go to FLGS

> go to FLGS
> find "looking for group" posterboard
> pick one
> email saying you are interested
> make a character, sometimes with help from Veeky Forums
> start making schedule, be relatively open but not too open so as not to arouse suspicion
> close to game day, say you can't come and ask if they could please hold up for you?
> they usually do at least once because most gamers are nice people
> now you have two choices: either delay again or just not show up.
> you have to be good at reading people to decide which to do
> if you cancel again, be SURE to agree to the third time
> then, don't show up
> rinse and repeat

I love doing this shit. It's REALLY easy to do especially if you have a couple extra throwaway emails.

It works best if they really need you in the group, for example if you are the only person playing a healer, or some other really essential party role. The best part is when you get the GM to base like the entire starting adventure hook around your character, so that he basically needs you there to start, then you flake out without even telling him.

You're the reason we can't have nice things.

>It works best if they really need you in the group, for example if you are the only person playing a healer, or some other really essential party role. The best part is when you get the GM to base like the entire starting adventure hook around your character, so that he basically needs you there to start, then you flake out without even telling him.

Another thing to add to the list of reasons why doing character creation as a group in the first session is a good idea.

>dat squirrel

10/10, OP. I'd gleefully stab you in the throat were we to ever cross paths on a busy street. good show.

Which of his bones would you stab him with ?

I think this is something you can be reported with on Veeky Forums for this

You are a shit, and I hope bad things happen to you. But thanks for the squirrel, it amused me.

I do the same thing with online games.

Gotta love showing hype for a campaign only to drop two days before the first session.

>be a GM
>have dozens of applications
>let someone in the game
>someone doesn't show
>can you hold up for me?
>say yes but don't actually hold up for him
>have literally anyone fill in

It's never a problem, because I'm not a bad DM that builds scenarios around the existence of a single class or party member.

This. It's fun as fuck and it's what the human waste on roll20 deserve anyway.

>People falling for literal copypasta

>Player doesn't show up
>Hey who wants to play [Asshole]'s character
>Yeah I will

>Player doesn't show up a second time
>Hey, that dude isn't coming back lets just pretend his character never existed
>Yeah okay


You know what? You are a big big meanie for not showing up at the other guys' games of pretend when you promised you would!

>Want to DM
>Leave note up at my local
>Over twenty people interested
>Only five actually show-up
>One had to leave early due for reasons, never came back
>One couldn't attend anymore due to job timetable.
>Still playing with the remaining three two years later.
OP, people like you I literally forgot even sent me a response in the first place not even three minutes after you didn't show.

> Join sci-fi game arranged through local uni RPG club
> First session is character creation. Everyone present
> Second session is me, GM and other player
> Other player earns himself a very powerful weapon.
> Other player is never seen again. Nobody knows why.
> His PC remained on the ship for a few (real life) months, doing something in his own room. We aren't sure when he left the ship

You are training GM's to be more adaptable and teaching them how to adapt to problem players, while also toughening them against the realities of life and lowering their tolerance for fucking bullshit. You are the hero that Gotham needs right now.

Tune in next time on Things That Never Happened to see op get skullfucked by six half-ogres!

also, do FLGS actually have LFG boards? I don't think either of the ones near me do. I blame mtg

Better men were banned for less.

This is just a pasta, guys. It showed up on /5eg/ months ago.

How would I know that? 5e is for queers and millenials.

I filter out generals.

It was in Wh40k threads a year ago and shadowrun general 2 years ago.

We leave our MIAs in the dungeon or town we happen to be in. If they come back, they managed to find their way back to the party and survived, otherwise they are assumed dead. It makes it really easy.