Bear These Words Edition
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>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)
>Forgeworld Book index
>White Dwarves
Bear These Words Edition
>Rules databases
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)
>Forgeworld Book index
>White Dwarves
First for renegades and heretics
damn you shitheads ... when will anyone leak the damn fucking DW codex already
2-3 weeks before its release of items we see leaks. When is DW supposed to come out?
>yet another space marine codex
>still no good codex for slaneesh, nurgle, tzeentch, nids, CSM, or Orks
No thank you GW.
>terminators are a melee unit
>stike at I1
Trying to re make my old daemonhunters combined task force from ye olde edition in 7th. Got the stormtrooper start collecting (couldnt show the hellrain formation in battle scribe) and dug out my old grey knights. Only thing I'm missing is the inquisitor - my old ones are all power armor.
I was never able to make effective use of henchmen after retinues got axed so meh. Also I own all assassins if one would be superior. Thoughts?
Part two.
So Ward's back: what's he going to be up to do you think?
Be amazed at how far GW has fallen since he left.
He's pretty impressed with the state of orks right now, so he's going to be applying some of their design principles to the latest nid dex.
Latest word is that the nids will have a +1 buff to strength when hitting themselves due to bad instinctive behaviors.
>yfw Ward comes back to make sisters of battle OP with a full plastic upgrade and his recklessness is reigned in by Kelly
Not because they're really fired up?
Don't forget Sisters of Battle.
Can't even 60 Multi-Meltas in a single CAD
Grey Knights falchions are Str D
Sister hats- immune to psychic powers for +1ppm
Some stupid Dreadnight Knight thing that's basically a gargantuan dreadknight
Army wide monster hunter
Psi-bolts ignore cover
Decurion that makes all dedicated transports free, including Land Raiders
t. time travel expert.
out of curiosity, Veeky Forums, which codices are considered good, balanced, and fair? Name three?
For comparison, which are the three most OP, unbalanced, and/or impotent?
What are you making that list with?
>yfw the board tells him Xenos are fine but he could get to working on the Black Templar's codex
Eldar is the only unbalanced codex
Tau merely has a handful of undercosted units
Battlescribe you still need to be careful. The way how things are counted is not consistent
IG, Orks, CSM, Deldar and Sisters can all have pretty nice battles with each other.
Tau, Eldar, SM, Necrons similarly.
Nids and Demons lie somewhere in the middle, where they can't compete against the top but the rest don't have an answer to a pair flyrants or FMCs in general.
Lurk for more than a fucking day, you faggot.
Every other thread will mention Eldar/Space Marines/ Tau/ Necrons are towards the top (probably that order).
Look no further than to see what is at the bottom.
You mean overpowered codex. There are plenty of codexes that are underpowered and therefore unbalanced.
I bet you have a lot of friends
fair point
Best strat/comp for when you're too drunk to remember most rules?
How's this for an Iron Hands list?
So, I threw together a 1000 point Tzeentch demons list from what I had from long ago. Am I doing this right?
Tzeentch Daemons - 998
Lord of Change - 320
ML 3, Greater Gift x2, Paradox
Herald of Change - 130
ML 3, Grimoire
Horrors x11 - 109
Horrors x11 - 99
Demon Prince of Tzeenrch - 340
ML 3, Flight, Armor, Greater Gift, Soulbane
I would assume Tzeentch on the LoC to fly around doing shit, summoning on the herald, and not sure a out the DP/Horrors.
Yea, I actually kinda miss it. That was my fucking around army, and I had a blast with it. The old 5pt Changeling was funny when it worked. I remember hitting a carnifex, which then proceeded to unload on his buddy.
Tier one House Elf Codex when?
>>Nids and Demons lie somewhere in the middle
>anything but top tier
LMAO at you. With the new demonic incursion there is no way to argue that daemons aren't at SM, eldar and tau tier.
I'm going to include psykers in my Khorne army.
Their only purpose is to die and generate blood tithe points, and if they survive, get possessed by bloodthirsters.
