Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
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The overall and paper Modern Metagame
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Reminder that Tiers are usage-based. A Tier 2 deck can be better than a Tier 1 deck in a specific metagame.
Any cool Mono-White decks around?
I want to play the New Thalia.
mardu and esper
they are also tier 1
Death & Taxes can be mono-white
there's the sigil of the empty throne / heliod enchantment prison deck, but she doesn't really slot in there.
Dude, we get it you have a giant hardon for dega and esper. Now fuck off.
First for lmao Tarfire in delver
Is Collected company worth its pricetag or should I wait for it to rotate out of standard?
What side Veeky Forums think about Restore Balance? As "fun" as fish is, I'd like to play something a bit more involved then hoping for turn 1 Vile and hope to never see another one for the rest of the game.
The list I'm going for is as shone
Creatures (17)
4 Simian Spirit Guide
4 Riftwing Cloudskate
4 Durkwood Baloth
4 Greater Gargadon
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Spells (19)
4 Restore Balance
4 Ardent Plea
3 Dismember
4 Violent Outburst
4 Nahiri, the Harbinger
Lands (24)
1 Breeding Pool
1 Copperline Gorge
4 Flooded Strand
1 Forest
1 Gemstone Caverns
4 Gemstone Mine
1 Island
1 Mountain
1 Plains
1 Razorverge Thicket
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Seachrome Coast
1 Steam Vents
1 Stomping Ground
1 Temple Garden
2 Wooded Foothills
1 Windswept Heath
I'm most likely going to run 3 Anger of The Gods, 3 Leyline of Sanctity. And I'll formulate the rest around my meta
Any thoughts other then the deck is shit will be appreciated
I like Taxes, and it fits NThalia, but I can't really afford a playset of Aether Vial.
Thanks, do you know any Interesting lista?
like do you laugh at seal of fire in jund? it's the same concept - it grows the goyf.
Oh what a surprise, Veeky Forums being bad at magic again.
Wait for rotation. It's good but if you still haven't picked up a playset by now I think you can wait until the next block.
I used to play it. It's really bad. It's too easy for some decks to come back. Sometimes you blow everything up and then do nothing to win.
It's just so bad and not fun because of it. Pls don't buy it
Why would I ever play NuThalia over Arbiter/Mindcensor/Moon? She doesn't interact with Path, she's boltable on-tempo, and by the time you vial her out your opponent's fixing is taken care of.
It's probably worth the pricetag, but it'll be cheaper when everyone's trying to dump their copies. Wait until it rotates, but not long afterwards; plenty of other people will be wanting to build Abzan Company for modern once DTK rotates.
>Why would I ever play NuThalia over Arbiter/Mindcensor/Moon?
You play her in addition to those cards, silly.
Mindcensor costing 3 makes sense, because you can hold up mana for Path, or flash it in, in addition to vialing in a Blade Splicer, or something else that actually effects the board. Thalia costing 3 and not being reactionary without vial is a massive mark against her for tempo.
You don't need Mindcensor/Arbiter #9-12. In my experience, there's just much more value to be had at the three drop sorc speed slot.
Suiide Zoo doesn't play basic lands, so you can Ghost Quarter them pretty well.
It really depends on what you're facing.
NuThalia is amazing in a favorable board position.
Tapped Fetches, Tapped creatures. It's easier to beatdown.
I guess it's more of a Hatebear card than a Taxes card.
did i do good?
I know everyone's memeing on spirits in standard, but do they have a place in modern now that Rattlechains, Mausoleum, Selfless and Queller are a thing? I feel like it's just going to be another bad deck that is playable only because of vial, but I want to be wrong.
>not scarecrow tribal
It's too slow
I know people are knocking spirits, but it could be legit.
Take a look at the winning lists in Standard: the good ones are tempo decks and the Modern version of that should probably be the same. I feel likeke Vial shouldn't really be played, and instead take some play style from Esper lists. Always have something to do with your mana. Flash in spirits, lots of interactions. There are a ton of options. Just need to.find the right combination of cards.
Right now I'm thinking Esper or Jeskai spirits. Hopefully, I can have a list ready Tomorrow.
Esper. Lingering Souls innit.
Why play bad cards? Snap, clique, etc. Are just better. Same problem with faeries. Elves and merfolk work because they do broken shit.
With spirits you're just playing tempo with subpar cards to force mediocre synergy.
Oh man, I didn't even think about that. I was thinking about R for bolt. Helps early game interaction and gives you late game reach.
