
The Forces are the true form of the Bydo, and the Bydo empire is simply all the stuff the Bydo have infected, subjugated, or created. You never fight a real Bydo in the games.


Since KND takes place in the same universe could there be a +0 drawback to arrive in the same timeline if you've already jumped KND?


Pick my two primary stats and my dumpstat, /jc/.

STR/CON Primary
INT dump

>Primary: Intelligence, Wisdom

>Dump: Constitution

Be the magical glass cannon.


Be the Magical Girl.


CON dump

Primary: Dexterity and Charisma
Dump: Wisdom

Be the cocky thief.

That'll do.

Jump #1: R-Type

Ace Pilot

In The Hunt - 0
Raw Danger - 100
Image Fight - 200
Holy Fiver - 300

Launch Bay - 0
R-9A Arrowhead - 0
R-9Leo Leo - 0
R-90 Ragnarok - 300

Wingman - 200

Legendary Hero + 100

I don't know how I got here, but... these creatures...it wasn't their fault they ended up this way. It was the inevitable human desire for greater weapons that caused this problem.

But that doesn't matter. They're a threat to an entire species. Uncounted billions will die if these creatures succeed, and that can't be allowed to happen. Even if it means working for and saving the same type of people who caused this shit.

And probably dying in the process.

Can there be a DB to go to the Bleedman version instead of the horrific cartoon instead?

Physical Glass cannon?

Rolled 7 (1d8)

Someone toss me a new 4?

2. Road to El Dorado
3. Gravity Falls
5. Batman
6. 40K
7. Overlord
8. Megaman




Aftermath (Day 01)
Sparrow had seen the sundered loom of fate in her home world, but the devastation to her father's mental world was much more... ragged. The loom had been the Goddesses cleaning up, quick efficient lines, but the majority of her father's mind had been popped open like a can of soda in the microwave, a fun thing her dad had shown her during the jump with all the evil clones. Her mother had called the thing summoned by those cultists an Elder One but said little else other than the fact that father had been 'too close' to the portal when he canceled the magic. Now a ragged vortex of agony and pain spun where her father had once built a mental fortress of steely determination and adamant dreams.
They'd managed to help a little here and there. He still couldn't care for himself outside the world, but mother had entered first and by the time Sparrow had gotten in mother had already landed in some offshoot floating fortress far from the swirling yellow hurricane that tore at the very foundations of her fathers mind in a constant erosion.
"As always never keep all your eggs in one basket." Her father said as he walked up and pulled her away from the sight of that terribly perfect storm. "The Overmind is in compete disarray but thankfully your old pops set up some backups whose entire point was to stay ignorant of the events that happened here. We were buried so deep in the Astral Layers that we had time to evac out."
"How much did you save?" Sparrow asked even as she dreaded the answer.
"The back-ups for all of the Overmind. The Symbiote was able to flash crystallize our eyes, and the actual Memory Vault is completely separate from the Overmind." He reported to her in the same tone he took when they'd been in COG. At her inquisitive stare he glanced up at the silver disk of the moon. "We've got to calm the storm before we can even begin the recovery process, which could take years."
"Years?" She heard the shock in her own voice.
"Years." Her father'said.

>ever wanting to go to the Bleedman version

>wanting Bleedman



>instead of the horrific cartoon instead
Woah there SJ, you need a permit from the DRD Department to get that redundant.

What's so bad about the 'Bleedman'?

Sure, the Bleedman version is terrible, but the original is appalingly awful, so it's still an upgrade. and at least it's cute.

No it isn't.

Mandy kicks off 9/11 and is married to Grimm.

Among other horribleness.

I used to read some of Bleedman's stuff and it seemed ok; what happened? I hear things got really dumb.

Maybe specify a bit more on the items. How often do they respawn, does the chicken egg count as a companion or do you get a new egg every jump, how often do you do you get a new Apple of Chaos to use (aren't they consumed after one use and she can just spawn a bunch or am I misremembering?), that sorta thing. I think it looks pretty good though.

I can sum it up in three words. Maybe four, depending on your feelings about hyphens: Mandy did 9-11.

This . Also, Grim at one point appears beside the Nazi party as Hitler is about to start the Holocaust. Also, HIM and Blossom had a kid, can't remember if he raped her or tricked her, because they were still enemies, and he forced their daughter to murder her, after slaughtering Irwin, Raven, and someone else, can't remember right now.

