Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2: #35

> Sunday, July 12th, 2015


After breakfast, you decided to head into the fairgrounds near the spectator stands with your crew. Denise and Hilda were probably somewhere around there, having fun, and considering Denise has already given up so much time to be your PA, you might as well give her a break just this once.

Really though, the reason you were here was because… “Ellie!” You see your parents by their car, waving at you. You decided to see if they actually came, and they did! Oh boy… Mom and Dad walk up to you, sunshine and rainbows. You can’t imagine the long drive they must have took down from Jersey. “Hey, it’s your crew!”

“Yeah, yeah,” you say. “Um, sorry, I didn’t properly introduce you all to-“

“Elliot Zumwalt,” he says, patting his chest proudly. “This is my wife, Elizabeth.”

“I’m Winona!” Winona bites her lip, smiling happily. “Do you have more Ellie baby pics?” FOR FUCKS SAKE.

“As a matter of fact I-“ Mom slaps Dad upside the head. “… don’t.”

You motion to the rest as well. “This is Stack, she’s my loader.” Stack grins, showing off her strong arm to Mom and Dad. “Ingrid, my RO.” Ingrid nods, happily shaking hands with Mom and Dad. “And Josephina, my driver.” Josephina shyly nods to them, smile on her face. “This is my crew. Crew, my parents.”



“It’s nice to meet y’all,” says Stack. Her eyes slowly drift down to Mom’s very generous chest. “I can see Ellie gets her looks.” You slap Stack upside the head, silencing her. “… and her discipline.”

Mom giggles a little. “Well, hey, I’m glad you all are taking good care of our sweetpea. A crew like you guys only comes once every so often. Ellie, you’re pretty lucky.” You shrug. They’re great, you won’t lie. “Well, we’re gonna go find our seats.”

Winona raises her hand, stopping them. “Can I see more Ellie pics when she was a kid? I’ll trade pics of Cuddles when he was a little noodle!" Your Mom and Dad look at you, confused. You shrug.

“Okay!” Dad laughs a bit, pulling out his wallet and letting dozens of pics unfold out. Winona immediately starts squealing at them.

> Walk your parents to the venue.
> “Well, we should be going.”
> Other

> “Well, we should be going.”

>> Walk your parents to the venue.

> Walk your parents to the venue.

> Walk your parents to the venue.
May as well, right?

>> “Well, we should be going.”

>Walk your parents to the venue.
>Slap Winona upside the head

Then absurd fair food. But just a little, 'cause its expensive.

By the way, here is a current update on kill count.

Biggest movers and shakers last match were"

Very impressed by Regina last match, did some solid work. Actually it was a very good team effort, with only one crew without a kill.

> Walk your parents to the venue.

She is not getting to see if we were stacked when we were a kid.

Worse yet is if some tabloid gets a very vague picture and decides to blow it all out of proportion.

>Join the Mobile Infantry, become a Citizen.

> Walk your parents to the venue.

You decide to quickly push your parents away from Winona. “Aw, come on!” says Winona.

“Go meet at the tank,” you say. “I’ll be back with you soon.” Stack starts gossiping with Winona about the baby pics, and the two of them start giggling as they walk off with Ingrid and Josephina. Oh those little shits, you’ll show them something when you see them again later. “So, Mom, Dad?” You smile at them, and they smile back at you, happily following your lead. “Need anything to eat or drink?”

“We brought our own food,” says Dad. “It’s like going to a Football game, smuggle your own food in because the prices here are outrageous. They’d rob millionaires blind out here.”

“And ten dollars for a bottle of water?” says Mom. “I could get thirty water bottles at a grocery store for that price.”

“And let’s not even mention the fact that it costs 50 bucks to park in a lot,” says Dad. You blink. Where did they decide to park? “So we’re gonna take our car and park it out in the battlefield.”

“You- what!?”

“Relax!” says Dad. “NATO will compensate us. We can get a better car!” Oh. Actually, that’s not entirely a bad idea. “Of course, they don’t allow people onto the battlefield some hours before the match so-“

“Don’t break the law, Dad,” you say.


“Elizabeth?!” You all stop, then look to see a woman your mom’s age standing in front of an M1A2 Abrams painted in OD with Team USA livery. “Is that you!?” Mom’s eyes quickly go wide as the woman approaches. “Oh my God, it’s been so long and…” She blinks. “Wow, you really kept your er…” The woman rubs her hands together. “Figure! Elliot, nice to see you as well! Aw, and look at you!” She looks down at you happily, grinning. “You must be Elodie!”



“Who are you?” you ask.