Of course, a light black splash in the form of Mana Confluence could get the best of both. Makes it weak to blood moon and ghost quarter, though.
Dude, of course you'd play clique and snappy. Probably 1 and 2 respectively.
And it's not a tribal deck like Merfolk or goblins. I'd play sprits because flying is so good in the format, and coupled with value. It seems pretty good.
Vials in a modern spirit deck would just make it a shitty merfolk deck with more interaction and less lords. A tempo/control shell would probably be better, like faeries, only rather than bitterblossom, you abuse Lingering Souls, which is much better in this format. With all the shocks and fetches, bitterblossom is too painful and slow against most aggressive decks. One sided boardwipes thanks to sefless spirit seems cute. I like it. As well as the spirit of the labyrinth + geier reach santiarium lock.
My biggest concern though is its ability to actually close out games. Ofc you're gonna be grinding out most wins, but I feel like the deck needs a better finisher. Faeries had v clique and mistbind clique to close things out.
you run geists and spirit tribal enablers
How likely do you think it'll be for this supposed "New Frame" format to be a thing? What would it mean for Modern if it were?
>Faeries had v clique and mistbind clique to close things out.
Spirits has Queller and I feel like Deep Fiend can act as mistbind for decks that want it.
Very likely.. Like 90% chance by next year.
Modern will die. It's already off the PT
>source: your ass
I just realized if they go ahead with it the bar for Artifact decks in the format will be Kaladesh. It better be good.
Can Geist of Saint Traft be a closer?
I did some digging, how about this 5 drop?
Godhead is better.
>he thinks no modern pt is a bad thing
>How likely
What the fuck do you want? Nothing has been said except Maro saying it's very likely. There is no source for either side.
>Can this 5 mana card with no immediate board impact, no benefit if it dies, and no way to protect itself be the closer?
Tell me, how many cards like that are hanging around in the format?
this card is a five mana duress
all you do is play it and trade with their removal
He hasn't said it's very likely, he said it will inevitably happen when the gap between Modern and Standard becomes too great
Which would be years down the line
but you can give it hexproof with other spirit cards
You can see the foundations of the format already being laid. Fetchlands from Khans and the new duals from Oath make it so multicolor decks can exist but have clear and immediate drawbacks. That lets them keep a bit of a lid on New Jund or whatever equivalent of that would have cropped up, and also lets monocolor decks have a proper form and function.
Modern cards probably won't significantly depreciate in value, but it might lessen the degree to which they're rising.
I love queller but he's not exactly a finisher. Deep fiend is way too risky without a build to support it. The beauty of mistbind was that in a pinch you could champion a token or a land, or even better champion your bitterblossom to avoid killing yourself. Or even better, pull some cute trick where you champion a spellstutter sprite to use as counter backup when you're trying to close out a game and only have bits of removal in your hand left. Deep fiend has nothing on mistbind. Especially with no evasion.
That means you'd want 7 mana at the ready. If I planned on having 7 mana, I'd rather rev for 15-11
Too expensive and doesn't do much in the way of impacting the field. Geist is too slow for a deck that wants to play on your opponent's turn. Having only 4 flash enablers for your nonflash guys makes it risky to rely on. Vial would be good doing that, but on the same token, vial kinda sucks unless you're really packing a sizable amount of creatures.
Without a decent finisher, I'd probably fall back on using some sort of sword package. The tallowisp/aura package is cute, but it really needs to be built around to make it even playable let alone good.
>survives bolt, doom blade, and abrupt decay.
There's no reason not to just play Baneslayer but outside of Path and Dismember, not much popular removal hits it.
obzedat can be a 5 drop?
Sounds boring as fuck and I hope it fails hard of they do it
Okay, ass pies, do I play Dredge in paper or are you cunts going to RiP my rectum every postboard game?
^^ if you do not complete this strawpoll, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
What do you hope to gain from a literal 24 person sample
>tfw you forgot bloodghast is a spirit
deck confirmed viable
24 > 0
>implying I won't spam this in every Modern thread for the next two weeks
If you're playing dredge, you should run some combination of nature's claim, ray of revelation, and abrupt decay in the side. Don't be a faggot. Most people mull aggressively just to get their hate cards against you
welp, time to go full esper.
alright guys spicy meme deck coming through
>ethersworn canonist
>erayo, soratami ascendant
>0 cost artifacts (equipments/mox in a puresteel paladin shell?)
