Anyone still actually left here from 2015 or 2016? I would guess most of you made it and left this place for good or committed metaphorical sudoku due selling too early and not buying back in.
Anyone still actually left here from 2015 or 2016...
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still here, bitcoin was like 800 when I started and ethereum was like 9 bucks. i mined a bunch of ether and sold it right away, bought back when bitcoin was at 2k. held ever since.
I bought 2BTC on election night. I was drunk as fuck and convinced that trump was going to usher in the ultimate collapse. Think they were 670 at the time?
Comfy AF now.
Reporting in. Been here since Veeky Forums was full of penny stocks, interview advice and things poor people do threads.
>2015 or 2016
>i was here since the start of 2017
pick one
If you think sitting on this dumbshit board for a couple of years is enough to make you rich, think again.
A year or two ago, this place was fucking obsessed with pumping shitty PandaCoin.
Remember that?
This was such a successful Veeky Forums venture, that despite there being a crypto bubble where it appears just about every crypto currency is getting incredible gains simply for existing, Pandacoin hasn't even managed to capture any of that money at all.
PND was absolutely the greatest failure of an idea ever and outlined how totally fucking insipid the ideas of Veeky Forums are.
Been here since Veeky Forums inception and on /g/ before it started.
At least 50% of Veeky Forums are larpers.
Most deluded themselves into thinking some scammy hyped altcoin was their ticket
Some ignored Bitcoin and continue to cope to this day
Most sold some or most of their Bitcoin early, fell for some dumb meme
In short, lots of bitter faggots clogging up this board buttmad Bitcoin has exploded in the past year
I was here, but I never invested in bitcoins. Don't know if that counts.
I saw it had potential, but I was too much invested in poker, and sports betting at the time, that I didn't want to take up another venture.
Back then Veeky Forums wasn't exclusively about crypto btw, I saw it slowly grow from like 5% of threads to 20% of threads. Wasn't any better though mostly just idiots asking how they could earn 500 dollars with no skills, and minimal work, before next week.
Here since 2013. Lost 517 btc buying stupid shit on the interwebs over the years. Five left.
Been holding since 2011 bby. Greed won't let me cash out. BTC is holding me prisoner.
>mid 2016
>the start of 2017
Pick o... nah, actually just kill yourself because you're too retarded to live.
Still enough, don't whine
Yeah bought startcoin in June 2015 lol. Got into ethereum early 2016 thanks to shills but sold in November for some reason
2014 dogecoinfag here
Had 33 buttcoins back in 2015 and now have 8 left
All thanks to Veeky Forums
kinda this but i sold.
15k BTC sold @ $500 (i know kek) towards down payment on a house.
have 11 left that i accidentally didnt sell, were on a different wallet that i thought was empty.
I wish I was in back in 2015/2016..
yeah i got in at 2015 and im bagholding shitcoins. ive lost most of my btc since i first started years ago. all i needed to do was hodl my btc instead i gambled it away on shitcoins
anyone remember pre-crypto Veeky Forumsillionaires?
can't help but wonder how the blockchain affected them
7.5 million for a house?
Been here since BTC was $600
It's been a glorious ride.
I'm now alt-trading with upwards of 30k due to my bitcoin gains, and still have a few hundred k in btc.
I love all of you, even though not one of you has ever given me good advice.
I remember the first time i visited Veeky Forums was 2015 telling them i had ~$2000 to invest just for fun. They told me $2000 was emergency fund territory and that i shouldnt even contemplate investing. Now, it seems that every faggot in every thread has like 0.25BTC with the occasional dude who actually has at least 1.
Jokes on them though, i bought 5BTC back then since Veeky Forums wouldnt tell me about stocks.
Like most of the people here I can't even really be mad about missing the early boat, even though I was aware of it in 2014 because I know I'd just be another statistic of someone who lost their coins or wasted them. I have a MtGOX registration email in my account from april of 2014 that I never did anything with. I can say with a certainty I would have gotten GOXXED had I not done other stupid shit with them.
People who actually held since the early days are very very few and far between.
made bank selling fucking dogecoin and bitcoin via paypal/google wallet on reddit/ebay back in 2014ish.
got scammed for like $1500 (2-3 weeks of work) and was too busy blowing all of my gains/profits/money on dumb expensive booze to attract sorority thots at parties (it didn't work cuz im a faggot). margins were shrinking too so i made an exit.
still had like 3 btc floating around a year after that venture, but then my dad killed himself and i spent all my money on weed. i sold those 3 btc at like $220 each and probably blew it on weed or rent or some shit.
i've been too poor and anxious to make any crypto investments since my dad an hero'd. told my friends about ANS/NEO at $2, XMR at $20, buy bitcoin when trump is elected, etc. but nobody listened to me. sadboys.
finally got myself some of that dead dad money and im trying to see if i can work some magic and get some gains with this wonderful board.
back in the day there was like, maybe one or two crypto posts on this board. people actually talked about business. shills were pretty obvious. good times, board was slow as fuck tho.
i like Veeky Forums more now desu, wojacks make me lmao every time, but they should really make a separate crypto board
>they should really make a separate crypto board
look how much traffic is on this board right now and look at how much of it is crypto related. If they make /btc/ then Veeky Forums would just die. The occasional thread which isnt crypto related still gets replies though.