The woman smiles. “I’m Francine Perez, I was your mother’s commander back in High School tankery!” Miss Perez smiles at Mom, who quickly forces a smile on her face. “Funny seeing you here! I thought-“

“Francine.” Mom quickly whispers into Francine’s ear. Francine blinks, gasping. Mom nods.

“Oooohhh…” Dad and you look at each other confusedly. “Oh, okay. Well, hey, if you want to catch up, that’s fine. I’ll be here.”

“No, no, it’s okay,” says Mom. “Uh, you guys go on ahead.” You watch confusedly as Mom and Francine go off to the Abrams to catch up a bit.

“Do you know her?” you ask Dad.

“Yeah, she was your Mom’s commander back in High School. She went pro straight out of High School,” says Dad. “Didn’t think she’d recognize us.”

> Go stalk Mom, see what’s what.
> “Well, I should get going, Dad.”
> Walk Dad to the stands, might as well.
> Other

>> Go stalk Mom, see what’s what.

>> Go stalk Mom, see what’s what.

>> Walk Dad to the stands, might as well.

> Go stalk Mom, see what’s what.

>Mom is a secret lesbian

>> “Well, I should get going, Dad.”
G-guys we have a job to do

>> Go stalk Mom, see what’s what.

> Go stalk Mom, see what’s what.

Shh, it's time for Ellie to be a dirty snoop.

W-we're an upstanding officer

>> Go stalk Mom, see what’s what.

And I find myself thinking about the statistics of Tankery again, and what stats one would look at...

More like outstanding.
Her chest that is.

> Go stalk Mom, see what’s what.

“Well, uh… I should go, Dad, you know the way?”

Dad nods. “Yeah, alright. Good luck, Ellie!” And with that, he turns and leaves, whistling to himself. Right, time to engage stealth mode. You crouch down, then quickly sneak past a whole load of confused people (fuck they noticed you). You hurry past a few crates of water and a few shells, then hide behind a small motorbike.

There, you’re in perfect earshot of Mom and Francine as they talk. “So how’s your girl?” asks Francine.

“Perfect. She’s actually making more money than me and Elliot right now being an Officer on LGA.”

Francine giggles a bit, patting the side of her tank lovingly. “Already carrying on the legacy, huh?”

“There wasn’t really a Zumwalt legacy to begin with, Francine. You were always the smart one, I just fired the gun,” says Mom.

“Just firing the gun is an insult to you, Elizabeth.” Francine folds her arms, frowning a bit. “You were the best gunner on our team, probably the entire state.” Mom sighs, placing her hands on her hips and looking down. “I’m not trying to guilt you or anything, but you know, the Tankery bug never really leaves. I could probably talk to my GM, maybe we could draft you for next season.”

“As if,” says Mom. “That’s nice of you, Francine. But that was High School, we’re in our 30s. No team’s gonna take a chance on me, especially with what got me out of Tankery.” Francine nods, solemnly. “You know why I try not to talk about my Tankery stuff too much with Elodie, right?”



“Right,” says Francine. “I used to think I was the luckiest girl in the world having a gunner like you. Then you met Elliot.” Francine shakes her head. “Well um… hey, give me a call sometime, okay?”

“I will,” says Mom. And with that, the two of them hug each other.

Mom was an elite gunner? But-… how? Your phone rings. SHIT. You quickly dive behind some crates, avoiding detection. You look at your phone.

> Griselda Pool
> Match starts in an hour, get ready.


> Go find Griselda
> Go find your crew
> Catch up to your Mom
> Other

>> Go find Griselda

> Go find Griselda
Better to know who is the flag. Given our low CP, it may be nice to have us as the flag.

Interesting stuff with Mom. But I think we'll want to let that one go...for now. Or talk with Dad later.

> Go find your crew

>> Go find Griselda
we need a plan.also....

> Sdkfz 164 Nashorn x 5
> Sdkfz 164 Nashorn x 1 *LEGENDARY*
> Skdfz 131 Marder II x 15
> Sdkfz 138 Marder III Ausf. M x 12
> StuG III Ausf. G x 1
> T-70 x 6
> Mk VII Tetrarch x 5
> Crusader III x 4
> Crusader III AA Mk I x 1

This is what they have left over. What are your assumptions on what they will bring to the battle.

>> Go find Griselda

Can't say much, but I have to think that there will be a Nashorn squadron with the Legendary one at the head.

> Go find Griselda

Francine is trying to lure mom away from dad! She's a terrible person!

>Go find your crew

Find out what trouble they're in.