I'm fluffing it out as they're sent to the front lines as punishment by the renegades and heretics.
Would this bother you?
Dude, none of those units do anything for the others...
The lists that are topping tournies aren't even using Daemonic incursions IIRC. The Daemonic Incursion just is so inflexible.
But yeah, Tzeentch lists are OP. My original post was lamenting that pure nurgle/slaneesh armies are not viable.
Guard Daemons and space wolves don't really get many complaints and their players enjoy their codex.
Chaos marines are like loyalist marines but shittier for the same price.
Tau would be balanced if they didn't put in giant battle suits everywhere that are completely superior to their other choices.
Tyranids are complete shit with the exception of the flying hive tyrant. Tyranids and Orks really suffer from not having any invulnerable saves.
Daemons are lower high tier.
They can really pull some bullshit but at the end of the day they're still a melee codex in a shooting edition.
I used battle scribe. Couldnt make that storm trooper start collecting formation naturally, but everything else seemed fine.
Sisters on the other hand, require almost perfect play.
Sure I could table by turn 5 a wraith spam necron, but the sheer amount of dice luck require was retarded.
Those techmarines are going in that land raider, aren't they?
>melee codex
It just keeps getting better. Daemons do best as in the psykic phase, which they absolutely rule. To say daemons are anything other than a psykic codex is retarded. The death of that D-thirster means fuck all when it was the result of a pink horror unit that was summoned in.
Please stop posting about shit you know nothing about. As a Tzeentch player I find it fucking hilarious, but it clearly demonstrates a severe lack of knowledge on your part
It took me a long time to figure out that SoB didn't add the weapon choice to a model in the squad, it added a model and the weapon. So for a long time I play with lower model count and overprice as fuck.
in during ward breaking the game under imperium retardation for yet another edition.
if you do kdk sure, i'd play ya but then i'm mostly slaanesh so i'm sure i'd slaughter you or be killed fast
astra guard complain all the time about their book, their paper tanks, their lack of flexibility, their lack of armies besides cadian, and something else i can't remember
not bad, i'd see about adding in some exalted flamers or screamers in at higher points.
Get rid of Chapter Master for a Librarian with Technomancy.
>>still no good codex for slaneesh, nurgle, tzeentch
What are you talking about? The chaos daemons codex is good.
I basically want a khorne daemonkin for each of the other gods.
Though tzeentch can suck a dick (or two), he's already great enough in the main codex.
Hey fuck you buddy. Tzeentch may be great in CD, but he's the fucking worst in CSM
Have you ever totally crushed somebody? Like not a close victory or a drawn out battle, have you ever obliterated your opponent?
Yea. I was going to add them to this list, but then I realized I don't actually have the models. I used to use Dryads from my wood elves, and my screamers are all a mess because they're metal and currently borked from a broken chariot conversion.
What powers should the DP/Horrors use, btw? And should I take normal flamers with the exlateds?
I play SM so no.
+++ 60 multi-melta (2794pts) +++
++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (2794pts) ++
+ No Force Org Slot (350pts) +
2x Sororitas Command Squad (175pts)
··5x Celestian [Bolt Pistol, Multi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
+ HQ (150pts) +
2x Canoness (75pts) [Chainsword, Combi-Melta]
+ Elites (320pts) +
2x Celestian Squad (160pts) [2x Celestian, Celestian with Meltagun, Celestian with Multi-Melta]
··Celestian Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
+ Troops (900pts) +
6x Battle Sister Squad (150pts) [2x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Meltagun, Battle Sister with Multi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
··Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]
+ Fast Attack (564pts) +
3x Dominion Squad (188pts) [Dominion, 4x Dominion with Meltagun]
··Dominion Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
+ Heavy Support (510pts) +
3x Retributor Squad (170pts) [4x Retributor with Multi-Melta]
··Immolator [Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
··Retributor Superior [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta]
I play Dark Eldar so no.
I haven't assembled an army yet, so no.
a tome of change that provided tzeentchian options for all the chaos armies could be cool.
