Hey Veeky Forums, so i just got done with my regular group session for the night. We run D&D 3.5 for ref...

Hey Veeky Forums, so i just got done with my regular group session for the night. We run D&D 3.5 for ref. Our group has been together for almost 12 years and has completed countless campaigns together. My PC's current characters exceeded all expectations over the past two years and have successfully attained divinity and established a new pantheon after events led to evil gods killing most of the good ones and my PC's having to clean it up. Each of these characters had reached level 100 (using epic level rulebook of course). It was a long road and exhausting to create new adventures and stories for.
The players loved it, but want to continue with their current characters instead of starting all over with new ones. These characters' footsteps shake the earth as they walk over it, and yet my players still want more.
>wat do?

I have given thought to adjusting them into a new system if necessary, but we honestly have never played anything else other than D&D and Pathfinder.

Jesus at that point they'd be battling cosmic entities. Have they fought any Demon Lords and such?

immortals handbook, you ain't shit until you've defeated the time lords and their army of neutronium golems

Kill them, have them all wake up to doctors, they are now in near future. They have been part of an expiriment for the last 6 months to monitor the effects of absolute power on the humanoid psychi. They can delve in and out of the fantasy world when they visit somewhere that can sync their brains or w/e with it. Maybe widely used, maybe only government run testing labs, maybe like a brain cafe.

Maybe near future is in turmoil. They are a radical group teying to twar sown an oppressive government. Maybe socom operators or some shit. You are immaginative.

Tear down*

Well, they started taking on most demon/devil lords around level 30. At level 60ish they caused the 9th layer of the 9 hells to collapse. Thats now a cosmic sphincter to ghenna i guess.
Thanks for the ref, but i dont think something with 2 million hp will be what i need right now.

>Each of these characters had reached level 100
I call BS. Beyond the fact that there are no monsters to kill in that there are just five monsters in that book with a CR greater than 40 and the highest of them is 57 you would have to be stating up every custom threat to your players for the vast vast majority of that campaign using what are well known to be the most broken and nonfunctional 3.x rules ever published and would require them to achieve over five MILLION experience points.

While most groups seem to be able to achieve a progression rate of something like 20 levels in two years with regular weekly play (which slows down as levels increase) you've managed to cover five times the levels in just six times the time. While I may accept that after a point you started statting up enemies dozens or even several dozen CRs above the party's level just to challenge their epic characters with increasingly insane rocket-tag powers I don't believe that even doing that it's possible to physically play enough games to reach that value.

You are a liar and a fraud.

Fucking hell OP, is this legit? Can I see some pics of your character sheets? I've been running the same campaign for about 8 years and they are only level 10 but thats cause I use like 1/4th XP gain.

I mean... did you already kill the hecatoncheries? There really isn't much left except infinity + 1. Have them fight some of the elder gods, remake the world, shit, I dunno.

OP I really like 3.5 and the epic handbook is one of my favorites... but holy fucking shit. You're probably at the point you can use vengeful gaze of fucking god in an actual game.

I... I want to hear more of this.

> t. casual who plays once a month because of his busy schedule and because he has to spend most weekends "watching the little guy" so he'll never be in a campaign that gets past level 6


You ever think of sending them to the Far Realm? Lots of chance for creative fuckery there and the enemies are sure to be a fair match for them.

Thats easy to improvise man. Just use your damn immagination

I have the Far Realm in a Savage Worlds campaign I am running right now. It's almost a mix of the combine from Half Life 2 and the far realm monstrosities. I used the Uvuudaum and statted them in SW with ridiculous stats. One character insisted on fighting one in a dream battle after drinking some strange potions. That was a very short fight. I fuckin love the far realm.

Have they fight yog-sottoth or Hastur or Ct'hullu or something Jesus.

If you've reached level 100, you've obviously been making shit up for them to fight, as per So, keep on doing that.

Or, just tell them to fuck off, and start a new campaign. Their old characters have become a pantheon. Let it stand. You've gone beyond what 3.x can handle without becoming an even more huge, broken clusterfuck than it already is.

>Wow, great way to be a prick.
We play 5 days a week for four hours a night. Thankfully, i am a complete neet so i have literally eight or ten hours before we play to stat enemies up for the night. I had a lot of the ground work planned months in advance and at a certain point, it becomes more about the story rather than the numbers, and thats what i managed to do for my group. I have thousands of pages of notes spanning 2 years of work. I basically wrote the back story of a book series.
i would be glad to show off the character stats, but im about to crash for the night and enjoy my first real amount of time away from the game in months. If this thread is up tomorrow (probably wont be) i might post, but otherwise I just kinda want some input for whether i should continue this or not.

i might do this.
or i might do this.

>You've gone beyond what 3.x can handle without becoming an even more huge, broken clusterfuck than it already is.

Yeah seriously that is just insane.

Both viable options and something you need to seriously talk with your players about. Have you told them it's just a real stress on you to have to do this? I'm assuming you're all relatively close friends.

You shouldn't continue this but what the fuck do I know? Keep it up. Get them to level 200. I don't care man. You might be the first person to unironically use some of the shit in immortals bestiary.

And yea, if this thread is still around tomorrow, please post some pics of their sheets / your notes. I would love to see them.

I'll throw you a bone. After one of the characters died at around level 50 (i play a non-respawn friendly campaign) he literally got into an argument with the god of death and willed himself back to life. I had the player roll 2d100 and hit two numbers i wrote down randomly on a paper, handed it off and let fate decide. he hit both dead on and the character came back with -9 hp.
My players were really lucky most of the time desu, but not much to do about that.

thanks for the opinions guys. im prob gonna talk to my group and backburner this stuff for now. Its been a long road and i love this world i have mindfucked, but it depends on my plans for the future. Can't be a neet all my life.

write a storyline where divine intervention becomes forbidden and they have to reincarnate as demigods with a fraction of their strength to meddle I mortal affairs again. Or take them one plane of existence higher than before, where even animals are divine beings and a world where warbands of elder evils rove in warbands like goblins and forgotten realms sized pantheons live together like villagers. Bring them back to their roots as heroic adventurers in a world where every beings footfall shakes the earth like thunder.

Here ya go op enjoy

and this for some bombass monsters