Reckon that the legendary Nashorn will rock up, maybe the AA Crusader as a counter to us

They're going to have to be fairly static because they don't have many turreted tanks left

I reckon the plan should be making a series of probing assaults to determine their position and defences before taking a condor moment and deciding how we'll break them

I think we should play the waiting game to some extent and widdle down their forces.

Also why don't they have Marder Is?

Too underpowered for the role of TD. The Marder II/IIIs are the cheapest option while packing a sizable punch and not being a complete liability like the ZIS-30.

Wait, correction, I thought you meant Panzerjaeger I.

I actually don't know why they don't have Marder Is. Hm.

So essentially, decent gun but no armor? right?

Well I assume they don't have any armor due to the Lorraine Chassis it was based on.

so I assume they never bothered or upgraded, though it does bring to mind they upgraded those but not their light/cruiser tanks.

Well the practical reason for sticking with the II/III series is because there are plenty of spare parts available if you design your logistics around it (Most teams keep Panzer IIs around as trainers or scouts but utilize Panzer IIIs as scout tanks more often due to the bigger gun and potential to upgrade into a StuG. As for the 38(t), the cost to upgun it to a Hetzer is relatively expensive for most poor schools like Sherbrooke.)

Unlike schools like LGA which are middleweight in funding for the Tankery program or Heinlein or Kursk which practically worship it, Sherbrooke can't really afford to buy and maintain too many different tanks of too many different designs. The cruisers/lights they own are from a previous iteration of the school, and the cost to maintain those is making Mackenzie consider selling them off to replace them with German mediums.

then wouldn't their logistical train be better if they had exchanged their T-70s and Crusaders with Panzer IIs and Panzer 38(t)s?

The way I see it, the 38 (t) was a Czech design that was taken in by the Germans. So in the end, we're still having some logistical issues.

> Go find Griselda

“Griselda,” you call out to her as you approach her map table. Her little area for planning is set in the shade of her Easy Eight tank, Janus. Her two crewmembers, Yuno and Luisa, are busy play wrestling with each other. Griseld and Iris smile at you as you approach. “What’s the plan look?”

“Well, we’re too few, and Mackenzie isn’t stupid. So I’m thinking static defense. This time we’ll settle in around the Sunset Harbor road, and place Iris at the north end and Serina and myself at the south end. We’ll keep the Flag tank shrouded behind cover.”

“Who’s the flag?” They both look at you. “Oh, god.”

“Yep, you,” says Griselda. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”

God save you now.

“We’ll put you under the guard of Serafina and Regina. You’ll support them in a brawl, they’ll support you in a slugfest. Got that?” You nod slowly. “Don’t worry about it. If it comes to it, we can try luring them into another brawl like last match.”

“And if it doesn’t?” you ask.

“Well…” The three of you know fully that they have the advantage in a straight slugout over distance. “Let’s not worry about it. You’ll be fine.”

> Boast
> Neutral
> Polite

But the Pnz(38)T was used as a base for the Marder III

>> Polite

Oh so we're doing the boring part.

Wasn't Griselda's a Jumbo Sherman?

"Very well, I'll do my best to keep it together."

Well, I said it was possible, but I certainly didn't expect it to be the case. Go us.

Is this the time for the Poles to save the day?

It's been an Easy Eight as far as I remember.


We'll do what we must.

> Polite

Which was yesterday according to the stats.

>> Polite

> Polite

“We’ll do what we can I guess. I’m going to be honest, I’m not sure if I can handle being the Flag tank.”

“You’ll be fine,” says Griselda. “Just stay back and try not to expose yourself unnecessarily. I’ll leave how you defend up to you, alright?” You nod. “Everyone good?” Iris nods as well. “Alright, let’s get on the bounce then.”



You face Mackenzie King again. This time she looks much more determined to beat you than last time. Facing one of your rivals for a Wild Card spot will probably not endear too many nice feelings you guess. But right now, you were in it to win it.

Nothing is going to stop you. “The match will now begin!”

> Hometown: Norfolk, Virginia
> Motto: “Dum vivimus, vivamus”
> March: Lafayette Girls Academy March
> Commander: Griselda Pool

> **GRISELDA POOL (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Janus”)
>FLAG< *ELODIE R. ZUMWALT (Cromwell III – QF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – QF 6-Pounder “James)
> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)

> VS



> Hometown: Greater Canada area
> Motto: “A Mari Usque Ad Mare”
> March: O’ Canada
> Commander: Mackenzie King

