Adventurer hair styles

>Adventurer hair styles

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cut short and practical. It has to fit under a helmet after all.



A mess of hair with large chunks missing, partially burnt and covered with blood.

No it doesn't.
It has to be romantic, glamorous, heroic and impressive.

You're an ADVENTURER, not a murderhobo.

Short so you can pass yourself off as a boy because everyone is so stupid and can't tell women from men if their hair is the same length.

>greek style

she must've been a real beauty with that jawline

Where is that skull from and why/how does it still have hair attached?

That's a guy. Male Suebian Germans (later Galicians) tied their hair into a knot like that.

Possibly from a bog?

Usually bogmen have their skin preserved. What's weird about that skull is that only the skin beneath the hair has been maintained. That's strange.

I'm not accusing it of being fake, but I am accusing it of being something I don't understand.

>To be a strong woman that need no man I have to become a dickless man

thanks m8

couldn't it be that they used some kind of lard or oil to put on their hair so it got preserved with the skin under it?

your skull might have a crooked jaw in a couple thousand years too

>implying that doesn't speak worse of women overall

I don't see how it's an insult to her specifically.


Would marry desu.

I'd let her handle my moist nugget any day

thug rose gotta learn to stay the fuck out of the clinch

Long, multi coloured and glorious.