>fill with answers of choice, celestial colonnade for beats
wow, such a choice deck! don't worry about variance. better hope they don't have a sup verdict though because that blows the lock wide fucking open
Decay, EE, and Thoughtseize are the best ways to beat hate postboard, as they aren't terribly narrow answers to the hate. That being said, it's still a linear deck that's very soft to persistent hate cards, much like Affinity. Just as you shouldn't pilot Affinity when everyone is playing 4 Stony in the board, you shouldn't play Dredge if you're going to run face-first into turn 2 RiP all day.
celestial crusade seems ok?
Artifact creatures like memnite and orni, with glint hawk like creatures and quest for the holy relic.
The deck has some nut draws.
so much good shit
and some good junk
celestial crusader
spectral raider
Oh good Lord, spirit shitters go away.
>artifact creatures
yeah, good base
>quest for the holy relic
not following
anyone who isnt thinking about scarecrow tribal should kill himself
The whole deck tries to cheese erayo, quest is basically another copy except instead of forming a lock it cheeses out an argentum armor onto your thopter/glint hawk
>look through mtgtop8
>zooicide is #1
>check out the deck list
>all I'm missing is baubles and shadows
What bad matchups does this deck have besides burn? Because no one plays burn or zooicide at my meta and I'd love to see something besides jund and infect
it might work sometimes but it sounds sketchy
>quest is basically another copy of erayo
i feel like you're duressing them by ditching your entire hand, once they path your thopter there's no way you're reequipping that bitch. at least erayo protects herself to an extent
Why is spitballing so bad? This set put out a not!cursecatcher, and not!clique, and a flash enabler in the tribe, so why not try brewing it? Lingering Souls has always been good, and Dauntless Escort was always fringe playable.
Go look up Blood Baron of Vizkopa.
Any deck playing this in the sideboard :^)
Not a spirit
So? If you want a thematic deck don't bother asking for help with making it better. I was only pointing out how bad your suggestion was.
>tfw tier 300
We moved up a tier, nice!!
R8 my deck M8
>people are specifically discussing spirit tribal
>you come in swinging and suggest a card that has nothing to do with spirits
hur hur I not retard
not running tarfire
Oh fuck I love MR Burn.
Excellent list. Thoughts on Swiftspears?
The prowess nonbos with creatures so I can totally see why they aren't included, it feels bad to follow a tswift with a hellspark, but I really do like the turn 1 swiftspear turn 2 double bolt play when it does come up though.
>no mana clash or thunderous wrath
i only have 2 so i didn't put it i what should i switch with it
You're fucking stupid.
Just earlier it was decided that the deck obviously wouldn't be all spirits.
forgot the picture
lightning bolt
>4 shard volley
bruh why would i switch a 2/2 tar fire with a 3/3 lightning bolt
cause its way better
To grow the tarmogoyf
How many times we have to go over this?
kek not 2/2 but just 2 damage
yeah i'm thinking of switching those out for a playset of bedlam reveler thoughts?
swiftspear is great you should always have a playset just incase you want to put it in your deck
>how to spot someone who hasn't played monored burn
Stick with your Naya burn, patrician, and leave the true burn to the common folk.
>he doesn't even till
It's a finisher/curve topper, which suggests that at the point you get it out, you already have Drogskol Captain in play, making it hexproof. If you have Rattlechains there too, it can be flashed in at opponent's end step.
>this retard is passive aggressively making fun of my reply from my previous thread
How butthurt do you have to BE
Good suggestions, but don't forget Natural State.
Because you can't play 5 bolts.
Chalice decks.
I also played turns vs zooicide today. Slightly favored the aggro deck, though Gigadrowse into Exhaustion into Cryptic into timewalks does the job.
Natural state is a supremely designed card, personally I would forgo both State and Claim in favor of ray and grudge. Natural State is really damn good, but if someone cheeky decided to pack Leyline of the Void that day...
>everything is about me
It's a joke, precious
>survived at 2 life vs zooicide with fountain
I love that shitty little land so much
>haha it's just a joke haha
You're bad at Magic The Gathering™
In my experience playing Turns, Jace sucks balls while Waterveil and Gigadrowses are definite 4-ofs.
Here's my list.
Exhaustion is sweet against aggro decks. I can see why you'd run 4 of them. I run 3 cryptics mainboard because they also work against combo and control.
I've been testing with some mainboard counterspells, and I've found that 4x Spell Snare helps a ton against both aggro decks as well as control decks, as they typically run Mana Leak, Remand and Snapcasters in numbers.
I'm not even the same guy. Jesus, you're a sperg