>but the original is appalingly awful, so it's still an upgrade. and at least it's cute.



I wasn't even part of whatever the fuck this is, just researched it and found out that Mandy did 9/11 what in the name of fuck even is this fucking thing.

It actually crosses over with Spawn, that's how edgy it gets. Not even a joke. Spawn shows up.


>Mandy did 9-11.
Well I guess that answers my question. Yeah glad I stopped reading.

Aside from everything already mentioned, the MC is actually an abortion, because Grim can't have kids, being Death and all. Also, Mandy cheats on Grim with Nergal Jr. and Dan Phantom. Oh, and the MC's half-sister is a yandere for him.

I wasn't even part of whatever the fuck this is, just researched it and found out that Mandy did 9/11 what in the name of fuck even is this fucking thing. Seriously I need to take a sip of something and lay down for a few seconds after what I got from researching that.

It's basically just the worst fanfiction tropes you can imagine, played entirely straight, with a heavily anime-influenced art style.

I can understand not liking the original show, with it's humor often fueled by Billy yelling or being dumb, but liking Bleedman is really beyond the pale.

>Mandy kicks off 9/11 and is married to Grimm.
That's fucking retarded.

>Grim at one point appears beside the Nazi party as Hitler is about to start the Holocaust
…Eh, that actually kind of makes sense. Wouldn't Grim have to be present to reap people's souls so he can take them to the afterlife or whatever? Or was a more 'hands on' role?

There are no words that can properly display the level of dafuq going on in my head right now.

This Bleedman bullshit sounds like the worst kind of fan-fiction.
Like typical-Naruto-fan-fiction level fan fiction.

Christ. Does Dark'ness Dementia show up?



One artstyle is grotesque, the other attractive. One world is full of nastiness and evil, the other full of grossout moments, idiocy, and Billy. I know which one I'd pick. And they're both badly written, mean spirited, and attrocious, but one has a semi-coherent story, while the second is an american kids cartoon.

>Christ. Does Dark'ness Dementia show up?
That's one of Grim and Mandy's kids, yeah. I joke, but it's close enough to true. I think she's actually Nergal Jr.'s kid, or something, and Mandy cheated on Grim with him. So there's that, too, if you wanted even more things to insult you.

I've been gone for two weeks.

Would anyone be so kind as to fill me in me on the new jumps/updates/noteable stuff going on?

It's been hard to be away for so long. Jumpchain, not even once

So I detected an abundance of awful in this thread.

For this, I provide even more awful.

No, they're both full of grossout moments and idiocy. I suppose that Bleedman's version at least lacks Billy, but all the other things that show up more than make up for him.

It's not really made clear whether Grim manipulated events so that the Holocaust would happen like Mandy did with 9/11, though given the fact that while he's a whole lot more menacing and powerful here then in the show, yet still more moral than Mandy, it's doubtful. I agree that it's natural, it just seemed sort of on the nose.
Also, pretty much everyone is dead. Jack, the Powerpuff girls, etc. Aku's actually in mourning over it, to the point where he just can't do the Evil Overlord thing anymore, and has actually taken on Japanese tradition and style to honor his old enemy.
This is actually not awful compared to all this junk.


Actively vomiting at your opinions right now.

>This is actually not awful in comparison...
Shit, I meant that as a joke, but now I kind of feel bad. Looks good, HeavensAnon.

Alright, one step closer to making the Ultimate Anime Hero. youtube.com/watch?v=yNhsXnxl04w

I don't like Bleedman's writing. I don't read Grim Tales, nor did I watch Grim Adventures if I could help it (I have neices and Nephews)... But if I had to be trapped in one of those two worlds for a decade, I'd rather it be in the one that won't make me nauseaus all the time. The level of gag inducing moments in the 4-5 episodes I was forced to watch stretched to nearly every single moment Billy was on screen and then some. Only Ren and Stimpy has managed to offend my sensibilities more.


Nana’s Everyday Life [+0]

You know what to do. Just saying I'm on her side.

>farts, boogers, and earwax bother SJ more than edgelord drivel
You are a strange person.

By that logic, how can anyone even stand 40k, let alone want multiple jumps made for it.