> **1 MACKENZIE KING (StuG III Ausf. G – 75mm StuK 40 L/48 “#2”)
> 2 *JENNY WILKINS (Sdkfz 164 Nashorn – 88mm Pak 43/1)
> 3. *FRANCIS WILLIAMSON (Sdkfz 164 Nashorn – 88mm Pak 43/1)
>FLAG< 4. VALENTINA COX (Sdkfz 164 Nashorn – 88mm Pak 43/1)
> 5. DEBORAH BROWN (Sdkfz 164 Nashorn – 88mm Pak 43/1)
> 6. LYNNE VERNON (Sdkfz 164 Nashorn – 88mm Pak 43/)
> 7. BAILEY WATT (Sdkfz 131 Marder II – 75mm Pak 40)
> 8. LILY ARTEMIEVA (Sdkfz 131 Marder II – 75mm Pak 40)
> 9. TOVE SANDBERG (Sdkfz 131 Marder II – 75mm Pak40)
> 10. SONJA ODINSDOTTIR (Sdkfz 131 Marder II – 75mm Pak 40)
> 11. ELOISE BRUCE (Sdkfz 131 Marder II – 75mm Pak 40)
> 12. LUCY ARCHER (Sdkfz 138 Marder III Ausf. M - 75mm Pak 40)
> 13. ALICIA DEAN (Sdkfz 138 Marder III Ausf. M - 75mm Pak 40)
> 14. JASMINE MAHMOOD (Sdkfz 138 Marder III Ausf. M - 75mm Pak 40)
> 15. HALEY STEINFIELD (Sdkfz 138 Marder III Ausf. M - 75mm Pak 40)
> 16. ASHLEY KIERMEIER (Mk VII Tetrarch – QF 2-Pounder w/ LJ Adaptor)
> 17. VICKY REDLEY (Mk VII Tetrarch – QF 2-Pounder w/ LJ Adaptor)
> 18. ZARA LOUIS (Mk VII Tetrarch – QF 2-Pounder w/ LJ Adaptor)
> 19. ZOE HOLMES (Crusader III AA Mk I– Bofors 40mm Gun)
> 20. LIDYA CADMUS (Sdkfz 164 Nashorn – 88mm Pak 43/1 “Long Shot”) *LEGENDARY*

> 5000 Dollars






You stand turned out of the hatch as you watch the other tanks move on. Attached to your engine block is now is a dinky little blue flag, indicating your status as the flag tank. It’s illegal to intentionally obscure it from view, which means even if you hide behind a small hill, it’ll probably give you away.

Ugh, you’re starting to understand how Serafina feels now. Being the flag sucks. And the match hasn’t even begun proper. “Everyone know the plan?” asks Griselda. Everyone says yes. “Good! To your stations then, on the bounce!”

Iris goes north with Suvorov and Dalia. Griselda heads south with Serina. That left you with Serafina and Regina.

Serafina’s Pershing rolls up next to you. “What are your orders?”

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> Dig in, build yourself some pits to hull down in.
> Find camouflage.
> Attach yourself to one of the squads (which?)
> Other

> Find camouflage.
> Dig in, build yourself some pits to hull down in.

Being flag SUCKS.

>static defense against all those TDs
we're ded

> Find camouflage.

Sure, support.
>4 CP
Oh boy

>> **GRISELDA POOL (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Janus”)
As far as I can remember doesn't sound like much.....

This user understands our job today. I vote this.


I keep forgetting, I'm sorry

You know, we would have benefited a lot from having snorkels on this map. So many defensive and offensive opportunities.

>Find camouflage
>Dig in, build yourself some pits to hull down in

If we station the Poles slightly forward of our position, in the event of our being attacked they can collect enemy fire while the IS2 engages at longer range? The 122's a field gun, it can put HE a loooong way downrange, and that should work reasonably well against the lighter armoured TDs.

> Other
Move South into the slight urbanised area down there, we can dig in there without as much fear of being sniped.

We should've rushed the city over the southern bridge, there we'd be able to fight them in an environment where they couldn't use their range against us. Ah well, that's what I get for being a couple hours late.

We can do that later. We just need to prevent getting killed.

Also nobody tried to pick up WP rounds before the match. Would've been good for area denial or a quick escape as FT.

I meant the team in general, and getting out of an open area is the quickest/easiest way to not die. Sherbrooke's bringing a scary amount of long range firepower this round so getting off the open field and into an urban setting, even if it's a small one will greatly increase our chances of not just getting dunked by Long Shot before we even see the enemy.

reminder to have your eurobeat on standby for when we need to flee

> Dig in, build yourself some pits to hull down in.
> Find camouflage.

“Alright, Josephina, stay in the tank. Everyone else, grab a shovel and some bushes, we’re digging in!” You, Stack, Ingrid, and Winona bail out then grab shovels. Serafina and Regina get the same idea as well, hurrying to grab their own shovels and dig themselves in. The Pershing itself gets parked in front of you, then is slowly dug into a small fighting position. Behind you the IS-2m.

