Looking for Veeky Forums storytimes

I've already read Desirebro's tale, the industrious rogue and of course Henderson.
Looking for more good stories in the same venue, I've exhausted 1d4chan and don't dare use leddit.
I'm willing to share my own Eote misadventures, though I can't make any promises regarding quality.

Other urls found in this thread:



cant tell if those owls are like that from the factory or drawn on the lampshade with a sharpie

Thanks to Etsy, it can be both.

It's just a crudely drawn penguin, user, the details are not important.

Factory. I recognize them from IKEA.

t. Swede

eh I got my holster from Etsy, they actually got some good leather and kydex ones

What the shit.

get fukt OP you have no power here

I thought you people shopped at real stores with stuff made by elves, and shipped your flat-packed bullshit to other nations.

I never understood the internet meme about ikea being hard to assemble.

Or is just my third world self being confuse since you need to learn how to scratch build a lot of stuff.

Do you want to hear about the Accordion of the Apocalypse?


Well, that makes it sound too predetermined. More like, the Accordion that caused the apocalypse.

Look up the salt merchant story.

>no tattoos
>no cigarette
>wine, not whiskey

Amateur hour.

>ikea and elves

so I joined a game with randoms and they were all edgelords in fedoras except me who is handsome a smart so I made a lolsorandum character and then rolled a natural 20 to ruin the campaign with epic flexing while screaming "SPOOOOORK!" so they kicked me out xD

the best part is that the DM did nothing to stop me at any point because DMs don't have agency :)


>any tattoos
wait, what?

>ITT: ikea and elves
Meanwhile on



The only real challenge in building things from IKEA is finding properly sized replacement parts for the shit they inevitably forget to package.

I've had a lot of stuff that's missing important screws/bolts/etc. Though my luck might just be shit.

I think your luck is just shit. My entire place is an Ikea catalog and I haven't encountered issues... yet



check the sup/tg/ archive and search peg-leg dave. He actually posted a thread here today after not posting for literally 5 years. Not that anybody seemingly noticed between 800 quest threads.

Got one for you.

Agreed, nothing difficult about assembling that shit

Speaking of people who used to post here is that smug ass "Oh, I only play super VINTAGE board games." clown guy fucking gone?


Do you want screencaps or links? Epic or funny?

If you have the time, check out
its a collection of one of Veeky Forumss all-time favorite storytimes.

Read 2D's shadowrun storytime.

Here's a link suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=2D

Well we just had our weekly Rogue Trader game. The Arch-Militant and some troops got trapped in an underground bunker with a homicidal AI who had cut off all communication.

So I ordered the instructions for the AI's reboot sent to the Arch-Militant in percussive military cant. We bombarded the planet's surface in morse code.

The bad news is that we killed hundreds of thousands. The good news is that we shut down the AI AND killed hundreds of thousands who might've opposed a hostile takeover of the planet.

Ohhhhh! Nice Hooters. I meant the lamp shade...

Never change Veeky Forums. Never change.

Her tits aren't that great anyways. Thousands of better ones are just a click away.

Why not entertain a more novel train of thought?

>not rektjavik
you had one job

Have more of the paladin thing? That shit is hype.


knowyourmeme.com/photos/683085-Veeky Forums