Just once, destroyed the other guys markerlight support in one turn with massed warrior spam, he got buttmad and quit, since he sunk like a third of his points into pathfinders. Turn 1 too
>he can't utterly obliterate people with SM
That's just sad.
Yep. Played a cheese off tournament with my gaming group at 2000 points recently. I took a detachment of Gladius strike force, skyhammer with allied Tzeentch daemons. I play blood ravens so I just """""fluffed""""" it as blood ravens getting back to their roots as TS.
It was an absolute massacare of everything except the one other person who took SM and the eldar player.
Yep. Tabled a Necron player turn 2 with 8 Thunderwolves, 2 Wolf Lords on Thunderwolves, and a pack of Wulfen. Killed like 1200 points of his shit by his round of turn 2 and he just quit.
My SM/Tau Gunline stole the initiative vs lined up Mech Dark Eldar in a tournament once in 6th. Demeched his entire army and he conceded before even touching his models.
It bumped me up to second place, but I still felt a little bad.
>Have you ever totally crushed somebody?
A couple times to be honest.
A few of those the opponent knew what they were getting into but were too proud to let me bring a weaker list. They were Really Fired Up
I play Ravenwing so not many armies can stand the quick AP2 to the face I throw at them.
Most of the time now though I have learned enough about the game to gauge my opponent and can tone down my list (a la Deathwing) accordingly.
The Blood Raven's chapter master went to chaos you don't need to justify shit like that
don't take exalted with flamers, put them in pink horror squads. normal flamers got nerfed to hell, but a lot of templates will hurt and ap3 is nice.
summoning will make you 'that guy' while divination is good for self buffs. i only use summoning against grey knights, tau or eldar, possibly marines as well. it helps to have 4k or so of daemons
a few times, some days i get really good at rolling 5++. my favorite victory this year was getting all but swept by the enemy while my friend had incursion while i did CAD daemons. we won on points and objectives while 1 nurgling base scored in a corner. they were either not fast or long ranged enough to take out the nurgling.
For less than the price of that LoC you can field kairos who knows more spells, has a higher ML, has a better invuln, and a re-roll on any d6. I'd also drop the icon since the horrors should be sitting on objectives making warp charges anyway and drop both the soulbane and armor for the dp and give him another greater reward.
Not everyone wants to buy and assemble 50 fucking razorbacks.
What a fucking loser
>40k end times
Is it finally time? Are Sisters going to join Brets on the great gaming table in the sky?
>50 Razorbacks
>He doesn't take 8 Drop Pods
Do... do you think Razorbacks are the competitive build for Space Marines?
Do you even play this game?
No. 8e next year.
Definitely not End Times.
I wish people would stop forcing that meme.
They're already dead
I'm surprised you didn't post that picture with the wrong French.
The one time I played as Dark Eldar I table by opponent only losing a raider and 2 Kabalite Warriors when it exploded.
Against what army in which edition using what other units?
Does this list look ok?
Not you personally, but I absolutely fucking hate Thunderwolf players who use Wulfen to only boost their guys.
>2000 SW vs SM
>I bring an infantry heavy list with a couple of dreads and a redeemer, tell him this the day before we play so he doesn't think i'm a cheeser (This was when AoD came out and no one was to keen to play against SM for a couple of weeks)
>Day we play, he runs 14 thunderwolves including Lords and Techmarines on wolves, Wulfen in a Crusader, two drop podding dreads with those shields, and Wulfen hidden in a fucking crusader just so they could buff everything
>Lose literally everything by turn 2
>He has the fucking gall to say that he was disappointed by my list
>Remind him I told him what I was bringing the day before
I know this is random and I know I could have brought something like bikes, but fuck.
>implying that Ward didn't write the best codices of 5th edition, all of them capable of both fluffy lists for the theme player, midline lists where almost every unit was basically viable for it's role in the army, and high tier tourny lists that could all go toe to toe with each other.
The only exception to this is SM, as they were a test bed where Ward couldn't really go all out.
Once again begging for a pdf/epub/mobi of this book.
Beheading when?