You hurriedly pack dirt up onto the lip of the fighting position, while Winona, Stack, and Ingrid continue to dig. Ingrid takes a deep breathe, takes a huge swig of water from her canteen. “Come on, don’t dawdle!” yells Stack. “This could mean the difference between life or death!”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” you say. “You’re right, but-…” You feel a faint tap of liquid on your nose. Huh? You look up. It’s… astonishingly cloudy today.

“Think it’ll rain?” asks Winona.

“It better not,” you say. Please pass over, clouds. Serafina’s crew of girls quickly get to unfolding your camo net and draping it over your turret. There you start sticking in stray branches, twigs, and leaves to further break up your silhouette.

The flag though, ugh…

Right, you take another look at the map. Judging by Griselda and Iris’ movements, her plan is to draw Sherbrooke into a killzone in that open ground in the center. Not too shabby you suppose. Right now though, your position is being fortified, which means you’ll have a better chance of defending against tanks.

However, you could stand to keep fortifying…

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> No, you’re good. Fortify anymore and you’ll have trouble retreating.
> Other

Change my vote from this to This.

>> No, you’re good. Fortify anymore and you’ll have trouble retreating.

Our only armour is our speed

We're good with our defense. Try tuning in to the local radio for weather forecasts.

> Other
Leave the crews to finish up and get ready, then go find the nearest hill and look for escape routes, firing lanes or potential avenues for sherbrooke's attack. We should have some time before they show up, so if we're digging in up here let's do it right.

>Try making false dig ins and fortifications. with logs as dummy guns to trick the enemy should they try to fire.

This sounds fun, why not. Else we'd get bored to tears anyway.

That might be too much work, as to be most effective we'd have to spread them out some.

>> Other
This. Just keep Ingrid near the radio, if the enemy is spotted

Also, I hope our tank looks like a bush with a blue flag by now.


Set up other small barriers 10-20 feet out. Just large enough to take one shot.

Have Josephina listen to the weather and the battle. Give us a heads up if something happens.

IWe're going to be here for awhile. Even if it's just one or two. That will be enough.

unironically met a french girl called elodie yesterday

had to restrain myself from projecting this elodie onto her

She had big tits and glasses?


just shared the name

be nice if she did have the knockers though

Did you do lewd things with her?

No, I couldn't sexualise real life elodie or I'd start sexualising better elodie

Did you 6 pound-her?



but seriously, Ellie's pure as fuck. Most lewd she'd ever want is someone being able to lift her up and carry her.

I don't believe it. Elewdie.

> able to lift her up and carry her.

So stacks confirmed for best girl then?

She wants to be lifted and carried in a romantic way, not bench pressed.

Stacks can do that! First we're not cute, now stacks? Have you no shame?

So that means Jeep Jockey is out.

How is she pure considering her parents are catholic rabbits.

> Other

The best defense that isn’t an offense is deception! You decide to hurry up and build several false fighting pits, and shroud them with long branches and leaves as well. And to add to the deception, you’ll pack in some dirt to mock the silhouette of a tank, and stick in a dummy barrel as well.

Of course, that means having to sacrifice your tactical logs. BUT, if it buys you some time against those TDs, it’ll be fine.

You look back to your tank. “Josephina! Ingrid, you got the weather forecast?”

Ingrid looks up from the Hull MG hatch. “60% chance of showers!” Fuck.

“This is Iris.” Iris reports in. “We’re hearing some engine noise out to our southeast, I think they’re moving through the town.”

“Griselda here, we see movement to the direct east, looks like Nashorns. I can’t tell if that legendary is among them.”

Hm, maybe they’re planning on an direct slugfest? Do they even know Griselda and Iris are in the trees. You pull out your map and consult it again. At these distances, save for that legendary, they’d probably have to close in to get some accurate hits in. And with your defenses, that’d probably force them to get even closer. But you’re not sure if they’re willing to risk that after yesterday.

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> No, no baiting.
> Send one of your tanks to bait them into Griselda and Iris’ fire zone.
> Pull your tank out and try to bait them in.
> Other

>> Other
Wait for them to make more moves

>> No, no baiting.
Not yet, at least. We've just dug in, let's not ruin the camoflage just yet.

> No, no baiting.

I wonder how heavy the rain will be. If it's sufficiently heavy then visibility will be a factor.

For now, let the situation develop.

> No, no baiting.
It's likely they wouldn't fall for it anyway, not after the stunts we pulled yesterday.