Mine strike at initiative 6 :^)
I don't actually have the Kairos model, and bringing him to a 1k point game sounds like some crazy overkill. Sure, my one friend is eldar, but like me, he doesn't have anything from post 5th yet. It's not like he's rocking Eldrad and Wraith Knights.
I will drop the other stuff, though, but why no armor?
Alright, cool. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
For the Ordnance Tyrant, do you need your weapon to have both the barrage/blast rules, or is it an either/or thing?
Outflank those Ravenwing and you should do well.
Why are raptors 95 points when assault marines have the same stats for 70
That's the douchiest thing I've ever heard
I run TWolves because they came in the start collecting packs I bought, Wulfen because I think they're kewl and didn't know what their rules were when I bought them, usually a pair of Shield Dreads and lots of Blood Claws. I think I accidentally ended up with a Mayor McCheese army, but it wasn't my intention when starting out so I kind of refuse to feel too bad about it.
>steal the initiative
Who thought this was a good idea
Because you're a heretic
I still don't get it.
SM drop pods haven't changed in rules for almost 4 editions now.
They only got a little cheaper (matching the trend of the game towards higher model count) and even got nerfed some as now no model can assault out of deepstrike from a drop pod.
Why are drop pods broken NOW if they are the same as they were years ago? Is it due to a single formation that is basically a grav delivery service? If that is the case, then grav is the problem, not drop pods.
What would a good Nurgle/Plague Marine list look like? I really want to run them since Plague Marines are my favorite looking Chaos units.
It isn't a Ravenwing Strikeforce.
No Outflanking auto-arrive turn 2.
The Ravenwing Attack Squadron just gets scout for the Landspeeder since the bikes already have it.
Space wolves
7th ed
More raiders with kabalites and an archon in a venom.
>Watching a big 2500 point game
>Eldar player steals the initiative
>Revenant Titan shoots the Harradain dead turn one
Is it a good mechanic though, like how in Sigmar you roll to see who goes next and someone can get two turns in a row
>Tyranid player folds
I thought anything with scout also had outflank.
>They only got a little cheaper
They are literally free in a battle company and then SM use that other formation that is just Devs and Assault Marines and the later can hop in a Drop Pod (that they pay for I think though) and assault from deepstrike.
What app is that?
The same people who thought that having one person issue and complete orders for the entirety of their army before another more unfortunate person gets to do the same was a good idea.
You might be right about that then, I play pure Ravenwing but just for a bit more than a year now.
I will believe you till I can get arsed to pull out my rulebook.
It would probably have a bunch of plague marines and Nurgle units.
Played against IG as Tau, the poor guy lost 30+ men in one turn when all my infantry merely looked at him, and he didn't have the strength in his artillery to do any damage.
Thanks, user. I'll try that.
My friend plays Nurgle CSM/Daemons and has one unit of Plague Marines he brings in some games. Mostly the list is supported by Nurgle Bikers and (misspelling>) Obliterators and his allied Daemon detachment. (Which is a Nurgle Prince, a bunch of nurglings and some plague drones.)
Sometimes the prince is with the CSM though and he brings a Herald in the allies instead.
>They are literally free in a battle company
That makes them better, how?
Unless everything is area denial, a transport you come out of counting as moved isn't good for heavy dakka, and is useless for assault units.
You are literally hedging your argument on the existence of a single formation (that either shouldn't exist or should have a price tag attached to it off the bat like formations used to in Apoc) and calling drop pods OP because of something that came out years later.
>to be fair, tho, it is one of the only ways to make assault marines worthwhile, and I always wanted combined infantry arms approaches in SM REWARDED, versus relying on elites and MSU
What's a decent Iron Hands list at 1000pts without being a cheeselord with smashfucker?
IMHO the additional greater reward is better than the armor since the greater reward can get you a 3+ armor at same cost, a 4+ FnP, and re-rolling all your failed invuln saves. Given that AP3 weapons aren't hard to get and that if you roll cursed earth these other options become better is why I prefer the second greater reward.